5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Ma SKILLED HANDS AID ( HILI) Acacia Assembly Meeting Held FEMME PAGE Gates Women’s Club Enjoys Regular Meet Acacia Assembly, No. 40, Order of Rainbow for Girls held their regular meeting Wednesday evening with Worthy Adwiser Phyllis McCarley, of Mehama, presiding. Introduced were: Mis. Sue Tuel, Barownsville, supreme deputy; Miss Sally Stinette, Dalia«. grand worthy adviser; Miss Patricia Miller, Scio, grand representative; Miss Ardith Jones, Mill City, pa-t grand musician; Miss Carol Newkirk, Turner; Miss Leia Kelly, Mill City; Miss Patricia Miller, Scio; and Mrs. Dave Sutton (Lavonne Humphreys), Stayton; all past worthy advisers of Acacia Assembly. Initiation ceremonies were held for five girls, including Donna Ellingston of Mill City and Jeanette Huffman, Lyons. Mrs. William McClintock, who was Patricia Cree prior to her marriage February 15, was introduced. Mrs. McClintock was presented with her marriage certificate. Refreshments were served follow­ ing the meeting in the dining room. A number of local people were present for the meeting. Loucks-Shelton Troth Told at Birthday Party Bob Shelton, whose birthday anni- The regular meeting of the Gates I versary was Saturday, was surprised Woman’s club was held Thursday eve­ when a group of his friends dropped ning, March 19, in the social rooms in at his home to spend the evening of the high school, with a group of with him. ladies, members of the Mill City Party arrangements were planned Womens club as guests. by Miss Vera Loucks. Mrs. W. S. Hudson presided at a Miss Loucks and Bob Shelton an­ short business session at which it was nounced their engagement during the agreed for the club to purchase drapes party to their friends. for a window in the Santiam Mem­ Honoring Bob were: Dolores Poole, orial hospital. Arlone Kuhlman, Alona Daly, Donna Mrs. Ione Love Thielke of Mill City Cooke, Bob Baltimore, Gary Peter­ was introduced by the president, Mrs. son, David Keyes, Maxine Scott, Hazel Hudson, and presented a group of Neal, Wilma Jull, Billy Shepherd, musical poems. Mrs. Thielke is known Ralph Jull, Ellen Shelton and Vera professionally as the “Musical Poem Loucks. Recorder" and before coming to Mill City had her own radio program in Idaho. She has also appeared on TV. Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, in costume, spoke on "My Trip to Hawaii.” She danced the hula dance to the accom­ paniment of Hawaiian music, played Mrs. Ethel Huffman and Mrs. Leola and sung by Mrs. Don Miley. Phelps were hostesses for a bridal Refreshments were served by the shower honoring Mrs. Kenneth Lewis hostesses, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Howard at the Lyons Catholic community hall Means and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier Friday evening. to members present and to the guests. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Clayton Lewis, the honored guest, Glenda Baltimore, Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mrs. Kenneth Cro­ Lindemann, Beulah Lewis, Bea Hiatt, Cora Jenner, Hazel Lewis, Joyce Kim- sier, Mrs. William Stewart Jr., Mrs. ery, Eulalia Lyons, Eva Bressler, Alta Jess Lee, Mrs. Anna Crook, Mrs. C. Bodeker, Cheita Lande, Elsie Lande, E. Mason, Mrs. Ida Geddes, Miss Doris Roy, Inez Ring, Ethel Huffman Daisy Geddes, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder and Leola Phelps. Those sending and Mrs. Thielke. gifts that were unable to attend were Bonnie Wagner, Violet Smith, Doorthy Mrs. Obe Moore of Myrtle Point, Johnson, Janet Huffman, Mabel Ore,, arrived Sunday for a visit with Downing, Modena Carleton, Ruth Ed- her sister, Mrs. Clyde Barney. 