The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE "JOE BEAVER Knjered an Kecond-class matter November 10, 1'111 at the poet office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March S. 1XT9. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for S1.00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­ sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Pc'.itical Advertising 75c inch. NÍWS RAPIR NATIONAL EDITORIAL T I ON ASSOCIATION senza “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS. —George Pii’ The Oregon Pen The Oregon penitentiary situation blew up in the faces of the state board of control this week when they fired Warden O’Malley, without granting him a hearing, and placed control of the institution in the hands of Clarence T. Gladden of Tacoma. Conditions have been explosive for many years and nothing was accomplished when a couple years ago the board of control placed Mr. O’Malley in control but tied his hands by keeping the former warden as prison superintendent where he suc­ cessfully undermined any authority O’Malley may have been able to get from the state board. One doesn’t need to live under the prison doors to Formt Borrico, U. S. Department of Agriculture know that Warden O’Malley never got a fair deal from Hey, Butter—wake up! the state administration. The most serious criticism of I yelled ’timbir'l" O’Malley is that he should have resigned and upset the rotten apple-cart of the state administration a long time ago when he found he was not getting the co-operation he should have received. O’Malley has instituted many prison reforms and would have accomplished results had SUPPORT FOR STATE SALARY | in his thumb, and pulled out a plum, he been given any intelligent support, but how can a man ADJUSTMENTS and said “What a big boy am I?’’ do anything when he is not given his choice of assistants, The Journal has been taking a Only Joe is not just holding up his verbal beating from Sen. Angus Gib­ thumb. He has it poised on the end and has to take the rotten left-over officials? son and Sen. John C. F. Merrifield, of his nose and is busily flexing his The investigating wardens surely erred when they chairman and member, respectively, fingers in the direction of the State failed to consult with O’Malley when they made their in­ of the subcommittee on ways and Department. It is his rejoinder to vestigation, how could they possibly get the true condi­ means. They’ve accused The Journal the victory of Dulles in obtaining con- tions of what is going on at the state penitentiary without of disregarding “the facts” in sup-! firmation of Bohlen for ambassador porting wage increases for some 3,300 I to Russia. getting his side of what was transpiring? state employes whom we regard as i j An old law forbids a private citizen It would appear that what Oregon needs most is a underpaid. And they and most other • from conducting negotiations with a house cleaning from the governor on down, they have members of the subcommittee have i' foreign government, a function re- finally voted adversely on wage a