7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE January 15. 1953 Wants and Sales IfIt’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! , FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in FOUND — Ladies’ Hiawatha bicycle. AVON COSMETICS Swift addition. Inquire at C. E. Owner may recover same by iden COVILLE REAL ESTATE, Mill See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white tifying and paying for this adver house across from Martin’s trailer City. 52tf tisement. Call at Depot Barber court on NW. 7th Ave. Shop, Mill City. 3 Box 658, Mill City. FOR SALE—Wood burning furnace, very reasonable. Mt. States Power FOR RENT—Small furnished house, FOR SALE—Oat, vetch hay. per bale Co.. Mill City. Phone 2584. 50tf refrigerator and electric range, city $1.15; alta fescue hay per bale 50c; water. Geo Cree, phone 924. 43tf straw, per bale 40c. Etzel Bros., FOR SALE — Women’s skis, boots, and poles, good condition. Write route 1, box 234, Stayton, ph. 14F71 TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im Mrs. Richard Budiong, Box 503, or 14F52. 2-3p ported and domestic woolens. Al Mill City for information. l-3p terations, cleaning and pressing. MOTOR TUNE-UP SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. I RENTAL HOMES—Modern 2 and 3- at Liberty, Salem. 50tf bedroom, two blocks from school. HEIDT’S AUTO ELECTRIC Arey Podrabsky, phone 1242, Mill Mill City, ph. 2403 MEHAMA WOMEN’S CLUB RUM City. l-3p AGE STORE will be open every Tuesday 10 am. to 4 p.m. over FOR RENT—3-room modern Jjouse, EXPERT AUTO and home radio furnished, on Marion county side. Golliet’s Store. 2-3p service, 20 years experience, all reasonable. See Kay Colburn at makes. Guaranteed service. Mill City Meat Market. 47tf REAL ESTATE Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. See us for good buys in the canyon TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING REAL ESTATE area. Listings wanted. chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, Glen Shelton, Salesman machine towards a new one. 37%-ft. inside, modern. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. (’. E. Uoville, Broker Highway frontage between West side Mill City Ph. 2207 WANTED — Baby Sitting; Mrs. Gates and dam. Agness A. Allen is available for Modern home on 11 acres for baby sitting, nights, days or week sale. ends in your home, ph. 3424. 2tf Houses for rent. SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- See W. R. HUTCHESON Ham Sportsman’s club now. We are At Gates Furniture Store devoted to game conservation and propagation and need your help. For further information Only $1.00 per year, you will have Write to that much fun at one meeting. WE SELL BETTER Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 CARS FOR LESS! of Oregon FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- 2587 Park Lane. SALEM. ORE. stered, latest fabrics and plastics. or Phone 4-5523, Salem Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton Upholstery. 38tf| Bed Stopped The Bel-Lite Company GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for the Logger' BASSETT'S WELDING SHOP Sweet Home. 3 B XI XI ■X! X X S’ GARB1GE SERVICE $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons. Idanha and Detroit X x’ DISPOSAL SERVICE i 4 89-50 BENDIX AUTOMATIC I LATE MODEL BENDIX IO«?-?5 99.50 LIKE NEW EASY LAUNDRY Phone 3952 LEON ARD 111 RM \N WHEEL DRIVE «2395 «2395 $1695 «1195 Salem Automobile MILL CITY Mill City Used Washers CHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE l-DR SEDAN Fully equipped. Like new. CHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE (l.l II COUPE Radio, heater; seat covers. Very low mileage. DODGE 3 PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater; -eat covers. Less than 25.000 miles. Like new inside and out. CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN Fresh air heater; almost new tires. Extra clean car throughout. LICENSED I X With a Guaranteed Used Car from Salem Automobile Company NEED A TELEPHONE? Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Mom's and Pop's CAFE a LYONS Get Set for ’53 WANTED — *2- or 34-h.p. electric motor. See Frank Caraway, Mill City. 2-3p We hope you are pleased with our service. Branch Store Lyons Philomath Mill City Hi-Liles By RICHARD LOVEL Mr. and Mrs. Oral S. Toland were FOR SALE—Wood range $25. In The Mill City high school student honored on their 45th wedding anni- quire at Mrs. Roland Berry, Gates. l-3p body held an assembly last Wednes versary with a dinner held at their day, January 14. After a short busi home, when all of the Toland children FOR SALE Two feeder pigs. See ness meeting the freshmen took over came to help them celebrate the oc- K. W, Hunt, east city limits on and entertained everyone with several Kingwood ave., ph. 2808. 