Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ' March 19, 1953 High Efficiency At Marion Forks Fish Hatchery Based on operation records of the Fish Commission of Oregon, the Mar ion Folks salmon hatchery has oper ated during the past two and one-half years with a theoretical efficiency of R3Vb% according to Col. Thomas H. Lipscomb, Portland district engineer. The hatchery was constructed by the Portland district, corps of engi neers, to preserve the salmon run in the North Santiam river blocked by the construction of the Detroit dam project. During the years 1951 and 1952, more than 668,000 spring chinook fingerling, or about 93% of the eggs taken, were released by the hatchery into the North Santiam river. Fall chinook released during this period totaled more than 83% of eggs taken or 834,858. Released steelhead totaled 2,348,023 or about 74% of eggs taken. Colonel Lipscomb said the Marion Forks hatchery, 22 miles above De troit dam, replaced the state-owned hatchery at Mehama. A permanent «almon egg collecting station has been This picture shows operation of grinding fish for food Marion Fork hatchery, built by corps of «ngineers 22 miles above Detroit dam on North Santitim river to pre-nerve constructed below Big Cliff re-regu- [ for millions of fish in hatchery tanks. Some 668,000 salmon run blocked by dam, is operating at more than 83 percent efficiency under direction of state fish commission, Sating reservoir, 2.5 miles downstream 1 spring Chinook fingerlings, 93 percent of eggs taken, Col. Thomas II. Lipscomb, Portland district engineer, reported. Plant replaced state-owned property at Mehama. from Detroit dam on the North San freed in two years. (Photos courtesy of The Oregonain) tiam river and was placed in opera I tion in 1952. Detroit dam is 45 miles 834,858 fall chinook fingerling and eleven months of the calendar year result of more facilities at the hatch- east of Salem. 894,046 steelhead fingerling were re- 1952 totaled $46,435.41 with the state ery being placed in operation, an in Although constructed by the corps ]easej for a grand total of 2,068,827. paying $5,958.37 and the corps of crease in the number of eggs and of engineers, the hatchery and egg fingerling handled and a general all Spring chinook egg take in 1952 engineers $40,477.04. collecting station are operated by the was 270,440 and the steelhead egg, Increasing operational costs are the around increase in maintenance costs. The Oregon State Highway Department is offer Fish Commission of Oregon under Colonel Lipscomb said construction take 2,706,789 for a grand total of ing 40,000 board feet of 2x10 T & G Fir in place in a contract agreement whereby the has been started on a game-fish 2,977,329. During the same petiod ¡United States pays the increased costs flume at Sardine Creek on the North Santiam High hatchery, principally for rainbow and 329,600 spring chinook fingerling were of operation and maintenance. way. cutthroat trout, at Leaburg on the released as were 1,453,977 steelhead (Continued from Page 1) Cost of construction of the hatch This flume is no longer required, therefore will fingerling for a total of 1,783,577. it is hard to reduce transportation McKenzie river and a salmon hatch ery and egg collection station, includ ery at Oak Ridge was completed last costs and marketing charges. Held over at the end of the calen sell this lumber upon the highest offer received until ing all engineering costs, was $835,- Thomas explains that for Oregon year on the Middle Fork Willamette dar year 1952 were 212.056 spring 2:00 o ’ clock P.M., April 1, 1953, subject to the final 000, Colonel Lipscomb said. river. These installations were made At the beginning of the operation chinook fingerling and 1,526,606 steel farmers, chahges in freight rates have approval of the Gkregon State Highway Commission a double-barrelled effect. Costs of necessary by the construction of Look in 1950, 443,279 spring chinook eggs head fingerling. with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. out Point dam on the Middle Fork ¡0 Cost of operation of the Marion transportation come out of what con were transferred from Mehama to Willamette river and other Willam sumers pay for Oregon farm products. Successful bidder will be required to pay cash for Marion Forks and 1,000,000 eyed fall Forks hatchery from July