THE. ADaZiBl February 5. 1953 t—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Scouting Begins 42d Celebration Sunday Rural Life Group Elects Officers Improvement of rural living condi tions and the raising of health and citizenship standards is the general aim of the Linn county Farm Home and Rural Life committee which met 'Tuesday, Jan. 27 in the extension of fice at the court house under the chair manship of Mrs. Robert Schmidt, of route 2, Albany. The committee consists of twelve members from different communities of the county, serving a term of four years. Three new members are se- 4octed each year. Mrs. Glenn Ohling was elected chairman; Walter Kihs, vice chair man; Mary Frances Minette, county extension agent in home economics, secretary-treasurer. The library sub-committee reported they plan to sponsor a county-wide meeting. Mrs. Ohling reported that the series of recreation meetings under the lead ership of Miss Jessalee Mallalieu, ex tension recreation specialist, O.S.C., b«s attracted considerable interest. -The present series of meetings are planted to teen-agers but many of the ideas are also suitable for other age groups. The committee is sponsoring a large GATES The Mother’s March Thursday eve ning of last week netted the sum of $90.78 to be added to that collected in the Mill City March. Mrs. Kenneth Gates—The newly re-organized Boy Mai tig, president of the Gates Parent- Scout troop, No. 45, will observe Boy Teacher association, was in charge of Scout Sunday by going to church in the drive here. uniform this Sunday, a nation-wide Floyd Blackburn arrived at the day for beginning Boy Scout Week, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. according to Scoutmaster Dutch Stett- Arthur Blackburn, Friday evening. ner of Gates.. The troop held its Blackburn has served with the U.S. first meeting Tuesday night under the [ Army for the past two years in Korea. supervision of Clarke Lethin, Scout He has received his discharge from executive from Albany. the service. Scoutmaster Stettner is a safety Harold Wilson has accepted a posi man on dam construction currently- tion at the Marion Forks fish hatch- working on North Santiam canyon ery, where he started work Monday hydroelectric porjects. morning, Wilson had been janitor- bus driver for the local schools for the past 13 years. lust Arrived Mrs. Robert Levon was substitute | teacher in the grade school last week A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. duting the illness of the regular Harry Andersen, Route 1, Lyons, Feb. < teacher, Mrs. Janet Harold of Stay- 3, at Salem Memorial hospital. i ton. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Francis. Over the weekend guests at the Nosack, Mill City, Feb. 2, at Salem home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap Memorial hospital. were Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker, daughters Janet and Kristine, and From annual wail calendar on which activ son Jeffrey, from Madras. Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Dorland ities of county-wide importance are to be posted so that organization can Swan and Kathy. Rodney and Lee plan meeting dates to avoid conflicts. Klecker of Stayton joined their par ents Sunday at their grandparents Mrs. Marvin Long served refresh home. ments. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson re OtDCXMXix X x XOtlXOtlX x'XIXJCXJOCX X x X X x X X X X X'XWDOQXMJXlWXtgD©«® turned Sunday evening from a trip to Reno, Nev., and Oakland, Calif. Guests this week at their home are their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Jr., and three chil dren from Hoopa, Calif. ! r All Building Supply Needs A group of women have met at the home of Mrs. George Clise one after- AT Kelly Lumber Sales CHOKED Xh.b GAS? with stomach NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East Citv Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY ■Bnaxiwcx.xM0<.x.>< xwnroui K1# XBOCNDflXWDW i I * THANK HEAVENS! Most Attack« are Just acid indigestion. When it »trikes, take Bell-ans tablet«. They contain the tastest-actinz medicines known to doctors tor the relief ot heartbum, gas and similar distress. ri » t (Continued from Page 1) region. I prefer the use of the word “canyon”, but if it must be changed I think I could go along wtih the use of the word "playgroand”, such as the “North Santiam Playground”. If anyone has any thoughts on this subject I would like to invite letters to the editor expressing your opinions on this matter, or any other subject. i pointed out that had the BPA not sold to a reasonable point the cry would have risen from critics of the | BPA that they had power to sell and were not selling it, that therefore more dams were not needed, that * * • was the case of the power inteiests The chamber meeting was enter noon for the past two weeks for the in Montana not very many years ago, tained at the close of the meeting by purpose of sewing for the Stayton when the Montana Power company a charming new citizen of Mill City Memorial hospital. Ten hospital said they could meet all demands for with poetic songs and music on the nightgowns were completed in the two i power in that area. guitar by Mrs. Ione Love Thielke. afternoons. The group included Mrs. » • * She presented several original poems Clise, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Glen Considerable talk was heard after set to music and received a hearty Hearing, Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Bea Graunke and Mrs. Juanita Wag the meeting about the time being ripe round of applause from those present. to organize municipal power for the Mrs. Thielke will entertain at the ner. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones from canyon communities. Perhaps now is coming “Old Fashioned Valentine Box Eugene and Mrs. Glen Hearing and the time to get going and organize Social” to be held at the IOOF hall two children were Sunday dinner a public power unit for Mehama, in Mill City February 14 for the March Many of Dimes. Everyone should plan to guests at the A. T. Barnhardt home. ' Lyons, Mill City and Gates. feel that the earnings would go a be present, it will be a treat in more Miss Pattey Stewart was hostess long way toward paying the costs of ways than one. Come and bling Saturday evening to a group of the city government and street paving, your Sweetheart! younger set at her home. The host etc., besides such a power development ess, assisted by her mother, Mrs. El would be able to encourage new busi- mer Stewart, served refreshments to . ness to come into this wonderland of Misses Elda Webster, Lorena Devine, opportunity and good living. One Maxine Schroeder, Connie Stewart, i company could be set up to care for Betty Tucker and Idabelle Blackburn. the needs of all these communities, Escorts were Earle Henness, Marlin and perhaps to even include Stayton Cole, John Barnhardt, Eddie Butler, and Sublimity, the earnings to be Allen Vail, Jerry Larson and Gordon pro-rated back to each community. ' Devine. Power will soon be ready for delivery The Gates Community Christian from the Big Cliff dam and action church is sponsoring the 4-H work must not be delayed if we have any LICENSED in this area. Sunday of last week, hope of getting this service. The Mrs. Lang Stafford, superintendent of next meeting of the North Santiam the Sunday school, presented certifi Chamber of Commerce should spend cates of service to the community and considerable time on this subject we 4-H leadership pins to the various believe. 41.50 per month and up leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Evans * * * Also serving Gates, Lyons. Idanha and Detroit were awarded both for livestock; Mrs. Some members of the chamber pre Glen Hearing and Mrs. A. T. Barn sented the idea that reference to the MILL CITY hardt, cooking; Mrs. Elmer Stewart North Santiam canyon should be DISPOSAL SERVICE and Mrs. William Pennick, sewing; changed to some other word than Phone 3952 Mrs. Edward Chance, forestry. Spe I "canyon”, such as “area”, “valley” LEONARD HERMAN cial certificates were awarded Mrs. or some word more expressive of this Hearing and Mrs. Barnhardt, whose ■lUiWMMMHiinsn'Mwiinwim'inHiii mum ns mmwmsms<nn mi miss wi’mcmi im ssmshiswumiisiiiiuw rnrrni us im f it mrwisrwi cooking club members had completed the course. L, T. Henness, who is convalescing at his home following a long illness,1 is gradually regaining his strength. I His daughter, Mrs. Fred Ratzeburg of Salem, and Mis. Lester Mason, a neighbor from Mill City, redecorated the interior of his home. Tex Allen left Tuesday of last week for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will be , connected with the Prepakt Concrete Co. Allen has been structural engi “At the Bottom of the Hill” neer with the Consolidated Builders, Inc., at the Detroit dam since work was started there. Mrs. Allen will remain in Gates until their property here is sold. GARBAGE SERVICE Never - - a Dull Moment > < 'KEEP THEM ffEALTffY H --------------------------- I ÖS • Canyon 4venue- ill > À \ MILL CITY TAVERN t 1*1 Quality Job Printing at The Mill City Enterprise w AMERICA GOES FORI) ! at Girods Super Market On the Highway at STAYTON Swiftning, 3-lb. can Crackers, Sunshine lli-llo 69c lb. 29c Dennison’s Catsup. 11 oz. jar 2 for Sunshine Orange Slices lb. bag 29c 25c Sierra Jelly Beans 2 lbs. 49c Sw ift’s Corned Beef Hash Ih. can 29c Morrells’ Snacks 12-oz. can 39c Durkee’s Whipped Salad Dressing Q' 49c Durkee’s Genuine Mayonnaise Qi. 59c Durkee’s Margarine ih 27c Tasty Pak Cream Corn. No. 303 can > cans 29c Elsinore Freestone Peaches . No. 2'2 can. each 35c 3 cans $1 (¡arden Brand (¡rapefruit. No. 303 can 2 can«. 25c PRODUCE Radishes and Onions 2 bun. 9c Rhubarb, choice lb 19c Tomatoes, fresh lb 19c Arizona (¡rapefruit 8-lb. bag 49c FROZEN FOOD Mixed Vegetables, Super Market •> pkgs. 29c Flav-R-I’ak Straw berries. 12-oz. •> pkgs. 49c can 19C Flav-R-I’ak Orange Juice I’eas. Super Market Pkg. 17c From coast to coast folks are swinging to Ford- America’s “Worth More” car. It’s worth more when you buy it—worth more when you sell it! MEAT Turkevs. Strictly Fresh. Grade A * 43c Morrell's Sausage. Pure Pork, lb 45c Pot Roast. V.S. Com'l 59c Picnic's Morrell’s 39c Rib Boiling Beef 29c Foe deme •.< Drtv«. •4TM. OP’OSOl □* •O*!*« and O»«r«ri»e, CO»» *3 **wt« idfwcl Eq .p*»"» ÛCCO9- *dhouf ftOtK«. THE NEW STANDARD OF THE AMERICAN ROAD! /i /«• SÄVE massive styling and modern hull-tight con struction. Take its thick, foam rubber cushions and new Wonder Ride. Never before has a car offered you so many "Worth More” features at so modest a price. U AT STAYTON Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton O O l'OOOOCOOO 30 000000000000010 30000c OOOOOa