IDANHA December I, 1952 g—THE MILL ( ITY ENTERPRISE road and spoil the beauty of the road­ side. 2. Secure permission before cutting from private or public property. 3. Don’t cut all of the trees from Assistant state forester Lynn F. one patch. 4. Don't cut the top from a large Cronemiller of Salem said this week that the state fore-try departmetn has | tree. 5. When you cut a tree, leave a been stressing an education program A which will aid people in eliminating I branch or two on the stump. I branch will develop later into another wasteful and harmful Christinas tree Catting practices. lie advised that tree, and save several years growing Christmas trees should come from 1 time. <5. Be certain you are satisfied with marginal lands which are not to be used permanently for forests; from J the tree of your choice before you Wasted trees are wasted Christmas tree ‘‘farms’* where trees cut it. tre grown commercially for the Yule years. As a final word of caution, the trade; from pasture lands where the trees are not desirable; from forest ' forester urged extreme caution in us- thinnings and fiom the farm wood­ I ing lighted candles on the inflam­ mable conifers. Place your tree in a lands. 1 cool part of the room keep it away The forester reported that no I from heaters, stoves and other sources Christmas tree will be cut from state forests this year as many are under­ i of fire. Permission Needed To Cut Christmas Trees stocked and extensive planting and aerial seeding programs are under way in such areas as the Tillamook Burn and similar tracts. He advised that commercial tiee choppers would be required to obtain a harvesting permit from the state forester's office before removing the Yule trees from private or public lands. This permit is in addition to permission and sale of trees by the landowner. For those Oregonians who plan to cut their own tree, the following guides have been suggested by Crone­ miller: 1. Don’t cut your tree close to the Iust Arrived... A DAUGHTER To .Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Goodell. Lyons, Dec. 1, at Salem .Memorial hospital. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mis. Wendell Weaver, Lyons, Nov. 30, at Salem Memorial hospital. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mis. Marvin Wallingford, Gates, Nov. 27, at Salem General hospital. A SON — To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richards, Mill City, Nov. 26, at Salem General hospital. Never - - a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Rill’’ MILL CITY TAVERN ■KBUiUH in UH mi NMWlWIimiRlMUINliilili Illi HO imitili INI UlliMFUNIillid>llUn:UN«NUlNlh.Nf IIUIHU’.UU IHI'MII IUI UWUK.IOIlM.NIIlMIlMlir'U KEEP TEEM KEALTET M. C. Firemen Elect Community Planning Licensees Reminded By Liquor Control Differ,Tuers to Board For Better Health By MRS. S. T. MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kelly spent the holiday and weekend in Seattle with The third annual Oregon Rural Mill City Firemen re-elected George his brother, W. I). Kelly, and her “Sparky” Ditter a- director of Mill Health Conference will be held in the brother, K. G. Bingaman. City file district during a combina­ Senator hotel in Salem on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson moved tion business meeting and election and Saturday, December 5, 6, 1952. to their home at Gresham after sell­ Monday night in the Mill City fire This year’s conference on “Commu­ ing their business in Idanha. ¡hall. Arlo Tuers was elevated to a nity Planning for Better Health” will Mary Gordon and John Davis spent I director’s post at the same meeting be highlighted by »uch outstanding their Thanksgiving vacation from Ditter and Tuers join Frank Blazek, i people as Edmund K. Yantes, M.D., studies at O. C. E. with their families Al Geddes and Jack Colburn, the 'Clinton county health officer. Wilm­ in Idanha. other directors of the Mill City fire ington, Ohio, and Aubrey Gates, Little Dick Haseman, son of the R. C. district. This district covers an area Rock, Arkansas, field director for the Hasemans, left Sunday for his naval bounded by the city limits, the old I Council on Rural Health, American base at Norfolk, Va. ¡Mill City manufacturing plant and I Medical association. The purpose of Thanksgiving day guests at the pond and Frank’s sawmill on the old 1 this meeting is to gain a common un- L. C. Davis home were Mr. and Mrs. route of highway 222. I derstanding through discussion, that A. E. Ledbetter, Dr. J. C. Bandevert ! will lead us to an effective method and Dr. Grant Skinner, all of Bend. ■ of attacking rural health