The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, March 26, 1953, Image 1

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I 1 (INS
Canyon residents enjoyed a musical
treat Tuesday evening when the
Eugene Gleemen made their appear­
*2.50 a Y rar,
a Copy
Vol. IX—No. 13
ance in Stayton in a benefit program
for the Santiam Memorial hospital
airlock fund. I noticed many from
Mill City, Gates and Lyons in the
full house which greeted the Gleemen.
It was truly a very pleasing program
and the audience received them with
deep appreciation.
• a a
Next Sunday residents of the can­
yon and the valley below will gather
Mill City Lions are loose again.
for dedication ceremonies at their new
It's the fifth annual talent show now.
hospital. It has been a long wait for
This time it’s bigger ami better and
a hospital plant like this—Salem has
opens April 16, if the Lions member­
not had anything as good to offer as
ship has its way.
Shields Remine
we now have at Stayton. So next
will be master of ceremonies as in
Sunday will see the final acts of the
past shows. Tryouts for talent are
many steps necessary before our hos­
being held each Monday night in the
pital is put to use.
recreation room of the Mill City Pres­
dedication will take place and then
byterian church.
the doors will be open to public in-
That rumor of only two people in
spection. Everyone is invited.
act isn't correct, says Lyle Gould,
» ♦ ♦
ticket sales manager. Each act can
The case of Joseph Poggi, who has
have as many persons in it as desired.
today been released from the county
No holds are barred on talent. If
jail at Oregon City, where he was
w Santiam Memorial Hospital on Sunday. March 29, at 2 p.m.
it’s talent it has a place on the stage,
Dedication ceremonies are all set for the new *100.900 plant of the
incarcerated following his release
\fter the dedication ceremonies are completed the doors will be thrown open for inspection of the plant and facilities, all the very latest
according to Bob Veness, official pub­
from the Oregon penitentiary, de­
equipment has been installed and visitors will be given an opportunity to make a close-up inspection. The hospital ha* 34 neds and has
licity man for the show.
serves comment.
13 bassinets and two incubators. It will be the only hospital between Salem and Bend.
(Photo courte y The Statesman)
As in the past, contestants will be
The most important thing involved
into two groups, those under
is that police and prosecution officers
or 10 years of age and those older.
must remember that they cannot take
Each group will compete for a first,
the rights of citizens away in the
second and third prize.
loose fashion that has been followed
Each Lions club member is a walk­
in many' localities in the past. Their
show promoter; each gives out
duty is equally’ to protect the accused
All persons interested in improv- 1 W. B. (Bill) Shuey of Mill City j
Mrs. Susie C. Greene, 61, wife of
and guarantee him his constitutional W. R. Greene of Mill City, suffered ing library facilities in rural Linn celebrated the beginning of his retire­
Detroit — The annual Detroit ele­ with the punch line, "We guarantee a
rights. Too often the arresting offi­ a cerebral hemorrage Sunday evening county are invited to join in a meet- ment from his position with Mountain mentary school hobby show drew a dollar's worth of fun and entertain­
cers and the district attorney have of this week, and soon thereafter ing on Tuesday evening, March 31, States Power company during a birth­ large group of interested parents and ment,” for the big April 16 show.
There is still plenty of room on
been too anxious to gain a confession lapsed into a coma. She was rushed at 8 o’clock at the Linn county 4-H day banquet, Friday evening. A serv- friends Thuisday evening when the
and thus get a quick conviction to to Salem General hospital by the Mill club fairgrounds dining room.
: ice plaque for nine years of faithful display opened following the PTA the books for talent, says Veness. He
issued a call today for whistling, sing­
grant the accused his full rights un­ City Ambulance service. Mrs. Greene
The meeting, sponsored Dy the Linn service was presented to Shuey by R. ( meeting.
ing, imitating or what-have-you tal­
der the law. An accused person should never recovered consciousness. Death County Farm Home and Rural Life L. Stewart, district manager of Moun­
A wide variety of collections and ent. Those interested can strut their
not under any circumstances sign any caipe swiftly at the hospital in the committee, is planned primarily for tain States.
