Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1953)
Mill City Hi-Lites SPORTS PAGE Mill City, Jefferson Timberwolves Still Clash Tuesday Night Unbeaten In League By RICHARD LOVEL By RICHARD LOVEL The Mill City Timberwolves are still The Mill City Timberwolves de in first place and are not yet defeated feated the Oregon School for the Deaf in the Marion county "B” league bas last Friday, January 23. The win ketball race. Next Tuesday night, marked the end of the first half of February 3, the Timberwolves will de the Marton county “B” league race fend their position in a game with in which Mill City has won every the Jefferson Lions. The game will game and has played all the other be played on Mill City’s home floor. teams of the league. Mill City is Early in the season Mill City beat now still in first place with Sublimity ¿Jefferson 47 to 39 in a league thriller. trailing close behind, "Now Mill City has an impressive rec The Timberwolves were not in their ord of nine wins and no losses. The ! best form and the deaf schoolers kept "Lions have won six and lost three. close until the second half. The These standings will probably change scores were, at the end of the first somewhat after Friday nights games quarter 9 to 6, at halftime 22 to 18, but Jefferson will probably still be at the end of the third quarter 44 to the third place team. 25, and the final score was 54 to 39. Tuesday night's game is considered Mill City was ahead all the time and as one of Mill City’s most important the substitutes played much of the games. The husky Lions will be game. fighting to get to the top and the Elton Gregory led the Timberwolf fast and spirited Timberwolves are scoring with 15 points and Dick Ka- determined to get their tenth win noff made 10 points. For O.S.D. which would be another long step to David Maynard was high with nine ward league championship and the points. chance for state “B” championship. Mill City won the junior varsity Both teams are at a peak in their i game 69 to 20. development. Considering all, this Mill City (54) (39) Deaf School should be one of Mill City’s most Ward F (8) Martin thrilling games and everyone will Chase (8) F (5) McCann surely get their money’s worth. Gregory (15) C (9) Maynard Kanoff (10) G (7) Lewin Hoffman (6) G (5) Heath Subs: Mill City—Brewer (6), Mis ner (2), Carey (1), Melting (6), Ver beck; O.S.D.—Nelson (5). Officials: Dimit and Vannice. t*« The Mill City Timberwolves racked up their ninth Marion county “B” league win last Tuesday night at De JANUARY i ro J I/' troit. They are still the undefeated champoins of the league. Detroit illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll leaped ahead 18 to 9 in the first quar ter but Mill City poured in nine points to tie the game. At the half Mill City led 35 to 28 and at the end of the third quarter Mill City led 55 to 40. The final score was 74 to 46. Roy Chase paced Mill City with 22 1111 (enterst points and Elton Gregory was second with 17 points. D. Ketchum made 16 DR. R. REYNOLDS points to lead the losers. Naturopath-Proctologist Mill City also won the junior var- Phone 3 9160 sity game 55 to 47. SALEM, ORE. Mill City (74) (46) Detroit Cllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ward (13) F Hill F (7) Woodward ■mutua ja n » » » o n » o w « n » a n et » a aan Chase (22) Gregory (17) C (10) Wallace Kanoff (10) G (16) Ketchum Ta« Consultant Auditor Hoffman (4) G (9) Vickers Subs: Mill City—Brewer (2), Ver beck (2), Misner (I), Carey (2), I Melting (1); Detroit—Strong (4). MOVED To Our New Office Bookkeeping. Accounting and Tax Service Comer 3rd 4 Marton STAYTON. ORE. By RICHARD LOVEL A change has been made in the Mill City high school student body officers. Carol Andreassen, one of our outstanding students, left Mill City high to go to Gates high school. She was the student body secretary and she was doing a good job too so we were sorry to see her go. Now we must elect a new secretary. The j student council nominated Donna Bengston, JoAnn Hoffman, and Beryl Mason. Pat Nibler, one of the Mill City song leaders has moved away. Donna Nelson, the senior rally squad leader has taken her place. Beryl Mason has tken Donna's place on the rally squad. Robert Veness took pictures last Wednesday of the classes, the teams, Wiley E. Muise, Mill City man, who and the other organizations. It was somewhat of a holiday for most of is taking pre-flight training as a the students who have just gotten naval aviation cadet at Pensacola, Fla., transferring there from the Ma through with the semester exams. Report cards are coming out Fri rine Corps with which he had the day. rank of sergeant. In the Marine The junior class is starting on its Corps since August, 1950, Muise had class play which is a mystery comedy, been stationed at El Toro, Calif., until “Three Fingers in the Door”. The going to Pensacola. He is the son members of the cast will be Robert of Joe Muise of San Diego, but for a Keyes, Donna Bengston, Frances number of years had made his home Johnson, Richard Vcrbeck, Regine at Mill City with his uncle and aunt, Brewer, Gerry Hamblin, Donna El Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jenkins. lingson, Richard Lovel, Dorothy Muise attended Willamette university Steinfeldt, Elton Gregory and Dale and Oregon College of Education be Andreassen. Mr. Chaney, the junior fore entering the service. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) class advisor, will direct the play. There will be a party after the Gervais basketball game Friday night JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES for students of both schools. TODAY! Mill City Derbys Win At Shuffleboard Meander Inn, in spite of all their good shuffleboard playing, could not upset the Mill City “Lucky” Derbys in league play, Friday, Mill City tavern thereby gained 4 points and kept the tie for first place with Davies tavern at Stayton. Each team has 26 points to their credit. The Lakes are in 3rd position with 19 points. The “Lucky” Derbys will try their luck at upsetting Lyon's tavern team at Lyons, Friday, January 30. Summary of league results on Fri day’s play. Spillway 3 to Cedars 1; Davies 4 to Maples forfeit; Rocky’s of Scio 4 to Lyons 0; Mill City tavern 4 to Meander Inn 0; Falls tavern 3 to Jerry's 1; The Lake 3 to Ken and Dels 1. January 29, 1953 MILL CITY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE: Jan. 30—Gervais Feb. 3—Jefferson Feb. 6—Chemawa, there Feb. 20—St. Paul Feb. 13—Gates, there Feb. 17—Sublimity, there Feb. 27—OSD WEDDING ANNOI N( EM ENTS AND.INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the NU METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City Close« at 6 P.M. Quality job printing at The Mill City Enterprise x-x-wxnnxtx!»>meinxixig'ìavitfxngM»aMi»fHWMH»Bmw» 1288 STATE ST SALEM, ORE. Ph. 3-6489 Randall’s FINE MEATS « Special Beef Prices : YOUNG EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION I Young Beef Always So Enjoyable finest European beer* -the Favor.!, who appreciate perfection. Enpy it* P^ y of flavor and sparkling lightness. 35c Heart or Tongue, Ih. Young Beef X « :: x X X X X X 39c Sliced Liver, lb.......... Beef Roasts 39c Arm Cut, Blade or Rump, lb. Beef Steak 59c Round, T-Bone or Rib, lb. Fresh Hamburger jç LOCKER BEEF • /fi the Hater" Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON, USA Explorer Scouts Hold Winter Comping Trip Forty-four Explorer Scouts took part in a winter camp at Camp Knut Morrison, near Jordan, Saturday and anBaaBanBn.aaaaBBoaanBaaaaB i Sunday, January 24 and 25. Proper camping under foul weather was I stressed. Scouts learned the neces-, , sity of correct equipment and its use. j They were taught where they might | find, build and keep going a fire, a<r» Mr. Jit. W., Lot Angtlot, Calif. j Selection of the proper camp site! Speed amazing relief (rom miseric* of plays an important part in personal . simple piles, »uh soothing Pazo*! Acts to relieve pain, itching instantly— soothes , comfort on such a trip, says Clarke inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard Lethin, Scout executive. ened parts helps prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You get real com Protestant church services were forting help. Don’t suffer needless torture i held in camp. The Catholic boys at from simple piles. Get I’azo lor last, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. tended Mass at Jordan. Suppository form—also tubes with per- I Seven Explorer Ports were repre fixated pile pipe lor easy application. f *l'ata thmnunt aitj buypasiiafit, J) sented, and nine leaders were present. Telephone 4111 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Naval Cadet in Florida P.O. Box 1321 “Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!" WE DON'T NEED A CRYSTAL BALL . . . to know when your cat needs lubrication. i y u NO GUfSSWORK WITH THIS IT S All ON THIS CARD- a careful record of all lubrication sers ices per formed by us are en tered here . . . and we remind you when serv ice* are due. it* a IConMuobon oF ifandord •qv'pmonl and trim illuttratod It dopondont on availability of material./ 1953 Chevrolet Advance-Design Trucks deliver more value! 4 powerful reasons why you get more of - what you . V want... X - T a ’ jt 5Lr * * • - * * r mor engine power! more staying power! your car. There are no slip-up*—and more danger point* arc thoroughly braking power! chart of the lubrication point* on ' ■ checked. 108-h.p. Loadmaster engine -standard on 5000 and 6000 Scries heavy-duty and for ward control models, op tional on 4000 Senes heavy, duty trucks. Heavier, stronger, more dur able frames increase rigid ity. add to ruggedness and stamina of 1953 Chevrolet trucks. Trucks up to 4000 Serie* heavy-duty models hsvs "Torque Action" brakes. Se ries 4000 and above use "Torque-Action” brakes in front, "Twin-Action” in rear. Rely on us—we’ll »how you how our more personalized service can keep your repair bills down. economy! tVj fake better care of yovr car New stamina plus extra gaso line economy in heavy-duty models with loadmaster en gine. reduces hauling cost* per ton mile. YOU LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Bassett & Stover I an ’ Bassett and Bill Stover GAS STATION Gene Teague Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Sen ice STAYTON. OREGON >