problems Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Heath of Med­ I in Oregon. ford visited the R. C. Hasemans Sat­ Local community leaders and every­ urday. The Heaths with their two By MRS. S. T. MOORE one interested in ways and means to children spent the past Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kettle-on and achieve and maintain better health in weekend with his parents, Mr. and children spent the Thanksgiving holi­ rural aieas are invited to attend and Mis. Gerald Heath near Mill City. day with her parents, Mr. and Mis. to take part in the discussion. The new Idanha trailer court is In addition to the out of state Floyd Beard in Salem. now ready for business with laundry Mr. and Mrs. Irving Steers and speaker, repre-entatives of the Ore- and shower facilities. 1 daughter, Nancy, spent the past week­ ’ gon State Grange, Farmers Union, end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oregon Farm Bureau, County Exten­ sion, Oregon Ruial Health council, A. 11. Hanson at Seaside. Visiting with the Howard Dean Oregon State Medical society, univer­ family for Thanksgiving and the sities, PTA and other interested or­ Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Brumley of weekend with Mr. Dean’s uncle, Paul ganizations will participate in the Reedsport were the Thanksgiving Dillard of Eugene. program. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fromherz. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed and family Mrs. Brumley and Mrs. Fromherz are had as weekend guests Mr. Reed’s sisters. sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitfield and Norman Hearn of Portland. daughters were guests of Mrs. Whit­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and field’s sister and brother-in-law-, Mr. Frankie visited at the farm home of Detroit high school lettermen will and Mrs. Pat A. Hodges, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stigmueller and sponsor a dance Friday evening, De­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bowers. Joan, family at Corvallis where several fam­ cember 5 in the school gymnasium as Susie and Jerry were Thanksgiving ilies gathered for Thanksgiving din­ an athletic fund raising project. dinner guests of Mrs. Bowers parents ner and the men enjoyed a weekend Proceeds from the dance will be at Alsea. of duck hunting. used toward the lettermen’s award Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schiewek and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Mooie and tiip in the spring and to promote the family spent Thursday evening at the family had as holiday visitors Mrs. spring sports program. Francis Ket- Leonard Cook home in Independence. Moore’s mother, Mrs. Edwin T. Reed tleson, Detroit high school athletic Jack Johnston left Wednesday by and graidmother, Mrs. H. D. Hart­ coach, reports that the lettermen hope bus for Medford to join Mrs. John­ well from Corvallis. to contribute toward the student ac­ ston who has been visiting the past Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hellwig spent tivity fund as well. month at the home of her sister. the Thanksgiving day in Portland at Interesting decorations are planned Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson had the James Worthington home. for the gymnasium and music will be as their Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey and supplied by Gordon Winchcomb's or­ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Kathryn family spent the past weekend with chestra. and Tommy. Mr. Ramsey's parents, the Walter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowers of Ramseys, and Mrs. Ramsey’s parents, Shedd spent the weekend at the home Mr. and Mrs. William Nicolson in Republican Women Will of Mr. Bower’s brother, Leo Bowers. Portland. Install New Officers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fromherz and fam­ The Salem unit of the Oregon Fed­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson enter­ ily were Sunday dinner guests at the tained Mr. and Mrs. Cal Schlador on eration of Republican Women will Bowers home. Thanksgiving day. The Johnsons meet at 2 o’clock, Monday, December l joined the family of their daughter, 8, at the Senator hotel, according to Mrs. Lola Christenson, at McMinn­ M rs. W. L. Phillips, program chair­ man. ville for dinner on Friday. Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Portland, James White spent the weekend ; with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Otis president of the state federation, will I White, while on vacation from the install the new officers. Robert F. Mcguire, Portland attor­ University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shufford spent ney, will speak on the "Responsibili­ ties of the Winning Republican the past weekend at Independence. Visiting recently at the Cal Schla­ Party.” The monthly white elephant sale dor home were Mark Briggs of Hono- 1 lulu and his mother. Mrs. Lulu Briggs will be held. The interested public is invited. I of Corvallis. Jewell Meyers has been released l from the hospital after a long illness of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kimsey, has I and is now at home in Detroit. been named Susan Jean. She has Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gescher and three brothers. . family have moved from the Cochran The Ken Golliets went to Brooks bousing unit to the former Hanan for Thanksgiving where they spent home in Detroit. the day with the George Ramp family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rary and Mar­ tine are now occupying the Hanson I home which has recently been remod­ eled. DETROIT Fox Valley Detroit High Lettermen Sponsor Public Dance Girods Super Market On the Highway at STAYTON II) 79c Fishers Biskit Mix, large box 39c ib pkg. 39c Fishers Zoom, package 22c It) 29c Campbells Tomato .Juice, 16-oz. can 2 for 49c Golden West Coffee, limit Bordens Starine N ucoa ( XX ith It)»- coupon on package) Swansdown Golden Cake Mix pkg. 25c M..I.B. Large Grain Rice 2S-OZ. pkg. Dromedary Devils Food Cake Mix pkg. 29c Cauliflower, large white heads, Spry Shortening Arizona Grapefruit 3-lh. can 70c Tang Salad Dressing Fisher’s Flour »»' 47c 29c each s-lb. bag 55c doz. 45c Naxel Oranges. Ige size 25-11). bag Turkeys, fresh 10-lb. 5-lb. Picnics, Xrmour's Sugar Cured 1.98 bag 89c bag 49c Hudson House Orange Juice 16-oz. can 33c 35c 35c It) and up 39c Fork Roasts, shoulder'- FOR 1/Vrj/ Cash HERE SAVE at Girods \rSTAYTON »' 47c Canyon Avenue- (Continued from Page 1) year and especially in the fall before the rainy season starts, and automo­ biles required to carry a sticker show­ ing that they have properly adjusted headlights at all times. Mill Ciiy Grade School NEWS THE 3rd GRADE By JAMES DONNELLY Dear Enterprise, I am writing a letter. My teacher is Mrs. Dorothy. In School we do work. First we do spelling. Then we do arithmetic test. Then we do our arithmetic. After we get through we have Play­ time for ten minutes. Then we have music. Then we have reading class. Then we have lunch hour. Then we have playtime for an hour. Then Mrs. Dorothy reads a story. Then we do Language. Then we In country and city Books. Then we have "Keep it for fun”. Then we have Enjoy “Our Land”. Then we Get ready to go home. Mill City Auto Supply YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR M c C ulloch POWER CHAIN SAWS Phone 1652 21-HOUR SERVICE ASTHMA COUGHS Don t let difficult breathing, coughing and wheezing, due to recurring spasms of bronchial Asthma or simple Bronchitis ruin vour sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. Works through your blood to help loosen and remove thick, strangling mucus Thus usually allays coughing which permits freer breathing and founder sleep. Get MENDACO under money back guar­ antee at druggists. MEHAMA Election of officers was the main business at the meeting of the Me­ hama local of the Farmers Union, held at the women’s clubhouse. Nov. 82. Luther Stout was re-elected president for the coming year. Virgil Rogers was elected vice president and Mrs. Robert Draper, secretary-treas­ urer. The annual Christmas party will supplant the December meeting and it will be December 12. There will be a short program followed by a gift exchange and no-host refresh­ ments. All members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs Ray Roberts were hosts for a large family gathering at the clubhouse Thanksgiving day. About 47 relatives were present. Bert Pat sens, w ho has been in a Salem convalescent home for some t me. visited with his many friends here for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin of several days last week Miss Phyllis Wallen, a teacher in the Bend schools, was at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wallen, for the Thanksgiving holi­ days. Also at the home of his parents for Thanksgiving was Jimmy Phillips from Oregon State college Mrs. Harry Humphreys and her daughter. Mrs. Dave Sutton, both of Stayton. were Sunday visitors at the Ira Kirsch home Mr. and Mrs Jerry Coffman and their daughters «pent Thanksgiving at Y oder with Mrs Coffman’.« par ents. Mr s Jennie Moe, who has been in W est Salem for a couple of week«, ie here the first