5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE February 5. 1953 hat a Good, Good Breakfast FEMME PAGE MILL CITY Toostmistress Club Selecting Speaker Mill City Toastmistress club in stalled new club officers Thursday i o o night, January 29. June Mileyt, pres- 1 0 ident presided. Honored guest was Mrs, Grace, Hartley, of the Salem Toastmistress , club, who came to Mill City for the installation. Mrs. Lucille Lowery was I also a guest. During the course of the evening. ■ the members voted by ballot on con- I testants for a Toastmistress speech' contest in Salem at a later date. The five selected were: June Miely, Marion 1 Todd, Edna Hutcheson, Erythe Means and Louise Palmer. These members will compete at the next regular Toastmistress meeting. ! The winner will represent Mill City. The installation of officers was con ducted by Mrs. Hartley. The follow 6 ing took office: Ruby Crosier, presi dent; Vera Hathaway, vice president; Pat Wingo, secretary, and Gwen Jones 0 as treasurer. The ceremony was concluded with presentation of a past president’s pin to June Miley, out-going president. The next regular Toastmistress o a meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 12. LYONS SUNDAY & MONDAY JE \ N PETERS and DAVID WAYNE in in Sgt. Max Kelly of the U. S. Marines Jeannine Bonebrake, Lyons a senior , is in Mill City on leave of absence at Linfield college, McMinnville, be- | Wait ’Til the Sun with his family, Mrs. Kelly and three gan practice teaching in the Newberg I children, also his mother, Mrs. W. J. senior high school home economics Shines, Nellie !» 'j*.** '' Robinson and a brother and family, and English departments, February 2. In Technicolor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly. F ' According to Dr. Ralph G. Bailey. Lin- Sgt. Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday Kelly has been overseas almost t a field education department head, 27 year. Linfield college education students be Mrs. T. A. Booth is spending sev gan practice teaching in Yamhill TUESDAY and eral months in Texas with relatives. county schools February 2. WEDNESDAY She made the trip via bus. Construction is underway on the I \N \ Tl KN ER and Information received here today new Santiam chapel, associated with FERN \\no LAN Ml from the Air Defense Filter Center the A-semblies of God church. Those j in at Portland advises that the Ground wishing to donate labor may come Observer Corp representative for this to work any time. Head off hidden hunger caused by being a breakfast skipper or a district is Bob Geddes, of 390 State A special speaker will be present J breakfast hurrier. Get a good start each da. by eating an adequate street, Salem, Ore. Volunteer now at the Santiam chapel Sunday, Feb. 8, breakfast and end mid-morning doldrums. Here is a breakfast" menu that will make those hurriers and skippers for service in this organization. at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Robert Peitle, who | In Technicolor KA time time to try stop, ctrvry look, IrxrxV and nnJ — no! — piump 1_____ . ”' • » » ready* ‘ , take eat apricots — . - . . chilled, —-• ", j».»a»»»ja «pt iwvo Mrs. Floyd Johnson, worthy matron is director of the Christ Ambassadors | to-eat cereal with milk tzr.iz:, __ wllI1 v eggs ', tender, scrambled with chopped ba- nr./i hot Hr.♦ butterscotch I. M < . . * » vv i ....—..« 11 I J/K7V • » " of Marilyn chapter No. 145 OES an- 1 of the Oregon district. con »r I r, . •« ♦ r, milk rolls' ~ I ~ ■■**■■*••• «III FOllS. «♦ c or coffee I . . and ». ; _ is v simple 1 and ■ easy ■ pecan Inis taste-enticing breakfast to oreo ie Everv- - ----«> 1 — -- — • •« ~.... r «e «,,vs > c»3j iu prep • XLvery- nounces that a meeting will be held Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland spent | THURSDAY. FRIDAY ini* ran ni in a matter of minutes . . . . even r the .. re. *. hot . . but » thing can ho be turned A out Monday, Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. The master several days in Prineville. They were and SATURDAY terscotch pecan rolls To save time, get the rolls readv for the oven masons of the chapter will be special guests at the home of their daughter the evening before by spreading a loaf pan with a mixture of melted ROD CAMERON and guests and a degree will be given in . and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert butter or margarine, brown sugar and chopped pecans. Place Brown ’n berve rolls upside down in the butterscotch mixture and keep in a cool JANI NIGH their honor. I Fetherston. l>m'ei"0VC’ in.