The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Editorial Comments January 15, 1951 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE » I a remedy. But the normal average in reality added to the national debt, FATEFUL SESSION and in the event of a so-called “Emer­ The optimists are saying that the teen ager is not a criminal or on the gency”, is replaced with an IOU. way to being one. He still wants a 1953 Oregon legislature, opening to- In the fine print of the purported CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for 51.00. morrow, should be able to wrap it up standard set for him, and he still wel­ policy, is these words: "In the event The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­ comes some good, intelligent adult and go home in 60 days. Well, maybe sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display guidance in how to live up to it. "The that the worker should become totally so. But we doubt it. disabled and unable to get any wages, Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. Perhaps legislative business could more you hold up the mirror of de- i he just cannot draw ONE CENT, and cency the more they ’ ll respond to it, ” i be finished in 90 days. We do not NATIONAl EDITORIAL said the teen-age supervisor. Those the credits he has built up during his YOU K appear to have the money worries we from “tough” neighborhoods are par-' working days, steadily, diminishes, so anticipated, for one thing. And it that when he reaches Age 65, and certainly shouldn’t require another ticularly discouraged by blanket criti­ thinks he will reecive $47, or a couple AUTHORIZED record session like 1951 when the cism. receive $81, they will likely only get Teen agers should not be made to debates dragged on for 16 days. To call a "graft” like that DEALER THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.' feel it’s a disgrace to belong to their half. But after looking at the prospec­ age group because of crimes of a few Social Security is not only preposter­ ___________________ —George Puf am. tive list of major bills and remem­ any more than law-abiding adults ous, it is dishonest. FOR bering how some relatively insignifi­ should feel responsible for crimes of Today, the only place where they cant bill can tie a legislature in knots, others in their age category. But have “Social” “Security” is in jail, we’re of i^.e opinion that this will be there still remains a responsibility for and w-e note that lately even with Recently Detroit Dam was put into use for flood con­ another long session. Look at some every American, and that is to do improved conditions, to make the in­ < (• trol by Army Engineers. Valves were closed in the huge of the problems. his own part to uphold law and order mates contented, they are putting un­ concrete and steel structure. A rain-swollen North San- Take liquor-by-the-drink and milk and to help in community efforts to derground “holes” in the walls, Like­ POWER CHAIN SAWS tiam river swirled and boiled angrily towards Detroit legislation. Some think the liquor guide boys and girls in the same di­ wise, the over - publicized security measure approved by the people rection. — From Christian Science racket has plenty of LOOP-holes in dam. There it stopped, almost. Just a few thousand should Phone 1652 it.—FRANK R. HASKELL, Box 366, not require long drawn-out Monitor. acre-feet of water were allowed through the dam. Engi­ consideration. But it could develop Wecoma Beach, Ore. 24-HOUR SERV ICE neers worked those valves and permitted the small flow into a knockdown-and-dragout battle. of water in the North Santiam river below Detroit dam. So could milk which was supposed to JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES I The North Santiam was its usual slim and speedy self have been settled by the voters. Un­ less we’re badly mistaken the milk January 11, 1953 when it slid into the Willamette river. Engineers at the issue settled at all, unless pro­ Dear Mr. Peterson: dam commented, Detroit dam really helped. Observers vision isn't is made soon under the exist­ When we made a brief call at your, say that Detroit lake formed twice the usual size very ing milk control act for the store office last year, it was not to dis­ differential. Could be another fight. cuss agates, that is one of my avoca­ quickly. The above facts were widely reported in daily news­ Now take money. We may have a tions. It was really to get your views surplus instead of the big de­ on some gratis copy, like the enclosed, i papers. How do these facts dove-tail with the spoken small ficit that was predicted two years ago ideas of Congressmen and big people to the effect that —thanks to higher income tax col­ I understand that “free press” that the majority of publica­ dams such as Detroit be sold to private interests. These lections. But if you look at the re­ means tions like to discuss and have their private companies, we assume, will be electric companies. quests for capital improvements for readers know both sides of a subject. Will the private company that gets Detroit and Big Cliff higher educational and board of con­ They will likely say, well, what institutions, you'll see that there should we have instead of SS and dams be interested in opening and closing valves so that trol isn’t half enough money in sight, we’d say, a pay-as-you-go-plan same possible floods will be held in check? Assuming the pnless a bond issue is approved or they now have in Colorado, paying private company says