5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE March 1», 1953 Rainbow Girls Hold Initiation Ceremony June Miley Wins Scout Roundtob’e Speech Contest He’d at Lebanon By GERALDINE HAMBLIN Acacia Assembly of Ra.nbow»- ini June Miley of the Mill City Toast tiated Donna Ellingson at Stayton, mistress club was the winner of the , Wednesday evening. March 18, in speech contest held Thursday night, ! colorful ceremonies of the order. March 12, in competition with speak- The girls of Stayton Assembly are ers from the Stayton Toastmistress looking forward to the Grand Assem | < lub, and the two Toastmistress clubs The St. Patricks dance sponsored bly to be held at Tillamook March 26, in Salem. Jane Starr, of the Stayton by the F.O.E. Ladies Auxiliary No. club, won the alternate, or second 27 and 28, this year. 2745 Saturday night, March 14th at The American Legion auxiliary unit place. Rainbow Girls of Mill City are the Detroit high school auditorium, 159 of Mill City had as their guest selling Easter Lillies for the Easter The dinner meeting was held at the drew a nice attendance regardless of Mrs. Eva Humphreys of Stayton, dis Seal drive. Why not buy one and Golden Pheasant, in Salem and was the foul weather on hand. trict president. Delore* Stewart, local A special feature of the evening was auxiliary president, as her gift to the help those who need your help? If conducted by Mrs. Grace Hartley of two door prizes given away to the district president, presented her with you cannot locate the girls who are the Salem club, as toastmistress. The judges were Mrs. Edith Mason, Mill lucky persons holding the correspond a beautiful orchid. Mrs. Humphreys selling them, you can put your con City; Robert Forkner, Capitol Toast tribution in one of the containers ing numbers on their dance ticket. gave a short talk on the responsibil which are located at Muir’s bakery, masters club, Salem; Robert Seder- Top prize, an electric perculator ities of the unit during the month of Ressler's grocery, and Hill Top gen stronr, Salem Toastmasters club, and was awarded to Miss Marlene Shep April, Child Welfare month. Mrs. Maiion Curry, Salem. eral store. ard, Idanha and Martin (Slim) Mc Ledora Kelly reported the making The speakers, and the subjects of Cann was second prize, an ash stand. of one sweater for the orphanage in that were given to the unit by two their 10-minute prepared speeches, We wish to express our sincere Korea, and thirty-eight ditty bags for Gold Star mothers. It was voted to were: Ruth Jaynes, “Hurry Up and thanks and appreciation to the follow the boys in the hospitals. send flowers to the Gold Star Mothers Wait” (Salem Toastmistress club); ing merchants and individuals for Ruth Haskins, “Teacher, Listen—the The local schools have been con in our unit for Easter. their whole-hearted co-operation in tacted and the children will begin Aftef the meeting there was a love Children Speak” (Chemeketa Toast distributing our dance tickets and making posters for the Poppy Poster ly program. A trio composed of Ina mistress club, Salem); Jane Starr, shamrocks: ' contest. There will be three prizes 1 Chase, Joan Cauble, and Dorothy “A Thought for Tomorrow" (Stayton Meander Inn, Mill City Tavern, for each of the schools. Dyhrman sang two songs. Mrs. Don Toastmistress club); and June Miley. Jerry’s Tavern (Reds), Chuck’s Steak March the 28 there will be an extra Peterson accompanied the girls on “The Schools—Our Greatest Bargain” House, Stout’s Service Station, Cedar special surprise at the “birthday the piano. Mrs. Dorothy Vale gave a (Mill City Toastmistress club). Tavern, Lake Cafe, Lake Club, Spill party,” Delores Stewart informed the skit about a Boy Wilmer. Mrs. Ione After the prepared speeches, the way Tavern, Dine and Dance Club, auxiliary. Joan Cauble was made Thielke sang a special song called contestants were each assigned, with and Scott Young’s. chairman of the food committee for “Would You Like to Buy a Poppy?” out previous notice, a subject on which W'e also wish to thank the mer the evening. On the evening of the 28th at about to give an impromptu 5-minute speech, Mrs. Ina Chase and Delores Stewart 9 p.m, they will show the Poppy film. as follows: Ruth Jaynes, “Oregon chants of Idanha and Detroit who contributed so generously to our social were put on a committee to see about It shows how poppys are made, to Sunsets”; Ruth Haskins, “Oregon getting frames made for the two flags what use the money is put. The pub Flowers”; Jane Starr, “Oregon Coast” a short time ago. To all members of F.O.E. Ladies lic is invited to see the film. Mrs. and June Miley, “Oregon Weather”. All of the speeches were interesting Auxiliary Aerie 1745, on March 25th will be an initiation of new members Thielke also sang several other num at 8 p.m. at the home of Sister Carrie followed by nominatoin of new of bers. Each of the ladies were pre and well delivered, and the respective Bullard (regular meeting place) there ficers.