The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 09, 1953, Image 1

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    T he MILL CITY
The Bonneville Power Administra­
tion has leased quarters in the old
Hill Top General store building and
$2.50 a Year. 10c a Copy
Vol. IX—No. 15
more recently occupied by’ Red’s Hill
Top Trading Post. They have taken
the rooms for office space until De­
cember 1, 1954, so it looks like work I
will continue on transmission lines
until they are ready to put the power
to be generated here to use.
The |
question now comes up—just what are I
we going to do with this power when
it becomes available. Are we going
to sit idly by and let this power slip |
out of our fingers? It is time to
get started on this program now be­
Coincidental with the opening of the
Mill City I-ions, Charles Kelly, Leo
fore the power becomes lost to the
| Ross and Hugh Walkup, committee
“tax-collecting, private enterprises” fishing season Saturday, April 18. the
in charge of prizes for the fifth annual
now busily colelcting their 20% sur­ Portland District, Corps of Engineers,
has announced that the recreation
Talent Show have more and more in­
area formed by Detroit dam on the
dividuals of talent seeking the prizes,
* « *
that »ill be awarded the night of
Time is fast moving by to where I North Santiam river will be open to
April 16, in the Mill City Theatre.
it will be too late for the people to ! boating enthusiasts and other sports­
Auditioned this week by Vernon
save their submerged off-shore oil men on the same day.
II. W. Rutherford, Detroit dam proj
Todd’s committee were contestants
reserves for the use of the schools in
all 48 states of the union. A bill is ect engineer, has stated that the
Charley and Carol Dee Stewart, tap;
Darlene Brown, song; Carol Ann anti
already passed in the house where the Camp Mongold road will be available ,
off-shore oil rights are being turned for use as a small boat launching '
Phyllis Pate, military tap; Phyllis
over to the four states of California, ramp and there will be considerable 1
Pate, soft shoe dance; Virginia Bilyeu,
Louisiana, Florida and Texas.
The parking area within a few hundred
baton; Donalee Oliver, piano; Cecil
Members of the Mill City Lions Club are shown at a event Ladies' night "style show", held to stir up interest
Bassett, showman; Malcom McBeth
United States supreme court has al­ feet of the water’s edge.
in the Talent Show the club will sponsor April 16 at he Mill City Theatre. From left are Vernon Todd, club
and Darwood Dart, trumpet duet; and
ready passed judgment and decided
The old Oregon State highway No.
president; Less Ross, secretary; Roger Nelson, a dire tor; Howard Means, tail twister; Lyle Gould and Al
that these “tidelands” belong to all 222 into the old town of Detroit will
Ione Love Thielke, folk singer.
Nesbitt, who are on ticket sale and publicity committees.
(Photo courtesy Bob Veness and The Statesman)
the people of the United States. Ore­ also be available if the reservoir is
Master of ceremonies, Shields Re­
gon will get nothing if the senate filled to elevation 1,460 feet above
mine, is looking to ticket chairmen.
passes the bill now passed by the mean sea level, Rutherford said. He
Henry Chaney, Lyle Gould and Martin
added that he felt quite certain this .
Hansen, for his audience and to tha
There are two other bills known as elevation will be reached by April 18. | Tiny Miss Kathie Mae Lott of Mill both boys — saw- the light of day
Mill City Lions club seating commit­
the Hill bill which save these revenues
If the water level is lower than City’ was the first girl born in the Wednesday at Santiam Memorial hos­
tee of George Veteto, Burton Bor­
Kathie pital and came in for a share of the
for the schools. It has been estimated 1,460 feet, the old highway will not Santiam Memorial hospital.
Dean S. Culp, 21, met instant death oughs, Ralph Budlong, Dutch Stettner
that Oregon would receive $80,700,000 make a suitable ramp because launch- , greeted the world with a lusty cry, 100 prizes offered by North Santiam when the car he was driving crashed and Frank Hunter for care of that
Just businessmen foi the first five babies into an underpass abutment near audience.
in 10 years if this bill is passed, an­ ing could not be accomplished directly i last Tuesday noon at 12:03.
ahead of her by three hours was Carl born at the hospital.
other knowm as the Daniel bill would from the highway.
