Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1952)
SHORTS PAGE Jamboree Friday At Stayton Gym The North Santiam canyon grade schools will have a go at it in a mad basketball jamboree in the Stayton grade school gym, Friday night, No vember 21. Starting time for the fast moving event is 7 p.m. Grade school players from Mill City, Jefferson, St. Mary’s, Stayton, Mari-Linn, and Aumsville will pit their basketball prowess during six 12-minute games, Mill City's start- jng line-up, coached by Jim Hale, is Gregory Peterson, and Arthur Webb, forwards; Don Lemke and Lee Arnold, guards; and Willie Clark, center. Mill City reserves are Dale Walczak, Tony Berry, Bruce Thomas, Jim Baltimore, Dennis Podrabsky, Charles Marttala, Harold Kliewer, Richard Ziebert, Dale Smith, Larry Large and Larry Urban. Added attractions will include the presentation of a trophy to the best oi gamzed rooting section. Those in the spot-light for Mill City, Friday also will include song leaders, Jenny Gould, Myrna Roy and Sherry Hansen; and Bunny Caudle, Frances Ward and Theta Crosier, yell leaders. Mill City basketball team managers are Dave Umphress and Rodney Goble. -------------------- — Pvt. Vaughn Hunt Now in Korea With the 7th Infantry Div. in Korea — Pvt. Vaughn R. Hunt, whose wife, Betty, lives in Lyons, Ore., recently arrived in Korea and has been serving with the 7th Infantry Division. Since making the amphibious land ing at Inchon in the fall of 1950, the 7th Division has fought in every sec tor of the Korean peninsula. Ele ments o£ the 7th were the only U.S. forces to reach the Yalu river. Private Hunt entered the Army last January and arrived in Korea early this month. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunt, live in Stayton, Ore. NATURALLY II hat makes 7 so different? Sureli i <>u have noticed the dif ference in water . . . some ma» be too hard or soft, too acid or alkaline. Many are chemically treated. The quality and character ol lit v MFI A Beer are due not alone to premium ingredients, but also to the rare brewing water from our subterranean springs. “Its the Water' / t Timberwolf Varsity Ball Team Chosen By RICHARD LOVEL Coach Burton Boroughs and assist ant coach Chaney chose the members of both the varsity and “B" teams. This is the list as it now stands: Varsity Squad: Marvin Misner, Evart Biewer, El ton Gregory, Richard Verbeck, Bill Hoffman, Tom Stewart, Alfred Ward, Roy Chase, Dick Kanoff, Philip Carey, LeRoy Emerson, and Jack Melting. ”B” Squad Truman Jones, Maurice Bassett, Larry Harrington, Eddie Leach, Ed die Gregory, Richard Crook, John Thompson, Brooks Crosier, Delmar Syverson, Ralph Jull, Maurice Child, Charles Kuhlman, Arnold Webb, and Jimmie Caudle. Mill City Timberwolf Basketball Schedule The following is the complete at home and away from home schedule of the Mill City Timberwolf varsity basketball team: Dec. 2—Gates Dec. 5—Cascade, there Dec. 6 Jamboree, at Jefferson Dec. 9 Detroit Dec. 12— Gervais, there Dec. 16— Jefferson, there Dec. 19— Chemawa Jan. 2—Scio Jan, 6—Stayton, there’ Jan. 9—St. Paul, there Jan. 13— Gates Jan. 14— Scio, there Jan. 20— Sublimity Jan. 23-OSD, there Jan. 27 Detroit, there Jan. 30—Gervais Feb. 3 Jefferson Feb. 6—Chemawa, there Feb. 20—St. Paul Feb. 13—Gates, there Feb. 17— Sublimity, there Feb. 27—OSD Mill City Hi-Liles By RICHARD LOVEL The high school cheer leaders and song leaders are getting ready for the basketball jamboree, which is the assembling of all the teams of the league, to judge the cheer leaders and the school spirit. The teams each play for a short period of time while their schools cheer for them. This year’s jamboree will be held at Jefferson high school in their new gymnasium, on December 6. Virginia Timm who was elected to the junior positio non the rally squad. She had an accident and so is unable to fulfill this position has been re placed by Donna Bengston. The annual football banquet fill be held Fiiday night at the high school recreation room. The Chess club meeting last Tues- day was the last one to be held be-1 cause the advisor, Mr. Chaney, who . is now assistant coach, is too busy to i go to the meetings. He suggests that I if the members want the club to go i on, they get a new advisor and not . limit the program to chess and ping I pong •The GAA is beginning work on the "Winter I’rom”. This is an annual , event but the formal name, “Christ mas Formal”, has been changed. All the committees are working to have everything done by the night for the prom, December 20. The Teen Canteen had a party last Saturday, November 15. Everyone was supposed to come dressed up like a hill billy and there would be win- nets chosen. The winners for the I girls were chosen by the boys and they were Pat Nibler and Geraldine Hamblin. The girls chose Gary Pe- I terson. who graduated from Mill City high school last year, Truman Jones, and Donald Nesbitt. Joan Johnson, a senior, who is get ting married, was surprised last ' Thursday. The other girls of the GAA showered her after school. The same night the girls of the senior class had a dinner in her honor. A Cedar Tavern Detroit, Ore. Light Rtfrtsbment Hetrrj^r of William of Temfrratr Profi/r Mwu tttviat ci unm* «in ■ t ♦ U $ Fat OH BACKACHE? u ' I tV I Up Nielli< ttoo frequent, burning or «tint Ing urination». 