December 11. 1952 Wants and Sales If It's in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR RENT D7 or D8 Cat by hour GLO CANDLES — Make your own CHRISTMAS WITH WON or contract. Phone 1134. 49-3p this Christmas. Make any size Order turn Christmas Gifts NOW! FOR RENT One bedroom modern you want. We have the wax and See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white furnished home. Call phone 3952. wicking. Santiam Farmers Co-op, house across from Martin’s trailer 44tf Stayton. 49-3 court on NW. 7th Ave. Box 658, Mill City. FOR RENT—Small furnished house, refrigerator and electric range, city EXPERT AUTO and home radio water. Geo Cree, phone 924. 43tf service. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE Business property on TAILORED SUITS $55 and up, im­ Stiffler's Radio and Appliance, i highway 222 in Mill Ctiy. Suitable ported and domestic woolens. Al­ for mechanic service shop. Enquire terations, cleaning and pressing. HAY FOR SALE Oat vetch $1.15 at Heidt's Auto Electric, Mill City SUNDIN THE TAILOR. 196 S. per bale: alta fescue 50c per bale; Liberty, Salem. 50tf straw 40c per bale. Etzel Bros., Route 1. Box 234, Stayton. 50-3p. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in Swift addition. Inquire at Enter­ FOR RENT 3-room modern _l)ouse, New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, prise office or at W. L. Peterson 37’j-ft. inside, modern. furnished, on Marion county side, residence in Swift addition. 31tf reasonable. See Kay Colburn at Highway frontage between Mill City Meat Market. 47tf Gates and dam. REAL ESTATE Modern home on 11 acres for See us for good buys in the canyon TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- sale. chines. We sell. rent, repair and area. Listings wanted. Houses for rent. swap all makes. Trade your >ld machine towards a new one. Glen Shelton, Salesman See W. R. HUTCHESON ROEN, 456 Court St., Salem. (’. E. Coville, Broker At Gates Furniture Store West side Mill City Ph. 2207 FOR RENT 2-bedrooni house, newly decorated outside and inside. Mod­ WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled ern, See Glen Shelton, Mill City. Douglas fir poles, delivered to 43tf Lyons yard. For further informa­ tion call or write Allen Gould. 1 124 SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 2 iff devoted to game conservation and propagation and need your help. FOR SALE—Will sell equity in ’51 Only $1.00 per year, ycu will have Kaiser deluxe for $675.00. Inquire that much fun at one meeting. at Cafe Mar Dean. 49-3p Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet's. 9 NEED A TELEPHONE.' —Stop in and see the new Lech combination FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- desk or wall phone, also used IP phones from $10.00 up. Telephone • stered, latest fabrics and plastics. Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton $345 and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. 64-note Spinet Upholstery. 38tf 40” Spinet Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. $395 $575 :: !< :: :: :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: . x :: x jx x x j : x jx x x x jx x Jt x $695 Spinet « $625 Blond Spinet jf $725 x 1288 STATE ST SALEM. ORE. $966 Louis XV Spinet $988 $1088 Knabe Spinet ;«] TX $595 Steinway console PIANO SALE JXi JX je' a w tt » X a X Randall’s FINE MEATS UPRIGHTS $49 UP GRANDS—SAVE UP TO $350 OPEN MON. & FRIDAY Evenings Est. 1890 Special Beef Prices TALLMAN PIANO STORES YOUNG EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION ! Beef Roasts 39c 59c Arm (’ut. Blade or Rump, lb. Beef Steak Round, T-Bone or Rib. lb. Fresh Hamburger ng 395 S. 12th, Salem Sx Ö ff 35c I 39c Heart or Tongue, lb. 3X JX Sliced Liver, lb. LOCKER BEEF Half or Whole 3212c tb Hind Quarter X X « JX Jt 37! 2 c Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for the Logger" BASSETT'S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1111 Branch Store Lyons Sweet Home, Philomath Capitol Drug Co Salem RELIABLE.» ★ (jQH* * * * * PRESCRIPTIONS 1 Post Office Building. 2nd Floor ♦ Phone: Slayton 2271 Stayton. Ore. I ♦ ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Ada Ply male. Prop. DRY GOODS and NOTIONS DRESSM \KING and HEMSTITCHING Mill City Oregon UMMIWlfrinncTir ortor»ootTOffl WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Home of GOOD Used < ars HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service SHROCK'S 316 N. Church St. I’hone 3-9101 General Dry Goods NOTIONS UNGERIE READ Y-TO-WEAK I.CZIERS COSMETICS J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 111* Opposite Claude Lewi»’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern FïinrmJ Hervir* STAYTON OMDGON s • Phone SALEM 3-946«. COLLECT* 1079 Elm M . W. Salem ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e-*-* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ Mill City llllllllllllllllllllllllllll! 