Bob Veness, publicity man for the
Arcadia, Calif., early Sunday morning.
save $44,000,000 over the 20-year pe­
The prize-winning boys were born Culp was returning home alone from fifth annual Lions Club Talent Show,
Rutherford cautioned visitors not | Vincent Hendricks, baby son of Mr.
riod according to an estimate made to get off on dirt roads in the Detroit and Mrs. Clarence Hendricks of Stay­ to Mr. and Mrs. Veil Moberg, Mill work when the fatal accident ocurred. reports good progress on the applause
by the Public Affairs Institute in dam area and go to the river bank ton.
'City, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ham­
Culp was the son of Mr. and Mrs. meter installation. It is rumored that,
Kathie Mae is the daughter of Mr. ilton, Idanha.
Washington, D.C.
to launch their craft. Launching from
Archie Culp, formerly of Mill City and there has been some difficulty with
Hospital attendants are waiting
Mill City schools have benefited by the river bank at the old town of and Mrs. L. J. Lott of Mill City. Lott
of Newport. Dean married Jane this gadget in the past. Judges are
federal assistance funds in the past Detroit is extremely dangerous be­ i is employed on the Detroit dam proj- , expectantly for the fifth baby to ar- Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, reported as being on pins and needles
The Lotts have lived in Mill i ive and collect his or her share of
by several thousands of dollars and cause there is a sheer drop of 25 fee’, |ect.
Donald C. Peterson, in September, for fear they might slip in their judg­
the past two years. Mrs. the prize.
there is no need for drying up this he said.
1950. Dean spent most of his life ment of the best talent.
Army engineers are not guarantee­ Margaret Lott was driven to Santiam
source of funds, and no one will say
Tryouts are still going on in the
Mill City and attended Mill City
that those funds were not welcome. ing any fishing results in the lake Memorial hospital by Mis. Art. Kerr.
schools prior to entering the army, Presbyterian recreation room every
Today Kathie’s proud poppa pre-
The I.eaburg
This year the Mill City district re­ behind Detroit dam.
January 17, 1951. He was honorably Monday night. If those interested let
hatchery, however, will soon be in ’ sen ted the publisher of The Enter­
ceived over $3400 in federal funds.
discharged from the army, January of Monday night slip by, they can con­
Now is the time to write your sen­ operation and will provide, at the ex­ prise with a cigar in honor of the
tact Lions Club officials about a spot
this year.
ators and put them to work for YOU. pense of the entire Willamette River * birth of baby Lott, his first child.
on the big show. Show profits go to
Fr. Robert O’Hara will have charge
Let them know what you want them Basin project, a sufficient supply of
Baby Lott was indeed a bonus baby
The students of St. Boniface high of the last rites for the accident vic­ complete the Boy Scout cabin located
to do, but you must not wait. Write trout with which to stock the lake. I for the young Lotts, because her birth school will present a musical comedy
tn the. city park.
Persons intending to use the lake brought fiee hospitalization for her­ play next Friday and Sunday nights tim at the Weddle Funeral Home in
or wire today!
Addiess your senators in care of for recreational purposes should take self and mother at the Santiam Mem­ at 8 p.m. in the Parrish hall at Sub­
ment will be in the Mountain View
the Senate Office building, Washing­ care that their cais and boat trailers orial hospital, plus a $25.00 savings limity, according to an announcement
do not block the ramps, Rutherford bond. The first five babies boin in 1 received from the Sisters in charge cemetery, at Oregon City.
ton, D.C.
Dean Culp is survived by his widow,
the new hospital will each get a $25 of the school.
Mrs. Dean Culp; a son, Michael Dean,
Everyone should obey the following savings bond.
