GATES hfLLO HUCK. Ml March 12, 1953 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY A7/V/V <5OSH. 'rou Rt ux>K)rs<5 B ao . 1 AlHTJlCK It was Fathers’ night at the meet- arc "»u S ick ? in< of the Gates Parent-Teachers as sociation Thursday evening, March 5, at the high school. The husbands of the regular offi cers conducted the meeting. Kenneth Martig presided,« Elmer Stewart served as secretary and Charles Tucker gave the treasurer’s report. Following the. business session a spelling match was held. Mrs. A. T. Bernhardt was in charge. Edward Chance and Mrs. V’erner Evans won the match. A committee of fathers, Verner Evans, A. T. Barnhardt, Jack Watson and Jesse Haywood served refresh Evans and Kenneth Martig. Lois Evans and Roberta Chance. Mrs. ments at the close of the program. William Pennick is leader of the Don Miley, superintendent of the I The next meeting of the PTA will Gates schools reports the following group. Pfc. Edmund Davis Jr. landed in be held Thursday evening, April 2, at students of the junior-senior high the high school. Election of officers school on the honor roll for the fourth Seattle Sunday from Osaka, Japan, 8th grade—Otis where he has been in service with the for the coming year will be held. The six-week period. nominating committee to report in Chance, Ellen Chance and Donnalee U.S. armed forces. He has been in cludes Mrs. Jack Watson, Mrs. Verner Oliver; Sth—May Haywood; 10th— the service for the past two years. Carol Andreassen, Juanita Thomas “Buddie” is expected to arrive at the and Eddie Butler; 11th—Jerry Law- home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. son and Elda Webster; 12th—Betty IE. L. Davis as soon as he is given WE SELL BETTER Tucker, Joan Ryal and Ida Blackburn. his discharge. CARS FOR I,ESS! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Epley of Port A special meeting of the Stitch in Timers, 4-H club, was held at the land were weekend guests at the home Mr. Allen has high school Friday evening after ' of Mrs. Tex Allen. | school. Plans were made to start ' taken a position in Cleveland, Ohio, | work on gifts to be presented to where Mrs. Allen will join him soon. ’ mothers of the members, Mother’s i A group of ladies who meet each Stayton ' Day at the next regular meeting, Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Thursday afternoon, March 19. Carol I Don Miley for the purpose of read IT PAYS TO BUY AT Sue Ball and Joan Hull served fol ing, complimented Mrs. Ruth Hess at HOME! lowing the business meeting. Host the last meeting which fell on her esses for the next meeting will be, birthday anniversary. A shower of birthday greetings from the ladies and a birthday cake baked and dec orated by Mrs. Glen Hearing were presented Mrs. Hess. Open Elimination Tournament Others present were the hostess, Mrs. Miley, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Every Sunday 3 p.m. i Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Mrs. Glenn Gor- don, Mrs. Cecil Haun, Mrs. Floyd EVERYONE WELCOME Völkel and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier. Guest at the L. T. Henness home the last of the week was his grand son, Robert Hatzeburg from Houston, Texas. Ratzeburg had recently re On Highway 222, Linn County Side turned from service wtih the U.S. MILL CITY Air Force in Korea. Other guests present were Mrs. Gladys Kimsey and Shuffleboard Good Music George "Sparky” Ditter granddaughter, Becky Kimsey of Stayton, and Miss Anna Stout of Me hama. At its March meeting, the Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aplanalap of Women’s club donated $15 to tie used Portland were over Sunday guests at | in buying drapes for the Santiam the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert [ Memorial hospital and $5 was given Levon. to help send a Mill City high school Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis have girl to Girls’ State at Willamette both been on the sick list for the past university this summer. week and under a doctor’s care. Mrs. Special numbers were sung by a | Amos Roten, trained nurse, has cared trio, Mrs. Arthur Chase, Mrs. Joan I for them. Caudle, and Mrs. Harry Dyhrman, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier with Mrs. Don Peterson as accom were weekend visitors in Portland panist. Hostesses for the meeting where they have relatives. were Camp Fire Girls,, who are spon Russell Lake, accompanied by his sored by the group, and their lead daughter, Mrs. Clyde Schroeder and ers, Mrs. Dyhrman and Mrs. Lee I | infant son, and his daughter-in-law, Pinkston. Mrs. Mai-hall Lake, drove to Fort Dave Hoss of Salem will be guest Lewis over the weekend to visit his speaker at the next meeting on March son, Arthur Lake, who is in training. 17 at 6:30 p.m. when a no-host dinner George Bailey who is employed at will be served. North Richland spent the past week in Gates with his family returning to CONSISTENTLY Washington Sunday afternoon. The Gates post office will be moved from the present location on the high way to the building formerly occupied Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges by the beauty shop next to the Gates Furniture store in the near future. Bendix and Thor Dryers Mrs. Kenneth Martig was called to Salem last weekend to appear as one Small Appliances of the speakers in a panel discussion If you are bothered by Backache, Getting of the Bahai’i faith. This was a pub Up ELECTRIC HEATING Nights (too frequent, burning or sting-* Ing urination). Pressure ever Bladder, or lic meeting, sponsored by the Bahai’i INDUSTRIAI AND COMMERCIAL WIRING strong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo rary Kidney and Bladder Irritation, for World Faith for a better understand COM M E Rd A L LIGHTING palliative relief ask your druggist about ing among nations. CY8TEX. Popular 25 years. 20 million pack GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET MEANDER INN Club Women Donate For Hospital Drapes For GENUINE PARTS and SERVICE on Briggs-Stratton and Clinton Engines MILL CITY MEAT MARKET and All Makes and Models of Magnetos Quality Meats and Groceries See or Colt No. High FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS E. H. BURRELL Salem, Oregon Phone 3-9106 Never a Dull Moment PS “At the Bottom of the Hill” BACKACHE? Marion Kite If« Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now MILL CITY TAVERN ages used. Satisfaction or money back guar anteed. Ajk druggist about CYSTKX today ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit, Oregon I Phone 263 I I ECTRH'AL CONTRACTING F ILA. 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See if you. too. don t gain blessed relief from those tarrible hot BUTZ NHARP FORME S' hcf /¿56 Hew Lydia Plahwam'» w«rii It act» tbrcmeh a woman » nrm- pathrtic nerrow» »»ítem to »ir« rallet from tAe "hot /la»?»» and othar /vn»tu>nall»*oa«»ed du- traata* of chanta of Ufa." flashes" and weakness sc com mon in "change of life ." Don't put it off ' Get Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound or new. improved Tab lets with added iron (trial sue only 59<1. Wonderful — too — for the functional pains, cramps, "dragged-out" feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periodsl IllTZ •?£ \ »oa-i.An » c COMPAS»