LYONS February 12. 19'»3 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN | "rtUMTf Vfllilà. \ The Women’s Society of Christian Service met at the home of Mr*. Alice Huber Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Gladys Hargreaves as assistant host- cm . * Mrs. Huber, president, ¿barge of the business meeting. Plans were made and committees appointed foi the father and ton ban quet which will be held Thursday eve ning, March 5. Johnny Carpenter of KOIN will be the speaker of the evening and singer. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Loren Chamberlain was presented with a cake from her niece, Mrs. per at the hall Thursday evening, Ramie Martell, honoring her on her Feb. 12. 73rd birthday anniversary. An aircraft station for night patrol Mrs. Huber and Mrs. Hargreaves only has been established at the Joe Bowes took his mother to a served refreshments to Mesdames Freres-Frank lumber company mill Salem hospital Monday of this week X n RURAL. Rinke Feenstra, Wood Oliver, Clyde east of Lyons. AUSTRIA, -y for medical attention. Bressler, Ivan Smith, E. S. Barker, PEASANT BRIDES Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kadin arrived Mr. and Mrs. James Hollingshead Leonard Crlson, Loren Chamberlain, are receiving congratulations upon from San Francisco January 18 where WEAR George Huffman, Art Baltzer, Van the arrival of a grandson. Mrs. Hol he had been stationed the past two Prichard, Glen Julian. lingshead is at the home of their years. He is out of the service now. The Mari-Linn PT A club will hold daughter and family in Salem, helping Mrs. Anna Nelson of Winters, Wis., WEDDING GOWNS the next meeting Wednesday eve- care for the child. arrived at the home of her son Edwin A n old custom ning the 11th instead of Tuesday eve- The Santiam Chapel of the Assem Kadin and family and is visiting for SUPPOSED TO ning, Feb. 1o. Mr. Butler of Stayton bly of God church will hold future a couple weeks. She then will go to BRING GOOD and members of the speech class will services in the Rebekah hall. Medford, to visit other sons. hold a panel discussion on the United FORTUNE* Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A levival meeting is planned start Nations. Jerry Martin will be mod Kenneth Martig the first of the week erator, David Neitling, who was sent ing Sunday with nightly services at were Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Laws | aa a visitor to the United Nations in 7:30, according to the Rev. Lester from Corvallis where he had been a Young, pastor. The Rev. Joe Yates New York, will answer questions. student. Mr. and Mrs. Laws were of Eugene is the evangelist. The annual meeting of the Peoples The Mari - Linn Parent - Teacher leaving for Noriobi, Africa, where Co-operative Telephone company was club is sponsoring a talent show at they wlil endeavor to spread the Bahai 3LINDAS held at the Rebekah hall. New officers the school gym at 8 p.m., Friday. A I faith. They expect to remain in elected were Russell Wilson, presi small admission will be charged. Africa for at least a year. A SAYING WITHOUT dent, to replace Hugh Johnston; Geo. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson returned The Santiam Valley Grange meet Nydegger, vice pres., and Phil Bell ing Friday voted $25 to the Building this week from Arizona and California FOUNDATION'. ALL was re-elected secietary - treasurer. fund for the new Community Meth- where they had visited for the past VARIETIES OF BATS Jim Lande, Harley Scott and Orville odits church. Degiees were destowed month. 1 Mrs. Hudson who had con- SEE CLEARLY Downing, directors. on Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers, Mr. traded a severe cold on the trip re P articularly at Bud Walker is confined to his home and Mrs. Albert Bass and Mrs. Ed cained in Salem at the home of her NIGHT, WHEN TMEI son, from Monday until Friday. with severe burns he received while Kubin. VISION IS Mrs. G. W. Russel (Fay Clark) and filling a balloon with gas. It ex William Kinzer, who left Feb. 3 ploited and caught fire, burning his for the service, is now at Ft. Lewis, her brother, Weaver Clark, both from face, neck, hands and arms. | Wash. Also stationed there is Ken Hillsboro, were visitors at the L. T. Ervin Thompson, Doris Neal and neth Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henness home the first of the week, Marjorie Prichard of Lyons are among Lewis, who visited here during the Mrs. Russel and Mr. Clark were former residents of Gates. Heath. Heath, who is employed by those who attended the Methodist weekend. James llesseman, another local boy, the government, was enroute to Port youth conference held in Albany over William Ayers is confined at Salem the weekend. Memorial hospital with a broken leg, grandson of Mrs. Mabie Knuteson, land on business where he will re The Three Links club of the Re- ! incurred while working at a lumber left recently with his company for the main for several weeks before return Hawaiian Islands. ing to Medford. bekahs is having a smorgasbord sup- ' mill at Idanha. Virgil Heath of Medford was week Wilmer Crites, son of Mr. and Mrs. MMUIIM HU »in end guest at his parents’ home. He Harry Harmon and Edward Romey, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald son of Mrs. Louisa Wriglesworth, left IT’S AMAZING GATES STATUE WAS ERECTED IN NEWPORT, R.I., IN HONOR OF THE MAN WHO FIRST DRRFD TO EAT A . BLACK keenest ! Walt’s Garage GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING GG Ampules Become Barrage on Polio WELDINÍ TOMATO I. OLD SOUTHER S uperstition claims that if a hoop snake should strike a tree , THAT TREE WILL- DIE. WITHIN 2.4- HOURS'.I Monday for induction into the armed service. Mrs. Wriglesworth drove the boys to Albany where they were to take the train to their induction center. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins of Esta- , cada, formerly of Gates, were here Sunday looking after their property here. Friday after Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, entertained at’her home, compliment ing her daughter. Susan, on her fifth birthday anniversary. Small guests pi esent were: Liida Anderson, Binkie Bengston, Mickie Brown, Dickie Ry nearson, all of Gates and from De troit, Butchie and Sissie Farrow, Their mother, Mrs. Farrow was also present. Mrs. Mildred Agee of Portland spent the weekend at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, who drove her to Port land Monday. Under management of Walt Westgaard ANNOUNCING H 1 I Mondays and Fridays OF EACH WEEK New Location Are in the former DOUBLE Heidi's Auto Electric United Trading Stamp Days Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances ELECTRIC HEATING INDUSTRI\L AM) COMMERCIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL LIGHTING Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit. Oregon l'hone 263 l.l ! CTR1C \1 ( <>\TR ACTING F.H.A. FINANCING Box 176 Pains, distress ot “those days” stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests I • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — suffer the tortures of bad days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering ' Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound — gave complete or striking relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! S<ian«i*<ally Madera A<lian Yes! Lydia Pinkham s has been proved to be scientifically modern in action! This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring And it should encourage you •it you're not taking Lydia Pinkham s! to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs .. to see if you, too, don t avoid Haw lydia Pinkham'i waHi* It has • calmine ' and soothme effect on the uterus . quietine «ne contraction* iw* the chart i mat to often cause menstrual pain, cramp*, other distress the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—so often associated with "those days "1 Remember Lydia Pinkham’s, too — if you're suffering the hot flashes" and other func tionally-caused distress of change of life." Get Lydia Pinkham's Com pound or new, improved Tab lets with added iron (trial size only 59« >. Start taking Lydia Pinkham s today! AT Here's one step In sterile filling of ampules of gamma globulin, the blood fraction which March of Dimes-aided scientist* found gives a degree of temporary protection against paralytic polio. Approxi mately 55.000 children took part In the field trials which established GG as the first substance to counteract polio. Workers here wear goggles, hoods and masks to help maintain sterility and for protection against severe "sunburn" from ultra violet light which flood* the room. Jack's Richfield Service On Hiway 222, in East Mill City MILL CITY