it will do just that and puts it in new sources of revenue are found. as A'lrert iurwi^nt $96 a month top. I've seen the actual writing? What can be done if it doesn’t? Bringing out Furthermore the routine cost of main­ checks average $85, all spent same From where I sit... // Joe Marsh this question is necessary since the interests of the private taining state government is going up, month as received. They also now- down. General fund requests are have $13 plus in state treasury. With company in generating electricity will clash with the in­ not up $12 million. Drastic cuts are high­ 52,000 annuitants, that means $4 mil­ terests of the public in flood control. This is a problem ly unlikely. lion a month, $48 million a year, and all over the Pacific northwest. Other measures that will demand that's a nice payroll. Pretty "Foxy" Terrier Those who favor a private company working the their full share of attention are reap­ Sorry we missed you. My regular , portionment, mandated by the people; job with Universal Trade Press of valves call the present management of our dams, “so­ an enabling act to permit construction Talking about dogs the other his fishing rod. He went outside cialistic.” “Industrial News Review” says, “It is devoutly of another Columbia bridge, highway New York, past 30 years. Cordially yours, Frank K. Haskell. night —and Sandy Johnson topped and there was Boscum — digging to be hoped that the new interior secretary, former-Gov- bonds, full-time parole board, a modi­ * ♦ * everything off with a tall story like crazy for worms! fied indeterminate sentence act and ernor McKay of Oregon, will do a bang-up remodeling about his fox terrier, “Boscum.” Editorial, Mill City Enterprise: From where I sit, a dog that job in the shortest possible time. Interior has not only additional traffic control laws. In 1953, exactly the same as we did According to Sandy, “Comes can outguess humans is as rare No provision has been made for wasted tremendous sums of the taxpayers’ money but financing the Portland area hospital | during the twelve months of last year. bird season and that dog won’t as a human that can outguess stir if I take down my rifle. Same other humans. For instance, I has advocated a political philosophy opposed to every for the aged mentally ill. Separate • when officials of the so-called social if it's deer season and I go for like a glass of beer with lunch security act take up altogether too American concept of government." In view of this slant legislation may be required for this my shotgun— he won't move, but but I wouldn’t think of pouring much space to quote a lot of figures, of things we can expect an answer soon from Congress project. he's scratching at the door if I so you one without first asking. it is well to read between the lines, A modernized act to deal with sex and the new Administration. much as look at my rifle!” Everybody has preferences—and deviates and psychopathic personali- and find out what they really mean. it ■ finding i.t what they are and One day, Sandy decided to fool After working on their payroll scheme sd into | ties undoubtedly will be t -ting them that keeps free-- him. He took down both his shot­ re for some sixteen years, they tixki the hopper. There could be a i eon- . -g ia the dogs.” gun and his Title — and swish, di . i flow an average of but $47.25, and pay troversy over an intermediate i insti- E cum was on his way! So Sandy that means in purchasing power under tution, as opposed to additional facil- put the guns back and took out I ities at Oiegon state penitentiary and i the 49c dollars about, $23.68, a nig- 1165 N. Front St. SALEM, ORE. | the | gardly pittance for honored civil vet- MacLaren. school for hoys popu­ c< il. I nited Stc or. Salem Phones: Lyons Phone: lar as the intermediate institution I elans. The $16 plus billions cited as invested in U.S. government bonds, is 2-1921; Night 2 1117 11.1 idea is. The school re-organization act, beaten by the voters, will be ba< k OOOOGOOOOOO OOOQOOOOOOO OOQOOOOOQCrOOOOOOOCC COOÛOOOOCOO'WeOOOOOOOOaX> JUNG AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY I in the picture. An amendment to the state hydro­ and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons electric act undoubt< dly will be Including 1)8 and HDI1 Cats, and ’r-yard shovels. sought. Fish interests may make an­ Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers other try at closing the Deschutes al­ together. An attempt to modify and simplify the entire state tax structure may be made, The legislature probably will be asked to do something further about equalizing assessment ratios, | particularly on personal property, Portland merchants are concerned Our Car-Saver Service starts with good 'over this one, as well as a la"’ that lubrication—regularly. Not only the right ' will provide better protection against lubricant in the right amount, in the right shoplifters. place, but a thorough inspection to catch Some attempt may be made to trouble before it starts ... a check for STATIC AND DYNAMIC 1 clarify, by state law. contests over rattles and squeaks and a report on any I the seats of legislators who die or mechanical attention needed. A complete resign before assuming office. The record of service is kept here to assure Pier-Dickson case makes this likely. Guaranteed Perfect Balance car-saver service at proper intervals. If this next legislature is courage­ BATTERY SERVICE: 80% of all battery ous enough, it may submit a consti­ To Mithin *i o/. of \<