The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 18, 1952, Image 1

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Santa Claus arrives Saturday morn­
ing at the Mill City Fire hall on
schedule at 12:30 p.m. ready to dis­
Voi. Vili—No. .’>1
tribute goodies to the little folks. The
ladies of the Firemen’s Auxiliary have
been w-orking hard to help Santa in
his big important visit!
* * *
My wife and I had the pleasure of
attending the public relations dinner
Detroit — The Detroit Church of
of the Mill City Toastmistress club
last Thursday evening as their guests. Christ will present a Christmas pro­
We were royally entertained by the gram for the public Sunday evening,
jadies and served a very tasty ban­ December 21 at 7 p.m. A wide vari­
quet, after which we listened to ety of selections will be included to
speakers and the well organized pro­ interest all ages. The program is
gram of the club. Probably the male as follows:
guests at the meeting were most sur­ “Joy to the W orld” — sung by the
prised when they were kept in their
by Ralph Perry, minister
places and not one was called on to Prayer
make a speech! At the end of the “A «ay in a Manger” — sung by
primary group
meeting before adjournment questions
were invited but I'm afraid the men Welcome recitation—
by I.odelle Wallace
were too spell-bound with the charm-
ng predation of the ladies to even Recitation — by Richard Rice
think of a question — (Don't know "Silent Night”—sung by Betty Perry
accompanied by Ralph Perry on
whether a male could get the floor if
he had mustered the nerve to ask
for it!) The men will have to or­ Recitation — by Barry Butler
ganize themselves a toastmaster’s “Christmas Story”—reading by
Donna Rae Stevens
club or be left out of all future per­
oration—both at public meetings and “Christmas Lullaby” and “O Come
Little Children”—songs by Martha
at home!
♦ * *
Mason, Mary Lou, Susanne Moore
I journeyed to Portland last Friday Recitation — Delores Gescher
Recent heavy snows and freezing temperatures in the mountains have provided Oregon’s thousands of skiers
with some great outdoor sport. The above photo shows one of the state's numerous popular skiing areas.
evening to hear Sen. Wayne Morse Recitation — Evelyn Harper
Hoodoo Bowl on the Santiam Pass, made easily accessible with the opening of new sections of hiway 22. 'The
I ar- “Birthday of the King”—sung by
speak at the Labor Temple,
mountain in the background isJlhree-Fingered Jack.
(Photo courtesy The Statesman»
Laura Lee O’Brien
rived a few minutes late but was able
to find room to sit on the steps in ‘Christopher Mouse’ colored film strip
the aisle of the balcony of the large "Hark the Herald Angels Sing”—
sung by the congregation
auditorium, which was packed to the
“Holy Night”—colored film strip
balcony with every seat taken.
The senator was given a friendly Scripture Reading—by Ralph Adams I
welcome and the audience was ap­ “Lo How a Rose”—sung by choir
The First Christian church is plan­
parently in tune with everything he Spirit of Peace—reading
bad to say. I heard no booing at “We Three Kings” — men’s choral' Lyons — The Christmas program ning to celebrate the Christmas sea­
group with three soloists: Starr will be held at the Lyons Community son with special music at the morning
anytime during his more than an hour
Reed, Clifford White, and Francis [ Methodist church Sunday, December worship service, and sermon by the
and a half speech.
21, beginning with a sacred concert minister, Hugh E. Juil, on the sub-
He said there is a continuing prop­ Spirit of Love—reading by
by the newly organized orchestra, un­ I ject, "A Perfect Christmas Day.’
aganda campaign against not only
Michael Moore der the direction of Virgil Rogers,
The Bible school will present its
himself but Senators Magnuson of “Silent Night”—sung by choir
Christmas piogram at 7.30
Washington, Humphrey of Minnesota, “O Come All Ye Faithful”—
Directed by Mrs, John Prideaux and Sunday evening. It will consist of
Lehman of New York, Smith of
sung by congregation
the Sunday school teachers, a Pageant Christmas songs and reading by the
Maine, Aiken of Vermont, Douglas Remarks and Benediction — by
Christmas story. “O Come Let Us primary department, readings by the
.of Illinois and Benton of Connecticut.
Rai ■>' Perry* Adore Him” will be given between intermediates and juniors, illustrated
He described the members of this
11 and 12. The characters of the with a film strip, and close with a
group as liberals.
scene will be by the younger pageant by the young people’s class.