‘5ht u1-?rsttthin.1: 'P the mi,rnibg. pieheat the oven to in Herbert Maag, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Viola Zander returned to the ‘ V b,8he ,he rolls {or fifll‘<n m notes while you prepare H. II. Maag, has been confined to his home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Butterscotch Pecan Rolls home as a result of severe bleeding j W ilson Stevens Thursday’ afternoon, 3 tablespoons melted butter 3 tablespoon, chopped pecans following some tooth exti actions last j from the Memorial hospital. In Technicolor — Plu» — week. U «.rZXr 8 Br0W" V* d;nner rolU Mrs. E. L. Roye, who has been con LEO GORI 'EY and the RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open fined to her home since the first of BOWERY BOYS Sundays and evenings, flowers tele-1 the year due to illness, is reported to YicM's'^Uer^tch PwLn^oUv fiitCe " minUtCS - SerVe in graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, be improving. planters, pot plants, corsages, wed-I The regular meeting of Faith Re dings, also shrubs and landscaping bekah lodge was held Wednesday eve , Refreshments were served by Garnett 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone ning at the hall with Jean Roberts, | Bassett, Helen Anderson and Mabel their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker, Tuesday. Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday 3684. 42tf noble grand and Garnett Bassett, vice Bass. Mrs. Walter Walker returned to ZANE GREY'S Geprge Laird, formerly of Mill City grand, presiding over the meeting. At the Feb. 11 meeting, Norma "THE ARIZONIAN" The Three Links club of the lodge Pennington will furnish the enter her home in Seattle Friday after visit recently took over the management ing her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. and of Lounge 515 and the coffee shop will hold their smorgasbord supper tainment and Mabel Bass will be in Monroe Walker for two weeks. "CAPTAIN VIDEO” at the Senator hotel in Salem. He at the hall Thursday evening, Feb. 12. charge of the program, with Alta Mrs. Nannie Martin of Coquille is At the social hour, Nadine Duggan Bodeker, Eva Bressler and Rosa Berry will have charge of all banquets. Mrs. visiting with relatives in Lyons, She Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Laird, who is owner and operator of was in charge of the entertainment. are on the food committee. is a guest of Inez Ring, also the Bert Complete show ran he seen any the Mill City beauty shop is making young for Mrs. Nannie Martin from Seafoam Lyons and Clyde Lewis homes. Mrs. 1 time up to 8:30 arrangements to lease her business ( Lewis and Clark college in Portland, lodge was a guest of the’evening. Martin is a sister of Mrs. Lyons and here. Laird returned from service in is home with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson and Mr. Lewis. VALENTINES Korea last December, he was former ^Mrs. Floyd Jones, during the mid- children, who have been living in the Roy Steele was rushed to the Salem Shell oil distributor here in this aiea. term vacation. Miss Jones is major Sam Bridges house, have purchased a Memorial hospital Friday afternoon i by Miss Ardith Jones, freshman at ing in music and art. Also noted large trailer house and moved it to with a crushed ankle he received while among former Mill City high school the Paul Johnston place east of town. working at the Puget Sound Piling HALLMARK graduates home from college over the Monroe Walker was honored on his yard. A load of piling slid down on weekend were Miss Dona Cooke and birthday anniversary Thursday eve him while being dumped. Fv»n th» highchair tel will Bob Shelton from University of Ore ning at a dinner given at the home The community cake walk benefit love th»m — our n»w Hallmark