1 wards, Carrie Naue and Doris Kelly. Mrs. Kenneth Lewis Honored by Shower To express the true feeling of the Easter Season choose Hallmark Religioas Easter (arils EDWARD WILLIAMS “The Home of Hallmark Cards” 330 Cou^t Street Salem, Ore. J k------------ ■MMmif|pHnimMUMiiimiiwiNHinnminmiiiinuiiiiim!iinniii>iifi:iiir::Hiiui¡iiii.iiiiiitii iiiiiuu:iiii ini iiiihihii Hill Illi lili lllliilllllllilfllllllll llllilllllllflllMmNIMIMIIlMiMmt Lead the Easter Parade in Famous Name Fashions ■ from Mason's-Mill City TO CHURCH—in a new match-box suit (the slim skirt seems to slide right in to the boxy jacket)— and free-swinging coat by BETTY ROSE. HOME AGAIN—and greeting Easter visitors in a crisp new pleated ravon (washable—needs no iron­ ing)—styled bv MYNETTE, TRUDY HALL, or GEORGIANNA. OUT FOR A SUNDAY DRIVE in your PENDLE­ TON “49-er” JACKET and skirt — from Mason's complete, exclusive selections. These are but a few of the fashion-famous names exclusive with Mason's of MILL CITY and SILVERTON Ten-year-old Linda Retherford of Burns. Ore., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Retherford. receives a table treatment for muscle training and relaxation from Mrs. Jeannine Gimbel. physical therapist, at the Easter Seal agency's hospital school for crippled children in Eugene. Physically- handicapped children from more than 20 Oregon counties are at the hos­ pital school, which is financed through the sale of Easter Seals each year. Improved Library— Sa»»rton, Ore. MASONS 339 So. First St. STYLE SHOP. MILL CITY Baby Gift Donors (Continued from Page 1) fee, this being the approximate cost per borrower living in the city. A county library is a book and in­ formation center for ALL the people of a county and supported by a county tax, and thereby its services would be available without further charge to all county residents. In Linn county where small libraries already exist, as in Lebanon, Sweet Home, Brownsville, Halsey and Har­ risburg, a county library would pro­ vide additional books, both in large collections for long loan and as needed to meet special requests. For the some 32,000 residents of Linn county living outside places with libraries, books would be taken by bookmobile to communities and to schools, with supplementary mail and phone service also avai^ble. Since by Oregon law the county li­ brary headquarters must be located in the county seat, for Linn county it would be located in Albany. The board of the Albany public library has offered the used of its building, so there would be no present expense for county library quarters. Another saving would be effected by use of Albany’s reference collection and other books and equipment which would not need to be duplicated. It is estimated that a tax of less than a mill per year would provide funds for county library service. At the county-wide meeting on the evening of March 31 more details about library services, how to go about making such services available, the importance of books to school children and to adults even in an age of movies, radio and television, and other ques­ tions will be considered. The committee will welcome ques­ tions before and after the meeting, as the purpose is educational, Any­ one wanting to submit questions be­ forehand or desiring more informa­ tion about the meeting may write or call Mrs. Ohling, as before mentioned, or Mrs. Floyd Edwards, Route 4, Box 151, Albany, telephone 2276L. For those unfamiliar with the loca­ tion of the Linn County 4-H Club fair­ grounds, it is just east of Albany, near Waverly lake, and is reached by the road which goes by the airport from 99E to the Santiam highway. The business firms have contributed articles for gifts to the first babies to be born in the Santiam Memorial hospital. See page ad on another page: Woods Dry Goods Store Mill City Meat Market Hill Top General Store Red & White Store Ada's Needle Shop Stewart's Grocery Store Mill City Tavern