Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1953)
T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANH A LYONS MEHAMA By DON PETERSON The Sisters Chamber of Commerce ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEM TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE is planning a dinner at the Santiam Ski lodge for next Tuesday, February Vol. IX—No. 7 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1953 $2.50 a Year. JQç a Copy 17 at 7 o’clock p.m. They have ex tended an invitation to everyone inter ested in promoting highway 22 to come take part in the meeting at that time. Plans are for holding a dance The North Santiam highway 22 after the meeting in the lodge quart closed for eight days by r slide near ers and all are invited to come and Detroit dam, “as opened Thursday bring their wives for an evening of (today) evening. W. F. Mizner, bu business and pleasure. reau of public roads foreman, re The Sisters Chamber of Commerce ported. depends a great deal on its existance A new industry in the North Santiam Canyon near from the publicity given to the new Lyons stirs into initial action next week when M & M’s highway and we on this end of the plywood peeler plant conducts testing operations. When road see a great deal of future in it in production, the peeler plant will employ 45 men when for us—they hope to get together in one-shift operation and about 80 men in two-shift and help plan for future publicity to tell the rest of the world about this operation. The plant has a wonderful recreational country. capacity of one-and-one-half * * • million board feet of veneer Detroit—Timber sale plans for the I attended the Santiam Sportsmen’s per week with two shifts on Willamette National forest for the club meeting last Monday night at a five-day week. the Sublimity Gun club and enjoyed year 1953 have been announced by J. R. Bruckart, supervisor, in a de M & M’s newest addition to the- an interesting evening with that or [ industry of the North Santiam wilt ganization. Perhaps the most enter tailed report of proposed sale areas produce green peeler veneer for sal« taining feature was the showing of a for the six ranger districts of this on the open market, according t«< game commission movie in technicolor forest. Sixty-seven million board feet will Valentine’s Day in Mill City will be Elroy Carlson, plant engineer ir giving the history of the care of big game and the many problems involved be sold on the Detroit distiict in an heralded by an old-fashioned Valen charge of local operations. Carlson- The largest to preserve these residents of our estimated 28 tracts. tine's day box social in the Mill City stated that the Lyons peeler plant writ beautiful forests. The work of the single sale will be 28 million feet on IOOF hall. Saturday night, at 8:30 have a yearly capacity of 75 million Other large sales game conservationist was pictured in Straight Creek. p.m. Bill Stewart and Charles Kelly, board feet as against the 65 million, much detail and describing his work outlined will be located on Blowout are co-chairnien of the March of board feet output of Albany Ply Locle division of M & M. m periodic counts of game and feeding Creek and Gale Hill. Dimes affair. Carlson, M & M's Lyons plant en conditions found in order to learn Of the total timber to be sold eleven Ione Love Thielke of radio and TV better conservation methods. million feet will be salvage of insect- fame, professionally known as “The gineer, formerly lived in Portland The Santiam Sportsmen voted to killed and wind-thrown timber. Musical Poem Recorder” will sing and Seattle. He is married and has encompass the sport of bow and ar The Cascadia district will offer ap several songs, one of which will have one seven-month old child. He will row hunting and will have a program proximately 55 million board feet of been composed especially for the Val bring his family to the North Santian» as soon as he locates suitable hous prepared for this year’s activities. timber on 38 sales. The Canyon entine day box social. Jim Drake of Albany, vice president Creek sale of 16 million will be the Mill City Legion Auxiliary’s trio, ing. He at one time held a position of the Oregon Bow Hunters associa largest single sale on the district. Ina Chase, Joan Cauble and Dorothy with Pacific Power and Light com tion, was present and outlined the Thirteen million feet of salvage tim Dyhrman are on the evening’s pro pany. many activities of bow hunters. Any ber will be offered this year. gram for two selections, “Look for Two G. E. Amplidyne controlled one interested in the sport of bow Timber will be sold at auction on the Silver Lining” and “Whispering”. peeler lathes will soon be put into« Walter E. Westgaard has leased hunting should attend the next meet dates to be announced piior to sales. Mrs. Don Peterson will accompany the operation at the Lyons plant. One- the Heidt’s Auto Electric building on ing which will be held here in Mill Total proposed sale for the entire trio on the piano. lathe is large enough that it can Santiam boulevard and will open in City early in March and they can forest will be 358 million board feet. Mill City high school has as its handle 90-inch logs. These lathes I the new location Monday, Feb. 16. learn about the bow hunters plans representation to the March of Dimes are operated by remote control. The Westgaard will operate as Walt’s In celebration of Scouting's 43rd box social, a girl’s quartette, Jan for this year. At this meeting in lathe blade automatically cuts veneei I Garage. He has been in the Hatha birthday several Mill City Boy Scouts March it is planned to have a game i Ross, Dorothy Downer, Donna Elling to a