The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY, OREGON DON PEARSON, Publisher Entered a* second-clase matter November 10, 1944 at the poet office at Mill City, Oregon, uftder the Act of March 3. 1x79. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for $1.00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­ sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immodiatelv. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. NtWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION nr THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” George Pu: am. Faith If ever in our history as a nation we need to have FAITH, it is now. Christianity is the greatest single force which influences the minds of men. The basis of Christianity is FAITH, no matter how many people may have perverted, or misinterpreted the meaning of this great force, and no matter how many dogmas and creeds have been created in its name, which do not reflect its tenets. We all want to see peace restored to the world. The sum and substance of the teachings and the achievements of Christ, which may have been interpreted as “miracles”, Form Servie*. U. S. Department of Agriculture were based on FAITH. The phenomena of “miracles” "Oh, quiet! Your mother is out on a conservation job—planting trees are produced through the state of mind known as FAITH. with some club women." Some of our present day teachers of religion, and many who call themselves Christians, neither understand nor practice FAITH. Tonight, as I write, I am thinking of a man who PARENTS ters for parents who are happy to be became known to all civilization—Mohandas Gandhi, of Out DELINQUENT in Ardenwald is a scout master "d of their teen-agers so that they India. In this man the world had one of the most who is fed up. He writes anony- [be free ior adult pursuits. Many astounding examples known to civilization, of the possi­ mously in the community newspaper: a neighborhood lacks a Boy Scout Cnm.. or C* nn n Fire la* > w A I trooP or a .. C0...1 Girl Scout Camp bilities of FAITH. Gandhi wielded more potential power I have two girls and no boys I | Girls unit because no parent will take than any man living at the time, and this, despite the fact will not deprive them of the fun we | the responsibility that is assumed by that he had none of the orthodox tools of power, such as as a family can have camping this the selfless few elsewhere. in order to take your boys money, battleships, soldiers, and materials of warfare. summer With the hiking and camping sea­ out. I will continue to take the re­ Gandhi had no money, he had no home, he did not even sponsibility of scout master only if son coming on, it is a good time for own a suit of clothes, but HE DID HAVE POWER. How you fathers will give me your assist- parents to ponder the quality of their response to the recreational and edu­ did he come by that power? ance.” cational needs of their children and jaded leader has 30 boys under HE CREATED IT OUT OF HIS UNDERSTAND­ his The wing for all-day hikes, overnight the childrens’ friends. Else they may ING OF THE PRINCIPLE OF FAITH AND THROUGH camping trips and the continual quest find cause for embarrassment when HIS ABILITY TO TRANSPLANT THAT FAITH INTO for merit badges. With the summer they open the kids’ candy and cigars Mother’s day and Father’s day.— THE MINDS OF 200 MILLION PEOPLE! Gandhi ac­ season on the w’ay, he asked the boys’ on From the Oregonian. parents to give him a hand. One ap ­ complished, through the influence of FAITH, that which peal went entirely unheeded. An­ the strongest military power on earth could not, and never other brought out one father and one SHOWDOWN ON PUBLIC POWER will accomplish through soldiers and military equipment, mother out of the score or so families POLICY AWAITED Says Labor, national weekly labor A bombs and H bombs. involved. newspaper: For a tip-off on where Look at the inscription on the coins in your pocket! The scout master can be forgiven Oregon's former governor, Douglas his outburst. The spirit of frustra- j Four words, “In God We Trust”. Trust—that means tion from which it springs is shared McKay, now Secretary of the Interior, FAITH.—Guest Editorial. by other youth leaders who enjoy their stands on public power w^itch the Editorial Comments ' V maah MEANDER INN On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Shuffleboard KM>axix¡Mt>auDC)< mx : 1288 STATE ST. Good Music George “Sparky" Ditter i SALEM, ORE. l’h. 3-6489 Randall’s FINE MEATS HELD OVER FOR THE THIRD WEEK salemcso Ï ossstal BEEF SALE! At a time »hen we know you will moat appreciate it—our pleasure is to bring you thia fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale price« on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF ROAST. Arm, Blade Cuts, Rumps Ib Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF STEAK, Round, T-Bone, Rih Steaks Ib Ib FRESH GROUND ROUND Ib LEAN SHORT RIBS Ib LEAN BEEF CUBES Ib Boneless New York Cut lb Sirloin Tip Roast or Steak Ib Beef Tender Loin Ib Fresh Beef Hearts and Tongues Ib Plump Young liens, fully Dressed and Drawn Ib i FRESH (¡ROUND BEEF $ I 1 £ 35c I 49c 35c 49c 19c 49c 69c 59c 89c 35c 49c buy Locker Beef Now! • u Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged, full year to pay. Nothing do* n Half or Whole 3112c ib Front Quarter 2812c ib Hind Quarter 3612c ,b U. S. Good Beef Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter 44’ 2c company to build these smaller dams. The hearing had been postponed from April 13 to May 13 so that the ap­ plication could be handled and decision rendered by a commission controlled by the Republicans. McKay has been cautious on his i statements about public vs. private power since taking office. But, con­ cludes Labor: "Watch for the showdown when the FPC hearings begin. Then testimony by Interior Department spokesmen will show just where McKay stands on the Hell's Canyon issue and, inci­ dentally, on other public power proj­ ects.”