“There is no limit to the lengths (
Offerings for the day will be sent
folk this year and the singing by a
to which they will go to defeat us,” 1
junior choir fiom the 3rd to the Sth to the Northwestern Christian Home
Morse said.
grades led by Mrs. Jack Christensen. at Beaverton and the Turner Memorial
Senator Morse said he would vote
Followed by bringing of gifts to Home for aged ministers and their
for Eisenhower programs if he be- 1
manger of the Christ Child these wives.
lieved they were for the good of the I
Dear Santa:
Sale chairman for the Lyons, Mill gifts will be concentrated food and
people and the country, but that he |
We just found out today that my
City, and Gates area announces that warm clothes for small children in
would vote against any measure if he
brother Bob is coming home for
six high schools in Marion county Esther Laird's orphanage in Korea.
thought is was not good.
Christmas, He’s been in Korea 17
have now enrolled in the National All clothing will be sent at once.
Morse has said in a Chicago inter­ School Press project on tuberculosis.
We have moved into a
Beginning at 6:30 p.m., a Vesper
view that he was not critical of in­ These schools are: St. Paul high, service will be held. The church choir
larger house and us kids would be
dividual reporters, but that “ the big j;a]em senjor high, Gervais. Stayton, a quartet,, a Stayton high trio, and
Detroit and Idanha school children so happy if Santa brought us a table
business side of journalism is lining
Mt. Angel academy and Woodburn. other musical numbers will be pre­ will appear in the annual Christmas and chairs and some bedding or some
up politically with reactionary big ( is an educational contest to sented. Rev. R. A. Feenstra will give
program on Tuesday, December 23 at curtains. I would like a basket ball.
business in this country.”
I hope Santa won’t think we aie
I acquaint the students with what is brief message on “Receiving God’s the school gymnasium.
* ♦ *
being done in their own communities Gift”.
The hour will close with
Francis Kettleson, high school in­ selfish asking for so much.
We plan to get The Enterprise out' to fight tuberculosis, and to promote showing of a colored movie, “The structor will act as master of cere­
Box 572, Gates. Ore.
before Christmas next Wednesday, so good journalism,
Birthday of the Saviour”.
monies for the program which will
hope that all material will be in our
At 7:30 our MYF will go caroling, include several selections by the grade
* * *
Articles, news stories, features,
office not later than Monday eve­ editorials or are work done by a stu­ and find a chili treat at the home of school students, music by the high Dear Santa,
ning so that we can put it together dent on either of the two subjects— Mrs. Alice Huber.
school band and a Christmas movie
Please bring me some doll clothe-
and get it printed in time.
supplied by the Idanha American for a doll 22 inches high and -some
Year's week we want to do t+ie same ON TB or WHAT DOES TUBER­ national TB association where they Legion.
roller skates. My sister wants some
so we all will be free on the holidays. CULOSIS MEAN TO ME. must be will be judged with other local entries.
Following the program a Santa records, and some roller skates.
1 published in the school newspaper and
A Certificate of Honor will be, Claus will appear as usual with his
that paper be sent to the county TB awarded to each school newspaper ap­ bag of treats for the children, sup­
and Health association before Jan. proved by the national committee, ' plied by the Idanha Legion Auxiliary.
Mill City
• * *
> 15, 1953. Three tn turn will be sent and a prize of $25 will be given to
The date for the program was pre-
into the state TB office where the each Marion county student who re- viously announced as December 22 Dear Santa,
The Christian and Presbyterian best nine will be sent on to the ceives national recognition.
but will be advanced to December 23
I have been a good girl this year,
churches will co-operate in a special
1 want a doll that says
candle-light service starting at mid-
“Mama” and a big tricycle.
night Christmas morning.
Mil) City
Rev. Noble Streeter will conduct
• • *
the opening worship and Minister
Dear Santa.
Hugh E. Jull will bring the message
Please bring me a doll and a pair
on. “The Day-star from On High,”
of patent leather shoes. I’m K years
, built around a number of the familiar
Christmas Carols.
All interested persons are invited
* • «
to this service.
Dear Santa.
Please Santa bring Joey, age 5,
and me a gun and holster sets. And
if you can, some < ars too, for Joey
to play with while all of us are at
Mill City’» kindergarten was visited
by Santa Claus, Monday. The jolly
Please Santa, be sure and drop in
old gent gave out candy favors
see the Anglesey children too,
approximately 25 youngsters.
who wrote to you last week.
Santa listened intently to each
Oodles of love,
child’s list of desired gifts and then
mounted his trusted reindeer and dis­
in the 1st grade, so
appeared on his mysterious way,
I told Mommy what to write.
Your good boy!!! JIMMY,
P.S.: This is Joey and 1 forgot to
tell Mommy to ask you for a cowboy
I'm a pretty good boy!
