Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1953)
Canyon Avenue Parade By DON PETERSON In the “Editorial Comments” col umn this week we print an editorial, Advance Agents of Tyranny,’ from the Oregon Statesman that it seems to me we should all read at least once. It is startling, the opinions revealed in this editorial of the training our students are getting in public schools of today. Perhaps some of the ideas expressed by these students are the fault of the parents as well as the schools, but it seems important that ■we all take action to correct this type of thinking of our young people. Is the study of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights carried out thor oughly in our schools? Is an educa tional program carried out that will teach our children their basic rights under our Constitution? When 58% j of those high school students polled believe that police are justified in | using the “third degree” to make a ' T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1953 Vol. IX—No. 1» Serving: MILL CITY DETRUIT H KIIORN G ITM 11> \\H \ LYONS Mill KM K $2.50 a Year, 1(L. a Copy Drawing Room Class Found Fascinating By RECHARD LEVEL as told to Delos Hoeye As I was on my way to the Rec Room for a coke the other day the high school basement w-as filled with voices. Most I couldn’t recognize but Al Ward’s was unmistakable. The voices were coming from the draw ing room. Now, I wondered, why do they talk so much in drawing class? Since my curiosity is a not to be ignored I hesitated but a moment before knocking on the door. The man talk, then it certainly is a horri door opened and I fell in. In most class rooms a visitor is fying thought as to just what our next generation will do when they take cause to give students and teacher a over the job of running our govern pause. A visitor is usually paid some ment. Is this trend of thinking going attention. But not here. I stopped to create more “Joe McCarthys” who the instructor on his next round of believe that they can freely accuse the class and asked if I might look men and women of being disloyal around to see what was without ever proving such accusa With a nod from him I tour. tions ? On Tom Kanoff’s board there Has the past few years of living with our McCarthys and Eulton Lewis a sketch of a house. Rather intri Jrs. been producing such thinking cate. Tom said it was his dieam The giant reservoir behind Detroit Dam climbed to a new high on the walls of the Santiam Canyon over among the students who are growing house. And then 1 was lost in an weekend, and it still had 12 feet to go before it reached its summertime peak. Recreational facilities are up to be the future citizens of thsi explanation of house planning and peeled to expand rapidly on Oregon's newest lake. (Photo courtesy The Statesman) how large a garage was and fire great country. They have been mak Being a ing it popular to destroy our respect places and foundations. for government officials by referring reasonably intelligent creature I got to them as “little men” and making the idea right away that the class was reference to high government officials studying architecture and house plan in derisive ways until today many ning. have been lead to believe that our gov Dick Ficker and Mauiie Child weie Detroit—With the spring rains, and Detroit—Detroit-Idanha high school Detioit Here’s your chance, kids, ernment is full of communists and busy drawing plans for their future I the melting of the snow in higher students will appear in a thrilling to get in on a little fun. Don't cost disloyal men and women. homes while across the table Chuck elevations the Detroit reservoir is 3-act mystery play, “The Skeleton much either. 25e will buy a ticket We Americans have been used to Kuhlman was designing a mansion lapidly filling up. Walks”, on Friday evening, May 1 making you eligible to enter the said something about his prospective living under the Constitution and the “Trout Derby”, sponsored by the Fra The old town of Detroit is complete at the school gymnasium. Bil lof Rights for many years and do frau liking to have room to swing a ly submerged and the water hus 1 The cast of ten will weave a situa ternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary. cat — at him, no doubt. not believe that anyone can be con backed up into the North Santiam tion of suspense and comedy in a The derby is in effect now, and will victed by stories in the newspapers Jack Melting was deep in the study river about a mile beyond old Detroit setting in a lonely island house where close May 10th. but that is the only method used in of half a dozen house plans, seeking (old Dicky ranch). eerie sounds, a walking skeleton and Tickets may be obtained at business the present tiend toward McCarthy an ideal layout for his nightma a deaf mute contribute to building an establishments in Detroit and Idanha, Spreading towards the Breitenbush ism. I wonder if that trend toward pardon me—dream home. And would exciting climax for the audience. or from Auxiliary members. fascism has not been fostered by the you pipe the dream of Don Nesbitt. bridge it is just below the cut, approx imately foui-tenths of a mile. Miss Kazuko Inuzuka and Mrs. irresponsible accusations made by Mc I He certainly does things with a flou- Trout will be measured for length For this year the maintaining level Evelyn Gearhart are faculty diiectors. only at Stout’s service statiAn, in D»- Carthy and the publicity artistry of ' rish. His drawing showed patio and The cast includes the