5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE January 15. 1953 FEMME PAGE Toastmistress Club Elects New Officers GATES Elaine Stevens Honored With Bridal Shower Two local boys, Wilmer Crites and Mill City Toastmistress club met Howard Shroll received orders to re- » Idanha A bridal shower honoring January 8th at 7 p.m. for their reg | port for their physical examination j Miss Elaine Stevens was given re- ular business session. Edith Means ’ last week. They drove to Albany to I cently by Mrs. Kenneth dark and vice president, was the principal pre report and from there were sent to Mrs. Even Evenson. siding figure. Guests included Mrs. Lee Hobson, Portland. Crites left his car in a Speakers for the evening were parking lot in Albany and upon his Mrs. Roy Clark, Mrs. Marion Alder-, Casey Chaney. Gwen Jones and Elaine return found that a tree had blown man, Mrs. Earl Carte, Mrs. William Keirsey. over crushing it. Both young men Johnson, Mrs. Orvil Lady, Mrs. Floyd Open installation was held for 1953 Miss Jeanne Hampton of Ecuador, Marion Todd was Toastmistress and are graduates’ of the Gates high Neilson, Mrs. Earnest Slocum. Miss officers of Mill City Odd Fellow 11-year-old daughter of the Lewis Geneva Worthen, Mrs. Wiliam Hayes. lodge No. 144 and Santiam Rebekah Hamptons formerly of the Gates com Faustina Nesbitt had chaige of Table school. Mr. and Mrs. George Mielke sold Mrs. Warren Stoll, Mrs. Jack Gulli- lodge No, 166 Saturday night in the munity. has written to her Mill City Topics. Barbara Yarnell and Elaine Keirsey their home here last week to Mr. and I ford, Mrs. Len Davis, Mrs. Josephe IOOF hall. Deputy Grand Master school chum, Marc Boothby of Mill were inducted into the club and pre Mrs. Richard Budlong of Mill City. I Stodola Sr. of Mill City and Mrs. Otto Koeneke and district deputy City of her desire for more letters sented with corsages by Edith Means. Mr. and Mrs. Mielke and daughter Delker. president, Alma Thomas were in from Mill City friends. Twice Miss charge and were assisted by deputy Hampton mentioned in her letter to ; New officers elected for the next moved Saturday morning and the new ¿rand marshalls, Otto Witt and Ruby- young Boothby that she wants letters six months were Ruby Crosier, presi owners took possession the same eve Brisbin; deputy secretary-treasurer, from those of her acquaintance in this dent; Veia Hathaway, vice president; ning. Mielke has obtained employ Camp Fire Girls Elect Pat Wingo, secretary, and Gwen ment in Eugene. His family will re Ida Fleetwood, and deputy chaplain, area. main in Lyons for the present, until New Officers for Year Jones, treasurer. Rachel Olmstead. Boothby sent 10c to her seeking in a house can be secured in Eugene. Mill City 6th grade To Wan Ten George Veteto and Ada Plymale exchange money from Ecuador, cen Ya group of Campfire Girls and the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones were were in.-talled as junior past grands; tavos. Miss Hampton sent by return dinner guests Sunday at the home of 7th grade Wotoleto Campfire Girls Al Yankus and Antonia Thomas, noble mail a 10 centavo piece. She men Mrs. Rosa Roten. Mr. Jones, a stu have been holding their meeting to grands; Charles Thomas and Eva tioned that anyone else wanting an dent at the Christian college in gether. Duffy, vice grands; C. A. Bruder and exchange of money should send 20c, Mr. and Mrs. Al Molnar and Jimmy Eugene, has been engaged as pastor During the business meeting elec Bertha Baltimore, secretarys; Ed saying she would return 15 centavos of Oregon City were weekend visitors of the Gates Community Christian tion was held. Naomi Taylor was Haynes and Jennie Smith, treasurers; and use five cents for postage. She at the Frank Buckler’s. church, replacing