Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
7—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE February 19. 1953 Wants and Sales If It’s in the Canyon, lt’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE—2-bedroom modern home SPINET PIANO—Save manj- dollars. AVON COSMETICS in Swift addition. See Don Walker. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Cash 8-3p See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white or terms. See it in Mill City. Write house across from Martin’s trailer Wholesale Mgr.. Salem Music Co., court on NW. 7th Ave. CAFE FOR LEASE—On hiway 222 153 S. High, Salem, Ore. 7-3 at Mill City. Contact party at Box 658, Mill City. house in back of Cafe Mar Dean FOR SALE — Second hand electric for information. Owner called back range, also wood range, cheap. FOR RENT—2-bedroom house, newly decorated outside and inside. Mod to Armed Service. 7-3p Located in Presbyterian recreation ern, See Glen Shelton, Mill City. room. Inquire Wm Shuey or Her 43 tf bert Schroeder, Mill City. 6-3 WEDDING ANNOI NCE.MENTS FOR SALE—Piano and bench, ma EXPERT AUTO and home radio hogany finish, also Coleman oil • service. 20 years experience, all AND INVITATIONS heater with tank. Mrs. Jack Dug makes. Guaranteed service. gan, ph. Lyons 163. 3tf at The Mill City Enterprise Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Swift addition. Inquire at C. E. Lyons yard. For further informa COVILLE REAL ESTATE, Mill tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 City. 52tf Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf FOR SALE—Rabbits, does and bucks. Inquire Richfield Service Station at TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma Gates. 8-3 chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old machine towards a new one. NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone LOST—Black Hawk 1-ton floor jack on new hiway between Mehama and and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Elkhorn bridge. Reward. Philippi Tire Service. 8tf FOR SALE—200-ft. frontage by 200 SPORTSMEN — Join the North San- or more deep, inside city limits, tiam Sportsman's club now. We are west end of town. Phone 642, Mill devoted to game conservation and City. 6-3p propagation and need your help. Only $1.00 per year, you will have REAL ESTATE that much fun at one meeting. Enquire at Enterprise office, or see See us for good buys in the canyon Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 area. Listings wanted. Glen Shelton, Salesman C. E. Coville, Broker West side Mill City FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- stered, latest fabrics and plastics Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton Ph. 2207 Upholstery. 38tf Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger' e BASSETTS WELDING SHOP I I Phone 116 Phone 1141 Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons Used Washers 89-50 IO995 BENDIX AUTOMATIC LATE MODEL BENDIX 99.50 LIKE NEW EASY LAUNDRY OTHER CONVENTIONAL WASHERS 00 up 3 Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 183 N, High Street | sawmill business with his father-in- law, Fred Stone. NOTICE Personal property taxpayers are re Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess of quired to file an invoice as of Jan Mr. and Mrs. Gale Carey have pur Klamath Falls are guests at the home uary 1st, 1953, with the Assessor for chased a building site in Stayton and of Mrs. Burgess' sister and family, an assessment base. Assessment work on their new home was started They filed on or before March 2, Monday of last week. The new home Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine. also visited relatives in Mill City and 1953. Penalty provided after due will be located east of the cannery Lyons. date. and will be a three bedroom house of Miss Lorena Devine, who is em Trucks and automobiles carrying State license plates and furniture in modern construction. ployed in the office of the secretary private homes are exempt. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, their daugh of seate in Salem, was at the home of Furniture in Hotels, Apartments ter and infant son have resided in her parents over the weekend. and Rooming Houses are subject to Gates for years where Carey is in the Mrs. Martha Bowes, who was hos- taxation. | pitalized at the Salem Memorial hos If you have not received an assess ment blank, please notify the Asses Circuit Court of the State of Oregon pital for several days with a severe for the County of Marion in the Mat I case of the flu, returned home sor’s Office. ter of the Estate of Harriette M. Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Laura JOHN W. SHEPPARD, TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im Linn County Assessor. Reid, deceased, the undersigned, David , Joaquin is at the Bowes home caring ported and domestic woolens. Al 7-3 M. Reid and John Warren Reid, were ! for Mrs. Bowes. At last reports she terations, cleaning and pressing. duly appointed as joint executors of is well on the road to recovery. No. 14,904 SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. Liberty, Salem. 50tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT said estate and have qualified as such. Debs Devine, who suffered a heart I have filed my Final Account in All persons having claims against said attack last week, was able to return estate are hereby required to present the estate of Bessie Reade, deceased, FOR RENT—3-room modern duplex. home Thursday following a week Inquire at house next to Whitie’s with the County Clerk of Marion the same, together with the proper Santiam Cafe. 7-3p County, Oregon and the court has set vouchers, to the undersigned joint ex spent at the Salem Memorial hos- the 14th day of March, 1953, at 10 ecutors at Mill City, Oregon, within pital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin were PIANO TUNING and REPAIRS—20 o’clock A.M. and the circuit court six months from the date of this years experience—all work guaran room as the time and place for hear notice. Portland visitors over the weekend at Dated and first published this 29th the homes of relatives. teed. New and used pianos for sale. ing objections thereto and the settle day of January, 1953. ALVIN WALL, 1320 E. 2nd Ave. ment of said estate. Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole drove to FLORENCE HARRIS, Albany, phone 1691R. 51tf DAVID M. REID and Portland Saturday, accompanied by Executrix of the Estate of JOHN WARREN REID, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knutson of Mill Bessie Reade, deceased. Joint Executors City, where they had been called by REAL ESTATE BELL & DEVERS, BELI. & DEVERS, Stayton, Oregon. 7-5 River frontage for summer Attorneys for Executors. 5-5 the serious illness of Mrs. Knutson’« daughter, Mrs. Hollis Turnidge. home sites. NOTICE Mrs. Turnidge, a former resident NOTICE TO OWNERS OF Highway frontage between No. 14,955 LINN COUNTY DOGS of Gates, who is hospitalized at St. Gates and dam. THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Notice is hereby given that March Vincent’s hospital in Portland took a STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Modern home on 11 acres for 1st is the last date on which to secure sudden turn for the worse Friday of COUNTY OF MARION sale. your dog license from the County last week. DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE Houses for rent. In the Matter of the Will and Estate 'Clerk of Linn County. Albany, Ore- Her daughters, Mrs. Bob Kelle of of ONA DRAKE, Deceased [ K°n- without paying a penalty. The Cutler Ctiy, Mrs. Carl Jensen of Port See W. R. HUTCHESON Notice is hereby given that the' license fee is $2.00 for male and land, anil Airman Carolyn Brejcha, At Gates Furniture Store .I--,.’ — 1 1_ has _ . i filed : 1 _ _ „ 1 and J spayed fontulii 1H) far female rirxxva dogs, an.l and $3.00 for undersigned his C* Second stationed at Sacramento, Calif., are Final Account as Executor of the female dogs. After March 1st a pen all at their mother’s bedside. Estate of Ona Drake, Deceased, with alty of $2.00 will be charged with each Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap at the County Clerk of Marion County, license issued. All pups are subject Oregon, and the Court has fixed Mon to license as soon as they reach the tended a birthday dinner at the Wil day, March 9, 1953, at the hour of age of 8 months. If license is not bur Meinert home in Mill City Sun The dinner complimented Mr. 9:15 o’clock in the morning of said procured before such pup reaches the day. day as the time, and the Court Room age of 9 months the penalty of $2.00 Meinert whose birthday was Feb. 14. of the Circuit Court, Department of attaches. The present law requires Seated at the table were the honored Probate, in the Court House at Salem, the County Clerk to issue a metal tag guest, Mr. Meinert, Mrs. Rosa Daly, Marion County, Oregon, as the place which shall be fastened by the licensee Mr. and Mrs. Millsap, the hostess, for hearing objections, if any, to said to a collar and kept on the dog at all Mrs. Meinert, and three sons, James, times when not in the immediate pos Second and Final Account on file. RANSOM S. DRAKE, session of said licensee. The tag will and the twins, Mark and Clark. Executor. protect the dog from being called a ■traj PETE FIEDLER. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN, Quality Job Printing at WE SELL BETTER Linn Courtty Dog Catcher Attorneys for Estate The Mill City Enterprise CARS FOR LESS! Salem, Oregon 6-5 Jan. 22, Feb. 5 and 19—3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order duly entered in the Court House Square zThe Most Show for Least Dough GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our service. Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Home of GOOD Used C ars HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service SHROCK'S MIKE'S Septic Service: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Septic Tanks and Sewers ( leaned Phone SALEM 3 9468. COLLECT 1079 F.lm At., W. Salem Mill City Soothe Itching, F iery P iles General Dry Goods NOTIONS UNG ERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY l.rZTFRS COSMETICS J. W. GOIN WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral ’'■rvlw OREGON STATTON Phone 3-9101 D.W.REID.MD. WOOD’S STORE VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station Don't kt sore. fiery, painful, Itching ilmple Plies drive you nearly cra«y In 15 rrinut**» ( HINAROID Claris ftvln« wonderf ¡1 cooling, »oothlng. temporary laxir.g relief Iro n pain, burning and It *.ng r money oack euarante^d Genu co«t* or. 17 |1 00 at Oxuggl ♦ SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT 4 Phone 903 DRIVE MILE CITY NEW IMPROVED CHASSIS LUBRICATION /F/ZZW TIRES TUBES — BATTERIES ACCESSORIES FOR THE BEST BUY Mill City Directory - Professional ♦ DR. VICTOR .1. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Silver Saddle CAFE 316 N. Church St. Business GATES Mom's and Pop's 49.50 THOR IRON ER. 30-Inch Roll LEGAL ADVERTISING in QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS check this list, then come in and see these and many more TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres sion Hl’RKICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets mud, ets through mud, snow and tnr* stop -—* d sand that ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.G VW. ELSNER Motor Co SALEM, ORF 1950 1950 1949 19 H 1947 1947 IMS 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 4-door sedan CHRYSLER WINDSOR club coupe CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-door sedan DeSOTO deluxe 4-door sedan CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-door Sedan PLYMOUTH special deluxe sedan DODGE deluxe 4-door sedan FRAZER 4-door sedan PACKARD 4-dooi sedan PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan 25 other cars to choose from. Priced right. We trade right. Terms up to 30 months to pay. Salem Automobile Co HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS nnwnoaooBB on# a sonoonnnnnn DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Poet Office Bldg., 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p m. to 6 p.m. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY mnnmwT¡i¡TíBnt¡t¡wamn¡iiBTiv MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbare, ashes, trimmings. etc. weekly pickups 11.50 per month Also light hauling I eons rd Herman $1995 2245 1845 1795 1295 Open Sat. Nites Only ORCHESTRA AND DINNERS FOR SPEC IAL OCCASIONS I I