Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
Canyon Avenue Parade Â] T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE W ' Serving: MILI. CITY DETROIT Bl SHORN GATES ID \Nll A 1 YONS MEHAMA Bv DON PETERSON The Santiam Softball association ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF N’ATl RE'S EMPIRE called its first meeting of the year at the Mill City fire hall for Wednesday- Vol. IX—No. 3 MILL CITY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1953 $2.50 ■ Year. ]()<< a Copy night of this week with Wm. R. Hutcheson, district softball commis sioner in charge of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to make plans for the coming softball season and hear the financial report for the past year. A good representation of softball enthusiasts turned out and during the meeting enjoyed pictures in sound and Bob Wingo and Bob Veness, co-chairmen of the Mill color taken at the state tournament held here last summer. A very en City area March of Dimes have a full schedule of public couraging report was read of the busi events on tap. Wingo and Veness are members of the ness of last year, which showed that health committee of the Mill City Lions club, sponsors of at the beginning of the year the asso the March of Dimes this year. Plans are developing for ciation had $81.85 in the treasury and sports events, a box social, a when the season closed there re Roosevelt Birthday ball, and mained fi,361.25 to start out this year. a Mothers’ March of Dimes The report for the tournament according to the committee showed that receipts were $4,215.90 chairmen. and that expenses were $3,239.58, In keeping with the current sports, leaving a balance of $976.32. The there will be a March of Dimes bas meeting was very enthusiastic about inviting the state tournament to re Lee Bassett and Bill Stover of Mill ketball game, Wednesday evening. City now operate the Chevron service January 21, in the Mill City grade turn to Mill City for their 1953 meet ing. A meeting is planned for Feb station located on the North Santiam school gym, Vernon Todd, superin ruary 4th at 8 p.m. At that time it highway and formerly managed by tendent of the Mill City schools has is hoped to have representatives of Ralph Nibler. The new management charge of this feature. The unusual part about this game is that the men the state association present in order took over last week. faculty members of the Mill City to sell them on again coming here for Stover has been working at the i school will play the Mill City high the tournament. concrete mixing plant at Detroit dam school basketball team. The same * ♦ ♦ for the past three years. Bassett Wednesday night and the same place, Plans for summer league play were has been and still is driving a log the women faculty members will be discussed and attempts will be made truck for Oregon Pulp & Paper com pitted against the girls’ volley ball to organize a fast playing league for pany. Before coming to Mill City, team, the entertainment of softball fans. Stover lived in Kansas City, Kans, i A Roosevelt Birthday ball is slated “Chuck’s by Dam’’ team and Kelly’s and New Yptk. He served in the for Saturday night, January 31 on the Boysen Paints declared they would be Army Air Force in World War II. floor of the Bank building once oc ready for play when the season opens Bassett was born and raised near cupied by the furniture store. An this spring and indications were that Gates, his family moving to Salem other fellow l.ion, George Veteto, is at least five other teams would be where he attended schools and grad chairman of this feature of the March represented officially at the next uated from Salem high school. ' of Dimes campaign and is busy meeting. Some members were pres Bassett's wife, Mrs. Julia Bassett recruiting n first-class orchestra for ent at this meeting but were unable is employed in the Mill City office th* big dance for the big cause, money to speak officially for their organi of Mountain States Power Co. Mrs. for those stricken with polio. zations. Bessie Bassett of Mill City is the Mrs. Melbourne Rambo adds the As a result of the fine work of the mother of Lee Bassett. feminine touch to the efforts of the Santiam Softball association Mill City Bill Stover’s wife, Marie w-as the Lions by heading the Mothers’ March now has one of the finest athletic pitching star of the Mill City women’s of Dimes, Thursday, January 29. De fields well lighted for night playing softball team last summer. tails on the Mothers' March of Dimes in the state. This field is available and other events will be given pub for all to use in the canyon area and licity through Mill City civic groups especially for the young people of and the school system. school age. Summer recreational Imitation iron-lung dimes collec plans again this year will be made to tion containers have been