Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1952)
Hammond Lumber company be done as early as possible. Earl Layman _- -^2 Since many moton-ts find parking is their biggest driving difficulty, has volunteered to head the project. ' ' lack 7(1 bands more ami hape that the the Oia/.ye bite, Gulf Oil house magazine, recently conducted street Mayor Nolan Rasnick announced people will turn that amount in at* t. to find the moit practical method. As a result, the editors rec- plans for graveling the city streets ori.icnd the steps b? -w. claiming they will out even new drivers any of the local grocery stores, and The Detroit Community club ap- next week and urged volunteers to safely in to the one pass " we wish to thank the grocery stores | for handling the bands for us. We proved adoption of the proposed con be on hand Sunday morning at 10 to stitution and by-laws at a general help fill holes on the streets before The monthly meeting of the Mill hope to have the new coffee maker ” said meeting Tuesday evening and agreed the project begins. City Legion /Auxiliary was called to for our Christmas party use,' to take immediate action toward in F uture meetings of the Community order by Delores . tewart, president. ! Mr«. Stewart. corporating as a non-profit organiza- culb will be held on the second Mon After roll < all, it was voted that an The veterans in the veteran hospi- days of each month unless otherwi.-e add be put in the local paper about i tals every year are sent gifts to give tion. BACK I P SLO^ LY. turning steer In addition to the present officers announced. PL'LL UP PARALLEL to the .«r i the Crusade for Freedom, which helps to their families at Christmas time. ahead of the parking apace, prefera ing wheel as far right as possible. the constitution calls for three di- fight communism behind the Iron Now is the time for all the auxiliary I I n one foot and NOT MORE THAN This swings car into parking -pace at rectors which were chosen by the Curtain. Donations may be sent to . members to have there gifts ready. TWO EEF.T away from it (check dis about a 45° angle. When front seat i« approval of members present as fol- tance through your right door win “Crusade for Freedom”, Mill City. Gift« wilt be collected at Muir's bak lows: Archie Matoon, building di- even with the other car’s rear bumper dow). Stop when rear bumpers of Membership chairman, Ina Chase, ery. The price range for the gifts is rector, Earl Layman and Raymond (Continued from Page 1) I position above), straighten front Two cars are about fieri Make sure turned over to the treasure« $70.00 in 50c to $1.00. Anyone in the commu Sophy, general directors, whose duties i effects were noted only among people road is clear to rear. wheels, still backing slowly membership dues. The Auxiliary has nity may send a gift through this are to supervise entertainment and who had used the fluoride bearing 25 members. Any one interested in channel. ; water during childhood when the teeth youth activities. joining may corftact Ina Chase, Mill Mrs. Paula Ragsdale, daughter-in- The Community club has agreed to ' were being formed. law of Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale, visited participate with the Detroit Women’s City. It was observed in conducting these It was reported that the Child Wei- during the meeting. Mrs. Ragsdale Civic club on clearing a donated lot i studies that even in severe cases of fare fund of the unit was credited is from Austria, and here for a short and making plans for a Community mottled enamel (dental fluorosis) with $45.00 for the baby clothing that visit. AS YOUR RIGHT FRONT TH1S SHOLLD ALIGN YOU building. Earlier plans to move the I there was little incidence of tooth was sent in left over from our rum- W HEEL comes opposite the other with curb in narking position. If not. Lovely refreshments were served by former North Santiam tavern building ' decay. car’» rear wheels, start turning steer straighten wheels and pull forward mage sale, Joyce Hale is chairman the hostess, Delores Stewart, in the have been discarded. In attempting to develop means of ing wheel to left. When clear of other until aligned. Stop in center of space. of th«- Child Welfare fund. Campell Stewart home, the day’s Pre». Harry Rutherford advised ; removing excess fluorides from water <ar’s rear bumper, quickly complete Any difficulty with the method can The date for the annual Christmas' meeting place. turn of steering wheel to left as far as usually be cleared up by a few min that clearing of the lot given by the supplies and to develop safe limits party was set for the 14th of Decem it will go Ba< k slowly as far as utes trial on a quiet street where the for the amount of fluoride which ssry to put your car “in" without hit motorist ran dismount and 'heck