5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 16, 1953 FEMME PAGE After seven long years of labor and saving, members of the Gates Woman'» club are putting finishing touches on their new club house. Craftsmen of the town are supplying the labor for completing the build­ ing. inside and out. Albert Millsap, Gates' first mayor, donated the site. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) Roye, Georgia Oliver, Doris Roy, Jes­ sie Chamberlain, Jewell Hartnell, Lu­ cille Rogers, Aiea Bodeker, Garnett Bassett, Carrie Naue, Jacquie Smith, Reta Cruson, Inez Ring. Alice Huber The Women’s Society of Christian and Ethel Huffman. Service held their meeting at the home of Mrs. George Huffman Tuesday aft­ ernoon. Mrs. Alice Huber presided over the business meeting and Mrs. Alex Bodeker was in charge of de­ Lyons — The Linn County Health votions. Plans were discussed for the carni­ Department is planning a pre-school val sponsored by the Sunday school clinic at the Mari-Linn school at Lyons which is to be held Saturday evening, April 21 from 9 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. All children entering the first grade April 25th, at the Mari-Linn school with the proceeds to go to the building are required to have a physical ex­ amination. of the new church. This will be the only clinic at this The nominating committee pre­ school. All children in the district sented the following for the new of­ ficers for 1953-54; Ethel Huffman, entering school next fall are welcome president; Reta Cruson, vice presi­ to attend this clinic. Parents may dent; Lucille Rogers, secretary; Eva take their children to their family doctor if desired. There will be no Bressler, treasurer. Present for the meeting were Orpha charge for this examination, but no child will be examined unless the par­ ent is present. There will be no pre-school that morning as the clinic will use the pre-school room. Women s Society Meets at Lyons Mori-Linn Pre-School Clinic Planned April 21 Quality Job Printing at The Mill City Enterprise LYONS PLUMBING & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES Water Systems Phone 1634 Open Evenings Lyons, Ore. Expert Lubrication CAR POLISHING ANI) WAXING Protect Car Finish Against Summer Sun Now! We pickup and Deliver Local Girls Invited Lyons Garden Club To Nursing Meeting Holds Meeting Mill City atea girls interested in a nursing career will be entertained by the Marion-Polk Medical Society Auxiliary, Saturday, April 18, at 10 a.m. in the Oregon State Blind School auditorium. Girls in the ninth and tenth grades in school in both Marion and Polk counties are invited to the special meeting at the Blind school by the auxiliary. The meeting will last for two hours. A movie, “Girls in White” will be shown by Dr. Robert F. Anderson. Representatives of various branches of nursing will be present. Mrs. Bernice Yeary of the Marion County Public Health office will rep­ resent public health nursing. Mrs. Dean Brooks will present five nurses in psychiatric training from the Ore­ gon State hospital. Salem Memorial and Salem General hospitals will each have a representa­ tive at the meeting. Mrs. Bert Myers and Mrs. W. W. Bowen, both past state presidents of the auxiliary, will have charge of refreshments. Mrs. Carl Emmons will will greet the guests at the door. Mrs. John Ramage is the over-all chair­ man. Mrs. James Haworth is hospi­ tality chairman, Mrs. Robert Ander­ son, invitation chairman, Mrs. Robert Wulf, decorations chairman. Mrs. John Goldsmith has charge of publicity, Mrs. Willard Stone, pro­ gram and nurse recruitment chairman. Saturday’s program for girls inter­ ested in nursing is a part of a coun­ try-wide progiam, according to Mrs. Goldsmith. Eagles Hold Joint Meeting April 15 The Lyons Garden club held their By BOOTS CHAMPION ' meeting at the Rebekah hail with Mrs. Detroit—The joint meeting of the George Huffman and Mrs. ChesterI FOE Wednesday night April 15th was Roy as hostess. Mrs. John Neal pre­ I favored with t nice turn out. sided over the business meeting with Plans were discussed on the clear- Mrs. Ernest Garsjo secretary. Each I mg, drainage and fill o nthe lot don- member answered roll call by naming | ated to the FOE by Sister Carrie their favorite herb. Bullard. Plans were completed for the Spring It was decided to postpone any im­ flower show which will be held at the mediate building until after the con­ Rebekah halh Friday. April 17, with struction of the fire hall. Mrs. Orville Downing general chair­ After refreshments were served man. moving pictures taken and shown by Guest speaker of the afternoon was Harold Champion, were enjoyed. A. M. Bouquet from Portland, who is with the Miller Products company. He talked on Pest control, fertilized,, and transplanting. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carl Nuttieman with Mrs. Alex Kuiken co­ hostess. By MRS. S. T. MOORE Attending the meeting were Mrs. Seventeen eighth grade students Glen Julian, Mrs. John I.engascher, will receive diplomas the latter part Mis. John Kunkle and Mrs. Fred of May. according to an announcement Steinfelt who were guests of the aft­ made Friday by Mrs. John Ray, eighth ernoon, and members, Mesdames Ray­ grade instructor at the Detroit ele­ mond Branch. Alex Kuiken, George mentary school. Huffman, Mike Fink, Percy Hiatt, Mothers of the students assembled Oscar Naue, Lynn Lambert, John to discuss plans for the graduation, Neal, Clyde Bressler, Orville Down­ approving the vote of the class to ing. Cleave O’Neil, Phillip Pietrok, have the annual dinner for graduates Don Brotherton, Otto Weidman, and their parents, followed by the Ernest Garsjo, Chester Roy, Mrs. graduation program and informal Alice Huber and Mrs. Cora Jenner. dance. The eighth grade class includes the following students: Danny Bowers, Rosalia Bowers, Danny Gescher, Bruce Gordon, Judy Haseman, Michael How­ Lyons—Regular meeting of Faith land. Bradford Humphrey, Roger Rebekah lodge was held at the hall Fleming, Phyllis Ketchum, Donald Wednesday evening with guests pres­ Jackson, Michael Moore, Melodie ent from Stayton, Jefferson and Mill Palmer, Leonard Snyder, James Stahl- City, and the following officers in the man, Lanny Vickers, John Wallace and chairs, Jean Roberts, noble grand; Donald Watkins. Following the discussion the stu­ Garnett Bassett, vice grand; Helen dents’ mothers were served punch and Anderson, secretary, and Helen John ­ (Continued from Page 1) cupcakes by the eighth grade girls at ston, treasurer. of walnut, he said, Had another proj- Hazel Lewis, who is an officer of card tables decorated with yellow for- ect all finished and at home, A round the grand lodge in May, was hbnored. sythia and candles. Mrs. Doris Hase­ coffee table. His pride and joy, one At the social hour a silent auction man, room mother, assisted with the inferred. refreshments. was held. Bill Shepherd had a lot t of well- sanded sticks lying about. 