Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1953)
LYONS HLCKLEBERRY FINN Mrs. Viola Zander, who underwent an appendectomy in the Salem Mem orial hospital Friday evening, is re ported to be doing nicely in spite of her 81 years, a id expects to be brought home in a few days. At a Friday night meeting at the Alex Bodeker home, it was decided to build a new church and to begin as soon as needs are known. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry spent New Year’s day in Portland, where they were guests at the home of Mrs. j Berry’s brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux and. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian with their families took a trip to the coast Sun day to inspect churches at Siletz, Newport and Alsea, to get ideas for the planning of the church the people of the community hope to build before Jong. The Sunday school of the Commu nity Methodist church held its regu lar monthly meeting at the parsonage | 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker to discuss the church prob lems. A committee on survey was named, including J. E. Hargreavse, Glen Julian, John Prideaux, O. S. Toland, Wendell Weaver and Virgil Rogers. A second meeting will be held at the Bodeker home Tuesday evening, Jan. 13 for further planning. Anyone in- j terested may attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larimer and ! Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra visited ' the new Methodist church plant at Woodburn Sunday afternoon. Vacationing in California for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger and son Larry. They will go as far south as Bakersfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurst, who have been living in the Bob Draper home west of town, have purchased the Clarence Jungwirth property and moved in New Year’s day. Hurst is one of the teachers at the Mari- Linn school. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs Inez Ring was her grandson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trask and daughter of Portland. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra spent New Year’s Eve in Salem. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Roseberry. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Yeager and children from Corcoran, Calif., were recent guests at the home of Mrs. 5 son Bobby from Elwood, Nebr. with Giles Wagner newly installed Yeager’s mother, Mrs. Gladys Stiffler. ' route home they visited with master presiding over the business They also visited her sister and fam ■ sisters at Woodland, Calif. Mrs. meeting. Phyllis Kubin was obligated ily, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Toland. Ad bert Remmenga accompanied then in the first and second degrees. ditional guests were Mrs. Winnie returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell had Wagner and George Dedtrich of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Phillips and chil as their guest her mother Mrs. Averill, Dallas. dren have returned to Elwood, Nebr. from Lebanon. Mrs. Averill returned Christmas holiday guests at the They have been living at the Lyons to her home Wednesday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rem motel whils here. ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston menga were his brother and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas of and daughters of Prineville, were Canada are guests at the home of holiday guests at the home of her their nephew and family, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland. Mrs. Paul Gerath. Mr. Fetherston returned to Prineville. The first meeting of the new year Mis. Fetherston and the girls re for Santiam Valley Grange members mained until after the New Year. was held Friday evennig at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Goodell have had Tuesday evening. Many plans were made and discussed regarding the burning of the church, which took place Dec. 23. It was decided that the primary Sunday school will be held at the parsonage, with the upper classes and church services at the Catholic community building. A I meeting is being held Friday evening WASHINGTON. D. C.-(FHTNC)—Ski-plane or seaplane? The day is almost here when you won't be able to tell that it's a seaplane in the air. That deep hull seaplane silhouette may be about ready to give way to a new ski-plane look. When about to land, the ski-plane will extend its hydro gear, even as land-based planes now drop their wheels, and touch down smoothly on the water. It will then taxi on the skis to a ramp at the water's edge. Then, rolling on small beaching wheels In the skis, the ski-plane will roll up the ramp without any assistance and taxi to Its parking space. (Official U.S. Navy Photograph—1102130) MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS IT’S AMAZING! as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Barr from Tacoma, Wash. “Overstating Our Poverty” is the theme which Rev. Rinke A. Feenstra will use for his meditation text Sun day morning at the service of the Community Methodist church in the old school house. ALWAYS Y-*-' national press eiiitoiNG WASHINGTON. 0 C. By Ann* Goo-1« r’ - ' Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances ELECTRIC HEATING INDI’STRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL LIGHTING Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit, Oregon Phone 263 Box 176 “Hot flashes” of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved in 63-80%’of the cases in doctors' testsl • Those suffocating "heat waves" — alternating with ner vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness — are well-known to women suf fering the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change”! You want relief from such suffering. And- chances are— can get it Thrilling relief' hanks to two famous Lydia Pinkham medicines! *In doctors' fests.Lydia Pink ham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis tress in 63 and 30'e (respective ly) of the cases tested. Com- plete or striking relief! 4- ^3’ (f I I* EN SI 1» GARBAGE SERA h I $1.50 per month and up Also serving (lates. Lyons. Idanha and Petroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Vfeevtandk Ho»« B«n«Rf«d Amazing, you say? Not to the many thousands of women who know from experience what fliese Lydia Pinkham medi cines can do! Their action — actually — is very modern They exert a sci entifically calming, soothing effect! Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basts of medical evidence' See if you. too. don t gain blessed relief from those terrible "hot A week for everything! Now a tuna week — which prompts me to give you a delicious tuna paté reci pe Onnd a 7-oz. can of tuna flsh with 6 slices of crisp bacon Stir in 6 tablespoons real mayonnaise. 2 tsp lemon juice, a few drops of Tabasco and V« tsp salt Mold and chill thoroughly Serve with crackers • * * Choose perfume to reflect the real you. Are you feminine as lace and chiffon, or the tweedy type, or pert and spicy, or sophisticated? There are perfumes for every type, so sniff them carefully before pur chasing • * * Roll out pastry dough between two pieces of heavy waxed paper Saves flouring a board and rolling pin. also washing up afterward ♦ ♦ * This French toast variation Is scrumptious for luncheon or sup per Beat 1 cup milk. 3 eggs. V« tsp. salt and Vi» c vitaminized margarine together. Dip slices of bread in mixture and on a greased cookie sheet broil on one side. Turn and top with slices of cheese and broil till cheese bubbles. Serve with a selection of Jams and Jellies * * * For holiday feasts you naturally want to set your table prettily as well as bountifully. A colored table cloth gives a touch of glamour. To get Just the right shade for your china, you can quickly and easily and economically tint an old. but spotless, white cloth with all-pur pose dye in the washing machine flashes" and weakness so com mon in "change of life " Don't put it off' Oet Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound or new. improved Tab lets with added iron (trial sue only 59<). Wonderful — too — for the functional pains, cramps, "dragged-out’’ feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! Phone »52 LEON \RD Hl RM \N It’s entirely through and through—the *53 Chevrolet. It’s All-New in styling, All-New in performance, All-New in economy. From bumper to bumper, from roof to road, you’ll find this finest Chevrolet of them all packed w ith new features, new Chevrolet firsts. Come in and see the entirely new ’53 Chevrolet! And while they last — special gifts for ladies ... Stradivari imported perfume hy Prince Matchabelh! Your Local Chevrolet Dealer BACKACHE? It rVI • •« bothered by Berkerhe. Oatllng I p NitfhU iloo frrxju^nt. burnuif or »ting- ln< urination*. PrrMur« over Bladder, or cloudy urina. due to minor teoipo- Tar7 Bladder Irritation, foe pallia*fee relief a-k your druggist about CYWTKX P"! -lae 2'vear« )O mi..: <t pgk i- agee used Satisfaction or money back guar anteed A*A druggut a^v-t CTWTU Unlay FAVORS FOR EVERYONE! Gene Teague Chevrolet Sales and Service txi~ Stay ton. Ore. r. :