The play to be presented is the 2 years old; a daughter, Tiacie Ann,
rules, he added:
Two more prize-winning babies- musical comedy “The Lady of the 10 days old; brothers, Ted and Jerry;
1. Stay above and off the drift
Terrace” with ten students taking his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
Detroit—A project to beautify the
boom directly upstream from Detroit
parts assisted by the school Glee club Archie Culp, an aunt, Mrs. Susie highway approach to the city of De­
is a very entertaining play.
1 Miss Woodcock, Mollala, and numerous troit will be undertaken by members
2. Watch out for stumps when you ,
Sam Culwell born August 20, 1887
the other relatives.
of the Detroit Women’s Civic club un­
approach shore because big trees were
at Seymour, Texas, died in Salem
title role.
The Dean Culps were making their der the director of Mrs. Zetta Schla-
cut off fi^e feet above the ground.
Memorial hospital March 26, 1953.
Everyone is invited to enjoy the home in Arcadia, Calif., at the time dor.
3. Watch out for drift in the reser­
Between 45 and 50 junior and senior
Mr. Culwell spent much of his life
The club agreed to improve two
play at Sublimity next Friday and of Dean’s death. Ted Culp was also
voir which is present in large amounts.
electrical engineering students of
in Oklahoma where he was married
living in Arcadia; and accompanied islands adjacent to the Noith San
4. Require each occupant of your Oregon State college will visit Detroit Sunday nights, April 17 and 19.
to Lydia Augusta Roe, November 22,
the body as it was transported to tiam highway at the Breitenbush
boat to wear a life vest.
dam on the North Santiam river to­
1914 at Pike, Okla.
Mr. Culwell
Mrs. Dean Culp and her junction and made tentative plans for
day. April 9, according to F. O. Mc­
moved his family to Lyons, in Septem­
son and daughter were flown to Port­ transplanting native shrubs and ferns-
Millan, head of the college electrical
ber of 1941.
land, Tuesday. Dean was employed Action was taken at the meeting held
engineering depaitment.
To this union seven children were
by a southern California oil company Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Audrey
Pi of, Louis N. Stone will be in
born, four daughters, two are deceased
at the time of his death.
Mill City children and parents may
charge of the group. They will be
Willie Mae and Lillie Marie. Living
Other plans agreed upon call for
Detroit—Lawrence Peteiy arrived hown about the newe-’t unit in the take advantage of a pre-school im-
are Mrs. Jessie Short of Salem and
the sponsoring of a movie as a benefit
at the Detroit ranger station Mon­
Mrs, Florence Naue of Sandy.
for the landscaping fund to be used
Tuesday, April 14, at 9 to 11:30 a.m. j
Three sons were born to this union, day to assume the duties of clerk, a project by H. W. Rutherford, De­
on the school grounds. The commit­
El irixlHi 1»! Culwell of Lyons,
tee appointed includes Mrs. Allene
Detroit dam. about 12 miles east1 ing to Mrs. Robert Wingo, local chair­
and A. B. Culwell of Portland. Also Irving Steers who will be transferred
Kettleson, Mias Minnie Miller and Mrs.
eight grandchildren; Harlin Gibson in
The Mehama Community church is |Tude Russell.
Petery formerly made his home at and is expected to be producing hydro- : Mrs. Wingo stated that Dr. Stone of i in the proc-ess of getting a new church
the U.S. Navy, Lynda, Joyce. Thelma,
Investigation of community spon-
Shirley, Andrews, Delmer Lee and Vancouver, Wash., and has been em­ electric power early this summer. The the Marion County Health department building. On Tuesday the men began ' sored weekly movies will be made and
ployed by the Mt. Hood National poo) behind the dam will be filled the w'll be present for the next well-child tearing down the 60-year-old building
Larry Alan.
club representatives were appointed to
Mr. Culwell also leaves his wife, forest an<l also on the Gifford Pine-hot middle of this month. Dedication of conference scheduled for April 28, at long cherished by those of the com­
Mrs. Petery will join him the $69,244,000 multi-purpose projec. the Mil] City grade school for children l munity so that the foundation for the contact organizations which might be
Mrs. Lydia Culwell of Lyons and seven forest.
interested in assisting with such a
has been set tentatively for June 10. of this area.
brothers and sisters, A. P. Culwell of
new building could be started in the program.
