The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 22, 1953, Image 1

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MH I I 111
Ner.t week this community will have
an opportunity to enjoy an evening of
dancing and good fellowship by at­
tending the Roosevelt Birthday Ball
$2.50 a Year, 1 ( )«• a Copy
being organized and managed by
George Veteto for the benefit of the
March of Dimes polio fund. No bet­
ter way to spend an evening and at
the same time contribute to a worthy
cause can be found, and Veteto is
promising a good time for all. He
has gathered a group of musicians
together to provide both old-time and
popular dancing, with popular dances
undoubtedly holding most of their
tention. Plans are being made
serve coffee and a light lunch.
cording to Veteto.
« i
Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, is chair-
man of the Woman's club committee
working on the Mother’s March on
Polio planned for Thursday night,
January 29, assisted by the Camp
Fire Girls.
Bill Stewart Jr., is making plans
for a Valentine box social built around
■ «-•
special features for the evening of
February 14, more will be published
about this March of Dimes feature
at a later date, however.-
* * *
Without doubt Mill City will do its
share to replenish March of Dimes
funds, which are so badly needed to
scene, from the North Santiam highway, - >on as rains taper off and stream levels drop, engineers at the
carry on the work in the county and Oregon« newest lake, lake Detroit, forming behind recently miles long.
completed Detroit Dam on the North Santiam river, begins to
assist with the National Foundation indicate some of the size and potentialities. Torrential rains takes in the broadest pirt of the lake which is expected to dam will begin lowering the level of the lake to permit greater
become a prime recreation area for mid-Willamette Va'lev
drive to continue research programs in the Cascade Mountain headwaters of live Santiam and residents. At this point the lake is nearly a mile wide. M hen water storage when expected spring run-offs occur. Masses of
floa'ing debris carried down by streams covered much of the
and carry the load as it comes up in Breitenbush rivers have contributed millions of cubic feet of the re ervoir reaches capacity it »ill be eight and a half miles lake. The lake is about 63 feet below the spillway.
various parts of the country through­ water to the rapidly rising reservoir whirh now is some six loi g and about t»o miles wide at its furthest extremities. As
(Photo courtesy the Statesman)
out this coming year.
I have no
doubt that Mill City will answer the '
call for help and contributions again,
* * *
This week a lady asked me to help
call attention to mothers and fathers |
that children riding their bicycles on
and near the Hill Top store had twice !
Detroit—First major flood waters retained in Detroit
ridden out into the street in front of
her car as she drove along toward
dam reservoir swirled to a depth of 230 feet by Sunday
the Hill Top store frightening her,
evening and rose ¡ft a rate of eighteen inches per hour.
very much at the possibility of their | Detroit—Receipts totaling $623,447
A vast muddy lake was visible from Mongold as the
She narrowly missed from timber sold and removed from
getting hit.
debris-strewn waters crept toward the base of Piety Knob,
them. It could have been serious be- I the Detroit distreit of the Willamette
cause of the rainy conditions pre-; National forest for the year 1952 have
familiar knoll which will be­
vailing, I wonder if parents couldn't been reported by the Detroit office.
come an island in the lake.
have a man-to-man talk with their
Total volume of timber was 51.800,-
Completely inundated early in the
bicycle-riding children showing, them J 000 board feet, of which 4,000,000 feet
week were the area around the former
the necessity of more care while they ‘ was salvaged dead timber, including
Detroit ranger station and the - Id
ride their bicycles.
wind-thrown, ipsect-killeil and fire-
Detroit town-site.
We don't want to print a story of killed trees. Priority in sales is given
a child getting injured while riding a to naturally killed timber, according
Today the water level had reached
bicycle in Mill City—I hope it will to S. T. Moore, Detroit district ranger.
high of 258 feet when the gates
never be my job to write such a
Largest sales for the year were in
opened to allow the le\el to
the areas of the Sardine burn, Boulder
J. C. "Doc” Kimmel, Mil) City
in preparation for any druggist, was elected president of the
* * *
Ridge, Parkett Creek, Cooper’s Ridge
This huge volume of water impounded 250 feet deep back of Detroit dam,
possible continuation of storms and Santiam Memorial Hospital associa­
It is not often we receive a letter and Cedar Creek. Timber sold on the
was prevented by engineers from roaring down the North Santiam
heavy rains. The flood crests were tion last Thursday during a meeting
complimenting the use of any adver­ Sardine burn was all fire-killed in
river into the already flooded Jefferson area and causing major damage.
past danger points below making it of the association’s board of directors
tising material. This week we re­ the summer of 1951.
