Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1953)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE March 5. 1933 FEMME PAGE Bridal Shower Given Father’s Nite Mar. II To Mrs. McClintock At Next PTA Meeting Mrs. William McClintock (Patricia Cree) a recent bride was honor guest at a bridal shower Thursday evening at the American Legion hall. Host esses were Mrs. Walter Kay, Miss Marlene Tickle, Mrs. Jack McClintock, Mrs. Elmer Shaw, Mrs. Verne Shaw, and John Nelson, The rooms were attractively decor ated with yellow and white candles and daffodils. Above the gift table was a gold heart box with streamers fastened to the edges of the table. When the honor guest was seated at the gift table she was “greeted” with a shower of rice from the box. Jo Ellen Agee entertained the group with a baton twirling number. Following the opening of the many gifts refreshments were served. Present or sending gifts were Mes- dames J. C. Dickinson, John Wehrli and Sharon, O. W, Gorton, Albert Hal- seth, Edna Halseth, Patty Halseth, all of Salem; Mesdames Lowell Cree, J. C. Kimmel, George Cree, Anna Swift, Rosa Daly, Wilbur Meinert, Nora Goodwin, Wilma Berry, Byron Bates, Herbert Schroeder, Ed Cooke, R. P. Veness, Delbert Jenkins, Gordon Kay, Floyd Jones, Ollie Muise, Ken neth Weathers, Bill Timm, Ernest Graham, Charley Day, Archie Bates, Floyd Shepherd, Clyde Golden, Otto Weidman, Clyde Richards Floyd John son, Albert Toman Jr., Glen Tinney, Verda Goble, Albert Toman Sr., Al Yankus, Milton Roten, Bessie Vander- meer, Morris Howe, Joe Lalack, Dean 3 The next meeting of the Mill City PTA will be held Wednesday night, March 11, at 8 p.m. The meeting will be held in the high school auditorium. This meeting has been designated as "Father’s Night”. The program will consist of enter tainment numbers by fathers. The fathers will also provide and serve the refreshments. All fathers are especially urged to be present for this meeting. Mill City Garden Club Holds Regular Meeting Mill City Garden club held its reg ular meeting at the home of Mrs. Alta Grimes. Mrs. Frances Dolezal gave a talk on orchids. Members voted their help to the American Legion in sending a girl to Girls’ State, also to the Santiam Memorial hospital in drapery making. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Dean Jackson’s Jhursday, March 26. Mr. Cooley from Silverton will talk. I Jackson, Virginia Thompson, Edith Mason, Clayton Baltimore, Clyde Rogers, Burton Buroughs, Eldon Hutchinson, William Shuey, and Alona Daly, Virginia Timm, Gerry Hamblin, Donna Cooke, Betty Lou Cree, Ardith Jones, Phyliss McCarley, Hazel Neal, Donna Nelson, Frances Johnson, El nora Albright and the hostesses. Announcing New line of Women's and Girl's Beautiful Moccasins * ♦ See these before you buy and Turquoise 3.50 Ô- 3.95 Chuck’s Shoe Shop MILL CITY Presbyterian Women Honor Mrs. Geddes Toastmistress Club Appoint Committee Mill City Toastmistress club spokes man, June Miley, will be in the speech contest spotlight Thursday evening, March 12, at the Golden Pheasant in Salem. Salem Toastmistress club and Mill City will join in a dinner meeting. , Marion Todd, is Mill Citys alternate. This event will take the place of the usuai March meeting of the Mill City Toastmistress club. The regular meeting of the Mill City Toastmistress club was held Thursday evening, February 26, Ruby Crosier, president, presided. Invocation was given by Faustina Nesbitt; toastmistress was Gwen Jones; topicmistress was Barbara Yarnell, and speakers, June Miley and Aline Steffy. Barbara Yarnell brought Lucille Lowery as her guest; Lois Scott was the guest of Marion Todd, and Del- ores Stewart, the guest of Pat W’ingo. Something new has been added with the advent of extemporaneous speeches, Two or more members are selected and asked for a speech on a subject unknown to them until a few moments before speaking. The two selected Thursday night were Casey Chaney and Pat Wingo, both performed admirably, Aline Steffy reports. The following committee chairmen were appointed last Thursday by Mrs. Crosier. They will serve for the re mainder of the current season: Program: Edythe Means, chairman assisted by Casey Chaney; Education: Marion Todd; Parliamentarian: Mabel Nelson; Membership: Vera Hathaway; Club Representative: Elsie Potter; Community Service: Edna Ross; Pub lic Relations: Edna Hutcheson; Eval uator: June Miley, assisted by Louise Palmer; Press-historian: Aline Steffy; Hospitality. Faustina Nesbitt, assisted by Barbara Yarnell