—Boots Champion, Reporter. sented with a gardenia corsage as clubs were all very proud of their club representative in the contest. appreciation from Delores Stewart. Entertainment was provided by Table decorations were St. Patrick’s day in theme. In the center of the Coralee Daughton and Aimie Girod table was a big cake with “Welcome of Willamette Music school, and a ’ Mrs. Humphreys” written in Patty’s novelty trumpet number presented by day theme. Besides the members the Doris Starrett, Jerry Stewart and Jim ’ following guests were present: Mrs. Fiske of Salem high school. June Miley will compete in April, i Ruth Hess, Mrs. Mary Mundt, Mrs. j Ede Kanoff, Mrs. Ione Thielke, Miss at Eugene, and if successful there will Frances Namislo, Mrs. Dorothy Vale, go on to further competition in Ta Mrs. Don Peterson, Mrs. H. E. Mason coma, Salem and finally—the Inter of Bonneville unit, and Mrs. Dorothy national Toastmistress convention in Portland, next July, for the finals. I Dyhrman. F.O.E. St. Patrick’s Legion Auxiliary Dance Draws Crowd Entertains District President Announcing Open House of La Belle Beauty Salon 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 21 YOU ARE INVITED TO COME GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR NEW HOME Corner 3d and Broadway MILL CITY REFRESHMENTS SERVED JULIA KEMP. Prop. Phone 6602 MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett (Ursula Witt) and son, Frances Dale, are mov ing back to this vicinity from the east coast, where he has been stationed since his graduation from Oregon State college three years ago. The Bassetts are making the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were in Roseburg Sunday to see Mrs. John son’s brother, Paul Cree, who was in a logging accident last week and is in the Douglas community hospital in Roseburg. Cree will be in the hos pital for almost a year. Reports are that he is getting along satisfactorily, The Mill City school band wishes i to thank the band mothers and pa trons who generously helped during > the Salem band concert. About $124 Be Sure To Hear the Famous Eugene Gleemen IN THE SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Benefit Concert were realized toward the uniform fund according to Bandmaster Loucks. Mrs. Guy Sorensen and son Darrel Farmen left for Seattle where Darrel flew to Alaska where he has work. Mrs. Sorensen spent some time in Canada and returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore were in Salem Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ander son. Mrs. Helen Jull, Mrs. Maggie Shaw and Mrs. Bertha Shelton attended a special guest day luncheon and service sponsored by the Christian Woman's Fellowship at Silverton Tuesday of this week. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele-' graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed dings, also shrubs and landscaping. 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone M4. I2tf Visitors at the Herbert Schroeder home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- waid Schroeder and family of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Schroe der plan to spend several days in Forest Grove this week with their granddaughter, Patricia Schroeder, who is celebrating her 13th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Leora Caraway, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fish, Mrs. Susie Haynes, Mrs. Eathel Hill and Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull, attended the revival services at the Stayton Church of Christ Wednesday evening. Mrs. Amy Simmons who passed away recently and was buried at Franklin Butte cemetery near Scio made her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tun nell of Vernonia since leaving Mill City a number of years ago, instead of with Mrs. Robert Anglesey of Idaho as was stated in last week’s Enter prise. Wilma Jull, who has been attending Northwest Christian college at Eu gene, came home Wednesday for the spring vacation between quarters. Miss Julia Kemp is opening a 1 beauty shop in Mill City and is plan ning an “open house” on Saturday afternoon, March 28, in the building . Tuesday, March 24 — 8 P.M. IF you’ve heard them sing, you’ll not miss this chance to hear them again . ... IF you haven't heard the Gleemen, you will never forget this evening