1111111111lllllllllllll Santiam Farmers Co-op St ay ton, Oregon For the best shaves of your life! I 4 WHEEL DRIVE schick aBQQBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBg IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE aBBBBBBBBMBBnBflBBnBDBBBBBB MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes. trimmings, etc. weekly pickups 11.50 oer month YOUR NEW SCHICK ELECTRIC MUST OUTSHAVE BLADE RAZORS OR YOUR MONEY BACK! With the extra traction of 4 • wheel drive and the power of its high-compres­ sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere" Willys Truck gets through mud, snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.G VW. y»w chonc* to try a new Schick Electric Shaver without risking« cent! Just come in and buy one. Try it for ten days. It muat give you a falter, more comfortable Bhave that'« just aa clone a« you want or we will give you your money back! We’re auro you’ll join the million» of men who are saying good-bye forever to old faahioned, meaay blade-ehaving. $5,00 Credit allowed on your old electric razor regardless of make. Motor Co iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SALEM, ORE Silver Saddle SERVIC E STATION & TRAILER COURT LICENSED G VRBAGE Gasoline SERVICE Safety Check Lubrication MILL CITY TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES AND AUTO SUPPLIES DISPOSAL SERVICE I’hone 395 2 LEONARD HERMAN WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS Orchestra Every Saturday Night Aho lirht hauling OPEN: 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 a m léonard Herman Phone .1952 oBDaDDSDcnDnoAsnanaBB sue« in smart casa CONSISTENTLY AIM X s CAFE ; MIKE'S Septic Service : Don’t Jet tore, fiery, painful, ttchlne simple Plleg drive you nearly craty. In 15 minutes CHINAROID starts giving you wonderful cooling, soothing, temporary re­ laxing relief from pain, burning and Itch­ ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHTNAROID cob U only 11 00 at druggists Try it today for better sleep tonight and a brighter tomorrow HOSIERY / / I Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • S ore P iles WOOD’S STORE We hope you are pleased with our service. W. N. SIMMONS ELSNER Directory - Professional ♦ I)R. VICTOR .1. MYERS ! Chiropractic Physician • WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOH! I $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons. Idanha and Detroit Business GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET AD1ERTISING MEDICINE MAN • Don’t expect your Phy­ sician to perform mira­ cles. Remember, it takes more time and effort to climb uphill than to coast down! Your patience and full co-operation are es­ sential to rapid recovery. X Young Beef The pedestrian has the right of way once he has started across a traffic I ; signal crossing before the light [ NOTICE TO CREDITORS changes, it was pointed out this week Notice is hereby given that by by Ray Conway, manager of the Ore­ virtue of an Order duly entered in gon State Motor association in keep the Circuit Court of the State of ing the 30,000 members of the asso­ Oregon for the County of Marion, in the Matter of the Estate of John ciation abreast of important recent Staines, deceased, the undersigned, D. , legal decisions. The United State' Court of Appeals. B. Hill, was duly appointed as admin­ istrator of said estate and has quali­ , Conway pointed out, has upheld a fied as such. All persons having Louisiana lower court which awarded j claims against said estate are hereby damages to a pedestrian who was hit required to present the same, together : by a taxicab in a situation where with the proper vouchers, to the un­ he hail started across the street on dersigned administrator at Mill City. Oregon, within six months from the the green light and the light changed , to red before he was entirely across. date of this notice. The case had interesting aspects Dated and first published this 20th day of November, 1952. I as the accident occurred about dusk D. B. HILL, on a rainy afternoon at a scenic high- Administrator , way crossing where traffic signal BELI. X DEVERS lights operated, and the suit was filed 47 5 Stayton, Oregon against the company insuring the I taxicab instead of the taxicab coin- Quality Job Printing at I pany, as is permitted under Louisiana The Mill City Enterprise | laws. In upholding the lower court on ooDfi»o:aHBE I 4 'appeal by the defendants, the Court1 Tax Consultant \uilitor t 1 of Appeals said: 1 f “A pedestrian about to cross a » » ♦ I street, as well as while crossing it, * « < I | must exeicise due care for his own t PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ♦ ! safety in the circumstances and not > I walk heedlessly into approaching t Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service ■ traffic. But, when a pedestrian who I has staited to cross with a green light Corner 3rd & Marion I in a cross walk marked off for pedes­ STAYTON. ORB. trians is confronted with a change » Telephone 1111 in the traffic signal when he is part way across, thus facing a dilemma, ttHHHHnHHnHnn»innni9tHnHnHHnng to be instantly decided as to whether he will remain on the center line of the street, or will retreat and run the risk of injury from cars proceed­ ing along the traffic lam* he has al­ ready crossed, or will attempt to reach the opposite side of the street ahead of an approaching vehicle in the op­ posite line of traffic, presents a jury question as to whether the pedes­ trian's conduct in continuing to cross I the street was compatible, in the cir­ cumstances, with the conduct of a person of ordinary prudence. The pedestrian thus caught in midsection by changing signals, may assume that cross traffic thus released against him will exercise due care, and that he will be accorded reasonable time to reach a place of safety. LEG\l. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! WILLYS Ji Jt Young Beef FOR RENT Modern cabin. See Otto Witt, Mill City. 46tf Appeals Court Gives Pedestrian Rights