Canyon Avenue Parade * Ty i T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILI CITY DETROIT Fl KHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA By DON PETERSON Wednesday night of this week the ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATI RES EMPIRE North Santiani Chamber of Commerce met at the Sublimity fire hall for its $2.50 a Year. ] ( )<• a Copy MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1953 Vol. IX—No. 2 first meeting of the new year at the call of Fred A. Lindemann, Lyons, president, and L. G. Wright, Stayton, secretary. The meeting turned out to be a renewed effort at gaining new life and produced a total of 56 present with all parts of the North Santiam canyon area being well represented. Marion County State Representa­ tive Mark Hatfield was an invited guest and spoke at some length on legislative problems to come before the coming session of the Oregon By MRS. S. T. MOORE legislature. ♦ * • Detroit- Probably no community in the state looks back on the year 1952 Questions of interest to the resi­ as one of such drastic changes as it dents of this area were discussed with marked for the little city of Detroit Representative Hatfield and in partic­ ; in the North Santiam canyon. ular the game laws of the state and The original old town, dating back the logging regulations enforced as a ■ to the 1880’s in historian’s records, result of the fire hazards of the pa-t was completely wiped out during the season. Objections were raised that past year when approximately ninety forest closures were enforced when it per cent of the citizens were forced would have been possible to operate to move. "hoot-owl” crews while the humidity Undisturbed by the upheaval were was low enough for safe logging a few homes established in earlier operations. As a result many hours Santiam Memorial Hospital, Stayton, pictured above, is slated to open in February when interior work is completed. Located on a hill­ years on “high ground”, above the top, the $.300.000 hospital commands a view of Stayton’s housetops and church spires, and the now snow-capped Cascade Mountains. The of valuable working time were lost 34-bed hospital is a project of the North Santiam canyon area which it will serve. It will be the only hospital along the route between water line for the Detroit reservoir while loggers were kept out of the Salem and Bend. (Photo courtesy The Statesman) which necessitated the evacuation. To woods because of the enforced closure these families the change meant to hunters and loggers alike. It was greater convenience as business estab­ pointed out that while most of the lishments and the post office were daylight hours were combustible and built conveniently near. hunting could not be allowed it was Centered around the site selected safe for logging operations in the for the new Detroit school which was early daylight hours known as the Detroit—March of Dimes collection “hoot-owl” shift. John Muir became Mill City’s new built by the army engineers to ac­ for the Detroit-Idanha area will be » e ♦ mayor at last Wednesday's council commodate the influx of students sponsored by the Idanha American meeting in the city council chambers from construction families, the city C. E. "Pink” Mason’s service sta­ Legion. Representative Hatfield p .Inted out now occupies a level stretch of ground tion in Mill City was broken into early the weaknesses of the present system Appointed to head the committee as the council met for its annual re­ Next Tuesday, January 13, at 7:30 Saturday morning and some $600.00 are Mrs. Alene Kettleson and Miss organization meeting. Muir takes south of the Breitenbush bridge along of commissions controlling many of over from Wm. Green who has served the lake shoreline. our state functions where their fields p.m. at the Mill City high school in goods were stolen. Kazuko Inuzuko. Many attractive homes are being in that post the past year. Muir was of activity overlapped such as the auditorium the much-publicized and Mason carries a complete line of j developed as owners industriously much-talked about Christian film, police commissioner the past year. state forest service and the game fishing tackle and assorted sporting commission, both appointed by the “Mr. Texas,” will be shown here spon­ goods as well as products usually Bob Hill Jr. and Arlo Tuers are prepare to "settle down” now that governor and both making various sored by Mill City Ministerial asso- stocked by service stations. new members of the council taking the long-anticipated change has taken The' It is a Christian western | thieves got at the equipment by break­ rules and regulations that sometimes 1 ciation. seats vacated by Green and Al Toman place. The Detroit Church of Christ is throw hunting or logging activities filmed in color and released by the ing the front door after failing to Sr. Hill was named street commis­ into chaos. He stated further that Billy Graham Evangelistic Films, Inc. make entrance through the door of sioner and Tuers drew the police com­ firmly established in the new town site, an example of the determination The star of the picture, Redd the rest room. the governor was powerless to order Mrs. Harriet M. Reid, 70, departed missioner’s post. Dave Reid and Lee religious-minded citizens will display Harper, will be here in person. In ¡ closure without first getting either Two service station burglaries of 1 this life while in her home in Mill Knowles holdover members of the the secretary of state or the state his leading role in the film, Redd por-j last Saturday, one at Mill City and City, Sunday, January 4. A long ill­ council along with Muir were assigned in the face of serious obstacles. Detroit-Idanha high school is now trays a Twentieth Century