carefully controlled thickness. way building formerly occupied by were the proud owners of many Scout commission picture »how’ir.g O.egon son and Donna Nelson in novelty Only the most modern equipment is John Nelson during the past few ing awards and advancements follow game fish and I am told it is worth singing. being installed from the log pond months. ing the conclusion of Wednesday's seeing by any fisherman or anyone Stewart expects a super-abundance through mill operations. Remoter Westgaard has been a resident of awards session in Mill City grade of boxes filled to overflowing with who is interested in learning more controls are operated by electric but The Mill City American Legion and Mill City for seven years. His mother school. Scoutmaster Charles Kelly food for two. Rumors have it that about Oregon’s game fish. Jerry tons for starting and stopping the Auxiliary are pushing the Valentine and sister, formerly of Lewistown, endowed members of the local Boy the ladies will really do themselves barker, lathes, storage system trans Coffman of Mehama is president of box social which will ba held at the Mont., have r..aue their home with him Scout group with their new status and the Santiam Sportsman’s club and proud this Saturday night in the prep fer belts and cutters up to the loading IOOF hall, February 11.. Unit mem for the past year and a half. West merit badges. anyone wishing to join may see him - aration and decoration of fancy boxes docks. bers serving on the entertainment gaard, who was employed by Jung Ed Cooke, Boj- Scout committee of food. Coffee will be furnished by at Ken Golliet’s store in Mehama The main lathe cuts 450 feet of committee expect a large turn-out of wirth in Lyons, and has worked as chairman, and Lee Ross, committee any day. the management. veneer per minute in widths of eight members. a mechanic at Detroit dam, will op member, were present in official rec * * * Bob Wingo, Mill City Lions club to ten feet. The plant will have a Dorothy Stewart, Auxiliary presi erate a general auto repair and weld ognition of the occasion of Kelly’s I spent an hour one day this week official, and one of the principal fig 175-foot six-deck storage system for dent, thanks al) members who helped ing shop. presentation of the scouting awards. ures in the recent March of Dimes looking over the plant and operations peeled veneer as it comes off the make the recent cooked food sale suc Heidt’s retirement from active bus of the M & M plywood company at Tenderfoot awards were given M. campaign, will assume the role of lathe ready for the cutters, thus as cessful. She reports that the food iness has been forced by ill health. Lyons asking questions of the genial I Kelly, B. Sullivan, A. Beery and D. auctioneer Saturday for the sweet suring a steady supply of veneer for sale cleared $36.00. Thanks are ex engineer in charge, Mr. Elroy Carl Jennings; second class awards to L. heart box social, in Mill City's IOOF the cutters while a new log is being tended Mrs. Ruth Witt for the use of son. It was fascinating when you Dart, T. Boothby, L. Urban and J. hall. placed in the lathe. A 10-ton capacity her building for the sale. Several realize that less than two years ago - Foster; first year badges were pinned overhead hoist will handle the larger dozen of unsold cookies were contrib it w-as only an open field and next on T. Boothby, B. Hedge, D. Jennings, logs in getting them into place for uted by the unit to the chairman of week it will start testing operations in D. Jones, T. Muir and L. Large. the peeler lathe. the March of Dimes Roosevelt Ball, preparation to producing veneer board Giegory Peterson received his Star The small lathe will take over when, where they were sold at the refresh and that probably within another year Churches of Mill City Friday, Feb rank and a bookbinding merit badge, ment bar during the evening. the main lathe has been used to finisl» other buildings will be constructed to Those having clothing which their ruary 20, will unite with Christians Don Lemke, his merit badge in art. the cores. The small lathe will trim« further manufacture lumber products. 14-inch cores to a diameter of six children have out-grown are urged to all over the world in observance of Detroit — Frotsy nights and warm j Those operations are the life blood contact any auxiliary member. Joan World Day of Prayer. inches. clear days are sustaining the record of industry in this canyon and every Ministers and members of all the established thus far for the mildest j A new featuie found in the Lyons Cauble, child welfare chairman, would plant that can be put into operation like the clothing for needy families ' churches in Mill City will participate winter in the Detroit-Idanha area in peeler plant is a "chipper”, which is is just that much more prosperity ■ in the services at the Mill City Pres the past decade. The January rain used in cutting up much of the waste for all of us. It is the hope of many | in the £anyon. Phone 324 for pickup byterian church at 2 p.m. of clothing donations. fall of 27.09 inches was the highest material left from the peeler opera that more will come here to live and | The Auxiliary’s regular monthly The theme of this year’s Day of tions. Plants officials expect that Walter Ward Forrest, 62, of Lyons, monthly precipitation on record, manufacture products for the markets | meeting will be held February 16, at J Prayer, taken from Ephesians 5:8, passed away at the home of his son, this chipped material will fill four Canyon residents who prepared for | of the rest of the world. We all hope 8 p.m. at the Legion hall. All those is "Walk as Children of Light”. Stanley J. Forrest, in Stayton, on the