Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1953)
Editorial Comments The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY. OREGON GRASS ROOTS GESTAPO people yet only one man and his wife Superabundance of suspicion is a seem to care enough about the 20 per cent surcharge to do anything about Entered a» Mecond-cta«« matter November 10. 194 1 at the poat office at kind of political madness." Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1679. This action is a suit filed by —Francis Bacon. it. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for »1.00. Fearless Fulton, the poor man's Mc Monroe and Lillie Sweetland of Port The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in Carthy, is promoting a project he calls land, seeking to impound the 20 per sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display cent surcharge funds of the Portland the ‘‘Grass Roots Gestapo.” Advertising 45c column inch. Pc'.itical Advertising 75c inch. The radio commentator and news General Electric Co, until alleged ex paper columnist, Fulton Lewis, Jr., cess profits for several years can be national NEWSPAPER this week launched his latest brain I investigated. PUBLISHERS Any decision regarding the 20 per storm: he is urging everyone to fight « • MFWS ASSOCIATION government waste by checking up on I cent charge as it effects Portland will government employees and reporting no doubt apply also to the Mountain to a designated congressional commit- , States Power company and the people “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIIMtS." of Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Sweet tee every instance of inefficiency. George Put am. The possibilities of this grandiose Home, and the farmers of this area scheme are tremendous. As they used will perhaps be saved a large part of to say during the Terror following the unfair 20 per cent surcharge. the French Revolution, “I am suspect, It seems that actually the period Our Easter Seals arrived in the mail the other day you are suspect, he is suspect, we are of 1949-1952 was above average from they are suspect.” Every a water power standpoint and power and, frankly, their appearance made us feel good. The suspect, American can now join in this great production during the. entire period colorful and appealing seals reminded us that spring is new national game of I Spy, and was less than in many other years. just around the-corner, hut more important than this, they watch for the lazy, the loafers and the This gave the power firms more net jet us know that the Oregort Society for Crippled Children lunkheads among federal job holders proftis, actually an excess profit dur and Adults is still hard at work, bringing many wonder —as if there were more there than ing the period. else! If these facts are brought out and ful services to the physically disabled children and adults anywhere The opportunities for ferriting out proved at the hearing then the public of Oregon who need care not provided by any other time and money-wasting U. S. em utilities commission will have to issue agencies, public or private. ployes in Oregon are excellent. Since an order that the 20 per cent sur- The Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults, there are only 18,000 government I charge was not justified and workers in the state and 1,500,000 money collected will have to be more familiarly known as the Easter Seal agency, has Oregonians to watch them. That been in our midst for some time now, filling a great need means each federal employe will be funded to the customers. In Lebanon a group of citizens among Oregon’s physically disabled. Your purchase of under constant scrutiny of thousands reported to be ready to ask for a Easter Seals helped build the hospital school for crippled of pairs of suspicious eyes! hearing regarding the 20 per cent sur children in Eugene, where youngsters of school and pre Has your mailman been walking charge now being collected by the slowly from house to house, Mountain States company. school age from more than 20 Oregon counties are receiv rather especially at the end of this beat? ing special education and training every day. Until Be reasonable; give him due warning: Oregon people, especially those in Willamette valley owe a debt of Easter Seals came to Oregon there was no such place for tell him to step lively or you'll turn the gratitude to the Sweetlands for their him in to Fulton Lewis, Jr. these “forgotten children”. suit filed to clean up this surcharge Hounding the postman will bet fairly charge which we maintain is illegal There’s also the Craft Shop of the Handicapped in easy. It will be harder to check up ¡downtown Portland, another Easter Seal project. Its on the less public federal employes 1 and discriminates against people since in some other cities the power users here that articles produced by handicapped adults are but the challenge is inspiring! do not have to pay the surcharge and It won ’ t be easy to make sure Y e ’ re I sold. Several hundred persons from all parts of the state those in the state of Washington are getting an honest day’s work out of are benefiting from this store, which gives the homebound the being asked for a smaller surcharge. service boys, for instance, I —From Greater Oregon. workers an outlet for their products for the first time. but forest we ought to keep a look out. As a result of the shop a great many physically disabled That weatherman has been all wet too persons are earning money for the first time in their lives. often at times. From now on we won’t just talk about the weather; Summer camps for crippled children ... a speech we'll write our congressman. (Continued from Page 1) center . . . medical and surgical care for indivduals . . . Fellow spies, if we work it right ! handouts for activities which should research. These are all a part of the great program of we can soon have federal employees be and can be carried on by self-sup the Easter Seal agency in Oregon. These are the reasons literally trembling at their desks! porting. heavily, taxed private enTer- Once the gestapo starts operating Easter Seals are a symbol of hope to the children and that fellow behind the stamp window prise.” adults against whom fate has played some cruel tricks. at the post office will salute smartly That is the kind of propaganda dis- I ¡Yes, Easter Seals are a good buy. when a citizen requests a three-center tributed to the newspapers of the country free in an attempt to destroy i •4 and we’ll have those agricultural de 7 partment inspectors, public health your right to own and operate mu- service doctors, social security admin nicipal power plants, telephone sys- istrators and even army sergeants terns, post offices, or build your own speaking to rookies clicking their i highways and bridges. HEAVY HAULING Phone STAYTON 5017 The statement “heavily-taxed pn- . heels and towing from the waist in vate enterprise” is a falsehood and ! no time And then we woke up! So will every citizen should know it if he Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment There isn’t one utility or Fulton, maybe!