T—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE March 3. 1953 Wants and Sales If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE—1911 Ford Tudor, body MAGAZINE SECRETARY—-New and AVON COSMETICS and motor good, tires excellent. H. renewal subscriptions, and address E. Jull, Mill City. 9-3p See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white changes. All magazines. Write house across from Martin’s trailer FOR SALE—2-bedroom modern home or phone Mrs. Ruth Steeley, Idanha, court on NW. 7th Ave. in Swift addition. See Don Walker. phone 356. 10-3p Box 658, Mill City.I 8-3p EXPERT AUTO and home radio ROTOT1LLER WORK WANTED — SUITS—$55 and up, im service, 20 years experience, all Large or small jobs, reasonable. TAILORED ported and domestic woolens. Al makes. Guaranteed service. Phone 506, Mill City. 10-3p Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. terations, cleaning and pressing. SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. FOR SALE — Piano and bench, ma-' TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- Liberty, Salem. 50tf hogany finish," also Coleman oil chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old ' heater with tank. Mrs. Jack Dug REAL ESTATE gan, ph. Lyons 163. 3tf, machine towards a new one. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem River frontage for summer WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled home sites. FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in Douglas fir poles, delivered to Highway frontage between Lyons yard. For further informa Swift addition. Inquire at C. E. tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Gates and dam. COVILLE REAL ESTATE, Mill Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, City. Mtf Modern home on 11 acres for Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf sale. FOR SALE—Rabbits, does and bucks. Houses for rent. FOR SALE—Oat and vetch hay, has Inquire Richfield Service Station at been rained on, 65c bale; alta fescue Gates. 8-3 See W. R. HUTCHESON or bent straw 50c bale; grain straw At Gates Furniture Store 40c bale. ETZEL BROS., route 1, NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in Box 234, Stayton, Fern Ridge road. and see the new Lech combination 10-6p desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. FOR RENT—Small house and garage, unfurnished, $35 a month. Phone Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 702, Mill City. 10-3 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Small 4-rm house, Will trade for late model SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are pickup. See or write K. G. Hickel, devoted to game conservation and Mill City, Swift’s addition. 103-p propagation and need your help. Only $1.00 per year, you will have REAL ESTATE that much fun at one meeting. Enquire at Enterprise office, or see See us for good buys in the canyon WE SELL BETTER Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 area. Listings wanted. CARS FOR LESS! FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- Glen Shelton, Salesman stered, latest fabrics and plastics C. E. Coville, Broker Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton West side Mill City Ph. 2207 Upholstery. 38tf GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton Gooch Logging Supply b b ■ II IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Everything for the Logger BASSETT S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Sweet WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Branch Store Lyons Home, Philomath l'iome of GOOD Used Cars HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service I Used Washers » X Phone 3-9101 • » 89-50 BENDIX AUTOMATIC 109-95 99'5° LATE MODEL BENDIX à SHROCK'S 316 N. Church St. LIKE NEW EASY LAUNDRY OTHER CONVENTIONAL WASHERS LEGAL ADVERTISING „ ;~7 No. 14,904 NOTIC E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account in the estate of Bessie Reade, deceased, with the County Clerk pf Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 14th day of March, 1953, at 10 o'clock A.M. and the circuit court room as the tinie and place for hear ing objections thereto and the settle ment of said estate. FLORENCE HARRIS. Executrix of the Estate of Bessie Reade, deceased. BELL & DEVERS, Stayton, Oregon, 7-5 SERVICE STATION & TRAILOR COURT Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. YOUR BRAKES AND GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK Directory - Professional Business ► ♦ DR. VICTOR .1. MYERS ♦ Chiropractic Physician ♦ Post Office Building. 2nd Floor MIKE'S Sepiic Service: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • Phone SALEM 3 9168, OOl.LEiT • 107» Elm St., W. Salem Mill City J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Moslem Funeral Service STAYTON X tninnDnnannntraiinnaBBBnninstra ! Phone 41 »8 Opposite Claude Lewis' Service Station OREGON F iery P iles Don't ! t «ore. fiery, painful. Itrhine efnnnie PUet drive to i nearly crazy In IS mtn •■$**• '"HINAROTD »tartc fivinf you wonde.-f’ l sc'Ahi.