I skills were arranged in colorful array
thing without HIS attorney being aftermath of the hemorrage at 5 p.m. representatives of the various farm,
Employes associated with Shuey 'by Albert Warby, seventh grade in- stuff any Monday night from now
Mrs. Greene had enjoyed school and other rural organizations gave him a luggage set. Wesley R. structor in charge of the show, as- until the deadline of the show, April
« « *
apparent good health up to a few of the county, who will receive data Greene of Mill City made the gift sisted by his students.
Judging will be by applause meter
It fails upon the judge to guaran­ minutes before she was fatally sheets on the operation, cost and serv­ presentation to Shuey on behalf of
in the past.
Judges have been
tee the accused his rights under the stricken.
ices of a county library, All inter­ his associates.
following entries: Darrell Evenson, qualified by eye inspection and read­
law, it would appear just and fair
Funeial services will be held in the ested individuals are also invited to
■ Mr and arn,y collections; Daryl Shepard and ing ability, says Veness.
that if a judge’s decision is found in Mill City Presbyterian church, Rev. attend.
The committee asks that casion of his retirement Were:---------
error by the court of appeal for a Noble Streeter will officiate, Friday. groups sending their two representa­ Mrs. R. L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Jackson, ping pong trophies;
third time that judge should be per­ March 27, at 1:30 p.m. Floral trib­ tives, and others attending, give the R. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cline, Martha Mason, rocks; Mrs. Evelyn
manently removed by automatic pro­ utes will be given. Belcrest Memorial chairman, Mrs. Glenn Ohling, their Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Mr. and Gearhart, antique demi taste spoons;
cedure as incompetent to serve as a cemetery, Salem, has been selected as names before the meeting date if pos­ Mrs. George Arthurs, Mr. and Mrs. Gloria Evenson, figurines- Judy Hase-
, man, dolls; Judy Willis, 'ocka; Sus­
judge. The cost of taking cases to the final resting place.
sible. Her address is Route 3, Box Bob Mundt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee'Bas­ anne Moore, dish garden; Douglas
the high court is too expensive to ; Mrs. Gieene was born in Webster, 864, Albany; telephone Albany 141*2. sett, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, Mr.
Reed, model airplane; Brenda Hum- I
allow lower court judges to enjoy any 8. Dak. Her parents were Mr. and
Special Holy Week services spon­
A highlight of the evening will be and Mrs. Harold Mason, Mr. and Mrs. phrey, dolls; I.yndia Storey, salt and
sort of permanent tenure when their I Mrs. Albert W. Flanders. Her mother a talk by Miss Eleanor Stephens State Russell Holt, R. B. McClain and
sored by the Mill City churches will
'peper shaker.-; Mary Lou Moore, ani­
judgment is in error. A man is en­ j Mrs. Flanders survives her.
be held each evening at 7:30 Monday-
Mrs. Librarian from Salem, who will also W. B. Shuey.
mal figurines; Billy Cokenour, air­
titled to appear in court to get a true | Greene married W. R. Greene, Dec. answer questions.
through Friday, March 30 through
planes: Verna Worthington, buttons;
Apii) 3, at the Mill City Assembly of
129, 1910, in Clark, 8. Dak.
The situation in Linn county, where
♦ ♦ ♦
' God church.
! Greene’s father, Albert W. E'landers, approximately six out of every ten
shakers; Brad Humphrey, stamps and
Poggi was not even guilty of a : passed away in 1912. A sister, Mrs. persons live in areas w-ith NO library­
| The theme will be “Personalities
I hand tied fishing flies; Michael Moore,
felony in the case he was sYnt up for Raymond Burchfield, also preceded service, will be explained by members
airplane drawings; Fred Farrow in Light of the Cross.” Monday Rev.
life dh, but the police chief it seems her in death.
| Hugh Jull of the Christian church will
of the educational committee on un­
horses an 1 drawings.
had made it a practice to advise his
speak on “Judas and John in the Light
Mrs. Greene lived in S. Dakota 38 derstanding the county librnry.
