February 19, 1953 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY HM OUT OF GODFREY’S TEABAG "I’ve been skating all day, and believe me it's good to sit down for ■ change—on a chair. Truck drivers have a sense of humor. Did you ever notice the little signs on the back of some of the trucks. One I saw the other day in New Jersey read: “This truck stops for brunettes and blondes and will back up fifty feet for a redhead." Archie Bleyer and the boys m the band gave me a present of one of those Tattersal vests. It’s purple and yellow with pink stripes I can't wear that — it’s the wrong size. I remember when I did my first TV show, way back in 1948, B.C. ... before chlorophyll. I’ve been pretty lucky with this skating business Two years on skates without falling down To night thero-will be Hi.000 people at the Madison Square Garden skating festival waiting to see me fall down—and break my—record Hi AKO ON “TAUNT SCOUtS- CSS AND CSS-TV MONDAY NIGHTS LYONS Mrs. Peggy Formherz was the honor guest at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Ruth Lyons Wednesday evening. Honoring Mrs. Forcherz were Mary Voltin, Mary Fink, Leola Phelps, Kate Sieg, Ida Free, Lorraine Free, Ber- niece Bridges, Mrs. Lechleitner, Mrs. Al De Ryke and the hostess Mrs. Lyons. Sending gifts were Wilma Free, Mary Sieg, Ann Pietrok, Martha Jungwirth, Lucillle Bass, Rose Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. Schwindt and Goldia Brassfield. Mrs. Leora Stevens was hostess for the home economics club with a one o’clock luncheon at her home Tues day afternoon, followed by the regu lar business meeting with Mrs. Stev ens, chairman, in charge. Plans were made for the annual bazaar an harvest festival. Earl Helemn, Scoutmaster, and his Boy Scout troop 81 will hold a court of honor at the Mari-Linn gym Thurs- ray evening, Feb. 26, with all parents ' and friends invited to attend. Helemn reports that he has 22 boys in his troop. Mrs. James Hollingshead left Thurs day afternoon for Pacific City to spend the remainder of the week at the home of their daughter and fam- IT’S AMAZING! BcftNJ RUO/tRiD fì y G olf W ll drwén ir Y o A T/PTféR HWRRD-THM rfowite/GSítH I íora L birdié r (M&<0 citv T OF THE ''MAYFLOWER . pilgrims perisheo &TMEy ” because BROUGHT ALONG NO cattle to insure FRESH M ilk 1 . KÍ Of fUGlRMP, A u»w, if a crimc foe ptcflt fo tut F«» 9WD, AS a Mfasuee of hwuth FVo-rscfion. Hf sbliww gwm shcup Pt 3 01.0 pf'ORE tkftn..... EVERYONE WELCOME MEANDER INN On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Shuffleboard , George "Sparky” Ditter Good Music Joan Davis, star of NBC-TV’s "1 Married Joan,” gives a prize for each letter used m this column. Dog License Due PENALTY After March 1st: FEES In Marion County Male $1.00 Male $3.00 Sp. Female $1.00 Sp. Female $3.00 Female $2.00 Female $4.00 Make Money Order or Checks Payable to: H. C. MATTSON, County Clerk Salem, Oregon Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances ELECTRIC HEATING INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL LIGHTING Here's the January Winner: When I met my future husband, I was living in Los Angeles and vacationing at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas. At the pool one day, I saw Gloria De Haven swimming there and decided to snap her pic ture. There was a fellow in the pool swimming near Miss De Haven and I kept motioning him to get out of the picture. He thought I was waving to him and he just kept waving back. My girl friend, a practical joker, deciding that my stooped position over the camera was too tempting to let pass, sneaked up behind me and gave a hard shove. Both the camera and I landed in the water on the head of the stranger. When I came up for air, the chap was standing along the edge of the pool and was so angry that he threw the camera at me. Be fore I could apologize, he hurried off. That night, attending the floor show, I saw him sitting alone at a table, so I went over, sat down beside him and explained. Later on, I discovered that he also lived in Los Angeles and, not so long after, we were married. Incidentally, we spent our honeymoon at the Desert Inn and still have the camera. Mrs. L. Elkin 110 Valley Circle Bridgeport, Conn. Send pour letter to: JOAN DAVI' 1SS MADISON AVt NIW VO«« I/. N V. Marion Kite I ily. Mrs. Hollingshead returned home Claire Humphries house east of town. Quality Job Printing at on Wednesday from a two weeks’ Anderson is employed by the M and M The Mill City Enterprise ' stay at the home of another daughter woodworking company. in Salem, after helping care for their Fred Lindemann has sold his home ■ new grandson. across the highway from the sporting Earl Allen and his sister, Mrs. John goods store to Mr. and Mrs.. James If you are bothered by Backache, Getting Up Nights (too frequent, burning or sting Worden, received word Wednesday Duman, who moved in Thursday. Mr. ing urination). Pressure ever Bladder, or strong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo afternoon of the sudden death of their and Mrs. Nick Gustafson, who have rary Kidney and Bladder Irritation, for uncle, George Allen, who was struck been living in the house, moved tem palliative relief ask your druggist about CYSTEX. Popular 25 years. 