through ette basin dams. the lumber prior to its removal and have the same chinook eggs from the Tanner Creek December, 1950, was $16,164.47 of Higher rates make returns to farmers hatchery below Bonneville dam. No which the State of Oregon paid $3,- I lower than they would have been removed within sixty days from date of acceptance Costs of transportation I rates on farm products are higher £ St 250.02 and the corps of engineers otherwise. fingerling were released that year. of offer. , are also added to prices of many than ever before. They are not like- » During 1951 the spring chinook egg $12,914.45. g FOR INFORMATION contact Mr. C. W. Parker, take numbered 266,790 and the steel Operating costs in 1951 totaled $39,- things Oregon farmers and consumers ly to decline very much. Efforts may c i be made to secure additional increases. « State Highway Bldg., Salem; Telephone No. 4-2171, head egg take 2,517,798 for a total of 870.90 of which the state paid $6,- buy. I Oregon farmers whose products These may be countered by efforts » 2,784,588. During the same period 500.04 and the corps of engineers Ext. 717, Oregon State Highway Department, Salem, I must be shipped long distance to mar of producer and consumer groups. 339,92.3 spring chinook fingerling, $33,370.86. Operation during the first Oregon. ket need to be thinking about the im Fi eight costs must be paid by con Ct Ct I mediate and long-term effects of high sumers. They come out of returns to § OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT distribution costs, advises Thomas. farmers. Increases discourage farm State Highway Building, Salem, Oregon The agricultural economist says production and may force some farm Kiw.a.:: a rtia a :t x:a.:< a -t a a a «•>< a :: a a;a.a a:a:aj: a a a a a.a« a a a.a a a a alaia;s:.>CWBSH these facts stand out clearly. Freight ers and shippers out of business. Lumber For Sale Farmers Face-- more engine power! 4. powerful reasons why you more of what you want... vbai yon get 77. Jbr2£ Ç 53 Chevrolet dvance-Design The liest way we know of to put in your 2* worth is aboard an S P. streamliner. We don't know any place where you can get so much for a couple of coppeni. Roundtrips in Chair Cars on any of the Southern Pacific ‘'name” trains listed below cost only about 21' a mile—or lew. And look at all the extras you get: ( hair Cars on Southern Pacific’s modem stream liners have been built with your comfort the first consideration. Dust free, draft -free air-condition ing. No glare fluorescent lighting. Soft-ae-a-cloud foam-rubber seats. Lots of leg room and move- a round room Extra large windows, feather-touch doors. Spacious washrooms. That's why we say that a mile of Chair Car travel on an S. P. Stream liner is the biggest 2c worth you can put in. It's the most luxurious form of all low-cost transportation. domorewor ; Advanced Loadmaster engine standard equipment on 5000 and 6000 Scries heavy-duty and for- . ward-control models, optional on F 4000 Series heavy-duty trucks. up to 4000 Series heavy-duty models have "Torque-Action” brake*. Series 4000 and above use extra large "Torque-Action” brakes in front, "Twin-Action" type in rear. more staying power! Now. heavier, stronger, more du rable frames increase rigidity, add to ruggedness and give more stamina than ever to all 1953 Chevrolet trucks. more economy! The new stamina of Chevrolet trucks, plus extra gasoline econ omy in heavy-duty models with improved Loadmaster engine, re duces hauling costs per ton-mile. MOWt CHIVWOIET TWUCK* IN USI THAN ANT OTHt« MAKtl •»HUM HDWMIMMM iMFiatact.lPMCiut*^ linKITS SUMM la Fruente laue* tareawt* tn J .... ta F rat see In Uf ein Ä n demand « m value } m sales z it’s fun to go choir car MSIIMTUMT . . . Sa Fiatate MM PertM W on these SHIH liaiKl .... tn U|etn lew IrtuesT (Otiti SIDE................................ let ieieiei Ctatftl great trains FREIGHT S EVEN CHEAPER. Were .p.aalim in moving things as wall as people-and on the aver age we move a ton of things for less than 1|< per mile We have more miles of line serving more Western cities and towns than any other railroad So. for fast eflicient, dependable freight service whether carloads or I. c. I. —coll our nearest agent ^F»z> I «Millers MOST M Q a E R W THINS VOL LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER w* Gene Teague Chevrolet <