—From Oregon States doesn’t. corporation that pays any taxes that man. it hasn't already collected in advance EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION from the “unsuspecting” public. Why , SURCHARGE SUIT FILED is it that public utilities owned by Oregon has more than a million Contracting and Rental cities are able to serve the public the, i same electric power, cheaper than pri- 1 I vate utilities can, pay higher rates for 1 prime power from Bonneville than I March 5. 1»53 "JOE BEAVER DON PETERSON, Publisher Easter Seals —Symbol of Hope Canyon 4venue- Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture "Yes, we have spent our trees freely in the past but if we can restore timber resources we can produce all the trees we need." the private utilities pay for interrup that they cry so tearfully about. Per tible power, pay off the indebtedness, haps we could send more representa and still pay to the city coffers more tives to congress like Senator Wayrt? in dividends than the private utility Morse who works for the citizens of pays in taxes? Why doesn’t Hofer the whole state and country and is & Sons tell the newspapers that side not voting according to the dictates of the story? of the high-priced lobbists of ta a ♦ * * ‘‘heavily-taxed private enterprise". It was over the radio this week Let’s send more Wayne Morses to that I heard the figure of $13 billion congress and keep the “Pants Button” dollars as the total that had been Norblads at home so they can take the given back to corporations as “tax buttons off his own pants! refund certificates” over the past two When we get some more honest years. Perhaps what we need is some ' 1 Oregon representation perhaps we plugging up of the tax refund loop- | will not be saddled with all the Re holes enjoyed by “private” enterprise publican 20% surcharges and Republ and we will not have the public debt ican ' gas and fuel oil price gouging rflMKXJW.X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X :: x New Tap Dancing Classes Starting Salem Sand & Gravel Co. FRANK EDWARDS Says: Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME MEANDER INN : On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Shuffleboard George "Sparky” Hitter Good Music DOXD©«>CMX.Xl>axixlx,x’x.xlx x x.x x x.x.xt»CX4< x.x x xxxiXiX'X.x’.XIXDaxWIXW Ph. 3-6189 SALEM. ORE. 1288 STATE ST. Randall’s FINE MEATS X X Real Bargains in Meat \gain this week we are able to offer you fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beet at the lowest prices in the state of Oregon. It is the volume of your Patronage that makes these- low prices possible. Come in and compare our prices. Plan to buy a week’s supply. \ny of our retail cuts »rapped lor your locker FREE! t ill your locker NOW before the normal spring price advance. ■ I lb Freshly (¡round HAMBURGER Country Style SAUSAGE SMOKED PORK ( HOPS lb Voffet'a from Hubbard Special introductory prive t 39c 39c 69c I lb Round T Bone Rib BEEF STEAK 59c Eastern Oregon Hereford Eastern Oregon Hereford Voget’« National Prise-« inning Smoked »lowly Extra Lean (¡ROUND BEEF Ix'an. Tender BEEF Cl BES Tax Consultant BEEF FOR ÌOI K l.Ot KI R—Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter 3212c ib 3612c ,h 4212c » Steer Beet Front Quarter 4012c n» I 5, K1CDCIM9OO0(9CDC90CX3CDCDOCM3C^ Auditor I ■ »’ 65c with tine Maple Ib 59c tb 59c Hind Quarter 5112c in orrsicOToririawoaooa FIRE HALL, MILL CITY Wednesday, March II X 2 P.M. X g Paul Armstrong Studios X s____________ /A Y)uï say WOW ! WHAT A BARGAIN PISTON RING SPECIAL FOR MARCH ONLY FORD CARS AND TRUCKS HERE IS WHAT YOU GET! NEW GENUINE FORD PISTON RINGS NEW GASKETS W. N. SIMMONS ? 39c Arm Blade Rump BEEF ROAST PIE( E BACON (Heard over KPOJ, Portland, at 10:15 p.m., Monday through Friday) The War Claims Commission is holding several million dollars which belong to 30,000 American veterans who were held prisoners by the enemy during World War II. The veterans who are eligible can get this money, or it will be paid to their widows and ! children, or if the veteran was un- married, to his parents. Figured at the rate of $1.50 per day for com- pulsory labor or inhumane treatment while they were prisoners of the enemy, these 30,000 cases are entitled to sums varying from $700 to $1,200 each. If you are a former prisoner I of war or are the surviving parent or j dependent of such a veteran, file a claim with the War Claims Commis sion, Washington, D.C. at once. * • * Sen. William Jenner has been ord ered to reimburse the government for ' $14,000 which he received illegally as ( a pension when serving in the United ' States Senate. Some editors have ' been accusing Jenner of getting re elected by hanging ortto Ike's coat- . tails. Jenner did no such thing he had both hands in Uncle Sam’s pocket s. i PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT; « I • Bookkeeping. Accounting and Tax Service : Corner Ard A Marion -1 hl KM QK < I I Telephone 4114 P. O. Bax 1.121 ; « i _____ awanaovnnnnaaoavoQnanaBBne CHOKED x :: x x x x :: x x x x x x' x X« x x x x x x x x XJXMM LABOR OF INSTALLING CONNECTION ROD INSERTS (IF NEEDED! NEW OIL FILTER ELEMENT OIL LINES CLEANED OIL TANS CLEANED NEW MOTOR OIL CARBON REMOVED AIR CLEANER CLEANED AND OIL RENEWED Regular Price $56.39...You SAVE $16.44 BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Offer good from March ht through April 15, 1953 SEE YOUR FORD DEALER with stomach THANK HIAVKNS Most attacks ar* ast acid tn4lca«tion When It »trikea. take Bell-an» tablet» They contain the fastest-acting ■te^lcine» known to doctor» for the relief of bsarlburn (a< and Moular 4«rw« ZM Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton OOOOOJOOOOOOO oooooooooooo