1 What was it? A dining table and a pair of chairs. Well, at least he’s ambitious! Lyle Fleetwood was flitting about from saw to jointer to sander to bench By MRS. S. T. MOORE The next Mill City Garden club and back again, busy building some Detroit—Mrs. Irving Steers enter­ meeting will be at the home of Mrs. kind of smoker's stand. A gadget to Izabelle Heller, Thursday, April 23, tained recently with a party celebrat­ hold the SMOKE trails he left when with Mrs. Hattie Fencl and Mrs. Mabel ing the first birthday of her little making end runs, he says. O, maho­ daughter Nancy. Bruder, co-hostesses. gany plywood—-I recognized it myself, Seated with Nancy at the table were Each member is to bring one pack­ this time. And Sy Syverson was age of vegetable or flower seed in Douglas Reed, Penny Lou and Terry working on something the like of Dean, Frankie Moore, Michael, Sus­ an envelope for exchanging. which has never been seen. A lamp, anne, Mary Lou, Bobby, Patrick and he called it. And Dick Kanoff—boy, Peggy Moore. is he versatile; a butcher knife, he A decorated cake centered the table says his pa cut a finger demonstrat­ and each guest had a cupcake with ing its keen edge to a friend, a hunt­ one lighted candle. Balloons and John W. Anderson was taken to candy baskets completed the table dec­ ing knife, a book case that is a honey, Santiam Memorial hospital last Fri­ orations. and I don’t know what all. Bleeding ulcers have forced This is the Junior-Senior shop class. day. Sharing refreshments with the A visit to the Freshman-Sophomore several blood transfusions since his baby’s mother were Mrs. Howard class to see if what they are making entering the hospital. Anderson re- Dean, Mrs. Starr Reed and Mrs. compares with these projects is called , mained seriously ill at last report. Spencer Moore. Bob Veness announces that the aft­ for. Next week perhaps. Honestly, you should see the things. ernoon matinee this week is all car­ reminisced. The Hermans left on And the fellows say you may, for they toons with no feature or serial picture. Friday afternoon returning Sunday. are planning an exhibit May 7 at the Any of the small fry will be inter­ RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open “Mother’s Tea” and then an extra ested in this information, if you moth­ Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ special showing for the townspeople ers will please note. graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, Leonard Herman and family visited on Saturday, May 9 in the old Mill planters, not plants, corsages, Wed­ Ctiy Furniture store. Keep that date the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wargnier and dings, also shrubs and landscaping. in mind that you may come and help family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bair 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone select the projects to be taken to the family, both former residents of Mill 3684. 12tf Industrial Arts contest in Salem on City now living in Richland, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Peterson May 21, 22 and 23 in competition with Many nice thoughts and doings of the and baby son Marty of Silverdale, people and town of Mill City were many of the valley schools. Wash., spent the past weekend visit­ ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson. They came to attend the funeral for Dean Culp, their brother-in-law, on Monday of this week. Don Jr. is a chemist at the Bremerton navy yard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Peterson and son Gary of Eugene were week­ end visitors in Mill City at the Ed Cooke and Don Peterson homes. Detroit Grade School Graduates Seventeen Faith Febekah Lodge Honors Grand Officer Hi School Shop-- Mill City Garden Club Plan April 23 Meet Nancy Steers Celebrates First Birth Anniversary SUNDAY & MONDAY CLIFTON W EBB and DEBRA PAGET in O Stars & Stripes Forever In Technicolor Don't Miss This One! 8 o Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY o o Q o a p g GENE TIERNEY and RORY CALHOUN in Way of a Gaucho In Technicolor Spectacular Scenes— Filmed in Argentina THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ROBERT NEWTON and LINDA DtRNELL in Blackbeard, The Pirate g In Technicolor — Plus — KIRBY GRANT and "CHINOOK THE DOG in Northwest Territory Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday JOEL Met REA in "Stars In My Crown” Doora open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be aeen any time up to 8:30 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise MILL CITY Administrator's Sale I WILL SELL AT PRIVATE SALE Subject to approval of the Marion County Court, the WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH FEED FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY. OUR FEEDS ARE MIXED RIGHT HERE AT HOME UNDER THE DR. HESS AND CLARKE FORMULAS. SAVE ON FEEDS AND GET THE BEST AT SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Bassett & Stover læe Bassett and Bill Stover Feeds Seeds Fertilizer I CAS STATION Telephone 5024 Grinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliances Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products STAYTON, ORE. John Stamos Farm of 160 Acres I xw a ted three miles West of Mill City, in Marion County, Oregon INSPEC TION MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME I wish to sell this farm at an early date, in order to close the Estate of said John Stamos. D. B. Hill, Administrator 1