Christmas Program
At Detroit Church
Christmas Program
At Lyons Sunday
Christian Church
letters To Santa
Plans Yule Program
Education Contest
Sponsored by TB
Detroit-Idanha High
Annual Yule Forty
Community Christmas
Program Planned
Santo Claus Visits the
Mill City Kindergarten
Club Holds
Civic Affair
Mill City International Toastmia-
tress club put itself in the spotlight,
Thursday, December 11, at the Pres-
byterian church recreation hall in Mill
t'ity. The speech club staged a public
relations dinner.
Honored guest»
represented Mill City’s array of civic
Mrs. Robert Wingo, toastmistress,
guided the club through a program
that wove together humor, wit ami
information. The club moved pur­
posely through a regular meeting pro­
gram as the honored guests looked on.
The theme for the meeting was "Our
Club; Our Town; Our Community.”
This theme was steadfastly pursued
throughout the evening.
Mrs. George Steffy was the prin-
ciple speaker, Her speech dealt with
the “Aims of Toastmistress”. Mrs.
W. R. Hutcheson, club parliamenta­
rian, Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. Henry
Cheney, Mrs. Howard Means, and Mrs.
Don Nesbitt presented a humorous
skit of how a motion should be put
ami handled in a public meeting using
the recognized rules of order. Mrs.
Don Miley gave the welcoming ad­
dress; Mrs. Lester Hathaway, the
Music for the occasion
was provided by Mrs. Lee Ross.
Mrs. Vincent Palmer had charge
of that portion of a Toastmistress
meeting called “table topics”. Sev­
eral club members were asked for one-
minute extemporaneous speeches and
they responded in a delightful man­
ner on topics selected by Mrs. Palmer.
Evaluator of these and other speech
performances was Mrs. Hazel Neen
lxmmis of Portland, northwest direc­
tor of International Toastmistress
Guests present were intro-
I dueed dtr^ng the session.
Hou«We<l guests at the public rela­
tions dinner of the Mill City Toast­
mistress club were Mrs. Loomis, Mrs.
My 1 a Wircnius of Albany, past sec­
retary of International Toastmistress
club and a sponsor of the local club
when it was organized a year ago;
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knowles, Mr. and
Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, Bob Hill, Ver-
| non Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne
Rambo, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Peter­
son. Present for the special meeting
as guests were: Lettie Cline, Gladys
Trask of Fresno, Calif., Barbara Yar­
nell, Mrs. Lenore Coates of Seattle,
Mrs. Delores Stiffler and Mrs. Hallie
A full-fledged ham dinner was
served to club members and their
guest- by the Friendship class of the
Mill City Presbyterian church. Unique
wooden programs and place cards
were employed for the occasion.
Presbyterian Church
Presents Yu’e Music
On Sunday evening, December 21,
at 7:30 o'clock the choir of the First
Presbyterian church of Mill City will
present its annua) Christmas concert.
Soloists for the occasion are Rosa­
mond Remine, Frances Merrill and
Dorothy Dyhrman, with incidental
-olos by Joan Cauble, Betty Kelly
and Bernice Gordon.
Rev. Noble
Streeter, pastor, will sing the solo
parts in Jesu Bambino and Holy Night
and will also read the script.
Accompanist« are Virginia Hoeye,
piano, and Edna Ross, organ.
choir is under the direction of Doris
Sheythe. Choir members are Bernice
Gordon, Rosamond, Remine, Joan
Cauble, Frances Merrill, Marie Stover,
Ina Chase, Dorothy Kelly, Dorothy
Dyhrman, Mary Kelly, Betty Kelly,
and Maxine Hill.
Midnight Masi Scheduled
St. Catherine’s Church
Fr. Maurice Grammond, pastor of
the St. Catherine Catholic church an­
nounces that Midnight Mass will ba
celebrated beginning at 12 midnight
assisted by the choir singing the music
of the Mass.
A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mr".
Father Grammond will conduct the
Ray Pitsor, Mill City, Dec. 14, at service of the Mars again al 8 am.
Salem Memorial hospital.
Christmas morning.
Scene» of the Nativity will ¡>e set
A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mi
Robert Bethell, Lyons, Dec. 12, at up in the church again in readiness for
communicants and visitor* to adore.
Salem Memorial hospital.
Just Arrived...
Gate»—Members of the Lewi* Hampton family of Cates left on a journey recently to Ecuador in northern
South America where they will establish a ne» home, ) rom left, standing. are Herbert 16. Hugh 15, Jeanne
11, (seated) Hampton, ( oral 4, Mrs. Hampton, and Judith *. Eldest son. I.ewi" Jr. and hi" wife left separate-
ly. for Florida where the family will unite for flight to Ecuador.
(Photo courtesy The Statesman,