T—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 16. 1953 Wants and Sales If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! STOCK or HUNTING DOGS—Want LEGAL ADVERTISING FOR SALE—One pair grown geese AVON COSMETICS a good home, 2 months olds. Dal­ and four young geese; also five matian and Collie. Call 5741, Mill NOTICE TO CREDITORS See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white (Continued from Page 1) ducks, some chickens and one 1-yr. house across from Martin’s trailer BY JOHN «Amr FUßßAY PH D. City. 16-lp No. 15,372 old billy goat. See Mrs. Clyde court on NW. 7th Ave. dam, (2) power produced at down­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Barney or phone 1384, Mill Citv. Oregon for the County of Marion Box 658, Mill City. FOR SALE—Building lots, and 3-bed­ stream plants through the release of 14-3p room home or sale. See. Geo. E. ' Hell’s Canyon storage during periods Department of Probate Thornes, Box 685, Mill City, phone i of low flow of downstream rivers, and FOR SALE-»18 red pullets, laying In the Matter of the Estate of EXPERT AUTO and home radio 104>. 16-3p I good, $2 each. Mrs. John W. An ­ GEORGE W. McCOY. Deceased. service, 20 years experience, all (3) integration of the operation of ÍT / derson, Route 1, Lyons, in Mill The undersigned has been appointed makes. Guaranteed service. / Hell ’ s Canyon plant with other fed ­ City. 16-lp WANTED Babv sitting, phone 1384, by the above-entitled Honorable Court Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. Mill City. 14-3p eral power plants in the Columbia as Administratrix of the Estate of k ? river basin. . . . FOR SALE — 4 squares thick butt WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled GEORGE W. McCOY, Deceased, and Douglas fir poles, delivered to FOR SALE Home-made 22-ft. trailer green Certain-teed shingles; 16 she has qualified as such. * • * Lyons yard. For further informa­ house, electric range and heat, newly 8x8 glass blocks; one 6x8 poitable NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to “To ask the American people to tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 finished, new rugs, for sale cheap. tool shed. Phone 66 Lyons, Mrs. H. creditors of, and all persons having Filbert Ave., ‘ Lebanon, phone 5745, allow a substitution of the Idaho See at Silver Saddle Service Sta­ BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE E. Smith, Mehama. 15tf claims against said Deceased to pre­ Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf tion, or phone 1107, Herbert Hutch­ Power company’s proposals of five low Aft NOT *DUMâ 'MORE sent them, verified as required by law, TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- FOR SALE—3-bedroom modern home, 15-3p dams, ro two low dams and a small inson, Mill City. within six months after the first pub­ 7HAU HOMELY ONES. chines. We sell, rent, repair and *4-acre, A-l garden, fruit and ber­ FOR SALE - Hatching goose eggs. I sU,raw da"1’ lication of this Notice to the under­ the Sna*