Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: Mil I <TTY DETROIT El KHORN GATES IDANH \ LI ons MEHAMA By DON PETERSON This week the big oil companies ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE of the country began reaping their harvest for the support they gave the Republican party in the last elec tion—and we are all paying for it. Where is the great hallabaloo that competition would keep prices down, under “their” theory of free enter prise? The companies and their dis tributors have thrown competition out the window and sat down together and agreed to raise the price of gaso line and oil, now what can we the By RICHARD LOVEL consumers do about it? I think the The Mill City Timberwolves took game and in the third quarter they answer is exactly nothing. You over the championship of Marion started pulling away from Mill City, would be wasting your postage to county “B” league by edging the Sub but Hoffman rallied his team by sink write Congressman Norblad asking limity Saints in their 15th hoop tussle ing nine points, mostly from outside him to vote to place price ceilings of the season. Mill City’s league the key, in the crucial 4th quarter. back on—further, if and when price game record is clean and with only Hoffman netted 21 points for the eve ceilings ate put back on they will not one game left, with Oregon Deaf ning to capture high point honors. be rolled back, but will become effec School at Mill City, it look like th. The game was one of the moss tive on some future date after the oil Timberwolves are headed for an un exciting games played by the Timber companies have established their pres defeated season. wolves this year. The Saints had the ent price rates. It was Bill Hoffman, Mill City advantage on the backboards and I don’t think anyone can justify guard, who put the game in the bag their field-goal shooting was out the price rises made by the oil indus standing. But the Timberwolves’ for his team. try, they have paid dividends every year since they began doing business The Saints were "red-hot” for the accuracy with long shots and their unquenchable spirit carried them and you have not heard of any oil men through to a 61 to 55 victory. going broke unless it was a little gas station operator, and that was caused The high scorers for Sublimity were by the parent companies cutting his Joe Steinkamp with 17 points and Ron margin so that he didn’t have the Reuf with 16. For Mill City Roy same margin he enjoyed in the years Chase made 15 points and Evart past. An unusual series of religious meet Brewer scored 12. This was Brewer's * * * ings are coming to Mill City begin first game in which the started. The Not many showed up to take part ning this Sunday, Febiuary 22. Dr. regular was Al Ward, who injured his in the old-fashioned Valentine box Edmont Hains of Winona Lake, Ind., ankle in the previous game, so Brewer social last Saturday night. I guess will conduct services. He has held took his place. Al Ward is expected it was just that old-fashioned box to be in shape for the OSD game socials are not so popular any more. Friday, February 27, or at least in With money getting harder to get as time for the district tournament. time goes on and prices going up, Roy Chase and Ron Reuf are wag vVith 20% surcharges being added so ing a private battle for high scorer that corporations don’t suffer, it is no for the league. Chase is ten points wonder that the farmer and laborer ahead of Reuf. Reuf will need to has no money left for such worthy do some fast scoring to beat Chase JI NK—Photos show all that is left of two automobiles driven by teen-agers that collided head on on the North organizations as polio foundations. with only one more game to go. In- Santiam highway one mTe west of Mehama, Tuesday afternoon. In top photo Melvin Quinnett. Lyons; Roger The committee in charge of the cidently each team’s remaining game Rowe, Stayton. and Delmar Thompson, Mill City, examine car driven in easterly direction by Paul human, 17, Valentine box social wishes to express is with OSD, Scio. The car burned after the crash. Lower photo shows new 1953 Ford which proceeding west and driven by its sincere thanks to the Odd Fellows Mill City held the half-time ad Allan Pooler, 18, Mebama. Witnesses said Pooler was passing another vehicle