December 11, 1952 B—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY Mill City Garden club members are reminded of the annual Christmas party planned at the home of Mrs. Albert Toman Sr., for next Thurs­ day, Dec. 18. The hostesses are Mrs. Mary Toman, Mrs. Iris Rose, and Mrs. Mabie Veteto. Each members is to bring a gift for exchanging and al?o a guest. The Mill City fire department wa- • called out Friday night by a flue fire at Mar-hall Stone’s home. No dam­ age was reported. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ dings. also shrubs and landscaping 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone i 3684. 42tf The 195 4 Ford Crestline Sunliner «uh in »mart open car st}ling is available in 12 new colors ranging from Coral Flame ¡led to Raven Blavk With its Breezeway" top up. the Sunliner provides the weather tight comfort of a sedan. Two-tone leather and vinyl seats blend with inside paneling and harmonize with outside colors. I I I I i I I I I I I Hallmark ('liiiste Sleigh holds up to 150 Christmas cards Sign your name-or have quantities of 15 or more imprinted-and send the Christmas Sleigh as your personal greet inis. You’ll want one for your own home too! complut with mailing tnielopt EDWARD WILLIAMS I I I i The Home of Hallmark Card." 330 Court Street i I i i Salem, Ore. I I Mill City Odd Fellows and Santiam Rebekahs and their immediate fam­ ilies will hold the annual New Year's Eve dinner and homecoming again i this year. Ida Fleetwood is in charge of arrangements. Youth Fellowship group of the Presbyterian church maiie plans Sun­ day evening to sing Christmas carols this year. Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school, Miss Alice Smith, ap- ’ pointed the following nominating committee for Sunday school officers which will be elected next Sunday: Mrs. Vern Clarke, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder and Mrs. Noble Streeter. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Flook of Weed. Calif., have been visiting friends and relatives in Mill City the past few weeks. Buvl is a brother of Mrs. Paul Smith and George Flook of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Flook left Wednesday for Troutdale to visit other •■elatives there before heading back to their , home in California. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Jull and Mrs. Glenn Shelton attended the state rally of Christian churches held recently in Salem. NOTICE The N'u-Method Cleaners will be closed December 25, 26, and .27th. ; I Mill City high school report cards were given out last week. Students making the honor roll for the past ' six weeks were: Carol Andreassen, Dale Andreassen, Donna Bengston, Richard Love!, Patricia Brown and Betty Ix>u Cree. Refreshment committee appointed 1 for the Christmas meeting includes: Julia Bassett, Daisy Geddes, Hattie Cole and Carmen Barnhardt. Bring your gift list to us. There's a good chonce you can do all your Christmas shopping right under this one roof. And you will be delightfully surprised at the wide range of long-lasting, practical gifts we have on display. SPIRAL Q- —SCREW DRIVER *b 95 ''//JI I-------------- A durable quality tool ’ that speeds up work. 20' long extended. AUTOMATIC .... RIFLE S39-20 A precision made .22 automatic, light yet per­ fectly balanced rifle. Coffee Maker $37.50 A I I elec­ tric—auto­ matic. The stai nie Ji »teel vacu­ um typ«. Level r z'-r-Cj Waffle Iron Wind Reel J_ $9.95 $16.95 H&iidíf «HotuJwfá HINI NO. 12 PRESERVING POINSETTIAS After your poinsettia» have stopped blooming, put them in a dark corner where they won't freeze. Moisten only occasionally. In the spring, trie* the old, dead-looking plant back to about six inches and water it. Keep the cuttings and the plants in pots. Put them in a sunny place in your garden for summer; water and feed them well. Jenkins Hardware Phone 2206 MILL CITY i 1 zJ The Mill City Appliance has moved to the Gates Furniture Store Surprise Her «•///i atm of the following DAVENOS and ( LI B ( HAIRS — T V. ROCKERS TWO-PIECE FRIEZE SECTIONALS CHROME DINETTE SETS — BEDROOM SETS SIEGLER HEATERS SIMMONS MATCHED SETS. SPRINGS \ MATTRESS COME IN AND SEE NEW 1953 G.E. RANGE NOW ON DISPLAY! ALSO G.E. REFRIGERATORS. DEEP FREEZE. IRONE RS. HOT WATER HEATERS. Etc. a For Him ' a PLATFORM RO( KERS SMOKING STANDS FLOOR and TABLE I.AMI’S For the Whole Family \ TELEVISION SET! Dealer« for R.C.A.. G.E.. and SYLVANIA Exclu-ive Dealer ENGI \NDER KIR FOAM M \TTRESSF.S with 1953 BENDIN WASHER and DRYER or MAYTAG WASHER and IRON ER * Xi 1- AMERICAN KITCHENS. SINKS and CABINETS MISCELI.ANEOI S \SSORTMF.NT OF SMAI.1. \PPLI 1NCES SI ( H AS — Toasters — Irons — Radios — Coffee Makers — Deep Fat Fryers (LE. Mixers, and Many More Items! Furniture Store Phone 4561 b/*» Trade in y our OLD for Something NEW! ' J/aA:e Her Christmas Complete -- Gates, Oregon