The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 23, 1953, Image 1

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Last week our druggist, J. C. ‘’Doc”
Kimmel moved into his new quarters
on the Linn county side of Mill City
Vol. IX—No. 17
$2.50 a Year, | (){• a Copy
and is now open for business in his new
building. "Doc” has a nice new fire
proof building that anyone could be
justly proud of and Mill City will un-'
doubtedly reward him and his wife |
for their efforts and faith in the com­
munity. “Doc” was held up in open-1
ng his new store by the slow arrival | A half hour’s program by the Wilt-
Following the resolve made last
of stocks and supplies to properly aey Music Studios of Salem, as well
" illv < lark of Mill City talked
as tap, dance, bai bershop quartet, or­ week about another shop visit, this
stock the new store.
| himself into one of the $10 first
chestral, square dance and comedy i time to the Freshman-Sophomoie
prizes in the Lions Club talent show,
Some months ago “Doc” added to
numbers by local talent, will be J class, permission was gained for the
j Thursday night with his unusual
his staff, Mr. J. C. Jeffcott, an effi­
featured on the vareity program to project and it has been accomplished.
Swedish characterization. Carol and
cient and experienced pharmacist, who
be given at the Mari-Linn gym at Here is the record of that visit.
Phyllis Pate, sisters, tapped their way
has already made a warm spot for
Lyons Saturday night, April 25, at 8
to the top and divided a $10 prize in
himself in the community during his
o'clock. Harley Libby of Jefferson abounded, accompanied by the sounds
their division in the Lions Club fifth
short residence among us. Mill City
will be master of ceremonies.
annual talent show.
and smells that make shop such an
warmly welcomes the addition of this
The Spring Carnival, of which the interesting place. Bob ‘ The Bubble”
Baton twirler Joellen Agee placed ’
nex business building and the beauty
variety program is only one feature, , Stettner was busy sanding a modern
second and 5-year-old dancers Alliene
it adds.
will provitft a full evening’s entertain­ i wall shelf until he could see his re­
* * *
Agee and Laraine Lee were third
ment for young and old. The doors flection in it. Made of Tennessee red
prize winners in the youngsters’’
The Great “Give-Away” Party is
will open at 5:30 to a variety of booths cedar which is a very pretty wood.
fighting in the senate to give away
and concessions. There will be a fish “Knots,” was Bob’s only comment.
our very heritage.
Unless we get
Among older contestants, Evelyn
pond, balloons and daits, fun house, The two Eddies, Gregory and Leach,
busy and wire our senators to put a
Johnston was second with a comic
hit-the-durnmy, side shows, movies, were busy assembling what they called
stop to such trafficking in the rights
pantomine and Dale Woodard, singer,
popcorn, home-made candy, hot dogs, gun racks.
of our children you may rest assured
was third.
These winners also re -
stunts and prizes. A chicken noodle
that Taft and Eisenhower will do just
Maugie Bassett was busy turning
ceived cash prizes.
dinner—with salad, rolls, pie and cof­
that! Taft is demanding the passage
a nut bowl of Myrtle wood on one
Proceeds will go toward the Boy
fee—will be served at 6 o’clock.
j lathe, while LeRoy Emerson was doing
of the so-called “tidelands” bill giving
cabin located in the city park.
The proceeds of the carnival, which
a lamp of Myrtle on the other. Watch­
off-shore oil lands to the neighboring
The show drew a standing roon»
is being sponsored by the Lyons Com­
ing the shavings fly and the projects
And Eisenhower today has
crowd at the Mill City Theatre where*
munity Methodist Sunday school with
demanded its passage so that he can the help of the Boy Scouts, Gill : taking shape under the cutting tools
the 24 youthful entertainers com­
is most fascinating.
hurry up and sign it into law!
Scouts and W.S.C.S., will be used for
Thirty-fisc years ago at the peak of World V ar I.
Alan Ray seemed to be conserving
All contestants taking part received
But would it end there?
That rebuilding the church which burned
America’» Sweetheart toured tin- country on behalf of her country Io
a free portrait from McEwan’s Photo
¡something (energy perhaps) but the
would be bad enough, giving away just befoie Christmas.