at the time of the accident. for the use of their hall and also to vantage of 32-24. It was 17-11 for Both vehicles were demolished, and both drivers suffered serious injuries. The accident occured about 4:15. the many individuals who worked to (Photos courtesy Capital Journal) Mill City at the end of the first make the affair successful. quarter. In the third, however, the * * * Saints boomed to a 43-43 tie. They The Lions club is making plans for started pulling away in the fourth their annual amateur and talent show, quarter until Hoffman's rally enabled which will be April 16th. If you are ' the Timberwolves to win the game. planning to enter the competition now I The Mill City JV’s won the pre- lfiftlnary game feom the Sublimity is the "time to start preparing so that ^Tuesday and Wednesday of this you will be ready to enter the com week the Presbytery of Willamette junior varsity 48 to 24. Virgil Rogers of Lyons announced petition when the call is issued for for the Presbyterian church at the Mill City (61) (55) Sublimity this week that O. E. Mikesell, Linn Mill City American Legion and auditions. F (6) Bentz Brewer (12) Auxiliary will “cake-walk’’ Saturday Mill City Presbyterian church. It was county Extension agent will conduct a * * * EDMONT HAINS, D.R. F (14) Hueberger Chase (15) night 8:30 p.m., February 21 in the the fiist Presbytery meeting at Mill weed control meeting at Gates high Paul Smith, our famous walking Mill City Legion hall, according to the City in «.bout 25 years. Roy Elliot, school, Wednesday night at 8 p.m. C (17) Steinkamp Gregory (7) services in churches of many denomi Kanoff (6) man, hit the news again this week report of Marie Stewart, Auxiliary a layman from Eugene, was installed February 25. G (16) Reuf nations and has preached across the Hoffman (21) when his exploits were recounted last secretary. The cake-walk will follow as moderator for the year to succeed G (1) Bradley A speaker from Oregon State col United States and Canada. Sunday evening on Walter Winchell’s a joint meeting of the Legion and the Rev. Paul Mellish, also of Eugene. lege will address the meeting on con Subs: Mill City—Verbeck, Misner» Dr. Hains is bringing his world- Carey, Melting; Sublimity — Kintz. news progiam. Of course Mill City Auxiliary that same evening. Danc Elder William Shuey of the Mill City trol of noxious weeds such as tanzy came in for mention as the home of ing to organ music will round out the church was elected the layman dele lagwart and thistles. Formers are famous mode) of the Old Testament Frank, Parrish, L. Hueberger (1)» our famous citizen. Paul is a one- evening of entei tainment. Ina Chase gate to General Assembly which requested to bring to this meeting Tabernacle which he will use to dram Reisterer. man chamber of commerce for this has charge of the cake-walk portion meets in Minneapolis in May. samples of weeds or grass that are atize his services on “Christ Fore Officials: DeLorrette and Vander- shadowed by the Wilderness Taber canyonI The two-day meeting was opened giving them trouble so that they of the program. vort. * • * nacle. ” He uses the Tabernacle as a During the regular monthly meet with a communion service in which origin of the weeds can be determined j Marion county’s senators and rep ing of the Auxiliary under the direc the local choir took part. Theie fol and a program for stamping them out doorway to all of the Scriptures. For many years an active minister, he resentatives with the exception of tion of Delores Stewart, piesident, the lowed the reports and recommenda worked out. established the first daily religious Mark Hatfield all signed the screw pending March 21 visit of the national tion.