The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 23, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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(No. 3 of a series)
Modern Roads aren't necessari­
ly super highways, any more than
modern vehicles are necessarily air­
planes. Many people think that onlv
famous highways are modern. Truth
m : any road is up-to-date that does
a good job of carrying the traffic it
was built for.
A Good Road permits safe pas­
sage at a safe speed for the cars that
use it regularly. A well-graded, well-
drained dirt road may well be called
modern; so might a well-cared for
gravel road or any one of the familiar
"black tops.”
The Moment a road fails to meet
the demands of motorists, it is
We need modern roads between
small towns even between farms. But
we can hardly demand that these
roads be superhighways.
Exactly What Kind of a road
does a community need? A survev
of needs is just as important as an
engineering survev. A loo-expensive
road, or a too-elaborate one, is just
as bad as one that is too narrow
badly graded or poorly built.
The Use-Value of a road is the
determining factor. Planning a mod­
ern road calls for thorough consid­
eration of nil the need« of the public
—industrial, commercial, recreation­
al, agricultural and social. Afler
these are set it's time for the
It's The Engineers' Job to know
how wide the road -'.mild be. it’s
course, construction a l materials.
Any Compromise with known
and expected need i« folly & par­
tially condemns the r< ad before
ia built. The road of today — the
road of tomorrow — will expedite
traffic, increase safety & serve the
maximum needs of the people who
use it!
Bookkeeping, Accounting and
Tax Service
Corner 3rd A Marion
>. (). Boi
Telephone -111
’ **'*•*’*
INtlA* F jl C
J2 t
ossee ture-, starr jxv
me eeue WsTen gn .1
P i M ih «;
enjoying fishing were Jerry Pack and
Robert Ryan of Portland. While here
they stayed at the comfortable Cal-
zeta motel.
A social meeting of the Idamoe
i (Star) club'was held Tuesday night,
at the home of Mrs. Raymond Sophy,
assisted by Mrs. Ray Johnson. An
The baseball game played between | interesting feature of the evening was
Detroit high and Chemawa Friday a flower arrangement demonstration,
afternoon April 17th, on the Detroit by Miss Inuzuka who studied the ait
I diamond ended with the score 10 to 1 of flower arranging.
I in favor of Chemawa. Batteries for were served.
Detroit were Hill and Woodward, with
Visiting with friends and enj’oying
Snyder as substitute.
fishing over the weekend were Mr. and
Col. Jack Miles whose home is in Mrs. Bill Williams (formerly Alice
Portland and who just recently re­ Ball) of Eugene.
Man’s bejt friend these days is a
turned from Florida, visited with
friends here this week, enroute to box of Kleenex or a gob of handker-
Panama enioute to Peru, South Amer­ chiefs to take care of the epidemic
ica. Colonel Miles was first resident of colds noted in this area. There is ■
engineer of the Detroit dam project just no two ways about it. Either
and made his home in Mongold while your head is so stuffed up you can't
breathe, or else your nose is running
Engineer Wililam D. Smith of Han­ all over the place.
Many folks in this aiea are on the
ford visited with friends here this
week, while enroute to Lowell (Look­ sick list with the flu, colds, sore
out Point dam) for a visit wtih En- throats, etc. Little 4-year-old Sandra,
j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tulley
fineer Ray Overholser.
is having a lough time with bronchitis
Ben Martin, formerly of Mongold,
and tonsilitis. She is under the care
and now making his home in Boise, of a Stayton physician.
Idaho, was also a visitor in Detroit
The infant son of the Dorland Rays
this week.
just recently recovered from a severe
Mrs. Robert Manning, and Mrs. Otto attack of bronchitis.
Russell motored to Nelscott Tuesday
Mrs. Eric Nyberg of Idanha and
to visit Mrs. Manning’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Earl Stahlman spent a few days
and is replaced by Harold Fife, a relief
and Mrs. John Joyce who are vaca­ in Salem on business this week.
man from Albany.
tioning there. Mrs. Joyce has been
Zona Sischo and Hazel Lewis, mem­
in ill health for some time.
bers of Faith Rebekah lodge, attended
Mrs. Lew Joyce and family will
a meeting held in Scio Tuesday after­
move to Portland as soon as school
noon to help make plans with other
is out. Mr. Joyce is already employed
for the district convention,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson of ceiving congratulations upon the ar­ which will be held in Scio.
Alta Bodeker, who will be left sup­
Eugene were callers in Detroit and rival of a (laughter, born Sunday at
Idanha this week. Mr. Johnson form­ the Santiam Memorial hospital in porter to -vice chairman, was unable
Stayton. The child has been named to attend. Zona will be inside guar­
erly resided here.
Visiting at the home of Mrs. Ann Judy Kathleen and has three sisters. dian and Hazel left supporter to the
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ethridge and chairman; Leatha Sommers of Scio
Stevens last weekend, were her daugh­
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill family left Tuesday for Texas where will be the chairman.