of entertainment. A full evening of singing by these acclaimed “professional amateurs” that have delighted audiences from Canada to Southern California! Retreat, Hell! ? Montana Belle Fearless Fagan j X Cl (D (D formerly occupied by Dr. Teutsch next door to the Mill City variety store on Broadway. Miss Kemp is a sister of Mrs. Bert Morris. Assisting in the shop will be Mrs. Thelma Brown. SPECIAL—One machine of clothes washed FREE at Gates Automatic Laundry—if you present this ad. 9 lbs. washed and damp dried 30c (soap free); 9 lbs. dried 25c. 12-2p Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olmstead were in Lyons Sunday, where they attended a family reunion at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead. The occasion honored sev eral members of the family having birthday anniversaries, including Wal ter Olmstead. S r © z •e o X & (Z> (/) w 5 3 ■o o O S » Save up to $IOO00 on a Television Set March Clean-up Sale (JF DOZENS OF OTHER SAVINGS IN RADIOS, RECORDS AND OTHER ITEMS AT HEIDER'S ADMISSIONS: Adults $1.00, Students 50c, Children (under 12 years) 25c NET PROCEEDS OF THIS CONCERT WILL GO TO PUCHASE AN “AIR LOCK” FOR THE NEW HOSPITAL Bloodhounds of Broadway FLOOR DEMONSTRATORS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED AND 1952 MODEL SETS AT THE UNION HIGH SCHOOL — IN STAYTON Sponsored by the Founders Organization of Santiam Memorial Hospital SUNDAY & MONDAY (alapooia District Scouters met at j Green Acres giade school at Lebanon MITZI G n NOR. and Thursday night, March 12 for the reg o SCOTT BRAD4 in ular monthly roundtable meeting. The I .S. Army Ground Observation Force Damon Runyan's gave an explanation of their observa o tion and showed a film on assimilated bombing run over New York City, rhe importance of air observation was >treused by Lt, Lanagan and Sgt. Pen In Technicolor ny from Portland. Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday About 105 Scout* were in attend ance. Charles Cammack, district chairman, stressed the importance of TUESDAY and the Scouts attending the national Jam WEDNESDAY boree at Santa Ana, Calif. Boys should have their $25 deposit and ap RICHARD CARLSON. plication in before April 15 deadline. FRANK LOVEJOY and After the general meeting, groups ANITA LOUISE divided into their respective divisions. in The Cubbing section was lead by Mrs. Joel Fosdiek, and the Hawaiian theme for April was used as training mate rial to the enjoyment of all. Looking ahead for ideals and skills for the THURSDAY, FRIDAY next month’s program is what cubbers are there for. We saw lots of new and SATURDAY faces from Mill City, Lyons, Scio. Cas JANE RUSSELL and cadia. Holley, Lebonon, Sweet Home, GEORGE BRENT and Albany. LeRoy Schroeder, cub master of Pack 31 of Sweet Home was ! in elected the new group chairman for j the next three-month period. Pack 81 ' from Lyons gave a Hawaiian skit; In Color — Plus — Pack 51 from Lebanon also gave a Hawaiian skit, Pack 79 of Waterloo JANET LEIGH and demonstrated a game; Pack 97, Hol KEENAN WYNN J ley, a skit; Pack 31, Sweet Home, in ! demonstrated handicraft; and Pack 125, Albany had charge of the closing ceremony. Explorer section was lead by Bob Kid’s Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday Weeks from Troop 100, Albany. Com •ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD* ing training courses for Explorer lead and ers was discussed and Explorer Scouts from Holley, Sweet Home, Lebanon COMIC BOOKS and Albany, outlined the various re Door* open at 7:20 P.M. sponsibilities held by each Junior Complete show can be seen any leader in Explorer posts. The plans time up to 8:30 were made to attend the Explorer Air Force Career Day to be held at Will amette university, Saturday. April 25. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS All Explorer Scouts in uniform will AND INVITATIONS be guests of the Air Force that day. at The Mill City Enterprise The Scouting section was lead by Don Benson. Russell Harrison re ported on troop programming and methods of handing troop administra tion. Don Pritchett, neighborhood commissioner from Lebanon was elected chairman of the Scouters sec tion for the next three month period. I Events discussed by commissioners section were, Junior leaders training course, on April 18 and 19 at Silver Creek camp, The council-wide Scout Circus, May 9, at Waters Field in Salem; May 2, Calapooia district Cam-1 poree at Camp Knut Morrison; Camp Pioneer Boy Scout summer camp, and Explorer Adventure trail July 19 to August 15. Cost $15 per boy. 9^ 128 COURT and 1120 CENTER ST. — SALEM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS from 7 to 9