his ber. All Legion members and their might remain in water wtihout caus i ling car to rear. State Board of Health, at a meeting position against these diagrams. families are urged and invited to at- of the county advisory committee for ing mottled enamel it was found that teid the Christmas party. There will the limit is about 1.3 parts per mil public health nurses at St. Paul. be a joint meeting on November 29th lion. These studies established the other such organizations have en been granted official action should be Meeting under the direction of Mrs. at K p.m. to discuss final plans for important fact that the beneficial dorsed the fluoride supplementation taken by the city council or by a J Carl Smith, the group heard that Ore water district, authorizing the supple the party. After the meeting on the action of fluoride is still apparent at of public water supplies. Mrs. Robert Wingo, Mill City health gon’s total accident rate is the sixth 29th there will be a spaghetti feed On the state level fluoride supple mentation of the fluoride content of concentrations below those which I lepresentative, heard a warning that , worst in the nation. The group was put on by the auxiliary. cause mottled enamel. In other words mentation has been approved by the the city of public water supply. The The auxiliary now have 924 M.J.B. accidents now kill more school-age informed of a general safety con it is possible, through the use of Oregon State Medical Society and rec League of Oregon Cities may be con coffee bands toward a new coffee 1 children in Oregon than all other gress that is being planned for De- drinking water containing the correct ommended by the Oregon State Dental sulted for advice on the type of offi maker, and auxiliary officers would causes combined. The warning was J i cember 11th and 12th at Corvallis to amount of fluoride, for children to association. On December 4, 1950, cial action necessary or advisable. thank all those who have — been — so .voiced today by Francis F. Rierson, attack the problem. After preliminary approval foi the Oregon State Board of Health rec have protection against dental decay Attending the meeting were the good to save the bands. "1 We only 1 driector of health education for the without the disfiguration from fluor ommended that fluorides be applied fluoridation of the water supply has following representatives from the osis. There is no indication that the to public water supplies where ade been obtained, the technical details miifHiiiH county local health committee: presence of fluorides in the water quate means for application and con which should be worked out in plar. Mrs. Robert Wingo, Mill City; Mrs. affects adults teeth but it is evident trol can be established and where , before any construction or installation Robert Coleman and Mrs. Caroline that the benefits acquired during the there is need and popular demand for is begun should be submitted to the Pohlschneider, St. Paul; Christine I.. ’ State Board of Health for approval. period of tooth formation carry such supplementation of fluorides. Crowder and Anna Penner, Mt. Angel; through the life-time of the individ What is the procedure to establish These details will include plans and Mrs. Olaf Paulson and Helen Mallorie, specifications for the feeding device, ual. fluoridation? Silverton; Mrs. Paul Reiling, Gervais; the point of application, water meter The discovery that fluorides occur In older that fluoridation may be ing device, materials and apparatus Mrs. Harold Reynolds, Stayton, and ring naturally in water could have the instituted satisfactorily with all safe for testing the water for fluoride con Mrs. Harmon A’eary, North Marion. effect of reducing the incidence of guards being taken for the city, water tent, sousing for feeding apparatus Public health nurses attending the dental caries, led to further studies, meeting were: Mary Testerman, Effie first with animals and then with mu utility, water works operators, and and laboratory, protective devices foi the public, the following procedure operators and specifications for the Cole, Viola Eisenbach, Claudia Don- nicipal water supplies, which estab nelly, Edith Haulman, and Mary lished the fact that the supplementa should be used: “A* the Bottom of the Hill” fluoride compound to be used. Preliminary application should be Schecker. tion of the fluoride content of drink made to the State Board of Health ing water with fluoride compounds for permission to proceed with engi- results in protectoon against dental neering plais for installation of fluori caries in children in the same degree dation equipment, The following in- A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. as when the fluoride occurs naturally formation should be submitted with Further studies have Larry Kimsey, Mehama, Nov. 23, at in the water. the application: indicated that no adverse physialog- Salem Memorial hospital. 