Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1953)
March 12, 1953 2—THE .MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE OREGON REPUBLICANISM ON TRIAL IN SALEM Oregon’s legislature may not pass into law some of the experimental and even dangerous bills which have been submitted. But it already has estab lished some sort of an unenviable rec ord in the number and severity of bills introduced to restrict the rights of voters and workers. There are bills to make voting reg istration more difficult; bills to re strict the initiative and referendum, the peoples’ last line of defense against legislatve dictatorship; bills to compel employers and employes to operate under open shop conditions MILL CITY. OREGON DON PETERSON. Publisher Entered as ne< ond-clanB matter November 10. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1x79. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for »1.00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Political AdverGsing 75c inch. NEWSPAPER \ PUBLISHERS NATIONAL Editorial Comments I T O R I A I ASSOCIATION “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS." - George Putnam. FRANK Because Mr. Truman kept a cautious eye on the go EDWARDS ings-on at the Kremlin, people with poor judgment blatted that the United States’ foreign policy was being dictated Says: by the late “Uncle Joe”. The great press of the nation Where Is It? picked up this hew-and-cry and spread it thicker than a boy spreads jam on a slice of bread. This was our free press. It was turned against Mr. Truman’s administra tion. Now that Stalin is dead we read in the same free press a multitude of words of approval of the present • administration’s extremely cautious attitude regarding 1 the Kremlin. What puzzles us is, where did the strong, forceful leadership in world affairs go to that was so earnestly promised during the campaign? (Heard over KPOJ, Portland, at 10:15 p.m., Monday through Friday) "JOE BEAVER and bill which invade the area of free labor-management collective bar gaining rights. The proposed laws to hinder reg istration and voting come at a period in state and national history when it was never more important for state leadership to encourage, not to dis courage, good citizenship. The sug gested laws against labor are being introduced at a time when labor-man agement relationships have never been more amicable and free of strife. Why, then, the laws to tighten the screws on voters and workers? The hearings and the debates on these measures probably will develop some answers to this question. One other question on these meas ures is much simpler to answer. The Republican party in Oregon complete ly dominates the state legislature and controls the state administration. And the GOP cannot evade the blame ! and the responsibility should some of these bills become law. It is not Oregon labor nor Oregon voters who are on trial now in Salem. jt is the Republican leadership of the ÿtate. Is Ia it it the the intention intention of of the the Ore- Ore- gon QOP to turn back the clock on labor with a vicious worker compul sion law, with a bill to scuttle the initiative and referendum and a law to keep the voters from getting too close to the ballot boxes? Events in Salem will soon supply the answers.—From Oregon Teamster. Time for a Change: The Securities and Exchange Commission is set up to police the stock exchanges for pro- tection of the public. The chairman Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture ot the SEC resigned recently. Presi- dent Eisenhower is under pressure to Forest firet dropped 21 per cent during 1951 —yet insects and replace him with a Wall Street man. disease continue to destroy more timber than Fire." In other words, to let Wall Street police itself. If this happens it will be on a par with the other agencies: General Motors heads the Defense SALEM, ORE 1288 STATE ST Ph. 3-6489 department, the bankers are in the NEW ERA FOR EUROPE saddle at the Treasury and are in o’clock on the morning of Feb. Dr. David William Reid will not see the dedication vestigating themselves at MSA. The 10 At an 1 engine pulling 27 small cars of of Santiam Memorial Hospital. Had he lived a few days hue and cry is on to turn atomic en German coke chuffed across the border ergy, synthetic rubber and naval oil l longer he could have had this privilege. His devoted reserves over to private exploitation. I into France with no stop for customs I inspection and without payment of wife missed this great event by a narrow span also. If the public doesn't get a business ' an import tax. It was not a smug Those who have had the pleasure of association with administration, at least it seems likely gling operation, but the beginning of these two very fine persons feel deeply their passing from to get the business. a new era for trade in coal, iron, and, * * * our midst. As stated at the time of the death of Mrs. steel in six natoins of western Europe. These prices effective till further notice. Buy with confidence! We (1) Postmaster General Arthur Reid, wife of Mill City’s Dr. David W. Reid, such a hospital Summerfield (Continued on Page 7) guarantee you the best value for your money always. Plan to buy a says he is making a sur- 1 week's supply! Any of our retail cuts double wrapped for your as Santiam Memorial hospital was their dream. With vey to see whether two-a-day mail locker FREE! their trained and willing hands they built a medical center delivery should be restored. Ques in Mill City of which Mill City is justly proud. It stands