following troit. Fulton Lewis Jr.? terrace and gardens and lawns around will be 1525 (normally 1567). Of the six remaining buildings at students and their roles: • ♦ * a house virtually built of glass. In case of a tie there will be a Robert Lady in the part of Dr. J drawing. Al Ward was designing an imple Mongold, the last four are being torn Sen. Wayne Morse has made a new record for Oregon when he joined in ment shed - a pla e to keep his jeep , down, plumbing and other salvageable Harold Fusig; Edna Golden as Elaine Prize for the longest tiout will be Blair; Marla Vickers as Mrs. Madge a belt fly box containing a dozen and the fight to stop the oil tidelands and all the contrivances that go with materials removed. Families living there will move into Embrey; Donald Snyder as Bobby Em a half flies, tied by Emma Rhodes. "give-away” program of the Republi- it. As I stopped to look he mumbled <an administration in Washington and something about roof pitch was surely the first two apartment houses (on brey; Anna Bess Carte as Kathleen Embrey; Jewels Hill as Bill Clayton; successfully held the floor for 22 hours something to get stuck with. Jim the higher level) for the present. Eva Lou New as Anne Rowell; Ray and 26 minutes to set a new record Cuthbert was working away ba-k in mond Walace as Mrs. Eliza Hubbard; for long speeches in the senate. I am the corner but I couldn’t get close Verna Warthen as Olie Hubbard; and have been opposed to the fili enough to see what he was planning, Marlene Richardson as Mrs. Lilia buster and its use in the senate, I Brooks Ci osier w as doing seme- Donahue. still am. But this was not a filibuster thing different. And so was Phil Word was received here last week The Detroit Women's Civic club will n the true sense of the word. A fili Carey. Second year people, they from Borger, Texas, of the death of buster prevents the senate from doing would have me understand, HAD to sponsor a movie Tuesday evening, Noiman Lester Hathaway, 39-year-old .May 5 at 7:45 as a benefit for the any other business while it is going be different. I son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway on, however this did not do that. Those [of Mill City. Hathaway was electro- Elton Gregory was drawing plans school ground landscaping fund. fighting the oil grab bill have offered for a "hunting lodge—cabin, to you.” The picture scheduled is entitled “It The Mill City area well-child con I cuted while at work in an oil refinery. to stop the debate at various times Sort of old-fashioned, though, No Happens Every Spring”, starring Ray ference Tuesday leceived a warm sce) • One other workman was killed at the so that important measures could be bathroom. When I asked him about Milland and Susan Peters. There will come from the community. Mrs. R. time and three injured in the accident. passed and thus not hold up certain it all he said was, “Well!” And even also be a cartoon. Candy and pop V. Wingo, chaiiman, reported that 38 Funeral services and burial were legislation. Jimmy Caudle and Arnold Webb were corn will be on sale. received attention during the confer held in Borger where one of their The purpose of this debate was to bus)- at something besides hot lods. Miss M. B. M.ller is in charge of ence, Dr. N. J. Stone was the phys I children died and was buried. Mr give the folks back home a chance to I asked Jim where the kitchen wa- ticket sales. ician in attendance. ' Hathaway was born in Cuba, Mo., learn what was happening to them and he said his sister lived next door Hours of the conference were 9:30 j Nov. 5, 1913. He lived in Mill City an 1 t<, • 1 ]• t and telegrams to and he would eat at her house. It they were putting to practical use a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday in the Mill about three years—1945 to 1948 and their senators. In order to get the would be cheaper that way. what they had learned about pen' il City giade school. Present as assist I was a member of the Filst Christian most out of new.-paper publicity it is ants were: Mrs. Wingo, Mrs. Floyd j church in Mill City, There was one other student, Pat and “T” square. sometimes necessary to stand up and Brown. She wa- REALLY doing a Mr. Hoeye was non-commital about Jones, Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt and Mrs. The immediate family of the de fight for what you believe. That is job. The man she marries will need how well his class was doing. Said James Armstrong of Mill City; Mrs. just what Senator Morse did. Oregon a “prefabricated” bank roll to do I could judge for myself. And you R. C. Ha-e>nan, Idanha; Mrs. Wm. ■ ceased left Wednesday night for can be proud that one of its senators justice to the house she’s planning. may, too, for many of the drawings Pennick, Gates, anil Miss Joyce Foster, I Texas. -Surviving are his wife, Alyene and had that courage to fight for its Got everything including “solar ori wil be displayed with the shop proj social worker, Salem. rights. The people will long remem entation,” whatever that is. Mrs. Effie Cole was the public: two daughter, Norma Sue 9, and Mar ects Mav 6 at the Mother's Tea a <1 tha June, 6 months, of Borger, Tex.; ber the results of this debate — it Inquiry brought out that niucL again May 9 in the furniture store health nurse pi esent and assisting Dr. two brothers, Glenn Hathaway of may plague us for many years and drawing had gone before and now building. Stone in the conference, Tuesday. Redding, Calif., and Clyde Hathaway we will do well to heed the warnings of Mill City; four