-.ell I iberlv Bond«. Now, in 1953, Mary Bickford is again donating lo r
gun rack he is building is something
Shop of Salem, also all who did not
$50 billions or more of land and oil
lime anil her talent for her country in a nation-wide tour during
different. Larry Harrington is build­
win cash prizes received a free ticket
April Io help a “Woman’» Crusade for Security”- a campaign »¡war­
rights that historically belong to the
headed by national women’s organizations to sign up business and
ing a stand that refuses to be square
to the Mill City Theatre.
federal government, but that is not
professional people for the Savings Bond- A-Month Plan. Mi»« I ickford
| but leans first one way, then another.
ail! Oh, my no! Theie are bills in !
will call on doctors, lawyers, dentist« and other self-employed indi­
the senate to give away practically [
Roewayne Holt is building a maga­
viduals to personally sign them up for the plan.
zine rack that would be a compliment
anything you can name that the fed-'
eral government owns, including tim­
to any living room. And Dick Crook
i is justly proud of a bedside stand he
ber, grazing and mineral land and
rights, power and irrigation dams,| Detroit—Yes sir, folks, new Detroit is making. What takes the eye on
electric power transmission lines, ■ is going to have the biggest, bestest this pioject is the drawer pull which
Plans aie now under way for thu
boats, railroads, atomic energy power carnival ever, in commemoration of Dick says he made himself.
A well-child conference for the Mill spring benefit movie sponsored by th«
plants, and on and on. This bill on
Over in one corner of the shop was
Mill City Parent-Teacher Assn, for
This little r.ew town is just buzzing
S. W. Stewart has sold his interest i City area will be held at the Mill City
the “tidelands” is to be used as a
a great pile of short boards of various
grade school Tuesday, April 28, ac­ the purpose of contributing to the
wtih anticipation of the event.
test, if it succeeds, you can expect
! sizes and shapes. Near them was a
fund for band uniforms.
Committees are being set up to
liam, C. W., and Charles, effective on cording to R. V. Wingo, chairman.
many more.
gadget that just didn't seem to be at
The film selected by the executive
really make this a gala affair. Watch
Monday morning, accotding to an­
home here. Questioning elicited the
Oregon is fortunate to have one your paper for the date.
was “Plymouth Adventure,”
nouncement made by William Stewart, childi en were examined during the
information that these were the re­
senator who is fighting to preserve
Chairmen for the various commit­
Tuesday, April 14, child nursing con­ starring Spencer Tracy, Gene Tierney,
those rights Where they belong and tees are follows: Mrs. Robert Man­ sults of yet another class.
and Van Johnson. This excellent pic­
Dr. Stone of the Marion
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Stewart have fer Jnce.
that one is none other than our dis­ ning. chairman; Mrs. Harry
A volunteer group who have formed
ture has received fine ratings fron»
tinguished SoK. V ««.'e Morse.
He I Rutherford aftd Mrs. Dick Farrow, in what they choose to call the “Canyon purchased the IGA grocery store at
movie, reviewer«-, a.» well as from Par­
Stewarts have also bougnt a for the Anrtl 28 well-child conference.
has the courage to fight to prevent i charge of games; Mrs. Otto Russell, Hurdle Co.” It seems that the track Scio.
ents’ Magazine, and is of considerable
home there where they and their
this wholesale giab from taking place. |
historical interest even to young chil-
prizes; Mrs. Carrie Bullard, food; boys needed hurdles, ten of them. So
along with a notable group of senators ■ Mrs. Cal Schlador, decorations; Mrs. the hurdle company was organized, a youngest son, Tommy, will move in
| dren who are familiar with the voyage
|the near future.
•most of whom are Democrats. They I
of the Mayflower, as well as the first
Margaret Howland, publicity; and plan devised, and production started
The Scio store is the Scio Food
I year the pilgrims lived in the New
will succeed, since the flood of letters Harold Champion, booths and public during free time from other studies in
I Market.
I World.
and wires coming into Washington j address system.
the 5th period. There is a “contiact”,
The Stewait boys plan to build a
has been tremendous and the Repub-1 Proceeds will go into community time cards are kept, and the company
School matinees are scheduled for
new store on their lots next to the
Ruben Benjamin Ader, 47, passed May 5, 6, and 7, with a regular night,
lican party has already received a ; and fire hall building fund.
j otherwise acts like a going concern.