—From the Oregon Teamster. painfully difficult circumstances, to I an ideal of such vast importance to . the world. We may only hope that his suc­ cessor, giving as much, may receive 1 more co-operation from a Soviet bloc that, for one reason or another, ap­ pears to be seeing at least the tactical advantages of co-operation in the im­ mediate period that lies ahead.—From Christian Science Monitor. .. .. aw a The General Accounting Office is withholding about million in gov­ ernment subsidies from the American Export Lines. The GAO says the company was overpaid by that amount for the passenger liners, USS Inde­ pendence and USS Constitution. The government built those two ships at a cost of $56 million, and then sold them to American Export Lines for $28Vz million — at your expense, of course. Wonder if the prefix “USS” on American vessels means "Uncle Sam’s Subsidy”? * ♦ ♦ The majority leader of the Illinois state senate received a postcard from a constituent who wants rent controls retained because he can't afford to pay any more rent. Said the postcard: “I am a laborer . . . and my income is smaller than my outcome.” * • • Our 2 Secretaries of State met for lunch recently over the Greek ships situation. Dulles announced that Sen. McCarthy’s deal with the Greek shipowners was in the public interest after all. All in all, the Dulles-Mc­ Carthy meeting has the earmarks of I an attempt to placate the Winconsin senator — a form of appeasement which is likely to bring little lasting peace to the embattled administra­ tion. THRILLING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII MOVED To Our New Office THANK YOU, MR. LIE 1144 Center St. This week the office of Secretary- I)R. R. REYNOLDS I General of the United Nations changes i hands. The Norwegian Trygve Lie Naturopath-Proctologist steps out and the Swedish Dag Ham- Phone 3 9460 marskjoeld steps in. Scandinavia SALEM, ORE. may well be proud of furnishing two such sons for the crucial and exacting post at the helm of the world organ- I Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ization. For Mr. Lie it has been a heart- ' breaking experience in some ways, and yet a rewarding one, too. Mill City He has seen the UN through seven disillusioning postwar year» and its first real trial by fire up to what may be the eve of a Korean truce. And that, as he says, would be “a great victory for the principle of collective security under the United Nations, to which I have always endeavored to give my full loyalty.” That loyalty has won him the bitter hostility of the Russians as part and parcel of their hostility to the UN action in Korea. It has also, unfor­ tunately, won him the censure and suspicion of some Americans who be­ lieve that the UN should be nothing more than the obedient instrument of United States policy. Mr. Lie concluded his farewell i speech by saying that if he had made mistakes, “please forgive me.” His­ tory will do more than forgive him; it will praise him warmly for his self­ sacrificing and pioneer service, under | Auto Supply YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR M c C ulloch r ~ POWER CHAIN SAWS Phone 1652 24-HOUR SERVICE MILL CITY MEAT MARKET FRANK EDWARDS Says: EVERYONE WELCOME t April 16, 1953 work but resent serving as baby sit- Federal Power Commission’s hearings on May 13. The federal government, under the Truman administration, had proposed to build Hell’s Canyon dam for power, irrigation and floor! control purposes. The Idaho Power company also wants to build several smaller dams which would prevent construction of the federal dam. (Heard over KPOJ, Portland, at 10:15 The FPC hearing May 13 will be p.m., Monday througii Friday) on the application of the Idaho Power Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. 4 •» ; 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE By Ed Nofziger "JOE BEAVER" for 53 Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS It’s lower-looking, longer-looking, wider-looking . . . and Ford’s Crest mark Bodies are the most beautiful in any low-priced car—best built, too! Fifty Year» Forward On The American Road It's hard to believe that ford is one of America’s lowest-priced cars when you see that huge, curved one-piece windshield . . . and those smartly styled interiors, blended with outside colors! It’s even harder to believe when you take a Test Drive and feel the comfort of Ford's amazing new Wonder Ride. NEW DESSERT! It will Stay young for years! Ye,. \ Vornllo ke Croom Topped with Welch’s FROZEN Grape Juice — poured right from the con’ MAKE IT AT HOME TONIGHT! BACKACHE? • rp bothared by Backache. < Vp Night« (too frequent, burning or »tin« tng urination). Pressure ewer Rladdex. or strong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo­ rary Kidney and BIAdder Irritation, for palliattee relief ask your drugs!.*« about CY8TKX Popular 25 year» » million pack* area used. SatiafMtloa or money back guar an iced A»k d: uggUl about CY8TKX today Ford years from today, your ’53 Ford will com- manOOOOOOOOM