January 22. 1953 B—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE Campfire Girls Hold Ceremonial Meeting Prizes Announced for New Essay Contest Forest Timber- (Continued from Page 1) on the Willamette national forest for schools and roads. The Detioit district began the year 1952 with a total of 139 miles of permanent timber access roads and during the year 12 additional miles were constructed by purchasers of timber. Two hundred miles of main line roads are needed to make national forest timber in the North Santiam drainage fully accessible, according to Moore. Large timber sales in re­ mote sections of the forest will make it possible for future operators to continue the road development on the district, he explained. During the year, 122 acres of cut- over lands were planted with Douglas and Noble fir seedlings. MILL CITY ON HONOR ROLL MEHAMA Announcement has been made by the Registrar’s office at Oiegon Tech­ nical Institute that the following Luncheon guests Monday at the Lyons student achieved a grade point Chris McDonald home were Mr. and average of honor roll rank for the Mrs. Ed Finker of Akron, Colo., Mrs. fall term which ended December 19. Edna Walker, four children and niece Students are graded on the basis of of Silverton, Mrs. B. L. Kirsch and practical work, related technical study Mrs. Ellwin Erickson. and application. Honor roll lanks Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thayer of Al­ indicate work graded as outstanding bany and Mr. Thayer's sister from or of above average achievement. The Colorado visited at the Harry Monroe student was Dale L. Kirsch, electrical home Sunday. repair, GPA 3.52. | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crook and Mrs. Dean W. Jackson has reported for duty at the local post office fol­ lowing an eight-month leave of ab­ A Mill City Campfire Girls cere- sence to be away while she cared for her sister, who passed away recently Students in the 11th or 12th grades moniai followed adjournment of the after a prolonged illness. Mrs. James xrf public and private high schools in 6th and 7th grade Campfire Girls’ Poole has ably substituted for Mrs. (Oregon are being urged to enter the business meeting this week. Ceremonial chairman Norma Nelson Jackson during her absence. national essay contest sponsored by the President’s committee on employ­ conducted the rites. Marcella War- A fellowship supper is being held ment of the physically handicapped. riner and Lynn Smith were officially Friday evening at 6:30 in the Pres- The governor’s committee in this state inducted into the group. byterian church recreation room«. The For the ceremonial Karen Rue js co-operating with the national or­ annua) church meeting will follow the ' daughter of Portland visited at the lighted the candle of “work”, Naomi ganization. supper. her home when she caught her light Charles Crook home Sunday. Taylor, “ love ” , and Sibyl Dart, for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bushnell have hand in the wringer of her washing Five national prizes of U. S. bonds Weekend guests at the Raymond just returned from a month’s vacation machine. Mrs. Roberts succeeded in »n the following amounts are being “health”. Carol Veness extinguished Branch home were Mr. Branche’« in California. awarded the winners. $1,000, $400, the candle of “work”, Shereen Muir, extricating her hand and calling one Mrs. M. G. Rambo and Mrs. Clayton of her neighbors on the telephone for sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. $300, $200 and $100. State prizes, “health” and Olive Taylor, “love.” Baltimore, president and secretary of i help, and was taken to Dr. Jack Reid’s Howard Siewert of Neotsu. also in bonds, are $100, $50 and two Tharen Wilkerson of Boise, Ida.. Seconrary School Principals. the Mill City Woman’s club, were in I | office for medical attention. Dr. Reid pf $25. In addition to the above The subject for the 1953 essay con­ Salem Thursday to attend the Moth-' found no broken bones, but the skin who formerly lived here, was an over- prizes, the national winners have had ers’ March of Dmesi luncheon, held was torn between the thumb and the night guest Friday at the Keith Phil- their expenses paid to Washington, test is “The Physically Handicapped, lips’ home. Sunday dinner guests at in the Marion hotel. D.C., for the past five years and it _____ a National Asset’ . Richard Smurth- , first finger proving to be very pain­ the Phillips’ home w-ere Mr. and Mrs. I waite, Jr., chairman of the governor ’ s Mr. and Mrs. James Duvall were M expected that the national organi- i ful. She recovering nicely. Francis May of Salem. tailed to Portland last week due to zatoin of the Disabled American Vet- 1 committee for Oregon, has received Most respirator patients under 20 erans will make the same contribu- considerable information on the con- the serious illness of Mrs. Duvall’s years of age are boys while the ma­ By MRS. S. T. MOORE tion this year. test rul«8 “nd >• anxious to mail it to mother. The Duvall's have rented a Visitors at the home of Mr. and house in Portland and will be moving 1 jority of patients between 20 and 39 This is the fifth year that this gov- ' those students and teachers who ! are women. All receive some form ment-aponsored essay has been ap- might be interested. I he closing Mrs. Guy Moore recently were Mr. soon. Mr. Duval) was employed on I ' of March of Dimes help. proved by the National Association of date for receipt of entries in this state and Mrs. George Weirich, Mrs. the Detroit dam. John Roten, 7th grader, suffered a Moore’s sister and husband from Le­ —*---- 1 has been set for February 20. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open broken leg over the weekend and is Mail inquiries to J. Richard Smurth- banon, and Peter Weirich of Adams, Sundays and evenings, flowers tele- I enjoying an enforced vacation at his MEETING NOTICE waite, Jr., Room 109 Pioneer P. O. Wise. For January 1953 graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, i home the envy of all his class-mates, Mr-. Cal Schlador left Monday for .planters, pot plants, corsages, wed- His friends all wish his speedy Mill City Ixidge N'o. ISO. A.F. 4 \.M. Building, Portland 4, Ore. Cannon Beach to spend several days I dings, also shrubs and landscaping turn to class. at the home of her sister-in-law who 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone Mon.. Jan. 26—Special 7:30 p.m.— _____ *__________ LICENSED F. C. M.; refreshment committei is ill. 3684. 42tf Charles French. Quality jub printing at Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kettleson had AD3 Arnold has been spending a The Mill City Enterprise as weekend visitors het parents, Mr. : ; i furlough here with his mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Floyd Beard of Salem. | Vevie Hill, teacher in the Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and son $1.50 per month and up grade school. Young Arnold is a Frankie went to Corvallis last Sunday Also serving Gates. Lyons. machinist mate in the naval air force to help friends in the flood area move Idanha and Detroit and is now stationed at VR5 Moffet their livestock to safety. Field, Calif., after spending about MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker visited friends and relatives in Estacada and three years in the Korean and Ha­ DISPOSAL SERVICE Portland this week where they viewed waiian theatres. He returns to Mof­ Phone 3952 fet Field Friday of this week. Among AT LEONARD HERMAN inaugural ceremonies on television. the unusual accomplishments o f Young Arnold is that he was able to | nniiitiiiiiinnimii with graduate from high school in Hawaii stomach and to get two years at the Univer- NEW RETAIL LOCATION: sity of Ilawaii while serving in the THANK HEAVENS! Moat attacks are Just acid Indigestion. When it strikes, take Bell-ana East City Limits on Highway 222 Navy. I tablets. They contain the fastest-acting New ranges are being installed in Phone 3215 MILL CITY medicines known to doctors for the relief of the kitchen of the Presbyterian rec­ I heartburn, gas and similar distress. HIMMMXWWIMBnXOflxnCMM’>< XXX! reation room by the two women’s societies of the church, the Presby­ terian Women’s association and the Friendship circle. “Tex” Blazek journeyed to the Co­ lumbia river this week and returned “At the Bottom of the Hill” with a sturgeon he caught while on his fishing trip. Mrs. Frank Fencl is home again after spending several months in Cali­ fornia with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brewer. Mrs. Kate Roberts Monday morning of this week suffered an accident at DETROIT GARBAGE SERVICE All Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales CHOKED GAS? hi Never a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN Glfods Super Market (hi the Highway at STAYTON Kraft Salad Oil Trend Shortening 59c g9c Qt 3-lb. can Swift’s Peanut Butter large 20-oz. jar Del rich Margarine Kraft Dinners 2 55c ib. 27c boxes 25c Tasty I’ak Cream Style Corn 303 can. 3 for 49c 3-lb. box 39c Quaker Oats Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers, lb box 29c Elsinore Orange and (¡rapefruit 16-oz. can Juice 29c Santiam (’ut Green Beans, No. 2 can 1 9c Derby’s Potted Meat. large 5 oz. can. 2 for small 3«4-oz. can. 3 for 25c 25c Tasty I’ak Gooseberries \ <> 27c i’t 29c Baby Ruth. Butterfinger. Cocoanut 3 for IQc (¡rove Candy Bars Mayflower Cottage Cheese Large Navel Oranges doz. 39c '2-crate 2.29 Ford steal- the show Sth year in a row. " itli 41 "Worth More” feature« Ford's worth more when you buy it , . . worth more when you sell it! 49c Celery •b- 9c 2 bunches 19c California Carrots Oregon No. 1 Potatoes 10 lbs. 49c Arizona (Jrapefruit 8-lb. hag U hen you check this'53 Ford, you'll see style ad­ vances like that big, curved one-piece windshield ... you’ll feel that new Miracle Ride ... and you'll find a boat of other trend-setting features. Short Shank Cascade Brand Picnics lb. 39c Beef Roast. U.S. Confi Carni Fresh Hens Fresh Frozen Fryers iaT7ke 'b 'b each Pay Cash HERE /\ save can at Girods AT STAYTON 59c 39c 99c < »!<»!< 1 OF OR Knd when you feel the GO of Ford’s great 110-h.p. V-8 or 101-h.p. Six. you'll know that tin* Ford really set» a new standard for other cars to live up to. And despite its great power this Ford live* on a lean diet. Ford'« \utomatic Power Pilot give* you high-comprr««ion GO with regular gas! > ou can pay more but vou can't buv better »»lord Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton OOOÖOO <30000000 ooo ooo a