Mrs. Nolan Kasniek s third grade
prisoners to “plead guilty and the years and in N. Dakota, 17 years and
This subcommittee of the County-
Detroit — A joint meeting of the students decorated the cafeteria with of the Cross,” with special music by
judge will be lenient." He was not Oregon six years. She was a member Farm Home and Rural Life committee Sisters chamber of commerce, and the
the Free Methodist church.
Easter handwork and colorful table
advised to get an attorney.
Tuesday, Rev. Noble Streeter of the
of the Presbyterian church. Royal has found a great deal of interest on Noith Santiam chamber of commerce decorations.
Refreshments were i Presbyterian church will speak on
Anyone arrested would do well to Neighbors of Ameiica and Rebeccas. the part of individuals and some will be held at the Lake club Wednes­
'served by third grade loom mothers. I “Peter in the Light of the Cross,”
inquire what he is charged with. If
Surviving are her husband, W. R. groups in bookmobile service to out- day night, April 1 at 8 p.m.
The room count prize of *2 was with special music by the Community
he is not familiar with procedure he Greene, her mother, Mrs. Mary Fland­ lying sections and to schools. There
This meeting is open to anyone who
should ask for his attorney. He need ers, Compton, Calif., who is here for is also evidence of lack of under- is interested in the future of the awarded to the third grade for the church.
not answer any questions and is per­ the services and six brothel s and four standing as to how nublic libraries canyon. One of the speakers will be be.-t attendance.
Wednesday Reverend Joiner of the
fectly within his constitutional rights sisters, two daughters. Mrs. Lee Kuhl- are supported so their services may be 8. T. Moore, district ranger.
, Community church will speak on
to refuse to talk or even to identify ' man and Mrs. Raymond Thompson, free to borrowers in the various com­
“Pilate in the Light of the Cross, with
An added feature will be the show­
himself. Y'our lawyer will know bet­ Mill City, grand children, Arlene, munities.
music by the Christian church.
ing of a moving picture, of interest
ter what defense you have. If you Charles, Ronald and Roger Kuhlman,
Thursday Reverend Smith of the
The Albany library, for example, re­ to the canyon.
Assembly of God church will conduct
can’t pay for an attorney the county John and Patrick Thompson, all of ceives its funds from the city budget,
The Lake bar will be closed during
must furnish you one.
a communion service, with special
which is paid for by Albany city taxes. the meeting.
Mill City.
tith Grade News
« o *
music by the Presbyterian church.
Through the generosity of the Al­
Pallbearers will be five of deceased
is ha k from Ecu-
Friday Reverend Brewer of the Free
We should by act of the state legis­ bi others and a nephew,
Spec ial bany library board, those who live on
She was in Methodist church will speak on "The
ador. South America
lature compensate Joseph Poggi by music will be presented during the Albany rural routes and those em­
She I Two Thieves in Light of the Cross."
school on the 23rd of March,
not less than *1,000 per year for funeral.
Expected for the funeral ployed in or attending school in Al­
KELLY—To Mr. and Mrs. Russell brought back many interesting things The offerings will go toward jointly
wrongful incarceration and the abuse are: Ward Flanders, from Florence, bany also have free use of the Albany
he has suffered at the hands of prison i S. Dak., Mr. and Mrs. Hailey Fland- library. Recently the board, in re­ Kelly, Mill City, a daughter, March such as buttons made of ivory nut , sponsored benevolent work.
with designs made by hand.
Everyone is invited to these serv­
officials. He spent six months in the ' ers, Avenal, Calif., Orland Flanders, sponse to numerous requests, extended 21. at Salem Memorial hospital.
ices in honor of the Easter season.