The storm from 8 a.m. Thursday until 8 a.m. Monday brought 8.21 inches
possible to release flood waters and in the Stayton city hall. The hospital
of rain in the dam area. During the first 19 days of January 20.3 inches
ceived one that I believe is worthy
Logs removed from the Detroit
lower the lake lexel, according to
of rain has fallen. The impounded water is released between storms to
of special attention, since it thanks sales were processed at mills located
restore flood control storage space.
the sponsoring merchants for their in Idanha, Lyons, Albany, and Van­
(Photo courtesy Capital Journal and Craig Carver)
Thursday morning it was noted
support. We wish to urge our readers couver, Wash.
Idanha mills are
that a section of the new highway
to support our advertisers and pa­ largely dependent upon national for-
located across from Blowout Creek
tronize them, they are the ones mak- est timber for operation since there
had slipp«d about a foot toward the
ing it possible for a newspaper in are few private holdings in the area
lake causing a crack to develop in
this community.
Every advertiser to more timber available,
held a March of Dimes campaign since the black-top.
makes it possible for us to run the
Proceeds fiom the timber sales go
This is the story of polio in Marion 1937. Every case that has asked for
“church series” of advertisements as to the federal treasury which returns
for the last few years, and help has ben helped, but because there
much as those listed directly as spon- 25% of the gross receipts to the state
The Detroit-Idanha
of what the Marion County were fewer cases or because fewr
sors, because we must have all types of Oregon for distribution to counties
Monday due to a threatened
Chapter for Infantile Paralysis has casss were reported for several years,
of advertisers to make up a news-
(Continued on Page 8)
cave-in on the highway between the
tried to do about it. Sometimes the
paper—all cannot be listed as spon-
. doing has been heart-warming and than adequate, and even though we two towns.
eors, but are just as important, The
One-way tiaffic was maintained
had financed the amputation of a leg,
I sometimes heart-breaking.
letter to the editor follows:
the lane unaffected by the
The chapter meets on the first and the immediate care and follow-up slide which caused several feet of the
To the Editor:
1 Thursday of every month at 8 p.m.,
road bed to crack and sink at a point
Our congratulations are extended
to transact busines.-, such as pay bills, ords show that on June, 1947, we had two miles above Detroit.
to those "public spirited, civic-minded
Game commission action banning accept applications for help, etc., and in bonds,
Danger of the road giving way
business establishments” who “in the
of gaff hooks will not be forth­ to hope that there is enough money
further at this point was considered
interests of all churches” have re­
On March 4, 1948, before we had a
to take care of all calls. The meet­
sufficient reason for closing the school
cently been sponsoring a series of coming this season, but the commis-
ings are held in the dining room of report from the March of Dimes cam­ since many of the students are trans­
almost full-page ads presenting the
the Salem Memorial hospital.
ported by bus over the highway.
vital importance of faith in God, the ously considering a regulation that
Marion county has been organized $2,000 in bonds, and were paying for
Forest service employees crossed
reading of the Bible, and attendance ,
according to the National Foundation care of twelve cases.
of landing nets.
the lake in a boat to move a tractor board of directors has the responsi­
at church.
On September 15, 1948, in response left on a trail near Blowout Creek.
A gaff hook has long been a stand­ for Infantile Paralysis since the be­
As we face the crises of the day
ard item of equipment for landing ginning of the foundation and has to the appeal for funds for the na­ The flood washed out a foot log used bility of seeing to the operation of
and the needs of our own community
tional emergency, we sent an extra by crews to reach a trail location job Santiam Memorial hospital, the North
fish, but State Game Director P. W.
and families lives we are lost without
i Santiam’s fine new hospital. Walter
$1,000 to national headquarters, At and threatened the equipment.
Schneider avers that the gaff hook
the saving grace and strength of God.
Bell of Stayton, is the retiring pres­
is a great destroyer of game fish and
Rainfall measured Monday morning ident.
That is why we are so glad that these
two new cases.