gon. Miss Vera Loucks, who is em of his son Bud Walker. Those en for the March of Dimes held at the Juvenil» Valentin»,. ployed with the civil service in Salem joying the occasion were Mr. and Rebekah hall Thursday evening netted was also home over the weekend. Choose now for your children and Mrs. Monroe Walker, and his mother, approximately 170.00. Mrs. Clyde yourself from our fresh new Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree enter Mrs. Walter Walker of Seattle; Mrs. Bresslre, local chairman, assisted by collection tained a group of boys at dinner in Paul McClellen and son Jimmy of Mrs. Pat Lyons, was in charge. Fri ♦ their home honoring their son, Don Corvallis; Mrs. C. V. Ave.-’l of Le day evening the Mothers March was ald, on his 12th birthday. Friends banon; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Walkei underway from 7 to 8 p.m. with Mrs. invited were Donald’s school mates and son Kim; Mr. and Mrs. Ramie George Huffman, chairman. and after dinner attended the high Martell, Timmie and Tommie; and Mrs. Lynn Lambert spent several, "The Home of Halmark Cards' school basketball game together. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker and daugh days in Stayton, helping in the care, I Present were Donald Cree, Dick and ter Connie Lou. of his mother, Mrs. Lambert, who is ’ 330 Court Street David Jennings, Gary Bevier, Larry Mrs. Paul McClellen and son Jim quite ill. Kar.off, Marshall Maulding. my of Corvallis and Mrs. Bill Cham Mrs. Clara Lee of Eugene, is visit Visiting relatives in Mill City over berlain, Laurie, Linda and Mary of ing at the home of her son and fam the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. War Lebanon, were guests at the home of ily, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges. ren Howe and son, of Roseburg, as former Mill City residents. Mrs. Howe's mother, Mrs. Nora Goodwin, X returned with them after spending a Z month in Roseburg. Mrs. Carl Chance was hostess in (fl her home for the regular meeting Wednesday afternoon of the Woman’s council of the Christian church. Mrs. Elmer Shaw wa$ in charge of the business session. Frances Clarke who has been ill with flu at his home here the past | ANOTHER BUSINESS FOR THE MILL CITY AREA— OFFERING FASHION-WISE WOMEN two weeks, returned to Salem this FAMOUS NAME WEARING APPAREL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR QUALITY! week where he is employed with the state highway engineers. Clarke is a PLEASE VISIT US SOON —SEE OUR SELECTIONS OF PENDLETON, JANTZEN, WHITE Mill City high school graduate and STAG, ARTEMIS LINGERIE, WARNERS AND MAIDEN FORM FOUNDATIONS— has attended Oregon State college. YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND REQUESTS WILL HELP US TO HELP YOU Lynn Smith, sixth grader in the Mill City schools, entered the state school for the blind in Salem this week. Lynn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith. She had polio when a baby which affected ' r I I a The Merry Widow Fort Osage Let’s Go Navy Edward Williams o to o a s W <0 a. g Z w « (fl Friday the 13th! Lucky for you and for Masons 2 c o o Masons Grand Opening Sale »4 Ü Grand Opening Specials ! Come Early ! SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED—BUT, A GOOD SIZE AND STYLE RANGE FOR EVERY WOMAN Sale Starts Friday thel3li! HEIDER'S Offer You— * The Be*t Selection of Radios and Phonographs in the Valley '"'“3.95 Nylon Blouses $1-89 4,95 «’!">• Cotton Skirts $2-98 49c Tricot Panties 3 f»r $1 $8.95 Orlon Skirts $6-88 $1.95-2.95 Jewelry 59c $1.25 Hudson Hose ()Uai‘ly99c * The Largest Record Department in Oregon * The New ' TREBLE and BASS” Room — Hi-Fidelity equipped with the new Columbia "360” Player — $8.95 New Vi-size $5.95 - $7.95 New Special! Values $19.95 $8.95 - $22.95 Dresses Spring Hats $5.00 $3.88 Coats - Suits $25°° Dresses $5, *8, Ml See It - Hear It - Buy It Free De Luxe Gift Wrapping - Remember your Valentine AT HEIDER'S Phone 4-2271 428 Court St. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS from 7 to 9 339 South First St. Mill City, Ore. — MASON’S .STYLE SHOP. STORE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.