and Elaine Keir- sey; Lexicologist: Tyler Pinkston. The next regular meeting wll be held Thursday, March 26. Deanha PTA Holds Colorful Meeting Detroit — A colorful sailor's drill highlighted the program for the Deanha PTA meeting Thursday eve- ning. Students of Miss M. B. Miller's fourth grade class, assisted by three fifth grade girls, appeared in sailor uniforms and caps and while carrying red anchors marched through a com plicated and rhythmic drill before a large attendance of parents and friends. In addition to the drill three read- i ings were presented, including a group choral reading and others by Mary Witt and Mary Lou Moore. Brenda Humphrey led the class and audience in the flag salute at the opening of I the program. The business meeting, which fol- lowed, was conducted by Mrs. Cath- | erine Warby, secretary, who opened the meeting by reading letters of res- i ignation from the president, Mrs. Al fred Cokenour, and vice president, Mrs. Bradford Humphrey. Elected to complete the unfinished terms were Miss Kazuko Inuzuka president, and Mrs. Alice Moore, vice president. ==- —■ MILL CITY CHURCHES Great Closing Meeting THIS SUNDAY AT 8:15 p.m. AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAINS I : Presbyterian W omen’s association met Wednesday afternoon in the church recreation rooms uith Mrs. James Swan presiding. Mrs. Floyd Jones was in charge of the devotional hour. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, sec- rettry of Missionary Education re ported on attending a meeting in Port land the latter part of January. Honored at the meeting Wednes day was Mrs. Ida Geddes who cele brated her 98th birthday in February. Mrs .Don Sheythe sang Mrs. Geddes’ favorite hymn. Mrs. Geddes was further honored with an orchid cor sage from the Presbyterian associa tion presented by Mrs. W. W. Allen. Masons and Eastern Stars Enjoy Banquet There were about 120 members and guests attending the annual Masonic- Eastern Star banquet Saturday night held in the IOOF hall. Speaker of the evening was Rex Davis of Salem, who is a past grand master and a member of St. John's Lodge No. 17 of Albany. Cummie Reid of Salem, acted as master of ceremonies. Entertainment was accordion and guitar music by Wiltsey music studio from Salem. Oswald Hirte acted as general chairman for the banquet and table decorations were by Eastern Star members. The Presbyterian church women served the meal, Jack Allaway is master of the local Masonic order and Laurel Johnson is worthy matron of Marilyn chapter of Mill City. MILL CITY Anton Moravec attended the funeral of Mrs, Harry Hobson in Salem, Tues day’ afternoon. Mrs. Hobson was in terred at City View cemetery. The Hobsons lived at 1760 S. High St. in Salem at the time of Mrs. Hobson’s death. Ramon Roberts fell at his home last week fracturing his paralyzed leg at the knee. Roberts is in the Veterans’ hospital now and reports are that he may have to undergo an operation on the injured leg. Mrs. Alice Farman has been ap- pointed to be in charge of Mill City sales of American Legion poppies this year and she will select members of her committee. Mrs. Dolores Ste wart, president of the local auxiliary, reported that the women voted during the last meeting to join the Marion county council. Salem’s senior high school band, composed of 78 members, presented a one-hour program Monday, March 2, beginning at 12:40 p.m. in the local grade school gym. A small was charged which is to be used to pur chase band uniforms for the local school band. The Salem band donated their services toward the cause. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed dings, also shrubs and landscaping 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone 3684. 42tf Johnny Roten, 13-year-old son of the Ben Rotens, fractured his leg while playing at his home, when he fell off a roof and has his leg in a cast. Johnny is able to get around with crutches. He is a 7th grader. Robert Wingo and Robert Veness, co-chairmen of the recent March of Dimes in this community, reports that a total of 11140.03 was collected. The drive was sponsored by the Santiam Lions club. The Mill City vicinity was 3rd high in the county for the drive this year —Salem, 1st and Silverton 2nd. I-aat year Mill City's polio contributions totaled $930. and Glourious Pageant “THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST” Mrs. Effie Hobson Passes at Salem Mrs. Effie Mae Hobson, wife of Harry D. Hobson of Salem, passed g away Sunday, March 1, in Salem. The Hobsons formerly were residents of the Fox Valley community. Mrs. Hobson attended school in Mill City. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, in the Clough - Barrick chapel in Salem. Mrs. Hobson is survived by Aer hus- vand, daughters Mrs. Joan Camp and Mrs. Norell Moravec of Salem; sons, O John Hobson, Klamath Falls, and o Douglas Hobson, Salem; sisters, Mrs. Vera Mclntoch, Bremerton, Wash., and Mrs. LaVerne Gallagher, Seattle, Wash.; brothers, Bert Flanery, Clack amas; Frank Flanery, Seattle; and Chester Flanery, Tacoma; two grand children, Gary Camp and Nicky Mora vec, both of Salem. While the Hobsons lived in th<> Fox Valley community, Hobson fashioned fish poles and bows and arrows used in archery and bow and arrow hunt ing. SUNDAY & MONDAY I Jeanne Crain, Jean Peters, Fred Allen. Marilyn Monroe, Charles Laughton and Richard M idmark in O'Henry’s Full House Star-studded entertainment! TUESDAY and Feature at 5:15, 7:30 Sunday WEDNESDAY _____ GERALD MOHR and PEGGY CASTLE in Invasion USA It Could Happen Here! See for Yourself! ARE WE PREPARED—? THlRSDAY ONLY ON THE STAGE Gates High School Presents COMIN’ ROUND THE MOUNTAIN Large Crowd Enjoys School Home Talent “Hill-billy” Comedy by Robert St. Clair Curtain at 8:00 p.m. Detroit—Revealed to a large audi FRIDAY and SATURDAY ence at Detroit school Tuesday eve ning was the mysterious “sebenette” Jack Buetel, Mala Powers in promised in “Dr. Quack’s Medicine ROSE OF CIMARRON Show’. In Color — Plus — Seven eighth grade boys in black June Haver, W. Lundigan in face composed the “sebenette” to sing, dance and joke with other students of LOVE NEST the class through an hour of comedy in colorful costumes. Kid’s Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday “Dr. Quack” played by Michael “Blondie Takes a Vacation” Moore was assisted by Donald and Watkins in presenting the show tal- COMIC BOOKS ent.* Students taking part included Brad Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Humphrey, Leonard Snyder, Michael Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 Howland, Lanny Vickers, Bruce Gor don, Roger Fleming, Danny Bowers, Danny Gescher, Donald Jackson, Gene WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Rudy and John Wallace. The four AND INVITATIONS eighth grade girls, Judy Haseman, at The Mill City Enterprise Phyllis Ketchum, Rosalia Bowers and Melody Palmer received an encore HP from the audience for their dance which climaxed the program. A group of first grade children also appeared on the program to sing and dance while other students posed as the doctor’s customers. Dialogue and continuity for the show were arranged by the eighth grade students with the assistance of their instructor, Mrs. Mildred Ray. Mrs. Maycel Cokenour helped direct the group. “I X a K o (D s Mill Cily Grade School NEWS We got a letter from Jolly Jingo. He said to us in the letter, he thought our pictures wer every good. Patsy sent us a card from California. Joyce Guier is back in school. Our teacher, Miss Golda Henry, has been home a few days last week sick with the flu. She was back in school this week. SHIRLEY VENESS, Grade 2 Today we had weekly readers. I got a 33 bullet shell. We have 24 children in our room. Don is back in school now. I got a new kite today. PAUL LOUCKS, Grade 2 B» 5 *o o o </> z s X Ç* 3! We have a new girl and her name is Elaine Pecht. 1t is March now. it will be spring. Shirley and I are writing for the news. We like to write news. Judy is back in school. TAMRA MORRIS, Grade 2 Save up to $IOO00 on a Television Set March Clean-up Sale OF FLOOR DEMONSTRATORS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED AND 1952 MODEL SETS » DOZENS OF OTHER SAVINGS IN RADIOS. RECORDS AND OTHER ITEMS AT DR. HAINS and GROUP IN SUNDAY NIGHT’S PAGEANT ft mm Srfc The Seven Churches of Revelation The Throne Room of Heaven The Seven Golden Candlesticks I I r A Hains on “It’s Later Than ou Think H r ¿1 It “Why the Jews Are Returning’” 1 I m ^ w I* “Three Minutes to 12’’ I ASTHMA COUGHS I. «11 Irt difficult trraibing. c<>u(bln< and «h»iln< drt to rwurrln* itxiai sl Bronchlrt A.thm. or »impl. Broocbltl* rutn rour tirep and tnrrtf without try In« MKMDAOO. Work« through jout blood to b»lp loorrn and rrao’» thUk. ttranalln« aawra. Thu« usually allays coucblng wnun yrrwu trrrr br.athln« and sounder sleep Ort MBMDACO undrt money back »uw- antw at druuuts HEIDER'S 128 COURT and 1120 CENTER ST. — SALEM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS from 7 to 9