Illinois; Joe Culwell of Texas, Ed Cul­
next few days.
Following the business meeting
well of Texas, Mrs. Maude Kitchen
The structure will be 68 feet by 52 Mrs. Earl Parker, program chairman,
of Texas. Mrs. Clara Soloman of
feet with a full length basement and conduceed a quizz game prior to the
Texas. Mrs. LaVida Giles -of Texas,
a fellowship hall across the back part ( serving of refreshments by Mrs. Lay-
and Mrs. Bell Moore of California.
of the building. The new church has , man and Mrs. Kettleson. Ten mem­
For the past few years Mr. Culwell |
been planned as functional and adapt­ bers and one guest, Mrs. Boots Cham-
has been a member of the Mill City
able as possible in serving the needs pion, were present.
Community church and has served on j
of the community.
the church board. His presence will |
The main nart of the work probably
be greatly missed by all. Dad Cui- |
will be completed in the next three
well was respected and loved highly.!
by the pastors and members of this |
On Thursday, April 16th, from 5:30
little church.
to 8:00 a baked ham benefit dinner
will be served at the Mehama Wom­
Lee Chambers, 31, of Salem, died
en's club house. The proceeds of the
I of a heart attack in Mill City, Friday
sale will go into the building fund.
Chambers was an employee of W.
N. Simmons, public accountant of
A directors meeting of the North
| Stayton, and had gone to Mill City
Santiam chamber of commerce was i
.to discu. s a bookkeeping account with
held Tuesday night, April 7th at 8
Detroit — Several inches of andw ( Knowles Body and Fender shop. He
p.m. at the Grange hall in Mehama
brought winter back to the Detroit- slumped over the wheel of his car
to discuss plans and outline a program
j Idanha area Monday morning, follow- i just after he had parked and turned
for the official dedication, of the De-1
! ing an Easter Sunday bright with off the ignition key, and was found
A»., ' 4¿s».
troit dam. June 10th.
J by Mrs. Knowles. He was dead be-
' sunshine.
A distinguished speaker will be Sec­
Egg-hunters and church-goers were i fore medical aid, summoned by Mrs.
retary of the Interior Douglas McKay,'
fa vored by Sumlay's sun which found Knowles, could arrive.
former governor of Oregon and other
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Viv-
gay throngs of children enjoying the
Chambers, and a step-daughter.
Attending the meeting from this
I hoto -ho»- old Mongol! highway. which c'rsrrnds gevly into deep water of Detroit lake, affording ideal
Special programs at the Detroit (Judith Ann Thompson, Salem; his
area were E. C. (Babe) Kennedy rec-
loading and unloading ramp for »ports fishing boat«. The lake will be opened to fishermen \pril 18. hut fish­
Church of Christ and Idanha Commu- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W Cham­
reational chairman, of Breitenbush
ing in expected to be po ir until I.ike is stocked with fi *•. The ramp is situated at the old ( amp Mongold a
nity churches marked the Resurrec- bers; two brother* and a sister of
Springs, and Otto Russell, committee-
short distance west of Detroit, lite site is. marked b three h’ge dormitories still standing.
day and drew good attendance.
man of Detroit.
Detroit Lake
Open For
Lions Present
Talent Show
Next Week
First Girl Baby Born To Mill City Parents
Dean S. Culp Dies in
Automobile Accident
St. Boniface School
Gives Musical Play
Detroit Women s Club
Plan Beauty Project
Sam Culwell, 62,
Dies at Hospital
Engineering Students
Visit at Detroit Dam
Lawrence Petery Joins
Detroit Forest Set vice
Immunization Clinic
Here Next Tuesday
Lyons Building New
Church Building
Heart Attack Claims
City Caller Friday
No. Santiam Chamber
Directors Hold Meet
Winter Returns to Detroit
Easter Sunday Evening