1-3 skits. Barbara Podrabsky played an casion. Covers were laid for the honored FOR RENT—2-bedroom house, newly accordian solo and Diane Peterson guests, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fether- decorated outside and inside. Mod played a piano solo. ston, Ann, Leona and Mary, of Prine ern, See Glen Shelton, Mill Citv. The Girls Athletic association had ville; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gavette, 43 tf a meeting Thursday. Besides some ■Mark, Gary, Dorothy Ann. Mary Jane FOR SALE BY OWNER—Newly dec “confidential” business they are work and Karen of Harrisburg; Mr. and orated 2-bedroom home with garage ing on plans for their assembly in Mrs. Douglas Gavette, Lowell and and work shop. Utility wired for March. Bruce, of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. dryer. Floor coverings through out The song leaders request that the Marvin Toland, Sharon and Melvin with wool rug in living room; oil boys be more careful about where of Lyons. circulator. Priced to sell as owner they throw the basketball during is vacating in three months. Call 1025 Mill City, $4500.00. 2-3p warm-up before games and at half The juniors have lowered the price time. j of the Timberwolf decals from 25c FOR SALE—Piano and bench, ma Lyle Fleetwood, halfback on the to 15c. hogany finish, also Coleman oil Everyone is glad that Mr. Hoeye is heater with tank. Mrs. Jack Dug Mill City football team, was chosen gan. ph. Lyons 163. 3tf to play in this year’s east-west “B” back teaching school now. He was Shrine football game. Also Dick unable to teach because of illness. WANTED — Carpentering, cabinet Kanoff, halfback, and LeRoy Podrab The Stayton high school has in work, or repairing. Call 1906, C. sky, fullback, were chosen as alter vited the Mill City high school stu R. Brewer, Mill City. 2-3p nates. dents to a "hard-times party,” Ad WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled The Mill City frosh basketball team mission is ten cents and a safety pin. Douglas fir poles, delivered to beat the Jefferson freshmen last , The students are faced with the Lyons yard. For further informa annual 1_ catastrophe, 1__ The semester tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Wednesday after school. The score - ------- exams are just around the corner. Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, was 30 to 19. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf t.j: «nt « « > FOR SALE — Equity in 1-bedroom house in Mill City. Vevie Hill, Here’s That Used (’ar You’ve Looked For Box 718, Mill City. 3-3p WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! Phone 116 Rhone 1111 FOR SALE -Strictly fresh eggs. Mrs. ; Ogden, on hill on W. Evergreen, street. 3-3p1 HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment . 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4117 B XDSMKKKKKxx X x x XX X! «XX x X’X X X x x Xx x X X x x x x X x’X X irx xM rx x x KinXOux I ( REDECORATE THOSE ROOMS NOW WITH Duicli Boy Wonsover WALL PAINTS $1.37 Qt. OTHER CONVENTIONAL WASHERS ENAMELS % SPECIAL 49.50 THOR IRON ER, 30-Inch Roll WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY’’ Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 183 N. High Street Home of GOOD Used Cars SHROCK'S 316 N. < hurch St. Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Slayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. D.W.REII). Ml). MIKE'S Septic Service: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • Phone SALEM 3-9468. OOLLZCT f 107» Elm St., W. Salem Mill City Soothe Itching, F iery P iles General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR H< »IF.IH LUZIEKS COSMETIC« J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN Phone ill* Opposite Claude Lewi»’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Fonemi Aerrtm STATTON OREGON ELSNER Motor Co. SALEM, ORE WOOD’S STORE STAYTON Phone 3-9101 Directory - Professional • I)R. VICTOR I. MYERS Chiropractic Physician >• With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the pow er of its high-compres sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, mud, t z x sa ' '* and e-* 'I * sand x» - ■ * that 1« - * * stop • - - *- ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.GVW. Court House Square 'The Most Show for Least Dough Business TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN TI Don t kt tore, fiery, painful, itching cimple Piles drive you nearly crazy In IS minute» CHINAROID »’art» giving you wonder? ;1 cooling, soothing. temporary re laxing relief from pain, burning and Itch ing r mone? tack guaranteed. Genuine CFTNARQiD coit» only 11.00 at dxuggieU. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ^ M M \RK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moted his Mill City office to Stayton in the Poet Office BMg.. 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices ! I MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERV ICE Garbage. ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups 21.50 per month Also light hauling HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY Phone 3952 *J ON CLOSE-OUTS IN WALLPAPERS WHILE THEY LAST! Rental Floor Sanders DO YOUR OWN FLOOR FINISHING AND SAVE MONEY Jenkins Hardware Phone 2206 MILL CITY WE GIVE S & II GREEN STAMPS