rooms formerly occupied by the Mill ' City cafe near the post office and Wood’s dry goods store. Mr. Um pictured — has, so I am told, done (Continued from Page 1) From Out of Donald Rickerson, who with his phress completed the move Wednes more to attract visitors here than the Detroit—The deed was received this i the relationship between science and efforts of the chamber of commerce wife, is planning to sail soon to do day of this week. The Past-- religion. According to Dr. Irwin A. morning by our mayor, Nolan Rasnick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness and missionary work on the island of Mi- and the newspaper. What a scene Moon, director, this newest film brings for the lot donated by the Hammond (Continued from Page 1) this is, here at The Hill House this yako, near Okinawa, will be at the children visited in Portland Monday , out that the inexplicable miracles of Lumber company to the city of De and Tuesday with relatives and Christian church Monday evening, week. not to mention her name. nature point to a Divine Intell gence troit. The management of this beautiful At the Library, thanks to the fore March 23, to speak of their contem friends. While there they gave a behind the workings of the universe. The lot which is 68x50 is located showing of three dimensional colored plated work, and show slides of the hotel certainly has gone all out to sight of those who were living here Moody Institute of Science, located between the Cedar tavern and the make this a gala occasion for the re- in 1953 and earlier, is a room in which work of the mission at Okinawa, pictures they had been collecting. in Los Angeles, Califoinia, is a branch Detroit Market and between the old torning class of 1953, freeing both is carefully catalogued and stored the where their daughter and son-in-law interdenominational and new hiway. o f Chicago’s the manias and daddies from the usual tape recordings, as well as movies of now are laboring as missionariex. The Institute, 64-year-old Moody Bible public is invited. This lot is to be used for a public parental care and allowing them to history in the making as it took place training school for missionaries and building site which may become the The Mill City Garden club will meet circulate around and renew old here in the canyon. The voices of Past Noble Grand night was ob- other Christian workers. future site of our new fire station. acquaintances and to roam around and some of the “oldsters” of that day Thursday night, March 26, at the served at the regular meeting of Faith take in what has happened here in were recorded as they talked of the home of Mrs. Frank Jackson. There ’ annnnQ«HBQ»nnn«H»HHHinnixBi these past twenty years. early days here in the North Santiam. is to be a speaker from Silverton for Rebekah lodge Wednesday evening. All past noble grands were honored Tax Consultant Flowers, decorations. The Banquet It was nice that someone or some the occasion. Auditor Charles Umphress has moved his with a short Three Links pageant, group got together the memoirs of room is—well—it’s just bee-utiful. Fort Lewis, Wash. — Eugene M. shoe shop, “Chuck’s Shoe Shop,” with Rose Coffman, Doris Kelly, Na Thornley formerly of Mill City, has The class of 1973 are the hosts to the thinning ranks of the old-timers across the river and has located in the dine Duggan and Laura Neal taking before they passed on. the class of 1953—kids and all! part. Garnet Bassett and Jean Rob been assigned to the 44th Infantry Imagine, letting one of those little Division at Fort Lewis, for basic I’d like to stay here all day and PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT erts also sang a duet in their honor. training. listen to different ones tell of what rascals hear their greatgrandma talk : ents, in co-operation with Mr. Robert Bookkeeping, Accounting and At the social hour Celen Taylor, Some one was i Veness, Mr. Lowell Stiffler, and all Pvt. Thornley is the son of Mr. and has happened to them in the inter —or maybe sing? Tax Service Gertrude Weidman and May Patton of the other business people in Mill Mrs. Melvin Case who live at the vening years, what they’ve done and really “on the ball” as the expression served refreshments carrying out the Corner 3rd & Marion City, that you will each get a taste above address. He is assigned to what they are now doing; and to hear goes, to make this possible. St. Patrick motif. STAYTON, ORE. I promised in my column last week of being an actor or actress on—shall Company F, 123d Infantry Regiment. the hearty laughter which drifts from Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra were we say — the Great Stage of Life — » I would give you the background the direction of the beautiful Cocktail that The 44th division is an Illinois Na I Telephone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 here, tonight. Your acceptance will guests Thursday evening when mem Lounge and Vista Room just off the that led up to the Bridge of Gold, tional Guard unit activated in Feb è bers of the Community Methodist lobby; and to see every now and then It is on one of these tape record- be both filmed and sound recorded. ruary, 1952, and stationed at Camp “I was also glad to learn just before church gathered at the parsonage with one of those precious little rascals— ings which up till now was never Cooke, California until last December. a potluck supper and fellowship hour, | I come before you to address you, an escapee from Grandma’s care, try transcribed and set in print. The Feenstras left Friday for Dillard The showing of the films as well that Mr. Stiffler made a suggestion where he will be minister at the Meth For Guaranteed Cleaning ing to outrun their mamma across the Mrs. Dale Prichard, Zeta Ann, Kathy — and I think it an excellent one — that lobby; all against the background of as the playback of the tape record- odist church. Rev. Walter Dodge of and Billie from Clatskanine. Mrs. the most beautiful organ music I have , ings made in 1953 will be one of the each of you—make a tape recording Salem will be supply pastor here until Prichard spent last week in Rainier. it’s the high-lights of the banquet. This.par- of what you think of things as they conference time in June. ever heard. Jack