- of the committees which had Rogers urged the attendance of all He is the ball bill in which they attempt to president in Salem was discussed. It been studying the needs and programs farmers in the Mill City and Gates broadcast in America. author of many books. One of his prevent Senator Wayne Morse from was decided that those who want res of the various churches. Reports area. most recent is on “The Tabernacle”. becoming a candidate to succeed him ervations for the dinner in the Marion and recommendations were heard from self in 1956. Rep. Ed Cardwell of hotel should contact Ledora Kelly or I the committees on Church and Minis Dr. Oswald Smtih, of the great (Continued on Page 8) Peoples’ church in Toronto, Canada, June Miley of Gates won top speech terial Relations, Social Education and Delores Stewart before Match 15. | Action, Stewardship and Missions, honors in a contest during the regu is enthusiastic about it. He says, Alice Roberts will handle the chair "Nowhere have I encountered a study lar meeting of the Mill City Toast manship of the Poppy committee this New Life and Evangelism, and Chris- of the Tabernacle that ha- gripped me mistress club Thurrday night, Feb. year. The Auxiliary has ordered a ' tian Education. Included in the busi- as this has. 1 was so impressed by 12. Ruby Crosier presided. Aline film about poppies and what is done I ness of the first day was the exami- Lyons—Ed Wilson of Salem was Dr. Hains’ series of messages on the Steffy was toastmistress. Edna Ross candidates for the nation of two with the funds raised by their sale. instantly killed Friday forenoon at Tabernacle that I had him piesent the brought Mrs. Charles Kelly as her Mrs. Roberts is now selecting the Gospel Ministry. Gates — Floyd Völkel, merchant, members of her poppy committee. Meals for the visiting Presbyters the farm home of his brother, Geoige series twice in the same year at guest. As announced previously, the con was named mayor of Gates at the His ministry is were served by the ladies of the Wilson, who lives on McCully moun-i People's church, The Auxiliary Americanism chair Wilson was unique. testants were to present their speeches regular meeting of the Gates city man that she should contact Mill City church. Housing was provided by the tain south of Lyons. falling a tree, with his brother stand council early this week. He is called of God to unfold the at the February 12 meeting for the high school officials regarding the * church families. ing by to watch. In felling the tree Old Testament, not only to Bible scho forthcoming speech contest in Salem. At the same time the oath of office selection of a girl from Mill Ctiy as it struck another, breaking in two and lars and students, but to great masses was given to W. S. Hudson who was a representative to Girls’ State in The prepared speeches of each con causing the butt of the tree to buckle of people. He has learned the art of elected a member of the council at the Salem. It was voted that the Mill testant were prefaced by a brief, im back, striking Wilson with a limb. taking the deepest and profound promptu speech on a subject unknown general election. City Auxiliary unit would join the Survivors include the widow, Esther truths of the Word of God and places to them, as the subject was written Völkel was selected by the members Marion county council. Wilson, Salem; and a daughter, Mar these truths before his hearers in a on a folded piece of paper and handed to serve as mayor for the term of! The auxiliary has scheduled a clean garet Lewis, on the coast. Funeral one year, replacing Mayor Ray Lord,I up night for February 23 at 8 p.m. Carl Foster, 39, former employe at services were held Wednesday after most fascinating, enlightening man to them after their introduction to ner.” who is retiring. the club. at the Legion hall. All Auxiliary the Detroit dam and recently em The coming of Dr. Hains is spon Walter Brisbin was appointed vice I members were instructed during this ployed at the Chevron station died noon at one o'clock in Eugene. Following are the contestants, sored by the Mill City Ministerial listed by Aline Steffy, secretary, in chairman and also street commis-' month’s meeting that they should wear Thursday afternoon (today) from a association. His meetings will be the order in which they appeared, to sioner; Charles Geibler, police com work clothes for the clean-up work rifle bullet, apparently by his own held at the Mill City Presbyterian gether with subject of their prepared missioner; W. S. Hudson, sanitation | on the hall kitchen and rummage sort hand. church from Sunday, February 22, speeches: commissioner and A. T. Barnhardt, | ing. Marion county coroner I-eston W. through Friday, March 6. building inspector. Edna Hutcheson, “My Philosophy”; All Mill City Auxiliary members Howell declared the death an appar Sunday services will be at 8:15 p.m., June Miley, “Schools — Our