The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 11, 1952, Image 1

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. JÀ
Everyone please remember to bring
the kiddies to the Mill City Fire hall
on Saturday, December 2(1 at 12:30
p.m., because Santa Claus will be
there at that time to pass out goodies
to the little folks. The Firemen and
their ladies have been working nard
to help Santa with his big annual
task. Remember the time and the
place: Dec. 20 at 12:30 p.m. at the
Fire hall in Mill City!
* * «
Capt. F. L. Thompson of Albany
paid us a visit Wednesday of this
week along with Clarke Lethin, field
scout executive for this district, also
from Albany.
Capt. Thompson is
president of the Cascade Area Counc:l
of the Boy Scouts and is associated
with Thompson-Hendrickson Logging
Co. of Albany. He was in our com­
munity inspecting the scouting activ­
ities up in this neighborhood.
troop is doing fine here under the
able direction of our postmaster, Chas.
Kelly, and the scout troop commit­
tee, but they were very much con­
cerned with the future of the scout
troop in Gates.
♦ * •
Gates has been fortunate in years
past with an excellent Boy Scout
troop. More recently they are ex­
periencing the oft-repeated difficul­
ties of many communities in not being
able to find a scoutmaster to give
guidance to the boys at their meet­
ings and on hikes into the hills. Their
experience is not at all unusual. It
is always a problem to find the right
man to serve as scoutmaster, or as a
troop committeeman.
Both func­
tions are important, but the loss of
a scoutmaster is the most serious for
then everything pretty well comes to
a stop.
That is the problem facing the com­
munity of Gates at this time. First
of course is needed a sponsoring or­
ganization, and then the job is to get
a troop committee to be responsible
for the troop activities. The com­
mittee needs five men to work as a
committee to find a meeting place,
,-ecure a scoutmaster, organize a pro­
gram, and then help the scoutmaster
to execute the program in co-opera­
tion with the boys themselves. Many
times the PT A, or the woman's club
or the church, or the local chamber of
cvmmeft-e take on the job of spon-
-oring the scout troop.
« * *
The other necessary ingredient for
a scout troop is the boys—and you
need not worry about that, because
the boys are there just waiting to be
directed into channels of interest to
their peculiar make-up. Just find the
activities that interest him and he
will be there rearing to go! It’s a
difficult job to find something of
interest to these boys, but Scouting
has it all set up and planned. Meet­
ings, hikes, camping, and achievement
results whit the appetite of every boy
when he finds a man interested in di­
recting that tremendous amount of
energy he seems to have in such
« * *
Isn't there an organization in Gates
interested in the boys enough to help
put the Scouting program to work?
It could help your own boy along to
a finer and richer life to have the
guidance of the Boy Scout program.
* * •
J. C. “Doc” Kimmel's new’ drug
store building is nearing completion
and within a few days he hopes to
open up with a line of Christmas
stock in his new- building. The drug
business he plans moving over to the
new location after the first of the
year. "Doc" has an attractively ap­
pointed building and I am sure every­
one will agree that it is a valuable
addition to the Mill City business
Vol. VIII—No. HI
MILL t ITY, ORI GON. Hit RSDAY, DF.( I MBER 11. 1952
Letters Ta Santa
Annual Christmas
Seal Sale Underway
The Santiam Memorial hospital which is nearing completion at Stayton. was built by public sub­
scription. The hospital is already in use although some of it remains yet to he finished. The
campaign for funds started in November 1950.
(Photo courtesy The Oregonian)
Tree Farming Pays,
Says Specialist
Jewel Myers, 52, Dies
Sunday in Arizona
Just Arrived...
A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs.
Verno- I.owery. Mill City. Dec. 6. at
Salem Memorial hospital.
Oregon Schools Set
March of Dimes Mark
The 46th annual Christmas Seal
sale is now under way in Marion
county and will continue until Decem­
ber 25. Some 23,000 envelopes con­
taining two sheets of seals were
mailed to residents of the county.
These seals are thes only financial
support that the Marion County Tu­
berculosis and Health a-sociation ha«
in its year-round fight against TB.
Last year the dollars contributed to
the Christmas Seal sale helped the
association carry on its program of
health education on the danger of
tuberculosis, medical research for a
specific cure for the disease and free
chest X-rays in Marion county for all
Hundreds of volunteers help in the
various communities of the county or
where they stuff the envelopes for
mailing, open the returned letters and
sell the little, bright-colored seals in
the booths.
Schools in the county do not receive
seals, but the children have a part in
I the campaign by buying the little,
red double-barred crosses.
Mrs. Arlo Tuers is the Christmas
Seal chairman for the Lyons, Mill
City, and Gates area and she asks
that your blue envelope with your
contribution be returned as soon as
possible so that it will not be forgot
in the rush of the holiday season.