tion: Is he making the survey by Freshly Ground HAMBURGER snail mail? neat and useful. Country Style SAUSAGE ...................... In Chicago the delegates of The importance of Santiam Memorial hospital will the (2) American Bar association shouted RIB STEAK SPECIAL, while they last quickly be brought home to all when it goes into full their approval of the Millionaires’ Eastern Oregon Hereford operation. It would have been fine, indeed, if Dr.'Reid Amendment, known as "spare the Round and T-Bone Rib BEEF STEAK and his wonderful wife could have had the truly modern wealth.” YOUR Eastern Oregon Hereford facilities of Santiam Memorial hospital for the care of (3) President Eisenhower’s golf wag trip to Augusta has caused one Arm Blade Rump BEEF ROAST tiny infants and their mothers. It would have been to observe that the Republicans have AUTHORIZED grand also if this modern hospital could have been ready certainly made some changes: in one BEEF HEART or TONGUE and waiting for Dr. Reid’s emergency cases that arose month, the government has gone from | DEALER Extra Lean GROUND ROUND out of mill and woods accidents. the Fair Deal to tha Fairway. • « * To Dr. and Mrs. Reid fell the role of pioneers, They Lean, Tender BEEF CUBES................ FOR filled this role well, and generations shall respect their The long-awaited drive to enable | PLUMP YOUNG HENS, Dressed and Drawn, Ib 49c private investors to get control of the work and fulfill their dreams for this great North San- alien properties now held by the gov tiarn community. BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER—Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford ernment seems to have started. Sen ate investigators claimed that the ■MM Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter Alien Property Office turned over to 32i 2c tb c POWER CHAIN SAWS the War Claims Commission many millions of dollars to which the com Fancy I’. S. tirade A Good Light Steer Beef Phone 1652 mission was not entitled. The Senate Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter investigators admitted that the gov 24-HOUR SERVICE ernment lost nothing under this pro 441/2C ,b cedure. The War Claims Commission - ;:trx •: Ilan Everything for Your uses its funds to pay American vet erans for their service in enemy prison camps—a practice which can hardly be criticized. But the fight to turn Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies these highly profitable former enemy factories over to a select few private investors will continue nevertheless. * « * Recently Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey announced the gov ernment was going to increase the in terest rate on the $9 billion of short term loans which fall due this month. From now on. Uncle Sam will pay GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING — WELDING about -S of one percent more interest for the money he borrows. The really Under management of Walt Westgaard important aspect of the matter is this: The present national debt is $267 ANNOUNCING billion; of that amount must be re financed during the next 5 years. If this higher interest rate is extended to the entire refinancing program, the American public will be saddled with an extra 6 and a quarter billion in the former dollars per year of debt in the form of increased interest payments on the Heidt’s Auto Electric national debt. This is a very ticklish piece of business . . . particularly at this time when the American con sumers and small businessmen have mortgaged their anticipated future in IN THE SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL comes to the tune of more than $24 billion worth of installment purchases of goods which have been sold, but PRICED FAR BELOW ACTUAL VALUE which have not yet been paid for. 19.11 per month I I Tai Consultant Auditor * Dr. David W. Reid Randall’s FINE MEATS ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES ib 39c ib 39c 49c Auto Supply »’ ib tb m m 59c 39c 39c 59c 59c M c C ulloch 361/2c tb THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 4012c tb 39V2 "> 51i/2clb Walt’s Garage New Location Be Sure To Hear the Famous Eugene Gleemen Guaranteed Used Cars enefit Concert Tuesday, March 24 per month 1919 per month 1919 llnwn and $.*>0.53 per month I l II COI I'E l>own and $19 92 l”r month l‘E per II W. N. SIMMONS AT THE UNION HIGH SCHOOL — IN STAYTON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT;! I Bookkeeping. \ccounting and Tat Service ¡ $ • Corner 3rd A Marion ST L3 TON. ORE. « J Telephone 1111 Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE LOW. LOW ÏNT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons Evenings by Appointment 405 — 435 — 4M N. < ommerrial St. Phone 3-4117 IF you \e heaid them bing, you 11 not miss this chance to hear them again . ... IF you haven t heard the Gleemen, you will never forget this evening of entertainment. A full evening of singing by the*e acclaimed “professional amateurs” that have delighted audiences from Canada to Southern California! P. O. Box an no a sa as a a a a a a atrattuansvsc CHOKED 8 P.M with stomach THANK HKAVEN8* Most attack* aw )u*t act4 indigestion When it strike*, take Bell-an* tablets They contain the fastest-acting medic t.e* known to doctor* for the relief of heartburn, gas and similar di*treea JS< ADMISSIONS: Adults $1.00. Students 50c. Children (under 12 years) 25c Sponsored by the Founders Organization of Santiam Memorial Hospital NET PROCEEDS OF THIS CONCERT WILL GO TO PU< H \SE AN “AIR LOCK“ FOR THE NEW HOSPITAL ?