Texas cow­ treasurer to agree on the move. one at Aumsville, weTe cleared up ness finally took its toll of her life. the posts of sanitation commissioner well along in its first year of oc­ Many times the loggers are put boy, rodeo riding and all—and for Tuesday with the arrest of three Mrs. Reid had been a resident of this and vice chairman, respectively. cupying the school building jointly to a great deal of expense of placing Redd Harper that part required very young men in Vancouver, Wash., i community for 14 years. She and with the grade children, and from re­ watchmen on guard at gates to forest little “acting” he just portrayed him­ police have reported. J Dr. D. W. Reid came to Mill City from ports it is proving to be a satisfactory self. Bom in the range country of land to keep hunters out during pe­ Representatives of the Marion coun­ Kansas in 1938. arrangement. riods of the day when hunting was Texas, he spent much of his life right Mrs. Reid was born in Adamsbor- ty sheriff’s office and state police, who A beginning was made before the extremely dangerous. Even when they in the great southwest. But between ough, Ind., April 17, 1882. Mrs. Reid went to Vancouver Tuesday, identified close of the year toward landscaping had .posted their lands with “no hunt­ those early days in the southwest, and Mil) City Disposal Service will cart the school grounds, a project begun the youths as Gary Glen Blegan, 20; was a member of the Presbyterian ing” signs after the closure order his return to Texas to make the pic-| church. She is survived by her hus­ away that unwanted Christmas tree by the Deanha PTA and further sup­ James Washington Robb, 19, and Ver ­ had been lifted by the governor, ture, Redd toured the United States— band, Dr. David W. Reid, who is seri­ Saturday, January 17. The trees ported by the school board, and one non Ray Cranfill, 18. many of the wooded areas were still and certain other parts of the world ously ill in a Portland hospital; two i must be placed near the road or on which will add much to the beauty of Officers said the men admitted combustible and subject to great fire —quite thoroughly. burglaries of the C. E. “Pink” Mason sons, David M. and John W. Reid and the curb so that they may be easily the city. danger. The reason the loggers are It was music that took Redd back service station and the Crandle garage three grandchildren, David W. Reid II, picked up, according to Leonard Her­ The year 1952 also marked the in­ so jealous of the right to enter their and forth across America, and it was at Aumsville early Saturday. Seven Frances Reid and John W. Reid Jr. man. He desires to haul trees separ­ stallation of the dial telephone system lands is two-fold, since a fire means the U.S. Coast Guard that took him i tires taken from the Crandle garage Mrs. E. C. Standish, Estacada, is an ately because they pile up too fast in the Detroit-Idanha area. loss of valuable timber and labor and back and forth across the Pacific dur­ when loaded with regular garbage. and a considerable amount of auto­ aunt of the deceased. Detroit organizations, including the secondly the state laws require the ing World War II. Herman, manager, in announcing community club and women’s civic motive supplies taken from the Mill Funeral services were held Wednes­ owner of the land to pay the cost After returning from the service, City station were recovered. day, January 7, at 2 p.m., at the home this special pickup of Christmas club, look forward to the possibility of fighting the fire if one starts on Redd began singing western music,, Cranfill was returned and lodged of the deceased. Rev. George Swift trees, continues an annual extra serv­ of a community center to be erected his land. and in January, 1948. he began his. in Albany jail on a Linn county war­ had charge of the rites. Interment ice he has extended to the Mill City on a lot donated for that purpose. • « « broadcast of “Redd Harper’s Holly-1 rant charging him with burglarizing was in the Salem Mausoleum. community. In August of 1952 Detroit became Solutions suggested were that the wood Roundup” over the Armed Mason's station. A Marion county an incorporated city, and as such is state be divided into three or four Forces Network. With a potential warrant charging burglary of the endeavoring to attend to the needs areas with a game commission in listening audience of 100,000,000 per­ Aumsville garage will be filed this of the residents in street improve- sons, the Roundup has remained one charge of each composed of one mem­ week, deputies said. I ment, street lighting, a fire protection ber from the forest service, one from , of the most popular programs on the Meanwhile Blegan and Robb were . plan and an assured water supply. the game commission and one fcom network. taken to Lyle, Wash., to face burglary The old Detroit ranger station was the loggers, who would set hunting Redd’s introduction to Christian charges there, officers said. abandoned in the early months-of the and fishing seasons and order forest service came with a decision to live past year and new headquarters two closures for hunting and loggers a« his life for God, made during a meet­ miles west of town were occupied by is nepdod. ing of the Hollywood Christian group, forest service personnel. Another solution suggested was to where professional actors and ac- The year 1952 will be recorded in place t*>e setting of hunting season« | tresses gather for prayer and Bible Detroit history as one of great ac- under the forest service so that proner i study. Since that night. Redd has | complishment. Citizens who took regulations could be mad«> that would composed several Christain songs, in­ part in rebuilding the city look for­ On the second Tuesday of