December 25, 1952 8—THE MIEI. CITY ENTERPRISE ISHINC you the joys of older days, combined with the pleas bright Holiday, brimmed full of hap piness for each of you. 89-50 HENDIX AUTOMATIC LATE MODEL HENDIX 109-95 Y 99.50 LIKE NEW EASY LAUNDRY MERRY CHRISTMAS I < I ' I « » ' ' I cexixm'XMxnrxw Used Washers ures of new, to moke this a gay and /St OTHER CONVENTIONAL WASHERS 2500 up 49-50 THOR IRON ER, 30-Inch Roll GOOD HOME COOKING Idanha, Ore. Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. The annual Gates school Christmas program will be presented Tuesday evening, December 23, at 8 o’clock in the gymnasium. Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen left Satur day morning for a two-weeks visit in Spokane as the guests of relatives. They will spend several days in Seat tle before their return after the first of the year. Mr. anr Mrs. George Meilke re turned Thursday from a fishing trip to the coast. *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon will spend two weeks in San Francisco as guests at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Levon. They left Gates Saturday morning. MILL CITY 1VZ» Mr. Schroeder returned to Mill City H with the Stifflers for a visit with I § them until Christmas, Buford McCall, Dutch Stettner, Jack Saddler, and Ed Feauheller went to the Nelscott river for a day of salmon fishing Sunday. No luck! Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo will be at home Thursday afternoon, Jan. 1, honoring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Champ on their 50th wedding anniversary. Friends are invited to cal) after 1 o’jclock. The Misses Mary Jane and Phyllis Cox are spending the holiday week end in Portland at their parents’ home. They are employed at the CBI office at the Detroit dam. 183 N. High Street Court House Square 'The Most Show for Least Dough a r A KOREAN CHRISTMAS CAROL By DARRELL T. RATHBUN (Copied after the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas’) Lowell Stiffler and family visited ’Twas the night before Christmas, and Sunday in Salem at the home of Mrs. all thru the tent Stiffler's father, Martin Schroeder. Was the odor of fuel oil (the stove pipe was bent) The shoe packs were hung by the oil stove with care In hopes that they'd issue each man a new pair. The weary GIs were sacked out in their beds. And visions of sugar-babes danced in their heads— When up on the ridge-line there rose such a clatter. (A Chinese machine gun had started to chatter.) rushed to my rifle and threw back , the bolt, The rest of my tent-mates awoke with a jolt. Outside we could hear our platoon Sgt. Kelly, “Come I.ancey, come Clancey, come Connors and Watson. Up Miller, up Schiller, up Baker and Dodson.” We tumbled outside in a swirl of confusion. So cold that each man could have used a transfusion, Scott Towels r<>n “Get up on the hilltop and silence that Red, Fisher’s Cake Flour, pkg And don’t come back till your sure that he’s dead." Carrots ib Then putting his thumb irv front of his nose, ... tb 7C Turnips Sgt. Kelly took leave of his shivering Joes. Grapefruit, Arizona 8-lb bag But we all heard him say in a voice soft and light, Sunshine Graham Crackers Merry Christmas to All May You Live through the Night. 2-lb. box iS you have Í2 ■* ■■ Each Joy and Blessing Thct Girods Super Market Christmas Du the Highwag at STAYTON Folger s Coffee Lindsay Olives. Select Durkee Margarine Durkee Salad Dressing Durkee Mayonnaise M-D Tissue 8 79c 2 for 45c »’ 29c Q‘- 49c Qt- 59c roll bag Qgc Hudson House Citrus Salad \o. :i>: Fisher’s Biskit Mix. Ig box Post Grapenuts and Corn Fetti both for 19c 19c 7c 49c Pork Roast Picnics, R e a d y -1 o - E a t n> 43c 27c Pot Roast. U.S. Coml 59c Shoulders, lb HAPPY NEW YEAR llr will close alt dag New Year's Dag If SAVE at Mehama, Ore. 59 q 19c 39c FOR Harold’s Shell Service X“ Girods ✓ 49c Jenkins Hardware Suggests gon start rn Spark Heater IliiC