Roy, who is with the U. S. Incidentally, no one ever talks about ticular recording, transcribed, follows. are now, and what your plans for Rev. Dixon of Shedd who has been Air Force, is spending a short fur One of the three speakers to ad the future are, at this point, and we’ll holding evangelistic meetings, left for The Hill House without mentioning lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. keep them up here in the hills for the beautiful fireplaces—the one in dress the graduating'class of 1953, his home following services Thursday Chester Roy and Bob. you — the lobby and an outdoor one on the Mil) City, Ore., in the high school 24-HOUR SERVICE Mrs. George Huffman, Janet and "It will be nice, don’t you think, to evening. terrace— and their magnificent organ, auditorium: Laura Lee and Kay Adams of Pa Janette, went to Eugene Sunday Mill City “It was with a deep sense of hum play this all back in twenty years to mention just two of the interesting | cific City have entered school here. where they visited at the home of from now at a get-together banquet bleness, that I accepted the invitation things about this outstanding hos Close« at 6 P.M. They have come to stay with their her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George j to be one of the speakers to address of this wonderful class of 1953. That telry. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbard. is one way we’ll get you all back here! j Standing sedately here, right in the you on graduation day. “(Excuse me, please, while I have Hollingshead for the remainder of the 1 middle of town, practically on the I "I am glad that when each of your school year. bank of the beautiful North Santiam names are called, and you respond, a sip or two of the best tasting water Charles Hiatt of Redmond visited in Oregon.) giver, in the center of a sportsmen’s step forward, to receive your diploma, relatives in Lvons for several days. 1 THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE “In the turbid tomorrow we may paradise, this hotel, mentioned as it that out of their intense and real in He was over night guest at the home j and pass through more adventure is in every Trave] Bureau list—and terest in each of you, that your par- SALEM greater events than history has yet of his brother, Elmer Hiatt. He also 141 N. Commercial St. Phone S-45S4 visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. given to man. Now with that, dis- comfort must come. Today we see Carl Winzer of Mehama. Has Everything for Your Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lyons of Kla the dangers—and feel the tension— « math, Calif., spent Friday and Satur- , and forget the epic drama. day with relatives in Lyons. CyTil is HEAVY HAULING Phone STAYTON 5017 “And so, as you leave here—each to wend your separate ways, and as the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons the years go by and your generation and a brother of Mrs. Wayne Ransom. | Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment E. I,. Roye left Friday for Elgin looks back—it will be then that you will realize ever so fully that the with a truck load of furniture for ▼ span your generation represented their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ph. SALEM I was, indeed EXCAV ATION & CONSTRUCTION —the BRIDGE OF GOLD Roye, who recently moved there. Their i Day 3-9408 “The eyes of the world are on you daughter, Mrs. Laddie Pesek of Le- I Nite 2-4400 Contracting and Rental —and your generation. Your task is banon, will stay with Mrs. Roye while he is away. terrific. But so are you.” Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Putman and daughter, Mary Lynn of Eugene, were calling on Lyons friends Sunday after noon. Putman is a former principal of the Mari-Linn school. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, Ivalyn and Dennis, were Sunday and Monday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Byers at Coos Bay. The two men are college friends. See or This week guests at the Van Prich Call ard home are their daughter, Mrs. | Salem, Oregon Phone 3-9106 Virgil Smith, Jim and Jay from 1 565 No. High Rainier; also their daughter-in-law. March 19, 1953 ■THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Detroit Receives Deed To Future City Hall Site Dust or Destiny MILL CITY LYONS Gene Thornley Assigned W. N. SIMMONS NUMETHOD Salem Sand & Gravel Co. OFFICE NEEDS For GENUINE PARTS and SERVICE on Briggs-Stratton and Clinton Engines KEEP THEM HEALTHY |: and All Makes and Models of Magnetos E. H. BURRELL at Girods Super Market On the Highway at STAYTON lettuce. Large Heads Tomatoes 2 for 25c «> 19c Radishes and Green Onions hunch 5c Size 176, Choice Oranges doz. 39c Sierra Marshmallow Center Easier Eggs. 12-oz. bag 2 for 49c Swift’s Swiftning, 3-lb. can 1 85c Durkee’s Mavonaise <*• 59c Durkee’s Margarine 27c Fisher's Biskit Mix Igo. box 39c Swift’s Pard Dog Meal. 5-lb. I mix 49c Standby Orange Juice 46-oz. can 3 for Elsinore Freestone Peaches No. ! 3 for Santiam Beans, No. 3(13 2 for 35c lb 85c Golden West Coffee o Ford Trucks for 53 offer more that's NEW than your truck dollar ever bought before! 2-lb. can $1.69 FROZEN FOOD Flav-R-l’ac Frozen Peas 19c Flav-R-I’ac Frozen Strawberries 2 for 49c Flav-R-l’ac (’orn-on-Uob, 2 in pkg. 2 pkgs. 29c Flav-R-l’ac Orange Juice 19c MEAT Picnics, Armour’s Short Shank lb 39c lb 23c Boiling Beef, Short Rib Fresh Oysters Pint 65c Pay Cash HERE SÄVE at Girods AT STAYTON KIG JOn — r < 'rd G.V.W. 19,500 lbs., 38,000 Iba. Lowest-priced truck in its performance ciana! • Now Ford offers a vastly expanded line of over 190 completely new truck models! Ranging from Pickups to 55,000-lb. G.C.W. Big Jobe! New ‘‘Driverized” Cabs, new Synchro-Silent transmissions, new chassis, new power, new brakes . .. New time-saving features throughout all Ford Trucks to G et J obs D one F ast ! NIW "ORIVERIZED" CABS . cwt driver fatigue! : NEW SHORTER TURNING . ; for time-saving maneuverability! NEW TRANSMISSIONS . . . widest choice In truck history! NEW LOW-FRICTION POWER . . S-engine choice—up to 1 SS h.p.l FORD^xw/TRUCKS SAVt TIMEI • SAVE MONEY! • LAST LONGER! P.O.A Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton »ÖOCaOOOOOOO'i o-o-oo-o COOOCK 0 0-000«