every be safe for hunting and logging a« cluding “I’m a Happy, Happy Chris­ ward to a bright future in its growth the humidity conditions nermit. tian," "Walkin’ and Talkin' With month the Marion County Health de­ and development as a business and partment has scheduled a ndrsing con ­ It wa« argued that imnroner closure Jesus.” "Show Me the Way,” “A recreational center. orders on the logging industry wa« Quiet Time.” and his latest song, fea­ ference with immunization for infants and pre-school children to be held at placing a hardship on the livelihood tured in “Mr. Texas.” and apparently of workers in the woods while hunt­ headed for great popularity with the Mill City elementary school from ing seasons were set that gave priv­ ' Gospel singers—“Each Step of the 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. January 13 is the date for this month. ileges to hunters not granted to the Way.” “During the winter months com­ workers, necessitating expensive pe­ When Billy Graham and director troling o' forest lands by owner« to Dick Ross began their search for the municable disease are more preva­ Lawrence E. Poole, son of Mr. and protect their property from fire haz­ j right actor for the lead in “Mr. lent,” according to Mrs. Effie Cole, I Mrs. James E. Poole, recently was ards. I Texas,” every effort led them straight Marion county public health nurse. • • • promoted to sergeant while serving “No child need have diphtheria, ■ I to Redd Harper. Everyone is cordi­ in Korea with the 7th Infantry Di­ The chamber passed a motion to ally invited to see his picture and him whooping cough or smallpox. These vision. name a committee to wait upon the . in person. A free will offering will diseases can be prevented by complete 1 Since making the amphibious land­ immunization. Some time in January I governor and the legislative game be taken. ing at Inchon in the fall of 1950, the the school child will be urged to have committee to seek changes in laws President-elect Eisenhower meets 1953 March of Dimes Poster 7th has seen action in every sector immunization done by the family i and regulations that would be bene­ Girls Pamela (left) and Patricia O'Neil, of Raleic-h, N. C. of the Korean fighting. physician or the public health depart- l ficial to all parties concerned. The NEW YORK CITY—President­ they’re completely recovered from World War II veterans will remem­ ment,” concluded Mrs. Cole. chamber recognizes that this area has elect Dwight D. Eisenhower called polio, thanks to the generosity of ber this same division joined in the only two principle sources of revenue, people.” on the American public to support the He American assault landing on Okinawa in April urged all Americans "to REVENUE BUREAU CHANGES that is, logging and recreation, and the 1953 March of Dimes being help the others like them by join­ Army Pvt. James O. Richmond, son 1945 and drove from the west to the therefore the necessity of regulations The recent re-organization of the conducted throughout the nation ing the March of Dimes.” of Mrs. Glen Reringer, route 1, Lyons, east coast on the first day. It en­ that will perpetuate both are neces­ Bureau of Internal Revenue abolished during all of January. I .a ter, he joined the poster is now serving with the 51st Signal the office of Collector of Internal Rev- I gaged in a savage 51-day battle in sary for our economy. He joined in the annual appeal girls in making a short film which | the hills of southern Okinawa until after meeting the two Raleigh, is being shown by television sta­ Hatfield pointed out that the tourist Battalion in Korea. enue and created the office of Direc- j N.C., sisters who are pictured on tions throughout the nation | the island was secure. The oldest Signal Battalion in the tor of Internal Revenue, in its stead. industry has reached a position of the 1953 March of Dimes poster. This year's March of Dimes A squad leader in Company C of Hereafter ail remittances tendered I third place in income for the state Army, the 51st furnishes telephone They are Patricia. 6, and flve- follows the all-time record polio the 17th Infantry Regiment, Poole and thus the game commission has and very high frequency radio serv­ in payment of internal revenue taxes [ year-old Pamela O’Neil, both of epidemic of 1952 in which more whom were stricken with polio than 55.000 were stricken. At the I entered the Army in September 1951. not felt too concerned with the log­ ice for the I Corps. should be payable to Director of Tn-' -inning of 1953, there were but now are recovered completely. He holds the Combat Infantryman gers' problems when it came to set- i A field wireman in Company B of temal Revenue. "It’s hard to believe that these M.000 polio victims of former badge. Korean Service Ribbort with ting up hunting seasons and regula­ the 51st, Richmond entered the Army are the same little girls whose years still undergoing treatment, I one campaign star and the UN Serv- JOIN THE M ARC H OF DIMES tions pertaining to open and clo«ed last June. He arrived in Korea early pictures are on the March of with financial help from local Dimes poster,” he noted. “Now March of Dimes chapter^. in December. TODAY! 1 ice Ribbon. hunting seasons in the state. • • talk discussed m Detroit Had Dramatic Year in’52 Christian Film 'Mr. Texas’ Here Jan. 13 Pink’ Mason Station Robbed Saturday; Trio Arrested Detroit-Idanha March of Dimes Legion Sponsored John Muir Chosen Mill City Mayor Mrs. Harriet M. Reid Succumbs Sunday Christmas Trees Will Be Picked Up January 17 Eisenhower Urges Nation Support March of Dimes Nursing Conference Scheduled Jan. 13 Lawrence E. Poole Recently Promoted Pvt. James 0. Richmond Serving in Korea Mill City Timberwolves Face Gates Pirates Here, Tuesday, Jan. 13