1'ieaaura over Bladder. ©r •trong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo rary Kidney and Bladder Irritation, for RIllative relief a «ft your druggut about 8TEX. Popular 2S years Jo million pack- age* used Batufactkm or money bad guar BAteed A>A druggUt about CYtf IKX today Elimination Shuffleboard EVERY Sl’NDAY AFTERNOON 2 I’M. Bring Your Partner Shuffleboard Teams Getting in Practice Last Friday November 14 the Mill City Derbies had an evening of prac tice at the Falls tavern in Sublimity where they enjoyed also the fight on the television and at Fred Davies, in Stayton and at the Lyons tavern. Two of the outstanding players for the Mill City Derbies were Nick Rich and Ber nard “Benny” Bennett. The Derbies team for that evening consisted of the following players: Gene Gibson, Jack Donnelly, Ray Walker, Jim Duval, Byron and Tally Davis; Bernard, Jewell and Dale Ben nett. Forrest Gerry showed up as a booster for Mill City. Betty and Pete Peterson, Ray Walker, Toots and Tex Blazek, Ber nard and Dale Bennett, Tally and Byron Davis, Jim Duval and Al Shel ton braved the fog Tuesday evening in order to journey to the Maples tavern, where they enjoyed a pleasant evening of shuffleboard, sharpening up their play with the capture of this year’s trophy as their incentive. The first league game will be played at "The Maples” with the Mill Qty Der bies competing against ’’The Maples" team. The next scheduled game. Richard’s tavern of Gates has an nounced it has withdrawn from league play. The Maples Cafe & Tavern Highway 222 1*4 miles East of Gates SPECIALISTS IN MULLIGAN STEW I DETROIT By MRS. S. T. MOORE The Detroit-Idanha Christmas par ty has been scheduled for Monday evening, December 22 in the school gymnasium. School children will present the annual Christmas pro gram as entertainment for the eve ning, followed by the distribution of treats supplied by the Idanha Amer ican Legion auxiliary. Snow on the hills surrounding De troit makes residents aware that win ter is near. Rain falling here last Elk Hunters Return Tuesday With Bear Breitenbush, near Detroit, yielded a bear to elk hunters, Bill Richards, Sparky Ditter, and Joe Challenger of Mill City, Tuesday. The three men were about the business of elk hunt ing when at least three bear were encountered. Bill Richards, using a 300 Savage rifle downed a yearling bear which ran in front of him after its flight from the cougar hounds of Challenger. I Richards and Challenger had aban doned the search for an elk and had taken up the diversion of cougar hunting with Challenger’s hounds. The bear signs led one of Challenger's hounds to the mother bear and her young. Before the cougar hound could move in on the bear it was lured away by the mother bear in protection of her treed young one. Just as the young bear came from the tree and was making his escape Richard’s rifle cracked and its bullet brought down a highly prized trophy. The bear was of such size and age that it will provide good meat and a nice bear rug. Many of Mill City’s citizens admired the specimen when the proud hunters returned to Mill City. ♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE November 20, 1952 week resulted in snow on the higher the farm home of Mrs. Edna Swartz, elevations, but in spite of the wintry Route 1, Jefferson on Saturday. Weekend visitors at the home of chill the days following the rain have been free of fog and sunshine has Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Dubro and family been pleasant. There will be no school on Friday, from Big Summit on the Prineville November 28, following the Thanks district of the Ochoco national forest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore had as giving holiday according to Otis White, Detroit school superintendent. their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Visitors at the Howard Dean home Harold Koval and son, David, of Kla- last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin math Falls. Several elk hunters including Mr. Dean of Oakridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and son, and Mrs. Claud Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Frankie, were in Portland Saturday Bill Shufford and daughter, Billie. Bradford Humphrey and his son, Brad on a shopping trip. Gordon Brown was the only suc Jr., have been in the Ukiah area for cessful elk hunter in a party traveling several days. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Steers spent to Prairie City for the weekend, In eluded in the group were Mr. and Mrs, I Saturday in Corvallis visiting school Bid Gescher, Mrs. Brown, Mr. and friends. Steers is making arrange Mrs. Byron Rary, Mr. and Mrs. Eai 1 ments to return to Oregon State col lege for his final senior term in Jan Layman and Carl Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payette and uary. He expects to return to his daughter, Lynn, of Lacomb visited work at the Detroit ranger station after completing requirements for with the Frank Moores last week. Other guests at the Moore home 1 graduation. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Moore and fam were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Babb and ily were dinner guests Sunday at the daughter Susan of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed spent home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod of Arfhistice day in Portland where they Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and turned in their car for a late model. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed and chil children vistied Mrs. White’s parents, dren accompanied Mrs. Reed’s mother, the Harold Mitchells at their ranch Mrs. Nettie McMillan, on a visit to home near Bend last weekend. For Plumbing Needs See LYONS PLUMBING & Electric Supplies DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES LYONS, ORE P. W. ROOK IL Prop. )