The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 11, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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in a non-league game with the Tim­
berwolves put up agood show, and it
wa- a hard game until the last quart­
Chemawa, lost tq Jefferson, a
contender for first place, by only a
In a close, thrilling basketball game small margin so this game ought to
that went into overtime the Mill City be a thriller. It will be played in
Timberwolves edged out Cascade, 51 the Mill City high school gymnasium.
to 50. Roy Chase of Mill City tied
the score in the last seconds of the
game and it was his basket which,
in the last seconds of the overtime,
Geo. Humphrey, captain of Mill put the Timberwolves on top.
City Derbys, is lining up that team
The high scorer of the game was
for a victory against Turner. They Sproul, of Cascade, who n>aue 25
Friday, December 12, the Mill City
play at Mill City tavern this Friday points. The high point man for the
Timberwolves will go to Gervais to
winners was Alfred Ward with 13 play their second league basketball
Mill City Derbys and Davies tavern points. Chase was a close secoid on
of Stayton are tied for fust place in ¡the Timberwolves* with 12 points.
The following Tuesday, December
Santiam shuffleboard league play.
The junior varsity of Cascade up­
Strong Meander Inn took a defeat ended the Mill City JV’s 51-31. Stat­ 16, they go to Jefferson to play the
Lions. Jefferson is a contender for
at the hands of Davies last Friday. istics for the main game:
league championship and this will
This was an uiexpected event. Mean­
Mill City (51)
Cascade (50) be an important game for the Timber­
der Inn is expected back on the line
i Ward (13
Sproul (25) wolves.
stronger than ever in future play.
I Chase (12)
Early upsets foretell that as league
Wipper (5)
plays resumes, there will undoubtedly Gregory (6)
Chaddick < 1 )
be several teams in a tight race for i Kanoff (H)
Brown (8)
i Hoffman (10)
first place.
Substitutes — Mill City: Brewer,
Al Shelton, with the Mill City
Derbys in la-t Tuesday's practice play Misner, Verbeck , Carey (1), Melting
showed good form. His co-ordination (1). Cascade: Rendell, H. Mitchell,
came from last summer's fly fishing. Waldrop (2), Sutton, Speer (2), K.
Al practically wore out his fly rod Mitchel.
by fly fishing so often during the
past season.
Decern lx-r 11, 1952
Mill City Splatters
Detroit, 78 to 42
Mill City Rooters Win Meander Inn Upset
Marion B Jamboree In Shuffleboard
The annual Marion County “B”
Jamboree was held last Saturday
night, December 6. The purpose of
the jamboree was to get all the teams
in the league together so that the
spectators could see them in action.
All nine teams of the league were
there and also, as a guest, Scio, which
will be in this league next year.
All of the games were close except
one, played between Mill City ami
O. S. D. The first game of the eve­
ning was between Gervais and Sub­
limity and ended with a 15 to 11 score
in favor of Sublimity.
In the second game. Mill City
showed that they are able to live up
to their reputation as a team which
is a threat to all others this year
They built up a sizeable lead in the
first minutes of the game and the)
kept that lead to make a final score
of 21 to 14.
Scio edged out Gates in the third
game. The score was 11 to 9. Jef
ferson nosed St. Paul 15 to 13, and
Detroit sneaked past Chemawa's early
lead to win 12 to 9.
At the end of the games the foot­
ball trophies were awarded to the best
teams in this league this yaer. The
school which rated first place by being
Indefeated in league play was Jeffei
son. In the runner-up position was
Mill City with only one loss, which
was to Jefferson.
Trophies were also awared to th«-
best cheering sections at the jam
boree. Mill City won first place ami
Jefferson won second.
Quality Job Printing at
The Mill City Enterprise
Timberwolves’ Next
Two Games Away
Mill City To Play
Chemawa Braves
On Friday night, December 19, the
Mill City Timberwolves play their
second home basketball game of the
season. It will be a league game with
the Chemawa Braves. In the Marion
i County “B” league jamboree Chema-
I wa edged out the Gates Pirates. Gates
Open Elimination Tournament
Every Sunday 3 p.m.
On Highway 222. Linn County Side
George “Sparky
Good Music
I :
Mondays and Fridays
Cedar Tavern
Detroit, Ore.
United Trading
Stamp Days
2 I’M.
Jack’s Richfield Service
Bring Your Partner
I ♦
On Hiway 222, in East Mill City
Tree Farming—
(Continued from Page 1)
select and cut their own trees for on- I
farm tales to dealers at price- varying
from 10 cents for small trees up to
$1.50 for 10- to 12-foot trees, Good-I
monson says. Some buyers are offer- |
ing 50 cents a tree for field-run of
cut trees picked up at the farm.
Trees should be carefully selected
for size, crown density, shape, and
fresh green color.
Spindly, fast-
gi owing trees will bring better re­
turns if left for a timber crop. Trees
should be cut as near the date of de-|
livery as possible and stored in a
«lamp shaded place.
'fill City high school cheer leaders
brought home the trophy for having
the champion cheering section Satur- j
day night at the basketball jamboree
in Jefferson. Also the high school
Timberwolves basketball learn won'
their game with the Deaf school.
Wednesday night with Ada Plymale,
noble gFaiid and Antonia Thomas,
vjee grand in charge. Members de-
i ided to have a Christmas party at
the next meeting with gift exchange
Rachael Olmstead and Grace Hutchin­
son were appointed to be in charge
of entertainment and decorations. Ida
Fleetwood «a appointed to be in
charge of the New Year's Eve home-
coming and dinner.
Fo.d.moH. O-1-«, O.e.d'i.« I «1ST Hnf.d
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