1 it is time for a change to landing
by Mrs. Earl Parker, Detroit weather
business establishments have under­
About this time there was set up recorder, totaled 19.63 inches for the Equipment On Hand
taken these ads, not just to draw at­
He offers two reasons for the game
at the Salem Memorial hospital the month.
Kimmel wa< chai-man of Division
tention to themselves, but to adver­
Plans are complete for the Mothers beginning of a treatment center.
commission wishing to supplant gaff
.C and A. J. Frank, his associate,
tise the church, “The church for all
hooks with landing nets. In many March on Polio. Thursday, January
Surplus war commodities were all 31 cases our funds were completely I during the fund campaign for San­
, . , all for the church."
instances, gaffed salmon or steelhead 29, between 7 and 8 p.m. The drive bought at not more than one-tenth depleted long before the end of the tiam Memorial hospital. Division C,
We sincerely hope these fine ads are ripe and ready for spawning, and is sponsored locally by the Mill City
J called the Canyon area, comprised
the current prices, and a physical year.
will be continued.
not wishing to retain a ripe or Women’s club. Mrs. M. G. Rambo is therapits was added to the staff of
On July 17th, a man of 46 was Lyons, Mill City, Gates, Idanha and
THE MILL CITY MINISTERIAL spawned-out fish the angler tosses acting as chairman.
the hospital. These facilities have 1 stricken. He was in an iron lung for Detroit. Federal assistance enabled
the mortally wounded fish back in
The Blue Birds and Camp Fire been expanded until now the treat­ ! months and this chapter paid over ! speedy construction of Santiam Mem-
the stream.
Girls will assist in the drive again ment center includes care for acute $8,000 for him alone.
' orial hospital.
The canyon’s new
Secondly, the minimum length for this year.
cases and al follow-up cars, including
Two small boys passed away and health center will be fully constructed
salmon and steelhead is 20 inches, and
Delinquent Linn County
Captains in charge of designated water therapy at the YMCA pool. By there were many ca-es of severe crip­ by March 1, this year, according to
during winter fishing season under­ sections of the city include: Mrs. special arrangement, ax many patients pling. Help came from many sources. latest reports.
Taxpayers Get Warning sized fish caught and gaffed are also Robert Wingo, Mrs. John Muir, Mrs. as need water therapy are admitted to One organization and friends contrib­ Foothills Construction company ia
The Linn County Sheriff’s office lost. The commission has also re­ Martin Hansen, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. the pool two afternoons per week for uted an iron lung, two port>y>le lungs doing the construction work on the
it in the process of preparing a tax ceived reports of gaffed fish thrown Lowell Stiffler. Mrs. Harry Dyhrman, just what it costs the YMCA to give and $1,000 in cash. $266.13 was re­ hospital.
The company’s bid was
foreclosure list covering the tax roll back in derby contests where the fish and Mrs. Courtland Rue.
the extra service. By having thia ceived from a boxing show. One or­ $303,220.00 on the building. Equip­
“Don't forget to turn on the porch­ center here, our hospital and trans­ ganization put on a concere for us. ment needed for actual use of the
for 1948-49, the oldest roll not yet was not believed of prize winning
lights Thursday evening, January 29, portation costs have been considerably another pledred $1,000 to help, an­ building ax a hospital is either pur­
ocmpletely paid.
In any event, “use a landing net,” and give willingly and gladly to aid reduced.
All property against which there
other gave a Hot Pack Machine and chased and on hand or available within
stands an unpaid tax for that year urges Game Director Schneider; it in the fight against polio,” Mrs.
1949 was our worst year to date. a wheel chair, al) of which were most a short time, accorlling to Dr. W. H.
will be included in the list when it is is the mark of a conservation-wise Rambo reminded in her per talk to There were 31 cases in the county and gratefully received.
We asked for Burrel and Kimmel, members of the
Mother’s March captains.
All tax payers owing angler.”
while we were not asked to help on
(Continued or. Page 3)
equipment committee.
taxes for that year should make pay­
ment and thereby avoid having their
property included among the delin­
quent parcels.
Sale Yeiids
Detroit Dam Begins Paying
Flood Dividends This Week
J.CKimmel New
President of
Hospital Board
The Sfory of P0//0 in Marion County
Game Commission
May Bon Gaff Hooks
Mother s March On
Polio January 29
Mill City Timberwolves, Gervais Clash Frl., Jan. 30