1. A report of a recent complete ical effects occur due to the ingestion mineral analysis of the water supply, of fluoridated water. The reduction in dental caries has been found to be including particularly the determina YOUR about 70 percent fhere children have tion of fluorides, sulfates, alkalinity, ingested water containing one part acidity, iron, aluminum, phosphates, per million of fluorides for the dura color, and turbidity. AUTHORIZED 2. Written approval of the local tion of the tooth forming period. DEALER As a result of these studies the health officer for fluoridation of the It is recom- United States Public Health Service, public water supply. the American Medical association, the mended that such approval by the FOR American Dental association, and local medical and dental societies be submitted, also. 3. Evidence of popular demand, This may take the form of resolutions by service clubs, parent-teachers asso ciation, straw vote or other methods POWER CHAIN SAWS of indication positive popular demand. This is recommended but not required. 4. The name and qualifications of Phone 1652 the person or persons who is to be in charge of the application of the 24-HOUR SERVICE fluoride compound and responsible for making the chemical tests which are outlined. He must be capable of un derstanding the objectives sought and of learning to make the test for fluor Don t let difficult breathing, coughing and wheezing, due to recurring spasms of ide in a reliable manner and to cal- Bronchial Asthma or simple Bronchitis ruin your sleep and energy without trying eulate the amount of chemical to be MENDACO. Works through your blood to Campbell's Tomato Juice added when adjustments are neces- help loosen and remove thick, strangling (Limit) lb 7QC mucus. Thus usually allays coughing which 16-oz. can. 2 for 49c sary. permits freer breathing and sounder sleep. Get MENDACO under money back guar After preliminary approval has antee at druggists. Del Monte Stewed Tomatoes ' r Durkee Margarine »’ 29c Detroit Club Plans Year s Activities g— the : MILL ( 1TY ENTERPRISE Legion Auxiliory Holds Busy Meet It’s a L^.r!: to Park This Way More Fluoridation I ----------- School-age Deaths In Oregon High Never a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN Just Arrived... Auto Supply M c C ulloch Sure, She’s Going to Get a Cold Girods Super Market ASTHMA COUGHS O h the Highway at STAYTON Folgers Coffee No. 2. 2 foi 45c Pillsbury Cake Mixes Durkee Mayonaise Qt 59c Fisher Biskit Mix 39c 1 bars 19c Jergens Lotion Soap 5-lb. can 79c Lumberjack Syrup SnoAA drift Shortening Wesson Oil 3 for 89c :1 lb, 79C qt 63c Pillsbury Flaur 10-lb. sack 89c Pillsbury Flour 25-lb. sack J .98 Bargo Pop Corn. 2-lb. bag 35c Walnut Meats. N-oz. pkg. 49c Jello, assorted flavors 1 foi 29c Chewing (¡uni. assorted 3 tor 10c Velveeta, 2-lb. loaf Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co 1165 N. Front St. Salem Phones: 2-1921: Night 2 4*17 Including DR and HD14 Cats, and ’»-yard shovels. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks. Low-bed Trailers Picnics, Armour Sugar Cured 1 ¡ ib 59c Armour Star Weiners i’’ 59c ■ HERE SAVE at Girods \T ST\YTON ON OUR MOST BEAITIFI I 2.29 = 3 lbs. 29c zzz Pay Cash : RECENT TRADE-INS 1953 CHRYSLER i‘s. Hood River Striped Delicious, box SAveet Potatoes Lyons Phone: 143 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons 89c Pot Roast Beef. U.S. Comi. SALEM, ORE. Shirley < ain, shapely movie »tar let. is getting her cold th» easy way — but no matter how you catch the sniffles and sneeze», science has dis covered a new, thorough way to relieve the miserie» of the common cold. Albert Sient-Gyorgvi o Dr Wood» Hole. Mas» achusetts. world famous bio-chemist who won the Nobel Pr in medicine for w*k in isolating Vitamin C the human body ne is more Vitamin C when arflicted » irith th the common cold Th» first propr etary cold tablet to contain Vitamin as on» of the ingredients is b introduced now It is called S Anahist and the rvc.-mmerwl-d agT of the new product will fur the user with |iN) milligrams Vitamin C per day AUTOMOBILE EVER BUILT (HRASLER WINDSOR NEWPORT A beauty. Priced right. Bl K K SPEC I AL l-DOOR SEDAN Like new. FORD Del I \E ( 1.1 II CO! I F. Overdrive. Only 12,000 miles. A real buy. CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Clean a» new, inside and out. MERCURA ( DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, radio ami heater. Only 32.000 miles. New tire*. W ATI H FOR THE NEW 1951 PI A Mol TH NOA EMBER 20 Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoon»—Ever.ingi by Appointment 105 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3.1117 - x xJfiX