Mill City Auto Supply as soon as away at the Ader home in Mill City, ■«bowing on Thursday the 7th. Usual
stigma from this unholy alliance with j
Their “contract”, incidentally, call.-
although no plans have been Sunday, April 19. Funeral services I prices will prevail.
big business that it will never be able .
for each employee to be paid for his
were held Wednesday afternoon in
' time in “worthless warrants”.
The ; completed.
to live down.
the Mill City Presbyterian church.
Get busy with those letters to Sen. ■
fellows assure one and all that these
Ader has been a resident of Mill
Guy Cordon, Senate Office building,'
warrants are good for trade in “Lower
City for four years. He was bom
Washington, D.C., demanding that he
“I Beheld His Glory”, a recently
Dec. 9, 1905, in Midville, Idaho. After
vote against the "give-away” bills and ,
Well, you too will have a chance to
also send a letter of encouragement j released film produced by Cathedral see all these things for yourself when
the services in Mil) Ctiy the remains
Films will be shown this Saturday at
were shipped to Weiser, Idaho, for
to Sen. Wayne Morse for hi» courage­
Possible routes which a bookmobile
7:30 p.m. at the Mill City Presbyte­ the .-hop classes stage their project
ous stand and his willingness to fight
might follow in serving Linn county
rian church.
Survivors incluOT the widow, Pan»y
for your rights. Do it now—TODA^ ■
A full color film 55 minutes in niture store building. See you theie. byterian missionary from Korea, will Ader, Mill City; one son, William under a county library plan will be
' shown on a map of the county at a
length, it portrays some of the last
church, Monday, April 27, at 8 o’clock. Ader, Mill City; sisters, Margaret meeting on Wednesday evening, April
events of the life of Christ and tells
Son and grandson of Presbyterian Jones, Nampa, Idaho; Maxine Schmitt, 29, at 8 o’clock in the dining room of
the story of the Roman soldier who
ministers, Mr. Crothers has given Milwaukee; Ruth Pope and Mollie the 4-H club fairgrounds building near
witnessed the crucifixion and who be­
Elkins, both of Portland, and Alma
Albany. All persons interested in im­
WEST — To Mr. and Mrs, Wesley more than 40 years of his life to the
came a Christian as a result. Every­
Overstreet, Oroville, Calif.; brothers,
proving library facilities in rural Linn
where it has been shown so far it has West, Lyons, a daughter, April 12,
Appointed in 1909 by the Oliver Ader, Midvale, Idaho; Newton county are invited to attend. It is
l.i a i .. J-h.
speech, Sen. Paul | been hailed as among the truly great at Santiam Memorial hospital.
C. and Percy R. Ader, both of Port­
Douglas (D., Ill.) told the Senate that i Christian films.
| THORNTON — To Mr. and Mrs. Board of Foreign Missions, has was land, and Simon Ader, Oioville, Calif.; 1 hoped that every section of the county
will be well represented.
the bill to force the federal govern-1 The showing is sponsored by the Robert D. Thornton, Idanha, a daugh­ assigned to Andong, and this duty
one granddaughter and one grandson,
The purpose of the meeting is to
ment to give off-shore lands to the | Ministerial association. Everyone is ter, April 23, at Salem Memorial hos­ has been his home during all his mis­
both of Mill City.
sionary life.
j form a continuing committee to follow
coastal states would do “irretrievable , invited.
He has had the oversight of many
! up the county library plan presented
damage” to the U. S.
churches and has taught hundreds of
at a public meeting on March 31 by
Instead, Douglas said, Congress
Bible classes. He has also been co­
the educational committee for under-
should pass bills sponsored by Sens.
pastor of the Andong City church and
s'amiing the county library. The new
Lister Hill (D., Ala.) and Clinton
committee will act as a sponsoring
had charge of Bible Institutes. Keep­
Anderson (D., N. M.) which would
group to woik for the county library
ing in mind his early aim to reach the
ear mark funds from submerged oil
Detroit—A special councilman meet­ if and when desired by county resi­
unreached, he organized correspon­
lands to all the 48 states for school
dence courses for Bible study in the ing was held the first of the week dents.