Mill City State Bank Stiffler’s Radio & Appliances Ressler’s Grocery Store Gates Automatic Laundry Gates General Store Gates Furniture Store Gates Variety Store Mill City Variety Store Mill City Pharmacy Mason’s Style Shop Mill City Jewelry Store ■Mill City Nu-Method Cleaners' Free’s Garage Gas Heat, Sam Bridges Kanoff’s Tavern Bassett’s Welding Shop Lyons Sporting Goods Store Lyons Barber Shop Frank White, Garage Fred Lindemann, Real Estate Lyons Variety Store Thiel’s Market Lyons Postoffice Baldwin's Clothing Store, Lyons Lyons Food Market Walker’s Garage Golliet’s Store Philippi Tire Service Mehama Richfield Station Wiltsey Filling Station Bridge Tavern Bridge Cafe Stayton Variety Hanson’s Market Lovell’s Meats Baldwin’s Dry Goods Farwell Pharmacy The Rendezvous Western Auto Supply Davies Tavern Wourm’s Market Nu-Method Cleaners Stayton Bakery Frey’s Grocery Santiam Hardware & Implement Albus Drug Store Karl’s Richfield Station Bon Ton Warriner’s Mens Clothing Apparel Center Stayton Hardware l.ancefield A Burmester Boitz Jeweler Gale Christensen W. N. Simmons ROTOTILLER WORK WANTED— Porter & I.au Large or small jobs, reasonable. Phone I. E. Sumpter, Jeweler 506, Mill City. 13-3 Spaniol & Co. XXXXX x XX xx XXXXXXXX -X XXXXXxX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXX i Violet Halbrook I IN VITES YOU TO MAKE YOUR Appointment for Easter EASTER GIFT SUGGESTIONS—Bags, Gloves. Mil­ linery—KAFOURY—DEBBI LYNN—MELODY MODES BLOUSES—ARTEMIS Linberie—DEX- DALE Hosiery—Sport Togs created by PENDLE­ TON-WHITE STAG—JANTZEN—all exclusive with M m o g IP CHARLES BOYER. LOVIS JOI RDAN, MARSHA Hl NT in The Happy Time ? Delightful Comedy! Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DALE ROBERTSON and ANNE FRANCIS in Lydia Bailey Colorful Adventure In Technicolor THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY GILBERT ROLAND in War Smoke LICENSE EXAMINER COMING Free De Luxe Gift Wrapping 292 L SUNDAY & MONDAY x xxa«x I | I | LET HER HELP YOU WITH YOUR Hair Tinting Problems ° AT I S ■ i Shirleys Beauty Shop I “ § PHONE 6103 MILL CITY ° " gwwwBerBwcPBgnOPBBBBBOPBPOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Mill City Thursday, April 2, 1953, at the Fire hall between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to an announcement received from the secretary of state's office. Persons wishing original licenses or permits to drive are asked to file applications well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure time for com­ pletion of the required license tests. Hinrich’s Machine Shop Gene Teague Chevrolet Schlies Bros. Garage Wright Truck Line Shux Electric Adam’s Grocery Santiam Farmers Co-op Girod’s Super Market Ditter’s General Store Ripp’s Service & Repair Falls Restaurant A Tavern Meier’s Store Sandberg Grocerv Edw. J. Bell Geo. H. Bell Gordon’s Service A. P. Hermen’s Oil Co. Rowe’s Craft Shop Camp's Sporting Goods Stayton Flour Mill Star Theatre The Stayton Mail Ford Garage Stayton Canning Co. Co-op Paris Woolen Mills Gem Cafe Stayton Cleaners Jones Apartment Hotel Eleanor's Beauty Shop Farm and Home Electric a* by Ernest Haycox — Plus — HOWARD KEEL and JANE GREER in Desperate Search Kid'« Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday Esther Williams in 9 “Dutchess of Idaho" and COMIC BOOKS Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 WEDDING ANNOI N('EM ENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise ■4 Z a 0 fl> 9 ì I Ç I I 3 r o 01 3 •a Ç» o (V s o PO « «a Save up to $IOO00 on a Television Set March Clean-up Sale OF FLOOR DEMONSTRATORS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED AND 1952 MODEL SETS DOZENS OF OTHER SAVINGS IN RADIOS. RECORDS AND OTHER ITEMS AT HEIDER'S 128 COURT and 1120 CENTER ST. — SALEM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS from 7 to 9