“hole” on bread and water because he Arcadia, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Bert
This Sunday five strip-films taken
tried to secure an attorney. Things Vought, Downey. Calif.. We- Flanders, on payment of a three dollar annual Joe Chailender, Mill City, a son, March woven hat and n a v othe* things.
— Marc Boothby, 6th grade reporter. I from the movie “King of Kings” will
25, at Salem Memorial hospital.
(Continued on Page 5)
have changed some at our penitentiary I Long Beach, Calif., Adelbert Flanders,
; be shown at the Mill City Presbyte­
under O’Malley.
But the “hole” or Whittier, Calif., Richard Flanders,
rian church at the 4 p.m. Youth Fel­
dungeon is something you and I are Santa Monica, Calif., and Mrs. Ray­
lowship and the 7:30 Evening Service.
not shown when we make a conducted mond Foldager, of Compton, Calif.
Colored slides and a tape recording
tour through the “pen”.
• * *
just received from a missionary in
J South America will also be shown.
The legislature will do well to take
> The public is welcome.
steps to rectify some of these abuses
against our human brothers by start­
ing now with a bill to compensate
Poggi for illegal incarceration. Other
states have done this. So should Ore­
Detroit—Sister Carrie Bullard pre­
gon. Poggi has not had any money
to pay his attorney, Merlin Estep, ex­ sented to the F.O.E. No. 2745 a deed
cept *50 for expense, which was raised to a lot 100x119 which she donated
| There will be a birthday party at
by friends. Estep, however, ha« be­ a short time ago to the order.
the Mil) City American Legion hall,
The lot is located directly behind
lieved in the theory of the law that
Saturday, March 28th honoring the
you are innocent until proved guilty,
Ameiican Legion’s 34th birthday at
and under that impetus he has fought immediately in the clearing of the lot.
All Legion members and all
this case through to its final con*
members are invited to the
Attorney Estep has suc- presented a life membership in the
party. Be sure to bring any guests
ceeded in getting the habeas corpus
I you would like a« this will be a real
Two new members were initiated
proceedings recognised in Oregon by
I big patry,” Delores Stewart, president
the supreme court which set out hu­
man rights in a brilliant manner in day night. They were Emma Rhodes
"The auxiliary has a grand program
a recent decision, and the prosecuting
for the evening’s entertainment,” Mrs.
officials and judges will do well to Eagles were Audrey Layman and Ann
Stewart continued. There will be a
follow the high court’s ruling.
Poppy film shown at 9 p.m. After
After the meeting a lovely birthday­
• • •
. the film, the program will take place.
The position of protector of human
Workmen in new veneer plant of the M and M Woadworkiag Co., at Lyons, operate cutting and sorting machine
There will be dancing after the pro-
rights is one the law enforcement Bonita, small daughter of Sister Mary
an huge mill began operation# Monday. 1 he plant operate» an a straight oroduction line. Starting at went end 1 gram. The auxiliary will have re­
of mill, log« are cut to standard length, barked, then the veneer in cut in a huge lathe and the strip« carried on
officials will do well to assume if they Clester, to sixteen members in at­
freshments for the guests and also a
endle-n beltn to the catting machine where it in cut into commercial a re«, graded and packaged for delivery.
wish to be respected rather than some tendance. The next meeting will be
big birthday eake.
(Photo courtesy The Capital Journal)
held Wednesday, April 8 at 8 p.m.
one to be feared.
Lions Talent
Show Scheduled
For April 16
Mrs. Susie C Greene Improved Library
Facilities Planned
Fatally Stricken
W. B. Bill’ Shuey
School Hobby Show
Goes on Retirement Draws Large Crowd
Special Holy Week
Services Sponsored
Joint Meeting of
Chambers April 1
Mill City Grads School
lust Arrived...
Carrie Bullard Gives
Eagles Building Site
Birthday Party at
Legion Hall Sat.