aid. These bills have been supported
The map being prepared by Eleanor
villages and distributed Scripture por­ to discuss the groundwork of the com­
by the AFL and other progressive
to hundreds of Koreans. When bined community and fire hail, to be Davis, Albany city librarian, will show
organizations and individuals.
missionary itinerating and church erected in the near future.
locations of schools and community
The Illinois Democrat reminded the
Pieiiminary work on the lot is pro­ centers, and indicate proposed routes
work were no longer allowed by the
senate that the U. S. Office of Educa­
Japanese, Crothers did evangelistic gressing, preparatory to construction. for bookmobile service to outlying sec­
tion has estimated that needed school
By unanimous vote of the council­ tions, as well as supplementary serv­
work in the hospital.
construction totals $« billion, and that
In 1940 Mr. and Mrs. Crothers weie men, Harold Champion was elected ice to small town libraries already
the most which could reasonably be
temporarily transferred to the Philip­ fire chief, and John Estey, assistant operating. Discussion of the plan and
expected to be raised by states and
a question peroid will be conducted by
pine Mission. They were interned at chief.
localities is $3.8 billion. That leaves
urgent­ Mrs. Floyd Edwards, chairman of the-
Los Banos. After release on Feb. 23,
a deficit of $3.2 billion which the Hill-
1945, repatriation and rest in the U.S., ly needed in the protection of the educational committee and others.
Anderson legislation would easily pay
they returned to Andong. Korea, community. Anyone interested in this
for, he noted.
where Mr. Crothers is often called service please contact the fire chief.
The senator pointed out that the!
The newly organized volunteer fire
the “Father of Andong.”
At first
(Continued on Page 8)
much of his time was consumed in department will work in close co­
supervising property repair and re­ operation with the Idanha fire district.
habilitation and in distributing relief
Mrs. Elmer Taylor was hostess for
supplies to the needy, especially to DRIVERS EXAMINER COMING
the meeting of the Home Economic»
A driver’s license examiner will be club of the Santiam Valley Grange
lepers and displaced persons.
soon as possible Bible Institutes were on duty in Mill City, Thursday, April with the meeting held at her home
Harrison T. Caughey, Mill City high
re-organized for men, women, and 30, at the Fire hall between the hours Tuesday afternoon.
school principal, has inked a contract 1
young people.
Real revivals have of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to an
Plans were made and discussed for
which will make him principal of the
taken place in Taegu and Andong as announcement received from the Sec­ the annual harvest festival and bazaar,
Union high school of Yamhill next
retary of State's office.
a result.
which is held in the fall.
school year.
Perrons wishing original licenses or
Mr. and Mrs. Crothers returned to
Present for the meeting were Mes-
Caughey has been principal of Mill :
the U.S. in 1951, and since December permits to drive are asked to file dames Virgil Rogers, Wilson Stevens.
City high school for the past two
31 of that year have been on the roll applications well ahead of the sched­ Albert Bass, Floyd Bassett, Ed Tay­
years. The position in Yamhill rep- !
of “Honorably Retired” missionaries. uled closing hour 'n order to assure lor, Giles Wagner, Leo Russell, Jerry-
resents a step up the administration j
“I knew he'd aign up on the BonJ-A-Month Plan for
Everyone is Invited to the service time for completion of the required Coffman, and the hostess, Mrs. Tay­
ladder because of the class of school
Savings Bonds. He’s so handsome!”
license texts.
held in his honor.
Spring Carnival at Freshman-Sophomore
Lyons Saturday Nite Shop Tour Reported
Willv dark Wins
Talent Top Prize
Detroit Planning
Big Carnival
S. W. Stewart Sells
Grocery To Sons
V^cli Child Conference
P'anned Next Tuesday
Band Uniform Benefit
Movie Coming May 5
Ruben B. Ader, 47
Passes at His Home
Life of Christ Told
In Movies Saturday
Senators Warn Oil
Grab Dangerous
Plans for Bookmobile
To Be Studied Apr. 29
Korean Missionary
Speaks Here Apr. 27
lust Arrived...
Detroit Organizing
Volunteer Firemen
Harrison T. Caughey Has
Contract With Yamhill
Santiam Valley Grange
Making Festival Plans