Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1953)
LYONS THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE UVCKLEBERRY FINN January 29, 1953 Mrs. Walter Walker of Seattle is a guest at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Landsberk of Portland were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. John Worden was host Saturday night to a community gathering of friends and neighbors at their home with a pot luck supper. Present weer Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weid man and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, JoAnne, Judy, Juanita and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Downer, Carol and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lyons, are receiving congratulations She also visited at the home of her Julain and Glen Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray upon the arrival of a baby girl born daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mohler, Shirley and Jerry, and Mr. Friday, January 23. Claire Humphries of Myrtle Creek. and Mrs. John Worden and Marjorie. j Weekend guests at the home of The Humphries brought her home and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Culwell anil Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson was her spent Sunday here. •on Delmer spent Sunday in Dallas. niece, Mrs. Leo Barks and children Miss Marilyn Baltzer has gone to They were dinner guests at the home from McMinnville. Seattle, Wash., where she will spend of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew i Mrs. Viola Zander was taken seri some time at the home of her sister, La lack. ously ill Saturday evening and re Mrs. Marvin Westover. Ramie Martell is convalescing at turned to the Salem Memorial hos Mrs. Loren Walker and infant son, I his home following major surgery on pital. Mrs. Zander, who is 81 years Kim Monroe Walker, has returned his back at the Salem Memorial hos of age, underwent an appendectomy home from the Salem Memorial hos- | pital. He returned home Saturday the first of the month. pital. and will be in a cast for some time.. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Maurice j Mrs. Earl Helemn of McCully Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem was a and Jane of Waldport were weekend j Mountain underwent a tonsilectomy Saturday and Sunday guest at the guests with relatives in Lyons. Mrs. j at a Salem hospital Tuesday morning. home of her nephew, Earl Allen. Taylor is the daughter of Mr. and I m lake or A laska , which Mr. and Mrs. George Mielke and Sunday guests at the home of Mr. > Mrs. Pat Lyons and sister of Mrs. daughter, Carolyn, who recently sold tVD By Mcrr SPRINGS ANO ME u T in G and Mrs. E. L. Roye was their daugh Wayne Ransom. SNO w JS, IT is fteSSlBuE TO GET A their home in Gates and have been ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Mrs. J. H. Johnston returned home staying at the home of her sister, Mr. bath at Qx>y pesigEO TEMPePAiugE Pesek of Lebanon. _ after spending _ _ the past and Mrs. 1 Saturday Wayne Ransom, moved to MEREty By swimming A FEW STROKES'.'. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Etzel, who three months in southern Oregon, at their new home in Eugene Wednes- I live at the Big Star motel east of the home of her sister in Medford. day. C Elmo Features Syndicate Friends received word Wednesday morning of the death of Mrs. Bertha LIVIMG A Woodworth of Salem, a former resi- 1 NO BkSGEf? 'THP-N F) MANS ’. dent or Lyons. Doris Roy was hostess for the after noon card club with the party held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday aft EVERYONE WELCOME ernoon. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served followed by several tables USED 1Ö MAKF S ome of 500. High score was held by R ugs co A fghanistan ! Bertha Allen, second high went to Carire Naue, and low to Berneice On Highway 222, Linn County Side Bridges. Attending the party were Ida Free, Katie Seig, Wilma Free, ing were Mildred Aronson, Myrtle event which honored three guests, tend a forestry orientation meeting. MILL CITY Alma Olmstead, Mabel Downing, Lyons, Ruby Hutchenson, Jean Rob Mrs. Elaine Farrow, Mrs. Dorothy During his absence Mrs. Moore and Shuffleboard son, Frankie are entertaining Mr. and Good Music Margaret Kunkle, Garnett Bassett, erts, Peggy Fromherst, Leola Phelps, Krause and Mrs. Emma Rhodes. George “Sparky” Ditter The third grade pupils of Mrs. Mrs. Harold Kowals and son, David, Mabel Bass, Ethel Huffman, Thelma Phyllis Power, Alice Huber, Gypsy Nydegger, Bertha Allen, Carrie Naue. Weaver, and the hostesses, Lucille Nolan Rasnick will sponsor a cooked from The Dalles. food sale Saturday afternoon at the j Berniece Bridges and the hostess. Huber and Luella Hargin. Detroit Market. Proceeds will go to ' Doris Roy. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS the March of Dimes fund. ■GROUND-HOG’ LUNCH, served AND INVITATIONS The Detroit Women’s Civic club Monday, Feb. 2, 11 a m. to 8 p.m., in at The Mill City Enterprise will meet Wednesday, February 4 at First Christian church basement by By MRS. S. T. MOORE the home of Mrs. Mabel Parker. Woman’s council. Sausage, pancakes, Fifth grade pupils directed by Mrs. James White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adults 76c, applesauce and coffee. Adv. Gladys Claxton presented the pro 0. J. White, was pledged recently to [ school children 35c. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rosen and gram for the January PTA meeting. the Delta Upsilon fraternity at the Jan Rutherford announced the pro University of Oregon. family of Newberg were recent guests Eldon Pierce has returned to the gram which iacluded a three-act play at the Albert Remmenga home. ranger station after haping spent sev starring Robert Gordon, Nancy Ram Donald Remmeyga left Monday for . Portland, where he will be employed sey, Dennis Howland, Mary Witt, eral days in a Salem hospital where by the army engineers on the David Becky Stoll, Ronnie McKinney, Gary he received treatment for broken Roberts and Martine Rary. A choral bones in his foot. son dredge. Mr. and Mrs. Major Baughn have Don t let difficult breathing, coughing reading and -group singing concluded Mrs. Viola Zander, who underwent and wheezing, due to recurring spasm» or returned from a ten-day trip to south I the program. Caroline Lady played Bronchial Asthma or »lmple Bronchitis an appendectomy early in January, ruin your sleep and energy without trying several harmonica selections between ern California and Mexico. They at MENDACO. Works through your blood to was returned to Salem Memorial hos-1 help loosen and remove thick, strangling tended the new- Studebaker show in | scenes of the play. mucus Thus usually allays coughing which pital during the weekend. Her condi- ' permits Ireer breathing and sounder sleep Los Angeles during their stay there. tion Wednesday was reported "good.” j Mrs. Alfred Cokenour, PTA presi Get MENDACO under money back guar Frank Moore is in Portland to at- antee at druggists. Mrs. Pat Lyons has been visiting dent, conducted the business meeting It was agreed to her daughter, Mrs. George Mielke at which followed. Eugene. The Mielkes recently sold give up plans for purchasing a dish- their home at Gates and purchased one i ( washer for the school. Otis White, school superintendent, at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga announced the purchase of 120 light 1405 N. Front St SALEM, ORE were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert weight plastic trays and dishwashing j racks for the school cafeteria. Wiliams in Portland Tuesday. Salem Phones: Lyons Phone: The pre-school mothers held their I Fifth grade room mothers served 2-1924: Night 2 4417 143 meeting Wednesday evening at the ' refreshments at the close of the ELECTRIC HEATING home of Mrs. Donald Huber with Mrs. ' J meeting. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WIRING Members of the Santiam Ladies’ Bill Hargin assistant hostess. and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons It was decided to meet in the Mari- | Auxiliary of the Eagles were enter- J COMMERCIAL LIGHTING Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and %-yard shovels. Linn gym on Tuesday and Thursday | ' tained recently at a can! party at the | Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers of each week, with Mrs. Alice Huber ' home of Mrs. Carrie Bullard. Mrs. I as instructor. Present for the meet-1 Peggy Palmer was co-hostess for the ' IT’S AMAZING! Bm-TUB Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. MEANDER INN DETROIT MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS ASTHMA COUGHS FROZEN FOODS Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit. Oregon Phone 263 I I 1 I I RK \l. < ONTE M TING I li x I IX \\< ING Box 176 » Pains, distress of "those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests I • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — sutler the tortures of “bad days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering' Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — gave complete or •frikinp relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases In doctors' tests! n Z -r» How Lydia Pinkham's work. It ko a "calmln«'' and soothia» rfrct on rh« uterus quietine the contractions .aw the chart > that so o/ten cause menstrual pum. cramps, other distress SclentiAcelly Modern Action Yea! Lydia Pinkham s has been proved to be scientifically modern tn action! This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring And it should encourage you (if you're not taking Lydia Pinkham s) to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs .. to see if you, too, don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—so often associated with "those days "I Remember Lydia Pinkham s. too — if you're suffering the "hot flashes” and other func tionally-caused distress of "change of life." Get Lydia Pinkham’s Com pound or netr. Improved Tab lets with added iron «trial size only 59« >. Start taking Lydia Pinkhams today I