placed in supervise a summer playground pro Mill City burr n ess bouses. Waitresses gram for the young people. The board of directors of the San and sales-persons wea.! plastic con « * * tiam Memorial hospital association tainers designed to attract more dimes Last year’s efforts at providing a held a meeting Wednesday night. for the March of Dimes. Veness and recreational program were entirely Wingo have been very active in mak All incumbents, the directors an successful and will be pushed again nounced, were re-elected to the board ing Mill City March of Dimes con this year. Young people should take through ballots mailed to association scious in recent days. every opportuntiy to organize events Plans are being made to hold at members. They are: Huber Ray, De for the use of this very useful and basket social and will be announcedl troit-Idanha; Larry Goss, West Stay desirable athletic field to its full capa ton; John Silbernagel, Jordan; Irwin more fully next week. city. The school board and the city i This is the second year that a fult- Schumacher, Sublimity; and G. W. council will again co-operate in this Gates—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulli Detroit—Organization of a volun Schachtaick, Walter H. Bell and M. month campaign has been made nec worth while program of supervised essary by the seriously mounting fi Ronald and Donald Ragsdale, twin gan, of Mill City, have purchased the teer fire department for the city is J. Martin, directors at large. recreation for all boys and girls of Chili Bowl from Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert planned by Lloyd Ketchum, commis nancial responsibility of the National There are 14 other board members the area especially if the citizens give sons of the Ernest Rag-dales of Mill Brosig. The Mulligans have operated sioner of fire control and lighting. who continue in office. Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. City, reported for -nduction into the them their encouiagement. the Inside cafe in Mill City for the Ketchum is one of three new council The increased need for money re The annual meeting of the hospital The Santiam Softball association armed services this week in Marion past six months. Mrs. Mel Newberg men installed at the Tuesday meeting stockholders is tonight at the city sults not only from the record num has been a valuable sparkplug to this county's draft quota. of Gates, daughter of the Mulligans, by C. S. Emmons of Albany. hall at 8 p.m. After this meeting ber of families needing assistance in useful summer activity and our sup Lawrence Thornley was drafted into will operate the Chili Bowl. Mr. the wake of 1952’s worst epidemic in Other councilmen installed were the board will elect its officers. port of their future activities will | the Army and left Monday for duty Newberg is employed at the dam. history, but also from the growing Jacob Fisher and Archie Matoon. again make it possible for them to at Fort Lewis, Wash., where he will number of patients stricken in pre The Brosigs left for Klamath, Calif, Nolan Rasnick was retained as city continue to contribute to the welfare be stationed. vious years who continue to need of the council, mayor by approval where Mr. Brosig is engaged in log of this community and its people. Among others ordered to report for March of Dimes help. It is estimated Mrs. Ellen Humphrey was re-elected Everyone interested is invited to come induction were Wilmer Crites and ging operations. that 58,000 of these “carry-over" pa recorder-treasurer. Before the Mulligans took over the out to the next meeting at the Fire Howard Shroll of Gates, and George tients are still on the rolls this Jan Tax problems were discussed and Inside cafe they operated the Maples hall on February 4th at 8 p.m. Neal of Lyons. uary. * * * The Mulligans the meeting adjourned until Tuesday, Norman Marttala, son of Mr. and tavern near Gates. Next Tuesday night, January 20 Vernon Olson, from the Marion Mrs. Neal Marttala left Saturday for plan to continue to operate the Inside Jan. 20, when Archie Matoon will re will see either the Mill City Timber port on results of tax investigations. County Health department was in the Oakland where he is reporting to the cafe. wolves or the Sublimity Saints all city this week to set up a display and U. S. Air Force after enlisting for alone in first place in the Marion exhibit of the uses and value of fluori service. county “B” league race. Both teams dation in city drinking water sup are undefeated in league play, having plies. This program is being spon each won six games. The basketball The North Santiam Shriners clut> sored by the Lions club in an effort 1 game will be played on Mill City’s held its bi-monthly meeting Wednes to educate the citizens on the need for I home floor. day evening at Whitie’s Santiam cafe, fluoridation treatment of