sisters, Natalie voiced by the senators who have led Swift and Leola Hathaway of Red the fight. Next Tuesday the senate ding, Calif.. Vera Nelson of Klamath. will vote on this Holland “give-away” Calif., Nellie Hathaway of Grants oil grab bill, what will they do with j Pass, Ore. the country's oil reserves—it is up to you! Detroit Reservoir Now Nearly Filled Detroit-Idanha High Kid’s Fishing Derby Is Gives Mystery Play Sponsored by Eagles Norman Hathaway, 39, Electrocuted Detroit Women’s dub Sponsors Movie May 5 Well-Child Conference Serves 38 Tuesday Explorer Scouts from Linn, Marion and Polk counties of the Cascade Area Council learned about the Air Force ROTC program and related studies at Willamette university, Saturday. Three Air Force C-47’s arrived in Salem. Saturday morning to take Ex- plorers on ai rtrips; two of them com- .ng from th; b Portland air base and one from MeChord field. Explorers were gathered in flights of 18 with three ROTC Air Cadets All in command of each flight. flights were made under the darec- tion of Maj. J. W. Thompson of the 140 boys Air Force hlOTC staff. participated in this event. Local boyii making the trip were Richard Vei■beck, Donald Lampke, and Gregory Peterson. ro.t c • ill be r pract.rally submerged ihe rite of 01*1 Detroit. Dnft ted and d -treced before it gathers again-t the dam. <Photo courtesy Capital Journal) Mill City Girl Scouts Troop .36 have- an "evening of entertainment” readied for the public Monday evening, May 4, in the Mill City high school audi torium. Refreshments will be free after the payment of the admission cost, 25c for adults, 15c for children Included in the program will be a one-act play, "Dormitory Dub", danc ing, singing and varied forms of en tertainment. The program begins at 8:15 Monday evening, May 4. Girl Scout leaders Mrs. Howard Means and Mis. A. E. Nesbitt have- charge of the program planned by the Girl Scouts. The affair will bene fit the treasury of the Girl Scout.- in this community. Girl Scout repae sentatives from Lyons and Staytol.-. will be present. The public is eor- dially invited, according to Mr«». Means. Public Power Meet Called for May 4 A steering committee selected b>~ representatives of many organization» in Lane, Linn, Benton, Polk and Ma rion counties voted to call citizens from the five-county area to a meet ing to be held at the Riverside Com munity hall, on Monday, May 4th at 8 p.m. The May 4th meeting will hear pro posals to promote a Willamette Peo ple's Utility District including all of the area now served by the Mountain States Power company in it’s Wiliam ette valley division. It was reported at the May 27tei meeting that the city of Monmouth.. which owns and operates it's own I system now has the lowest residentia l ■Ares in ihe United State i. . veil residential customers get 650 KWH for $5.00 as compared to 181 KWH for $5.00 in areas served by the Moun tain States Power company in the Willamette division. Gus Norwood, executive secretary of the Northwest Public Power asso ciation, representing 80 PUD's, REA’» and municipalities in four states and technical advisors will be present to> describe the step-by-step procedures necessary to form such a district. The Riverside Community hall is four miles from Albany on the East side Albany-Corvallis highway. The public is invited. Rural School District Election Set May 18 Mill City grade school building wiW be the scene of the important rural school district election, May 18. The election polling place will be open at 8 p.m. The election will decide whether the tax levy for the fiscal year will be increased over the limit provided by the Constitution. Wm. F. Grenz, chairman of the rural school board, assigned as reasons fot the increased levy increased school population, added teacheis, increased cost of fuel, electricity and supplies The increase, if voted, would bring in an additional $824,000.79. Kelly Softballers Play Lebanon Here Kelly Lumber third place finisher» I in the 11*52 state tournament, will un- I officially open the 1953 softball season | in Mill City, Saturday night. May 2,. at 7:30, Alen Field, Kelly Lumber- Mill City Lions club representatives I vs. Lebanon. revealed today that the club realized Kelly’s this year are without the a profit of approximately $400 on managerial services of very capable their fifth annual talent show re Frank Dell who has returned to Port cently. The funds will be used to land. Replacing Frank Dell as team complete the Boy Scout cabin located J manager will be Al Zuber, team short- ! stop of last season. Zuber believes in the city park. Top Lion for the coming year, 1953- working behind the fine sponorship '54, is Charles Kelly, Mill City post i>f Russ and Carl Kelly, their ball aster. Kelly was elected president club will again display fine calibre ' softball, win or lose. is week by the group. Line-up of the new officers is: Pitching for Kelly’s Satuiday night Kelly, president; Frank wil) be Don Carey, winner of a no-hit, Charles Hunter 1st vice president; Ed Goshie, no-run game in the 1952 state tourna piesident; Lowell Stiffler, ment, and Wally Wallingford, who president; Howard Means, will be borrowed from CBI. The remainder of the line-up will ecretary-treasurer; Homer Thacker, ail twister; William McCoy, lion be Joe Boyle, Bob Dombrowski. Dave tamer ; William Stewart and Robe.t Sutton, Danny Valdez, Dale Bennetts B Uy Hoffman and Al Zuber. Venes a, directors. Lions Talent Show Brings Over $400 local Explorer Scouts Take ROIC Air Flight Girl Scouts Offer Entertainment