20 million pack I by a car and killed while he and Mrs. I porarily to a house across the street ages used. Satisfaction or money back guar anteed. Ask druggist about CYSTEX today Allen were visiting at the home of from the variety store. their son, Larry Allen, at San Fran-1 cisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Allen lived on the McKenzie river near Belknap Hot Springs. Billie Ayers, in the Memorial hos pital in Salem with a broken leg he 1405 N. Front St. SALEM, ORE. received while at work for the Rudy Salem Phones: Lyons Phone: lumber company at Idanha, has de 2-1924; Night 2-4417 143 veloped pneumonia, and surgery j scheduled for Friday morning has! HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY been postponed. and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Mrs. John Jungwirth, who is ill at Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and Va-yard shovels. her home wtih virus pneumonia, is reported to be some improved. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye, who have been staying at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye, since returning from Japan, have moved to Elgin, Ore., where he has bought an interest in a seed and feed company. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Anderson from I ■ I California moved this week to the BACKACHE? Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. ,£WIIW1 ■ k ÍILXIIA ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit, Oregon Phone 263 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING F.H.A. FINANCING Box 176 Pains, distress of44those days” stopped or amazingly relieved WE DON'T NEED A CRYSTAL BALL R ‘We make Friends with Flowers’ . . . to know when your car needs lubrication. 319 W. Washington St. STAYTON. ORE. 1*2 block« on West Stay ton Highway in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors’ tests) • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — suffer the tortures of "bad days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering ! Here Is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — gave complete or striking relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Scientifically Modern Action Yes! Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be scientifically modern in action! This news will not surprise :he thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham s regularly and know the relief it can bring. And It should encourage you (If you're not taking Lydia Pinkham si to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs .. to see if you, too, don't avoid IT’S All ON THIS CARD— a careful record of all lubrication sen ices per formed by us are en tered here . . . and we remind you when serv ices are due. How Lydia Pinkham'« work« It hot a "calmine ’ and iOoCim, effect on the ut erut . . quieting the contraction.« « see the chart* Chat 90 often MBN menttruai pain, crwmjM. other dutrttt the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—so often associated with "those days" I Remember Lydia Pinkham's, too — if you're suffering the hot flashes’’ and other func tionally-caused distress of change of life ” Oet Lydia Pinkham's Com pound or new. improved Tab lets with added iron (trial size only 59<>. Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! Landscaping « 5 X a « X Fruit Evergreens NO GUESSWORK WITH THIS—it’s a chart of the lubrication points on your car. There arc no slip-ups—and danger points are thoroughly checked. Shade and Flowering Trees « Rely on us—w e’ll show you how our personalized senice can keep your repair bills down. I X ; Gladiolus Bulbs We fe te tetter core of your cor Phone 3684 - All Hours Bassett & Stover * 6 Lee Bassett and Bill Stover Our Shop Is Open 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. i X Seven Days a Week x-XKÄWOOrx x x'Xj? x^ X x*x x x x x x ^ xxk ^ Y,r--xxYXYWfW^Yy I