7—THE Mil.I. CITY ENTERPRISE November 20, 1952 Wants and SaleLlf lfs in the Canyo"’,fs fldvert!sed FOR RENT—Furnished cabin $35.00 CHRISTMAS WITH AVON per month. Adam’s Cabin Court, Gates, Ore. 45-3p Order Avon Christmas Gifts NOW ; ' See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white FOR RENT Modern cabin. See Otto house across from Martin's trailer Witt, Mill City. 46tf FOR SALE Fat Red Hampshire, and court on NW. 7th Ave. Box 658, Mill City. FOR RENT—Small furnished house, White Rock hens, 30c a lb. live refrigerator and electric range, city­ weight; wringer type washing ma­ EXPERT AUTO and home radio water. Geo Cree, phone 924. 43tf chine, reasonable, and a 2-burner service. 20 years experience, all electric plate. George Cree, Mil) makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE — 3 bed loom home, (one City, phone 924. 45-3 Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. bedroom unfinished) on three lots. FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in FOR SALE — Modern 2-bdrm home,' 233 SE. Ivy Street, Mill City. 46-3p Swift addition. Inquire at Enter­ fenced yard, 100x120 lot, gas range. I FOR SAI.E — Oil stove in excellent prise office or at W. L. Peterson and wall-to-wall carpeting included. I condition, cheap. Mrs. Ossie Hirte. residence in Swift addition. 31tf $7,500.00. Geo Mielke, Gates, Ore. I Gates, phone 738. 45-3 46-3p SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate FOR RENT — One bedroom modern buys in Canyon area. Listings FOR RENT—3-room modern Jyouse, furnished home. Call phone 3952. wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, 44tf furnished, on Marion county side, salesman with C. E. COVILLE, reasonable. See Kay Colburn at Broker, west side Mill City. Phone Mill City Meat Market. 47tf FOR RENT — 3-room apt., private bath, new. See Raleigh Harold, 2207. 52tf Florist, Stayton. 43tf TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ FOR SALE — Business property on chines. We sell, rent, repair and swan all makes. Trade your old highway 222 in Mill Ctiy. Suitable REAL ESTATE machine towards a new one. for mechanic service shop. Enquire ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, at Heidt’s Auto Electric, Mill City. 37*4-ft. inside, modern. FOR RENT — -2-bedroom house, newly WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Two lots in Mill City on new decorated outside and inside. Mod ­ Douglas fir poles, delivered to highway. ern, See Glen Shelton, Mill City. Lyons yard. For further informa­ 43tf l2-Mile river frontage for tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, summer homes. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- Highway frontage between tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are Gates and dam. devoted to game conservation and FOR RENT—2-room furnished apart­ propagation and need your help. Nice home on two lots, all ment, bath. Big Star Motel, hiway Only $1.00 per year, you will have modern for sale. 222, between Lyons and Mill City. that much fun at one meeting. 46-3p Restaurant in ideal location, Enquire at Enterprise office, or see doing good business for Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 NEED A TELEPHONE?— Stop in sale right. and see the new Lech combination Modern home on 11 acres for desk or wall phone, also used FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- stered, latest fabrics and plastics. sale. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Apartments for rent. Upholstery. 38tf Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. FOR SALE or TRADE — For 1941 car, my equity in a 1947 Chevrolet, good condition and tires. Phone Mill City 2006. 46-3 Sec W. R. HUTCHESON At Gates Furniture Store Randall’s FINE MEATS 1288 STATE ST. pt SALEM, SALEM, ORE. ORE. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Ada Ply male. Prop. DRY GOODS and NOTIONS DRESSMAKING and HEMSTITCHING Mill City Oregon Ph. 3-6489 BEEF PRICES DOWN! Take advantage of our new low prices on Tender Young Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. Plan to buy a week’s supply! Any of our retail cuts wrapped for your locker FREE! Excellent cutting and wrapping of Locker Beef ready ready for you to pick up here in Salem by telephone arrangement in advance. Fresh Hamburger Ï The Mill City Enterprise Quality job printing at (KStWl¿W;cr jç Lean Short Ribs • Yes, this Prescription Pharmacy is responsible —responsible to you, and to your physician. In all seriousness we accept this responsibility for safeguarding your health and welfare. When you bring a prescription here it will be promptly and expertly compounded and the price will be fair. 29c 39c 59c lb. Beef Roasts Arm Cut, Blade Cut Rump, lb. Beef Steak Round T-Bone Rib, lb. Capitol Drug Tender Young Eastern Oregon Hereford LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter • responsible Salem GATES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that by­ Mr. and Mrs. John Toothman are virtue of an Order duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of new residents at the Oak Park motel. Oregon for the County of Marion, in Mrs. Toothman has taken over the the Matter of the Estate of John management of the motel in place of Stamos, deceased, the undei signed, D. Mrs. Warren Varcoe who plans to B. Hill, was duly appointed as admin­ leave soon on a trip east. istrator of said estate and has quali­ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson left fied as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby Sunday morning for central Oregon required to present the same, together on a combined business and pleasure Prineville was their former with the proper vouchers, to the un­ trip. dersigned administrator at Mill City. home and they have many friends in Oregon, within six months from the ¡that area, date of this notice. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun were in Dated and first published this 20th Portland Monday to be wtih their day of November, 1952. daughter Louise who underwent sur­ D. B. HILL, A valuable blood-type is ‘O’ becausa Administrator gery at the Doernbecker hospital that it can be administered during an emer­ BELL & DEVERS morning. Louise has been in poor gency without cross-matching. Stayton, Oregon 47-5 health for some time and was bedfast for months a year ago with rheu- NOTICE OF ELECTION­ matic fever, She is a student in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 2nd day of December, 1952, local school. Mrs. Don Carey of Stayton spent in the City of Mill City, Marion and Linn Counties, Oregon, there will be the past week here at the home of held the regular annual election of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold said city at which time there will be Wilson, caring for her mother who is submitted to the legal voters for their ill. adoption or rejection of the following Recent guests at the Warren Varcoe measures: 1. To elect municipal officers, via: two home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Butler councilmen, each to serve a three from Anchorage, Alaska. year term of office on the Common Mrs. Clarence Rush returned home Council of the City of Mill City as Saturday evening from a week's stay- required by Chapter III, Section 8 in Salem at the home of her son and of the City Charter. 2. An act to amend the Charter of wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush. Mrs. the City of Mill City, Oregon, by­ Rush was caring for her daughter- adding thereto a new section to be in-law who was ill. designated as Chapter XI, Section I, Mrs. Harold Wilson is hospitalized authorizing and providing for a at the Salem Memorial hospital fol­ bond issue of general obligation lowing major surgery performed Mon­ serial bonds in the sum of Seventy- day morning. The latest report was I Five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($75,000.00) for street and drainage that she is doing as well as could be expected. She will remain in the improvement purposes. 3. An act to amend the Charter of the hospital for at least a week. Mrs. Glen Hennes« and her son City of Mill City, Oregon by amend­ ing Chapter III, Section 9, provid­ Earle, accompanied by Mrs. Clare ing for and making the elective lienness and daughter Kandy and office of Mayor. 4. An act to amend the Charter of the pointive and elective officials, pro­ City of Mill City, Oregon, by viding for the election of a Mayor, amending Chapter III, Sections 6 to Recorder-Treasurer and Municipal 12 and adding a new section pro­ Judge and the qualification of vot­ viding for and relating to the ap- ers and candidates for elective of­ fices. The election will be held at 8 o'clock » A.M. Pacific Standard Time and will continue until 8:00 o’clock P.M. Pacific A Friendly Place Standard Time on said date. The precinct and polling place will be at To While Away the City Hall in the City of Mill City, Oregon. Your Idle Hours The judges and clerks of said elec­ tion are as follows: Alma Stewart, judge; Altha Grimes, judge; Lettie Swan, clerk; Mabie Schroeder, clerk; TAKE YOU THROUGH and Ann Holman, clerk. Witness the hands of the recorder WHEN OTHERS CAN TI and mayor of the City of Mill City, With the extra traction of together with the seal of said City, upon the 19th day of November, 1952. 4 - wheel drive and the N. J. THACKER, Recorder power of its high-compres­ (Seal) W. R. GREENE, Mayor sion HURRICANE Engine, 4 TAVERN L GATES WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! 391/2C We hope you are pleased with our service. WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger Home of GOOD Used Cars BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Branch Store Lyons Sweet Home, Philomath Business I HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service SHROCK'S 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 Directory - Professional I ♦ I)R. VICTOR J. MYERS ♦ Chiropractic Physician T Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN D.W. REID. Ml) 9 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Mill City Stayton WOOD’S STORE General Dry Good« NOTIONS IJNGERTE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LU 7. IE RS (X)SMETICR J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 41*8 Opposite Claude !