Loren Swanson. elected president; Linda Dyhrman, Walter Thomas and Ruth Hess, war gave her address as Cosilla 4318, Mrs. Maude Zimmerman of Salem Mrs. Fred Ratzeburg of Salem is vice president; Sibyl Dart, secretary; dens; John McClintock and Mabel Quay-aquil, Ecuador. is stay ing at the Hubert Wagner home at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lillie Judy Hoeye, treasurer, and Carol Yankus, conductors; Otto Witt and The Hamptons left the United while recovering from a recent auto latke, where she will remain for sev Cooke, reporter and song leader. Anna Mae McClintock, chaplains; Otto States for Ecuador last December. accident. eral weeks to assist in the care of Koeneke and Alma Thomas, RSNG; They had purchased a portion of a Mr. and Mrs. Chet Barr of Tacoma Dell Smith and Hazel Nelson, LSNG; hacienda, 6000 acres of virgin terri visited relatives here last week. They their father, T. Henness, who has been after two weeks spent in Oakland, Calif., and other bay cities with rela Verne Thomas and Blanche Syverson, tory. The Hampton’s land is some were on their way home from Coos seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole, son Mario tives and old friends. RSVG; A. T. Koeneke and Jennie 35 miles from the proposed route of Bay where they had spent the holi and Mrs. Glen Henness drove to Port The first meeting of the city coun Davis, LSVG; Irl Plymale and Dor the Pan-American highway slated as I days. land Friday to take Mrs. Cole's cil for the new year was held Friday- othy Vail, IG; Marvin Dart and a link between North and South Mrs. H. W. Duncan, Mrs. D. Good mother, Mrs. Minnie Everton, there evening, Jan. 9, Mayor Ray Lord pre Gladys Podrabsky, OG; Ruby Brisbin, America. man and Mrs. Merle Philippi were for a visit of several days before she musician; Wilma Stewart, flag bearer. Miss Hampton asked that Boothby hostesses for the hot lunch club meet returned to her home in Yakima, siding. Clifford Rains of Detroit was present to discuss the possibility of Outgoing Noble Grand Ada Plymale convey to Mrs. Rogers, her former ing at the schoolhouse Thursday eve Wash. Mrs. Everton has been a installing a water system for the city. was presented with a gift from the Mill City teacher, the infoi mation that ning, January 8. All mothers of chil guest at her daughter's home for sev No definite decision was reached due lodge also her past noble grand pin. she was the proud owner of an ivory- dren in the school here were urged eral months. to the absence of Councilman W. S. She, in turn, presented gift remem nut wood vase, Vit-in. high. This to attend these meeting which are held Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon have Hudson, who is vacationing in Ari brances to her officers of the past peculiar wood is grown in Ecuador. once a month. returned home following a visit over zona, the selection of a new mayor six months and a number of com- j She also related her attendance at a the Christmas holidays in San Fran was postponed until a later meeting. Mrs. Peter Brusasco and Mario re mittee chairmen. Concluding the party and reported a nice time. No cisco at the home of Levon’s parents. turned from California Saturday. Mr. ceremonies a no-host supper was I details othei- than the relatively short San Francisco was Mr. and Mrs. Le Ida I period of time involved in going to and Mrs. Robert Draper took Mrs. served in the dining rooms, Brusasco to California a couple of von’s former home and they have Fleetwood was in charge of the and from the party. The temperature weeks ago to be with her older son many acquaintances there. kitchen. average for the day was given as who has polio. Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick and two children spent the weekend in 88 degrees. The Lewis Hamptons ran a 800-acre ing to Ecuador and their 6000-acre Jefferson as the guests of friends. 58,000 polio victims were still on Joe Joaquin and his mother, Mrs. goat ranch near Gates before migrat- enterprise there. March of Dimes rolls January 1, 1953! Laura J. Joaquin, returned Monday Rebekahs and Odd Fellows Install Hampton Girl Writes About Ecuador Home MEHAMA u Second Anniversary Free Orchids for Ladies Free Dixie Cups for Children FREE lunch served Saturday from 10 to 6 p.m. . CASCADE HOT DOGS — M.J.B. COFFEE------- CAKE FREE ARMOUR HAM FOR LARGEST ORDER OVER WEEKEND! FREE CASCADE SIDE OF BACON FOR SECOND LARGEST ORDER FREE PRIZE FOR EACH ORDER OVER $30.00. at Girods Super Market On the Highway at STAYTON Elsnore Blended Juice, 46-oz can 29c Elsnore Freestone Peaches No. 2*/i, 35c 3 for Spreckles Sugar. 10-lb. sack ABC Fig Bars 2-lb. box Wonderfood Marshmallows. lb bag, 2 for Snowdrift Shortening. MJB Coffee 99c 49c 49c 3-lb. can 79c lb. can 79c Qt. 65c Wesson Oil Pillsbury Cake Mixes, white. chocolate or golden 3 for 89c Baby Ruth. Butterburger and Coconut Grove Bars 3 for 10c FROZEN FOODS Flav-R-Pak Peas pkg. Flav-R-Pak Orange Juice can 65c 1 pkR- 29c 2 for 23c 2 for 39c 2 for 25c 2 for 29c 2 for 29c Chewing Gum, 3 pkg. 10c, carton .Jello and Jello Pudding Overlook Peas, No. 303 Del monte Peas. No. 303 Mill Race Beans, No. 303 Mor-Pae Corn, No. 303 Santiam Corn, No. 303 Campbell’s Beef, Vegetable Beef. or Chicken Noodle Soup 3 for 50c Campbell’s Vegetable Soup, 2 for 25c lettuce, large heads Arizona (¡rapefruit 2 for 8-lb bag Blue Bird Tube Tomatoes, tube St ND \Y and MONDAY PIPER I. \l RIE and GIGI PERREAU in Has Anybody Seen My Gal In Technicolor Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY FARLEI GRANGER and RUTH ROMAN in Strangers On a Train THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY DALE ROBERTS and ANNE BAXTER in Outcasts of Poker Flat — Plus — TONY CURTIS and PIPER LAURIE in No Room for the Groom Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday DEAN STOCKWELL in “HAPPY YEARS" and “CAPTAIN VIDEO" Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise NOW AS ALWAYS 'fyou.i COOP1 TIRES FOR EVERY NEED Always look to your CO-OP for superb performance in passenger, truck, or farm tires. Quality re mains the highest obtainable any where. CO-( .* tires remain your best dollar value—today ami every day; this year and every year. CO-OP DELUXE PASSENGER TIRE CO-OP DELUXE CUSHION PASSENGER TIRE An outstanding tire selected by CO-OP for e xceplional value. I lie better low pressure tire that adds pleasure to driving. COOP for PASSENGER Tires Look to your Superior to most; excelled by none. Look to your COOP for TRUCK Tires Champions in long service at low- cost. Look to your COOP for FARM Tires Make farm work easier and faster. CO-OP DELUXE TRUCK TIRE A general service champion, long mileage tread and cool running. CO-OP ALL-PURPOSE TRUCK TIRE Special design for both high way arid ofT-t lie-road service. 25c 49c 25c Oranges, ’/¿-case 19c 19c FiyCfl Pure (¡round Beef. 45c lb. I’icmi - Flav-R-Pak Green Lima Beans 2 pkg 45c Flav-R-Pak Strawberries. 2 pkg. 49c 99c 2 lbs. 89c lb 39c lb 49c lb 49c each Armour’s Link Sausage Cascade Weiners Pay Cash HERE SAVE at Girods AT STAYTON CO-OP FRONT TRACTOR TIRE CO-OP REAR TRACTOR TIRE CO-OP IMPLEMENT TIRE Beller control and easy steer ing that holds the furrow and reduces side clip. Braced bite open design digs in and pulls better; self cleaning; sure-acting. A free-rolling tire that low ers fuel costs, keeps slippage down. SANTIAM FARMERS CO OP Feeds Seeds Fertilizer Telephone 5024 Grinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliances Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products STAYTON, ORE.