(Hurry, and send in those Letters to
Detroit — Jewel Myers, 52, died
Santa, next week is the last w eek
at Tucson, Ariz., where he
before Christmas that we can •print
Hope that Oregon schools will con­
Raising Christmas trees can be a
them for you!)
profitable business if good farming had been flown last week for treat­ tinue to stand at the head of the class
practices are followed, says an Oregon ment by a cancer specialist. With in the forthcoming March of Dimes
was expressed today in Solent by Dr.
State college farm woodlot specialist. him was his wife, Edna Myers.
Dear Santa,
Myers was born in Dallas, Tex., and Rex Putnam.
Paul Goodmanson, extension prod­
Please bring me a doll and wash-
The state superintendent of public
ing machine, a frigeiator and a toy ucts marketing specialist, says Christ­ moved to Oregon in 1912. Most of
stove, a sink, a toy piano. That is mas trees develop best on poor, shal­ his life has been spent near Gates instruction made this view known in
low soil where retarded growth gives and in the upper canyon where he has a statement prepared for mailing to
all. Thank you,
SHARON PATE them time to fill out and become been in the logging business.
Oregon»’ elementary and secorduy
Funeral services will be held at school administrators.
Route 1, Lyons bushy. . He adds that a good crop of
Christmas trees will return as high 2 p.m. Saturday at the First Pres­
I will try and be good.
Dr. Putnam noted that Oregon
profits as most Oregon crops grown byterian church in Mill City with the school pupils, teachers and adminis­
Good bye.
Rev. Noble Streeter officiating. In­
My arm is tired, mother is hold on such soil.
trators accounted for the highest per
Proper thinning, pruning, weeding terment will be in Fairview ceme­ capita contributions made by any state
ing it.
and brush control will triple the num­ tery.
* *
education s
em to the 1952 March
ber of high qualtiy trees that can be
Surviving are his sister Mis. Eloise of Dimes.
Dear Santa Claus:
I am 5 years old, and I go to cut from wild stands where fertile Jones, Salem, and four brothers, Ray
“This is an honor which should
Sunday School every Sunday and I forest land brings fast, spindly I Myers, Salem. Floyd of Danville, Cal., mean a great deal to us,” he said.
sing too. I want Santa to bring me growth, the forestry specialist states. I Efoyle in Idaho and Victor at Mill “We hope that we shall continue to
I City.
a big doll and a pair of cowboy boots. ' Goodmonson advises against stump­
hold that favorite position in the year
to come.
In 1952,” he continued,
Mill City
"Oregon schools laised $57,340.00 dur­
i to 10 cents a tree. The OSC special­
♦ ♦ *
ing the March of Dimes campaign for
ist says many owners don’t place
Dear Santa,
the purpose of fighting polio. This
My daddy is sick and can’t work enough importance on Christmas tree
was some $9,000 more than was col­
lected in 1951, This worthy project
Albany- William Woodrow should continue to challenge your very '
I would like a truck and I have 2 ting. This has resulted in mounting
little sisters. They want a doll each
ter dre wa 15-year prison term here ■ best efforts for the 1953 campaign.”
ar ’ •« - uld l'ke a pair of anklets of timber resources.
this iwi’k after pleading guilty to
State board of health figures re­
Growers will profit most if they holding up the Question Mark Cafe
for each of us, I am 6 and I take
leased in conjunction with Dr. Put­
(Continued on Page 4)
siae 7%. My sisters are 4 and 2
at Lyons on December 4.
nam’s statement showed a total of 476
years old. My sister 4 takes size 61--
DeLawter was charged with assault
polio cases for the first 11 months
and my baby sister takes size 6 and a cooking set, and a set of dishes, I and robbery while armed with a
of 1952. The December 1 count was
' dangerous weapon.
i would it be asking so much but I am 5 years old. Thank you,
349 in 1951 and 4X0 in 1950. The
He was arrested by state police
' would like a pair of shoes size 8.
,520 cases recorded in 1950 constituted
approximately 15 minutes after he
We would like something to eat
i an all-time high.
* * *
pulled a hunting knife on Mrs. Pa­
for Christmas.
State Epidemiologist Samuel T. Os­
tricia Jobe, wife of the proprietor of
I would like a Dolly and a Doll the cafe, took money from the cash good of Portland aid the 1952 inci­
Mill City
dence would be the second heaviest
Buggy and a set of dishes. Age 6. register and fled in a stolen car.
* » *
; in Oregon's history. From four to
Dear Santa,
I six cases are being recorded each
Mill City.
May I please have a new blanket
week mostly on the basis of delayed
for my dolly. Thank you. I am al­
diagnosis and reports after the sev­
Dear Santa,
most 6 years old.
ere onslaught earlier in the vear.