drinking Last year the Saints took the league with several out-of-town guests pres- w-ater, to help improve children’s teeth An immunization clinic has been championship, Mill City taking second. ent. Discussion of plans for a Shrin- by adding chemicals to drinking wa scheduled at the Mari-Linn school by This year the Timberwolves are out er's recreation location on Detroit ter. The exhibit is set up in the lobby | the county health department for Jan. I for the championship and the chance lake were held. (Continued on Page 8) 20 at one o'clock. Pre-school children 1 at the state “B” championship. Frank Harvey of Portland Shriners may be brought to this clinic. Mill City has a very well-organized club was present. Harvey lived here Immunizations against small-pox, ball team and when they get hot they during the building of Detroit dam diphtheria, whooping cough and lock really roll! The outstanding feature and had charge of the contract for jaw (tetanus) will be given. The [ about the Timberwolves this year is pipes used on the construction job. whooping cough vaccine will be given ' that the scoring ability is well spread Ronald Ix-wis, president, and Bill only to pre-school children and first out among the players, so the team Brown, past president, of the Salena Charles Albee, was severely crushed graders. doesn’t have to rely so much on one Shriners club and several Salem mem while at work on the Mill City bridge j or two players. It is recommended that a child ’ s 1 bers were present for the evening's last Wednesday. Albee, a Salem resi At any rate Tuesday night's game get-together. dent. was pinned between a state high immunizations begin at the age of 1 should be a thriller and the fans Al Toman Sr. was elected presi way truck-mounted hoist and the three months. They should have one should not miss it. dent and Jack I.angaas of Mehama side rail of the bridge when a log booster dose at the age of 18 months, was re-elected secretary of the North being moved below the bridge by the one at five years, one at nine years Santiam club at the business session hoist suddenly rolled and tipped the and 14 years. Smallpox vaccinations of the club. Ken Golliet of Mehama -— . « ♦. SBl truck. Albee had a hectic ride to should be repeated every five years. The fight against polio goes on night and day in our great research is the outgoing president of the or Salem because a wheel on the am laboratories. Tremer.doua strides toward eventual victory over this ganization. bulance came off while enroute. dread disease were announced recently, but years of costly work remain Idanha — Huber Ray will serve as The purpose of the Shriners clubs ahead before this goal can he realized. Virus scientists at Lederle Albee is in a salem hospital. He mayor of Idanha following his elec Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Company, Pearl River, is raising money for the support of suffered severe leg bruises when the N. Y., examine an experimental polio vaccine just as it comes from the A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald tion by councilmen at a recent meet the Shriners children’s hospital in log the highway crew was working centrifuge, a machine important in this type of research Portland. Income from the recrea ing. on moved in an unsuspected direction, Anderson, Mill City, Jan. 10, at Salem They are, left to right. Dr. Victor Cahasso, Dr Herald Cox and Dr. Memorial hospital. John Ray was retained by the coun tional area planned on Detroit lake Manuel P.oca-Garcia. These three scientists figured prominently in the The highway crew was engaged in news recently when Lederle announced that a modified live virus vac cil as recorder-treasurer. L. C. Davis is to be used for the Shriner’s hos A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. William clearing a log-jam near the Mill City cine. effective only in anima! srsi-■» or- .i-’ly type of polio, was installed as new councilman for pital when the recreatjonal area is bridge when the accident occurred. Harlan, Mill City, Jan. 11. at Salem can be produced easily m ri completed. a two-year term. General hospital. The bridge crew has been busy mak ing repairs to the under-supports of the bridge approach and also to the bridge near the west city limits s the Fir Grove Trailer court. Veteto Planning Roosevelt Birthday Ball, Sat., Jan. 31 Bassett and Stover New Operators Chevron Station Hospital Membership Re-elects Board Several Local Men Answer Draft Call Gates Chile Bowl Sold To Percy Mulligan Detroit Planning Fire Fighting Organization Timberwolves Face Sublimity Tuesday Al Toman Sr. E'ected Shriners Club Prexy Research To Conquer Polio Goes On Mari-Linn Immunization Clinic Set For Jan. 20 Bridge Crew Worker Receives Injuries Just Arrived... Huber Ray Elected Mayor Of Idanha at Meeting Mill City Timberwolves Vs. Sublimity Tue. Jan. 20