Greatest Mrs. George Clise is city recorder. will bring sandwiches and salad for ent suicide. Foster, who died in his two persons to the Saturday, Febru apartment was said by friends to have Salem’s senior high school band will week-day services at 7:30 p.m. (No | Bargain”; Edyth Means, “The Marred ary 21, joint meeting and cake-walk. been despondent for some time. perform in Mill City's grade school services Mondays and Saturdays) Psyche” and Marion Todd, “Com bating Complacency”. Regional Camp Fire Eleven members and four guests Foster had borrowed a friend’s car gym. Monday afternoon, 12:40 to 1:40 Everyone is cordially invited. The judges were: Mrs. Dora How were present for the auxiliary meet about 1 p.m. to go to his apartment p.m. March 2. This is a public per-1 ard, from Salem Toastmistress club; Meeting at Portland ing this week. Mrs. Dean Jackson, and when he did not return at 4:30 formance for the purpose of raising Orval Kennen, from Salem Toast Fiftv-one Camp Fire Girls councils Mrs. Virginia Thompson, Mrs. Dora p.m. Gordon Humphries and Billy Jo funds for the Mill City band, Earl Ronald E. Ragsdale master club; Mrs. Lucille Lowery and Lee Wilson and Mrs. Betty Shaw were Loucks, Mill City band instructor, Garrison went to get their car and in the four states of Washington, Ore Assigned To 44th Arthur I .eCours, Mill City. Local police i stated today. gon, Idaho and Montana are expected the guests. Hostesses Ledora Kelly found Foster’s body. The tellers were: Gwen Jones, chair The Salem band is under the direc-. Ft. I^wis, Wash.—Ronald E. Rags to send representatives to the annual and Tearly Muir served a lovely lunch were notified and county officials tion of Victor Palmerson. Salem’s dale, formerly of Mill City, has been man; Pat Wingo, and Elaine Keirsey. called to take charge, regional meeting to be held in Port to the group. Everyone present agreed that all Foster is survived by his mother1 banel ha« 78 members. Funds rai-ed assigned to the 44th Infantry division land. February 27 and 28. Mrs. A. I and two sisters who reside in Cali by the Salem band will be turned to at Fort I-ewis, Wash., for basic train contestants did a fine job in the pre B. Macpherson. Portland, chairman of Notice Dog Owners fornia, and his wife Marge Foster the Mill City school band. This is ing. Ronald is the son of Mr. and sentation of their speeches. Region VI, will preside at the ses The judges decision placed Marion Pete Fiedler, Linn county dog His wife was in Portland at the time.1 one of the ways Class A bands help Mrs. Ernest H. Ragsdale who live at sions. The meetings will be held in Todd as alternate, or second, and June Mill City. new band organizations such as Mill catcher and tax collector will be set The body was taken to the Weddle i the Multnomah hotel. He is assigned to Co. H, 130th In Miley, first place. City's. Approximately fifty professionals up for business at the Mill City city funeral home in Stayton. Further details as to the speech It was two years ago this summer Cost of admission to the Friday; fantry Regiment. The 44th Division are expected to be present for an all hall, Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. day meeting preceding this conference Feb. 25. Those in need of dog license | that Carl won the “Dam” Mustache I afternoon performance of the large is an Illinois National Guard unit ac contest in Salem will be announced on February 26. Mrs. Canessa John for their dogs; and have not as yet club prize for the best mustache Salem band is 25c for grade school tivated in February, 1952, and was in a later issue. The next meeting of the Toast son, Twin Falls, Idaho, is chairman of paid their taxes may contact Fiedler during the third annual Aviation day children, 35c for high school students stationed at Camp Cooke, Calif., until mistress club will be February 26th. last December, next Wednesday. festivities at the Davis airport. and 50c for adults. this grou^. Timberwolves Win League Championship This Week Dr. Edmont Hains Co ning Sunday Legion-Auxiliary Cake-Walk To Be Saturday Evening Mill City Church Hosts Presbytery Weed Control At Gates Hi Mrs. Miley Wins Speech Honors Salem Man Killed in Freak Accident Floyd Völkel Chosen Mayor at Gates Carl Foster, 39, Takes Own Life Salem School Band To Appear Mar. 2