usual winter of ice and snow by j railroad gondola cars each full day’s that Vancouver plywood will soon be I interested in joining the group are Everyone is invited to this service Wednesday, Feb. 4. Funeral serv mounting sawdust tires on motor ve-1 operation. A new air pressure sys- able to start operations at their prop urged to attend. of prayer. (Continued on Page 8) ices were conducted by Rev. N. N. hides are ruefully claiming they may erty east of the city and that the Neufeld at the Weddle Funeral Home have glaranteed the continuing mil<l sound of whistles calling men to work Only thiee appreciable in Stayton last Friday. Forrest was weather. will be a regular friendly morning born July 17, 1890 in Kansas. snowfalls have been recorded and very sound. • • • He was three when his family little freezing weather. The usual winter weather deals the It has come to that time of the brought him to Oregon where his year when dog licenses are for sale father, James Marion Forrest, had upper canyon a variety of cold rains,: driven a stage coach 12 years before. heavy snow and low temperatures that Mill City Camp Fire Girls' annual by the county officials. A fine is at tached when licenses are not pur Ward Forrest spent his early life in create a scenic landscape of snow-lad- candy sale starts Saturday, according Salem, later becoming a’farmer and en trees and ice-festooned rooftops. chased before March 1, so don't put to Mrs. Lee Pinkston who has charge lumber grader in the Lyons area. it off too long. Also dog owners can Weather records kept by Mrs. Earl j of the project. save themselves a lot of trouble if j Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Em Parker of Detroit indicate a totali Boxes of chocolate mints will be they will see that their dogs do not ( ma Forrest, Lyons; two sons, Stanley precipitation for the year 1950 of [ sold for one dollar each by Camp Fire run wild and destroy their neighbor’s J. Forrest, Stayton, Raymond For 109.13 inches, wtih January of that Girls as a fund-raising scheme for gardens. It can be very provoking, rest, Lyons; three daughter, Wardine year bringing 122 inches of snow the Camp Fire Girl treasury. Mrs. so let’s all co-operate and perhaps Jepsen, Mill City. Marie Christensen, reaching a total depth of 56 inches( Pinkston stated that under the candy save many tempers. Before you de Stayton, Anita Linbeck, Lyons; a on the ground. January of 1952 is sale campaign 15c of each $1.00 re cide to poison some child’s pet, it J brother, Stanley E. Forrest, The recorded as having twelve inches of - mains in the local treasury, the re would be much more neighborly to j mainder pays for the candy and goes I Dalles; three sisters, Mildred Taylor, snow on the ground. drop by and say “hello” to the neigh ' Portland, Minnie Moore, Salem, and Heavy snows are not unlikely for , to the Camp Fire Girl organization. bor whose dog is offending, perhaps Anna Pierce, Salem; also seven grand February and March in this area, but | Mrs. Pinkston stressed the import he would like to know when his dog children. the absence of deep snow on surround ance of the candy sale project indi becomes a nuisance, and will help Burial was in Fox Valley cemetery ing mountains at this time of year is j cating that Community Chest funds have been insufficient for two years solve the problem. : Lyons. unusual. now. Community Chest support» Cold winters have been notable for ( -------------------------- - the migration of deer driven by Camp Fire Girl work. Highway Now Open February's "Big Three" Large Timber Sale Planned M & M Plywood Peeler To Start Testing Operations Sweetheart Box Social Ends Dimes Campaign Walt’s Garage Moves Scouts Receive To New Quaiters Awards on 43d Anniversary Legion-Auxiliary Assists Projects World Day of Prayer Observance Feb. 20 Detroit Gets Mildest Winter in Decade Walter Forrest, 62, Passes at Lyons Camp Fire Girls Hold Candy Sale Help Strengthen This Arm Eugene Thornley Called Into Military Service Eugene Thornley left February 5 or Fort Lewis, Wash., following in duction in the armed services at Salem. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Case of Mill City. His brother Lawrence is already there and has started his tour of duty only a few weeks ahead of Eugene. Eugene is a 1949 graduate of Mill City high school and has been attend ing the University of Oregon until he received his call for induction. Kettleson Becomes New Detroit Scoutmaster Detroit — Frosty nights and warm I -chool coach and instructor, has been ramed scoutmaster of the Detroit- Idanha Boy Scouts to replace Albert ; Snyder who has served ably in that Capacity for several years. Kettleson will be assisted by Al- i bert Warby, seventh grade teacher. The first meeting held Monday eve- • ning was well attended and scouts enjoyed a wiener roast at the Idanha 'fire hall. hunger to the lower levels of the canyon where they become a com mon sight in yards on the outskirts of town. Natural forage conditions are excellent this year and the deer have kept on higher ground. Gates — “Debs” Devine suffered a Signs of spring which are usually heart attack Friday afternoon after from four to six weeks behind tho-e he had entered the Chili Bowl for of valley areas have been in evidence , lunch. Dr. John Reid of Mill City for several weeks. Early shrubs are ; was called and ordered Mr. Devin* leafing and spring bulbs are showing sent by ambulance to the Salem Mem spikes of green several inches above orial hospital. Mr. Devine will be confined for ground. Canyon residents are wondering if ' several days. At last report be wa» it is really winter. making satisfactory recovery. Debs’ Devine Suffers Heart Attack Friday