*«, temporary re- Jaxti.r r* lef from pain burning and luh- ■Z m««ney t fuaranteetf Genuine rr*NAT 3TD cr/v /O at drucgUta. — - I®’Aitili GOOD /^W FRESH/ : > ! MOVED To Our New Office 1114 Center St DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturopath-Proctologist Phone 3 9160 SALEM, ORE. 4 II \M.MERICKSEN tayt Mr». A. W., San Antonio, Texas Speed amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, with soothing Pazo*! Acta to relieve pain, itching instantly— soothe* inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You get real com forting help. Don't suffer needless torture from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository form —also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easy application. Thursdays 1 p.m. to *> p m. HOME OFFR E: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, * snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.G VW. ' OnUnunl tail Snppailtoii't $ FOR LICENSED M c C ulloch GARBAGE SERVICE POWER CHAIN SAWS Phone 1652 24-HOUR SERVICE 81.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN ELSNER Motor Co SALEM, ORE SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS MnnrnnnnnnrtnnnnnDB Open Sat. Nites Only Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month ORC HESTRA AND DINNERS FOR Also lirht hauling SPEC IAL OCCASIONS léonard Herman ♦ DRIVE TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN TI bb MILL cuy DISPOSAL SERVICE Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Bide.. 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers office« WHEEL WILLYS DR. MARK REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST : llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WHITIE’S Soothe Itching, WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS 1JTNGFRTE KFADY-TO-UF.AR HOSIERY I.rZIF.RS COSMETICS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ • I). W. REID. Ml). Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER Ask for 'The Most Show for Least Dough Auto Supply MILL CITY Court House Square 183 N. High Street residents through local hospital*. This blood, if sold, would have had a value of approximately $50,000,” Parcher explained. Discontinuing home nursing and first aid instruction also would serf* ously impede the county’s civil defense program. “Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!” Silver Saddle Phone 903 your navy Red Cross Program May Discontinue When you trade with us. it's always snappy service. 49.50 own] IGJ No. 39,584 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Department of Domestic Relations PEARL PRUITT, Plaintiff. vs. ANTHIS PRUITT. Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF’ OREGON, you are required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause, within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail so to do, for want thereof Plaintiff will take a Decree against you dissolving the marriage contract and bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the Plaintiff herein; and award ing the custody of JUDY MAY PRUITT, PATRICIA ANN PRUITT, and RONALD ANTHIS PRUITT to Plaintiff herein. This Summons is served upon you . by publication thereof pursuant to an I Order of the above entitled Honorable ' Court entered herein on the 26th day February, 1953. “There is a real danger that Red First publication of this Summons, Cross services essential to the well February 26, 1953. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN being of Marion county may have to be discontinued after June 30,” Frank 9-5 Parcher, chapter manager has an NOTICE nounced. No. 14,955 Demands for Red Cross services IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE during recent years have increased STATE OF OREGON FOR THE sharply, but financial support has not COUNTY OF MARION increased accordingly, which means DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE In the Matter of the Will and Estate the local Red Cross chapter has had to use reserve funds, now exhausted, of ONA DRAKE, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the to keep its progiam going, Parcher undersigned has filed his Second and explained. Final Account as Executor of the What this means, he said, is that Estate of Ona Drake, Deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, some of the Red Cross services must Oregon, and the Court has fixed Mon be discontinued, and since the blood day, March 9, 1953, at the hour of program is one of the most expensive 9:15 o’clock in the morning of said programs to operate — $4,000 during day as the time, and the Court Room 1952 —it may be curtailed in the of the Circuit Court, Department of county. Probate, in the Court House at Salem, Failure to meet the $51,000 fund Marion County, Oregon, as the place campaign goal may also mean discon for hearing objections, if any, to said tinuance of health services, including Second and Final Account on file. RANSOM S. DRAKE, instruction in home care of the sick, Executor. first aid and water safety, Parcher said. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN, “It would be unfortunate if the Attorneys for Estate 6-5 blood program were discontinued in Salem, Oregon the county because it not only helps alleviate suffering caused by war but WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS provides free blood to Marion county IND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise 25-°° up S THOR IRON ER, 30-Inch Roll il Phone 3952 1