o January 2», 1953 •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE lust Arrived... Manufacturers Life * New Water-Soluble Lyons Substation-- Annual Report Fertilizer Reedy , starts depressions and depressions A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Burnette (Continued from Page 1) clean up the savings of little people, Cole, Mill City, January 16, at Salem The first circuit from McNary dam thus making workers more willing Memorial hospital. (Continued from Page 1) The Manufacturers Life reports A water-soluble fertilizer which has via Maupin and Detroit, designed for workers at the wage the employer is day. If there was anything dishonest A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Business in Force of $1,591 million, been formulated to minimize risk of eventual 300,000-volt operation, will willing to pay. •bout the work performed it was more Walker, Lyons, Route 1, Jan. 17, at The new business in 1952 was $15 leaf or grass burn has been developed terminate at a major substation to • • • on the part of the employers who Salem Memorial hospital. million greater than that written in by a chemical company, it was an be developed in the North Santiam We must agree that wars are use hired men when they didn't need them A DAUGHTER -To Mr. and Mrs. the previous year and amounted to nounced recently, The new product, valley. From the Santiam substation because they could charge the cost off less, but exceedingly profitable, how- Richard Fail, Lyon?, Route 1, Jan. 18, $213 million. called Folium, is now being manu- a 230,000-volt transmission line will to the government at 10% plus and i ever until the United Nations is made at Salem General hospital. Payments made to policyholders factured and will be offered to the extend to Chemawa, where an addi make more profits. Why is it that strong enough to prove it has author- A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Glen G. under their contracts totalled $27 public within 30 days through dis- tional high capacity substation is now 1952 shows bigger profits "after taxes \ ity to stop aggression we have no being developed. Also included is a Mill City, January 20, at million and were distributed to bene- tributors and dealers. Moore, hope of putting a stop to wars. Who are paid” than 1951 did? second 300,000-volt transmission line I ficiaries and policyholders in death Salem Memorial hospital. Folium is a quickly-soluble, in-or- ' Here is the clincher in the Babson was it that prevented the League of A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. claims, matured endowments, annuity ganic fertilizer of 20-20-20 composi- between McNary and Maupin to in report, and I consider it a most shock Nations from having any force and payments and other policy benefits, • tion (20 percent nitrogen, 20 percent ( terconnect and reinforce the existing ing admission, I quote the final para effect at the time that Woodrow Wil Sylvester Etzel, Route 1, Lyons. Jan. including $3% million in dividends to phosyhorus, 20 percent potash) It ’ I. transmission facilities at that point, 23, at Salem General hospital. son gave his life and physical strength graph in full: policyholders. contains a chemical which keeps the ^or a" these facilities $3,927,000 “It is entirely possible that the in a futile attempt to build a World The Assets of the Company grew product in free-flowing, non-caking *s requested, organization to end wars? Surely, stock market will go higher; but . by $42 million to $491 million. Gov condition and assists in the absorption I Customer service facilities, mostly this possibility does not interest me. they couldn’t have been Republicans! ernment and government guaranteed of nutrients by the plant leaves. I 115,000-volt transmission and trans- Based on all previous history, I Today, we have artists at controlling j bonds constituted 19% of Assets and know stocks will some day sell 100, labor and thought control firmly in Tests with radio-active tracers have 1 former step-down facilities, to provide Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Payne of corporation and municipal bonds 41%; or perhaps 200, points lower. I'm I the saddle in Washington in the per shown that the plant food available in for added load growth of local areas Bonneville has purchased a home in * mortgages constituted 18% of Assets, water-soluble fertilizers is absorbed total $3,839,000 and include, among putting my hard-earned savings in sons of Taft and McCarthy; and a Mill City and moved here. He will preferred and common stocks 11%, the bank awaiting such a time. by plant leaves within 30 minutes to others: North Santiam valley sub What money I have made has been cabinet composed of “eight million be one of the senior operators at the cash and other assets 11%. two hours after the fertilizer is ap station. through Patience. Who was it said: aires and a plumber the plumber to Detroit dam operation. The rate of interest earned on the plied. stop the leaks! ” ‘Patient waiters are never losers.'?" Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine left | Assets was 4.46%, an increase over In the home garden field the new • » * Tuesday on vacation for California the previous year’s rate of 4.29%. fertilizer may be sprayed or sprinkled It would appear that the stqge is The mortality experience was fa and several other bordering states. Five Peak Polio Years on grass, flowers, vegetables, shrubs about all set for the next depression, ( Mill City women attending the Pres vorable and contingency reserve and and trees by use of a garden hose and anyone with any money is duly | Polio incidence in the last five years byterian meeting in Albany Thursday surplus now amount to $30 million. | coupled with a siphoning device. It warned to hang on to their money, l has been more than twice as high were Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. Lester and rightly ¿0 When finance is frozen and business during the preceding five years. The Hathaway, Mrs, Fred Grimes, Mrs. she had the chicken pox. Just over also may be used with any one of ¡refuses to venture capita) unless they March of Dimes now is annually faced Herbert Schroeder, Mrs. W. W. Allen. them, she then got the flu, and was 1 several commercially-available spray get their “usual” profits men must with an average of 35,000 to 40,000 Mrs. Schroeder, who is missionary a very sick girl. She hopes she can applicators or an ordinary sprinkling be laid off and when that moveaient , cases in contrast to the fifteen to education chairman in the Presbyte be back with her little kindergarten can. Additionally, Folium is expected to LICENSED gets into full swing you have your twenty thousand cases a year former rian Women’s association in Mill City friends sometime this week. have wide usage in greenhouse and depression. It is just such action that ly considered norma). Mr. and Mrs. John Swan have pur nursery operations because of the in plans to attend the two-day church session in Portland January 29 and 30. chased the Virgil Cribbs home near creased efficiency and economy of The Gay Nighters, local square the school. They moved in this week water-soluble fertilizers in these dance club, have resumed their regu end. Their son and his family Mr. fields. $1.50 per month and up lar meetings following the holidays. and Mrs. William Swan, have moved Also serving Gates. Lyons. Officers elected to serve during 1953 into the former John Swan home. Idanha and Detroit Larry’ of Roseburg visited the R. C. are Al Nesbitt, president; George RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Berrys, relatives and friedns over the MILL CITY Veteto, vice president; and Mabel Sundays and evenings, flowers tele weekend. Returning to Mill City with DISPOSAL SERVICE Veteto, re-electer secretary-treasurer. I graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, them was Mrs. Howe’s mother, Mrs. Phone 3952 On the sick list the past two weeks planters, pot plants, corsages, wed Nora Goodwin, who has been visiting AT LEONARD HERMAN ‘ has been Sharon Diane Berry. First dings, also shrubs and landscaping in Roseburg the past month. 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone I 3684. 42tf with stomach Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jul), Wilma NEW RETAIL LOCATION: Jull, Ralph Jull and Ellen Shelton at THANK HEAVENS! Moit attacks are lust acid tended the 62nd convention of the indigestion. When It strikes, take Bell-ans East City Limits on Highway 222 tablets. They contain the fastest-actln» Central Willamette district of Chris Phone 3215 MILL CITY medicines known to doctors for the relief of tian churches, held at Albany last heartburn, gas and similar distress. 25<. Sunday afternoon. After the session uaXDOXDOQf mhcxih M »nt Wilma continued on to Eugene where she is attending Northwest Christian college. Mrs. Melbourne Rambo entertained in her home Thursday afternoon for the younger set in honor of her daugh “At the Bottom of the Hill” ter, Laura Jo, who was celebiating her fifth birthday. Spending the aft ernoon with Laura Jo were Patricia and Kathleen Kelly, Sonja Herlofsen, Nancy and Charlie Stewart, Nancy Woods and two of the mothers, Mrs. Max Kelly and Mrs. Charles Stewart. t Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howe and Canyon Avenue- MILL CITY GARBAGE SERVICE All Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales CHOKED Never a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN Girods Super Market On the Highway at STAYTON HOW ABOUT Some Good FUDGE? Nestles Morsels pkg. 19c Patty Day Marshmallow Creme 2 jars 35c Kraft Salad Oil FORD! PRODUCE 50 lbs. No. 2 Potatoes t'auliflower Sno-white each Red Ripe Tomatoes, tube 25c 25c 59c Nalley’s ('hili. 15 oz. can 49c ('risco. 3-lb. can 83c 2 lbs. 45C Holiday Margarine Swift Peanut Butter, 20-oz. can 55c Nestles Cocoa 1-lb. can 49c Derby Vienna Sausage, l-oz. can 19c Overlook Peas. No. 303 2 for 23c Del Monte Peas. No. 303 2 f‘»r 39C Kraft Dinners pLus. 29c A mazo Dessert pkgs. 25c Fancy Loose Rome Beauty Apples box 2.59 (liant Tide Tasty Cheddar Cheese Qt- 2 for 73c Best Pickup deal in town AvaiUbihtv of »quipment. accstKriss and trim as illustrata^ is dtpendent on material suppl, conditions FROZEN FOOD Flav-R-I’ak Lima Beans. 2 pkgs. 45c Flav-R-I’ak Strawberries. 12-oz. 9 pkgs. 49c Flav-R-I’ak Peas Flav-R-I’ak Orange Juice pkg. can 19c 19c V-8 or Six only the F ord Pickup offers you this choice! All-new 101-h.p. Cost Clipper Sis. or famous truck V-8 now upprd to 106 h.p.! MEAT I’ork Roast, shoulder cuts 45c Morrel’s Yorkshire Sliced Bacon Pay Cash HERE SAVE al Girods \T STAYTON 49c 49c 3 OUT OF 4 FORD PICKUPS RUN FOR LESS THAN A MILE! • The big on-the-job Ford Truck Economy Run proved it. See the fact« for yourself in your Ford Dealer's Economy Run book — see actual owners' running ex;en.se records (not including fixed exjienses) for gas. oil, maintenance and repairs! Now —up to 14% MORE gas savings! New L ow -F riction engine! The Ford F-1 is the O nly Pickup with an all- new, ultra modern L ow -F riction engine! New short-stroke design—less gas is sacrificed to friction—you save up to one gallon in seven! Name your own trade-in allowance! You figure what your old truck is worth on a trade for a new Ford Pickup—tell us frankly—and we’ll talk turkey! C ome I n T oday ! FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton 500010oooooo^ioooooooooeoooooooooooooooooo ooooooooa