.Mumps, measles, flu and chicken
Marcuni. and daughter Cheryl of Port­ they will visit with relatives. Ethridge
is agent at the Southren Pacific depot pox have hit the Mari-Linn school
Mrs. F. L. Noble, who has been
visiting with friends and relatives in
Seattle, Grants I’as-. and Los Angeles,
returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beason of
Springfield arrived in Detroit last
weekend, and spent this week condi­
tioning their cabin.
The Beasons
were former lesidents of Fishers camp
in old Detroit.
Mrs. Len Davis of Idanha, and Mrs.
Joe Leis, were business callers in Mill
City on Friday.
At the regular business meeting of
the F.O.E. Auxiliary held Wednesday
night, plans were discussed for the
installation of officeis in June, the
date to be announced later. A nov­
elty of refreshments served (coffee
and jello were frosted cup cakes,
bearing the names of each member.
A directors meeting of the North
Santiam Chamber of Commerce was
held Monday night at the Grange hall,
in Mehama, in continuation of the pro­
gram regarding the official dedication
of the Detroit dam June 10th. At­
tending from this area were Otto Rus­
sell and E. C. (Babe) Kennedy of
Breitenbush Springs.
Visiting for a few days this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Russell, and
with epidemic force. Thursday, April
16, 23% of the pupils were absent.
It also has struck some of the teach-
ing staff as well as the pupils. Some
of the adults of the community have
been suffering with mumps, taken
from the children.
Theie will be no school Monday,
due to the spring county-wide work
shop held in Albany. Each teacher
received a card telling when to be
No freedom in our great nation is
more precious than the fredom <4
and for your safety
Don t let difficult breathing, coughing
and wheezing, due to recurring spasm» ot
Bronchial Asthma or simple Bronchitis
ruin your sleep and energy without trying
MENDACO. Works through your blood to
help loosen and remove thick, strangling
mucus. Thus usually allays coughing which
permits freer breathing and sounder sleep.
Get MENDACO under money back guar­
antee at druggists.
with easier action, too!
Gooch Logging Supply
* *
Everything tor the Eogger
Phone 1111
The striking new Bel Air Sport Coupe, ono
ol 16 beautiful models in 3 greot new series.
Phone 116
Branch Store Lyons
Chevrolet’s improved Velvet-Pressure Jumbo-Drum Brakes give
maximum stopping power with maximum ease of application
not even on the VERY FIRST DAY!
Doctor«* to«H show amoving preventive relief
of pam, bochacheB. nervout feelings
tn action Tt axatta a re­
• Women find girls who ern
markably calming effect on
Buffer from the functlon-
the utorua—uSthout the u«g
•Dy-caused cramps. ba> k- C>/ pein-deadening drttp«'
•ches and headaches due
The effeettreneea of Lydia
to menstruation -who feel rtnkham's
need« no proof to
upset and irritable on cer­ the million« of women and
tain "particular days” girls whom tt has benefited.
everv monl h- -may be ru/- But how about you ’ Do you
know what it may do for you?
ferinq quite needlessly!
TaKr Lydia Pinkham’s' See
Such is the conclusion If you
don’t get the same re­
from tests by doctors tn lief from
cramps and weak-
Which Lvdla E Pinkham's neat . . . feel
better both be­
Vegetable Compound fore and daring your period |
stoptax! or gave amazing
Get either I ydta Pinkham’s
reliet of such distress in 3 C-impound, or n- r. impnnYd
cut of 4 ci
cases • . . Tablets. with addled iron?
Iydta Pinkham's is won-
ere-i ic. the i. e* Rrst and
for ’’hot flashes” and
frtr da t» he period? dernil
functional dl» trees of
Yrs erllmca
the chauge of ¡Hr. tool
ilu- ulUMsmauMM»
Enh'nfy NEW fArou^A ond MrwqA f
Chevrolet owners have long been con­
vinced that they have the safest as well
as the largest brakes on any low-priced
car. And that is even more true in 1953.
This year you will find much smoother,
more responsive brake action ... up to
23% less pedal pressure . . . and a softer,
more velvety feel of operation.
Realize, too. that here is the only low-
priced car with sturdy Fisher Unisteel
Construction, Safety Plate Glass in wind-
shield and all windows of sedans and
coupes, extra-easy Power Steering* and
many other important safety factors, and
you’il understand why owners rate the
new Chevrolet tops.
Come in; see and drive this thrillingly
advanced car, and we believe you’ll place
your order now’ *Oprional at extra cost,
toner Steering at ailable on all models. Con-
tinuatton of standard equipment and trim illus­
trated is dependent on availability of material.
Gene Teague Chevrolet
mar often canee
menerruat pas ni
Chevrolet Sales and Servire