I am writing this letter for may
Lyons Cafe Robber
Gets 15 Year Term
Mill City. sister. My sister wants a Doll house
for Christmas. I would like an Elec­
tric train for Csristmas. Thank you, ‘
Dear Santa,
May I please have a car for Christ­ from JERRY & JANETA JOHNSON
Mill City.!
mas. just a toy one. Thank you. I
am 19 months old.
(Editor’s note: The letter we re-
Mill City. ceived for Santa Claus signed by "A
• »
Friend” has been turned over to an
agency we think can deliver it to
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a pair of slipper-sox and Santa by a faster route.)
Legion Auxiliary
Ready For Party
A special meeting of the Mill City
American Legion Auxiliary was called
to order by the vice president, Ina
Chase, due to the illness of Delores
Stewart, president.
There were 18
members present who sacked candy
for the Christina- party December 14.
It was brought to the attention of
the members by the Child Welfare
chairman, Joyce Hale, that there was
a family in the community who was
in dire need of warm clothing and
shoes. This family consists of six
children whose ages are 4, 8, 10, and
15 for girls, and 5, and 13 for boys.
The Auxiliary will donate some mon­
ey, but would like all members to
take anything that could be used to
Mill City Meat Market or to Muir's
Bakery. Some of the children cannot
attend school because they do not have
proper clothing. Anyone in the com­
munity who would like to help may
do so.
The decorating committee will meet
at 1 p.m. at the Legion hnll and hang
decorations. Joan Cobble is chairman
of this committee.
There was an error made in the
cards sent to the Legion members;
The United States Civil Service and the auxiliary reminds the men
Commission this week announced ex­ | that the gifts they bring for the ex­
aminations for auditor (industrial change be marked "Men” and not
cost audits and internal audits), and exceed 25c in value.
The Auxiliary has 27 paid up mem-
resident in hospital administration.
The auditor positions pay $4,205 to 1 hers and four prospective members.
$10,S00 a year and are in the Depart­ Ina Chase reminds all members that
ment of the Army located in Wash­ their dues should be paid by the 31st
ington, D.C., and in various other of December.
Members on the committees are as
large cities throughout the country.
follows: coffee maker, Mrs. John
Men only are desired,
Muir; silverware, Joan Cobble; hot
test will be given. Appropriate ex-
dish, Thelma Jenkins, Joyce Hale, Ina
perience, or
Chase; napkins. Cora Mulburg. Mem­
is required, The maximum age limit
bers cooking the turkeys will be Mar­
is 62 years.
tha Ragsdale and l.edora Kelly.
Resident in hospital administration
positions pay $2,200 a year and are
located in Veterans’ hospitals through
out the country. No written test will
be given. Appropriate education is
required. The age limits, waived fot
veterans, are 18 to 35 years. Persons
Detroit — Eager children read the
who successfully complete the resi­
dency. which is 12 months in length, promise of a white Christmas in the
will be eligible tor promotion to posi­ fit st winter snow fall that blanketed
the upper canyon Saturday. Rain fell
tions paying $4,205 a year.
Further information about these ex­ heavily Sunday to wa-h away much
aminations, and application forms, of the first snow, but colder tempera­
may be obtained at most first- or tures brought snow again Sunday
second-class post offices, or from the night and Monday.
U. S. Civil Service Commission Wash
Snow nt Detroit measured two
ington, 25, D. C.
Applications for inches Monday. Marion Forks lodge
Auditor positions will be accepted un­ reported 10 inches there late Sunday
til further notice at the places 1 ted with heavy snow falling there and
in the examination announcer-fit. at all higher elevations.
Snow plows worked to keep ’he
Applications for resident in hospital
administration must be filed with the North Santiam highway open for
Central Board of U. 8. Civil Service traffic. Chains were recommended
Examiners, Veterans Administration, for travel over the summit and sev­
Washington 25, D.C., not later than eral motorists were reported to be
having trouble
February 15, 1953.
U.S. Civil Service
Needs Auditors
Children Enjoy First
Snowfol' at Detroit
James Cooke Chosen for
Natl. Honor Fraternity
James Cooke, University of South­
ern California student and son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Cooke of Mill City, has
been chosen for membership in Blue
Key, national honor fraternity.
Blue Key was founded at the Uni­
versity of Florida in 1924 and now
has over 100 chapters. The Univer­
sity of Southern California chapter
was chartered in 1930.
New- members of the local organiza­
tion were chosen on the basis of suc­
cessful completion of one or more
campus activities, demonstrated lead­
ership abilities and an academic rec­
ord equal to or above the all-men's
$2.50 a Year. |()p a Copy
Work • as progressing rapidly two week« ago on the new North Santiam bridge when thia ptc-
ture *a« taken Thi- was the last link in the new highway from Mehama to Mill < ity on the
Marion county -ide of the river, Last week the alate highway commission opened the new
bridge to public travel.
(Photo courtesy The Oregonian)
Timberwolves Meet Chemawa, Friday, December 19