Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
o GATES Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson spent the holidays near Redding, Calif., with his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Jr., and children. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas and three children were in Vancouver, W’ash., at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. R. Ziegler, where a family reunion was held. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gordon, Susie and Bob, drove to Coos Bay for Christ mas and several days visit with Mrs. Gordon’s brother-in-law and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. May- field, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier spent Christmas day in Albany with relatives there. From Stay ton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mielke were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spaniol. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul spent the day in Portland with her mother and | other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Layton Gosnell and Larry from Roseburg were at the! home of her mother, Mrs. Laura J. Joauin. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness had as 1 <1' X Mill City Masons Hold Installation Jack Allawaj-, operator of “The ub” cafe in Mehama, was installed Monday, December 15, as the 1953 worshipful master of Mill City lodge No. 180, A.F.&A.M Carl Wipper of Turner was the installing officer. The entire 1953 slate of officers of the Mill City lodge is Jack Alla- way of Mehama, W.M.; O, K. Hirte, l Gates, S.W.; Robert Draper, Mehama, J.W.; Geo. Huffman, Lyons, secre tary; Robert Hill Jr„ Mill City, treas urer; Hugh Johnson, Mill City, J.D.; Ted Baughman, Mill City, S.S.; Ivan Smith, Mehama, J.S.; Jack Teeters, Mehama, chaplin; Burl Smith, Lyons, The massive new grille of the 1953 Ford features a center spinner characteristic of lord design ar.d a low, road-hugging look which advances marshall; and Joe Bowes, Gates, Tlr. the trend in car styling Ford first introduced five years ago. Oblong parking Olin Spiva of Shaw, was the installing lights are set low to enable the streamlined center bar lo wrap around di« marshall. front fenders and add to the lower, wider appearance. Allaway released the following statement to the lodge, "I am hoping, as your new master with help of my for her parents and brother, Mr. and officers and the support of the mem- Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Royal. Mr. bers, that we will have a good year and Mrs. Edmund Davis and Miss | So shall our new President and his Elizabeth Thompson. new cabinet with the support of con House guests at the Louis Kelle gress and the people of this great Jan, 6—Stayton, there home over the holidays were their nation solve the problems of war for Jan. 9—St. Paul, there sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Boh everlasting peace.” Jan. 13— Gates Kelle and two children from Cutler Mill City lodge committees are as Jan. 14— Scio, there I City, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mills and follows: finance and audit, O. K. Hirte, I Jan. 20—Sublimity Billy of Newport. chairman, Joe Bowes and Jack Lin- Jan. 23—OSD, there Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heath had as gaas, members; welfare and health, Jan. 27—Detroit, there j their guests their sons and families, Robert Draper, chairman, Floyd John Jan. 30—Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Heath and chil son and E. Parker, members; griev Feb. 3—Jefferson dren of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Colis ance, Robert Draper, chairman, B. Feb. 6—Chemawa, there Heath from Gates and Harold Heath Shuey and F. Ellingson, members; Feb. 20—St. Paul from Troy, Mont., also Mr. Heath's history, education and program, Vern Feb. 13—Gates, there nephew, Heath Hall from Kelso, Wn. Clark, chairman, L. Cowdrey, D. Teet Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Henness were ers and Ivan Smith, members; instruc-j in Salem at the home of their daugh tion, George Huffman, chairman, E. ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker, Detroit; O. K. Hirte. Gates; Wiltsey. Vern Clerk, Mill City; H, Johnson, Mrs. Velma Carey had all her five The Linn-Lane soil conservation Lyons; Jack Haseman, Idanha; and boys, their wives and families, home district ’s annual meeting is scheduled L. Cowdrey, Mehama. for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and two children of Portland; for the Lake Creek grange hall start Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey and son ing at 10 a.m. on January 23, says of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carey Ben Christensen, Harrisburg, chair-, and two children, Gates; Mr. and Mrs. man of the board of supervisors. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thomas and fam All persons interested in soil con Donald Carey and son of Stayton, and James Carey, home for the holi servation are invited to attend. A ily spent Christmas day at the home program that will appeal to all mem- I of his brother and family near Mon days from Willamette university. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson cele bers of the family is being arranged itor. brated Christmas Eve with their two and will be announced later, Christen- j Miss Donna Cooke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke will enter the uni children and guests, Mr. and Mrs. sen adds. versity at Eugene for winter quarter. Gale Fagan of Detroit, at home, Miss Nancy Johnson of Portland Christmas morning they drove to choruses, one consisting of students Portland, where they joined Mrs. in the first three grades, the other was a guest at the home of Mr. and Rynearson’s mother, five brothers and from grades 4, 5 and 6 sang Christ- Mrs. Louis Slaton during the Christ their families at the R. H. McNamee maR carols between parts of the nar- mas holidays. Mrs. Frank Jackson left Saturday home for dinner and a tree. Later in ration, which was read by Joan Ryal. the afternoon they drove to Steven- | The scenes were portrayed before for Pendleton, where she will under- ; son. Wash., to be with Mr. Rynear-1 a black backdrop which showed a go surgery in the hospital January 1. son’s stepmother, Mrs. Bess Rynear- lighted outline of Bethlehem. In Mrs. Jackson has spent the past seven I months in Athena, Ore., with her Ron- front of the performers hung a sheer Christmas guests at the home of curtain covered with gold and silver sister, Mrs. Alta Runyan, who died Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were Mr. stars, creating an illusion of distance, the first part of December. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and three Following the pageant a tap-dance A colorful gold, red and blue medal- j boys, her mother and sister, Mrs. Rose was presented by Patsy Pennick, after Daley and daughter, Alona Fay, all which Santa Claus visited and gave lion has been placed o.i the ton of the of Mill City, and Mrs. Marcus Trum- sacks of candy to all children at steering column of all 1953 Ford pas senger cars to mark the 50th anni bo, of Portland, who was a guest at tending. * the Daley home. Grade and high school teachers were versary of the Ford Motor company. On the sick list here over the holi in charge of the program with Mrs. Ford was incorporated in Michigan n Jun<, 1903. days are Tilman Raines and Edward A. T. Barnhardt, general chairman. Chance, both hospitalized in Salem at E. A. Chance, confined at Salem the Memorial hospital. At latest re Memorial hospital since last Friday, ports both were resting easily. Mr. was reported in “fair" condition there Chance underwent minor surgery Thursday night. Christmas night and it is reported will A Christmas dance was held in the submit to a major operation at a later Gates high school recreation rooms date. His mother, Mrs. Mary Barnes Saturday evening. Arrangements of Molalla, is staying at the Chance were in .charge of the junior and home with the children, enabling Mrs. senior classes, and high school stud Chance to remain in Salem with her ents and alumni were invited. husband. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. W. A pageant of the nativity was pre E. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Barney sented by Gates public schools Tues Ryal and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bran- day evening in the gymnasium. Two hardt. the old vear, ne wish to express our profound appreciation for your thoughtfulness and pat- ronage. Nu-Meihod Cleaners Mill City V. /■ The progress (accomplish MILL CITY l""1 I ed by this community dur- 1288 STATE ST. ing the post twelve months SALEM, ORE. Ph.3-6489 Randall’s FINE MEATS might be termed onother step forward. Many ochieve- ments have been attained because of the loyalty of the $ Special Beef Prices YOUNG EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION ! people of this area. We are proud to be a Fresh Hamburger part of it- proud of the fine friendships we have enjoy- ed and as we herald the ap- proach of another year, we pause to say to you, Young Beef ■ ■ ■ 5: X X I I A HAPPY NEW 35c Heart or Tongue, lb. Young Beef 39c Sliced Liver, lb. Beef Roasts 39c Arm Cut. Blade or Rump. lb. Beef Steak Kelly Lumber Sales Mill City BEST *^*“1 gf gisti« 1= FRESH' FRESH/ GOOD For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the NUMETHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City Closes at 6 P.M. Mill City Timberwolf Basketball Schedule Plan Soil Conservation District Meeting As ue hatch the departure of January 1. 1953 4—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE their guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor from Dallas. Christmas Eve was spent at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hennes* and Kandy. A family din ner was held at the Glen Henness home Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley and Nadine were guests in Silverton at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolmeier. A family get-together at the Floyd Fleetwood home included Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood and son of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beisell and two sons from Portland. Mrs. Raj’ Colgan of Salem spent part of the holidays at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick and two chil dren, Patty and Billy. Patty took part in the Paul Armstrong dance revue at the Hollywood theatre in Salem last week and also danced in a radio children’s program Saturday. She is seven years old. Miss Eilene Eccleston of Salem, spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Eccleston. Mrs. Gwen Schaer was hostess at | her home at dinner Christmas day \ 59c Round. T-Bone or Rib. lb. LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter What makes so popular? Light Olympia, like the beers of Munich and Burton-on-Trent, is famous for quality . . . and largely for the same reason ... “D'j the Water." Premium quality hops, grains and yeast are used. Final touch of perfection is the skillful brewing gained through three generations of brewing experience. “Its the Water k ÌQLYMP 'A F Light Refreshment Beverage of Millions of Temperate People OlVMPI« IIIWINC CO OLYMPIA. 11» *Trode Mark» Uoq II. S. Pat. Off. II S I