T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Canyon « Avenue ' Parade Serving: MILL CITY l»l TROIT ELKHORN GATES II» \NI1 \ LTONfl MEHAMA Bv DON PETERSON ri ' LU.11XU. It comes to our attention that some ON THE SCENIC NORTH StNTIWl HIGH« \Y — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATl RES EMPIRE riticism has been levelled at the city .ouncil for assisting in the building Dll ROI I DAM« POWlKiiOlSI Vol Vili—No. 47 of the sidewalk along South First $2.5# a Year. | ( »— — » » * VrituUe to read or write all his con­ the jewelry store. City this week. The bond issue is to provide $75,000 tracts were verbal, but according to Crusade for Freedom, succeeding E. C. 'communities. Booth was preparing breakfast at Mrs. Tuers expressed the hope that I Sammons, president of the United for street improvements beginning neighbors, when anyone needed help, the time and went outside to investi­ with drainage and then the prepara­ John was always ready to assist. He gate the noise. When Booth saw two those to whom these envelopes and 1 States National bank, resigned, ac­ tion of the street beds putting them is survived by a sister in Greece. men running from the scene to the seals come will return money for the I cording to annonucement by Lt. Gen. Funeral services were held Wednes­ | corner and turn to run up the hill stamps as soon as possible. in readiness for paving. The council C. A. Larkin, state Crusade chairman. has estimates that this will cost only day afternoon at 2 p.m. from Weddle he shouted at them to stop or he’d Ferguson was manager of the first Crusade campaign in 1950, of which $35,000 to $40,000 and so plan to issue Funeral Home in Stayton. Interment shoot. One of them slipped and fell The public failed to come out‘ to only bonds to cover neeessary work. was in the Fox Valley cemetery. i Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., president of at the corner and when he gained the The reason for voting on $75,000 is First National bank, was chairman. view the fluoridation movie and hear top of the hill where their car was | The First National bank and the the discussion at the Lions club last that there is a certain amount of cost parked one of them fired a shot at United States National bank and their Monday evening, when Dr. John Dyke» involved in bond issues and that it will Booth, breaking one of the plate glass 4 branch banks in the Portland area Dr. S. D. Wiles, and Dr. William Bur­ cost no more for the larger sum than windows in the upstairs rooms. All Detroit and Rig Cliff field op­ the estimated $40,000 will cost, but Several watches were recovered erations and offices will be scheduled and throughout the state, Ferguson rell of the Oregon State Dental asso­ if later on it is found necessary to near the point where the thieves fell down during ehe Thanksgiving holi- said, have been made depositories for ciation were present and discussed Crusade funds during the current fluoridation of drinking water supply. bond for an additional $5,000 or more down. ' day period for ail shifts, commencing Lyons — Two men from this area that would double the cost of the legal were injured in recent industrial ac- The following questions an plant protection and maintenance, on General Larkin, that the Crusade for city without any assessment to their On November 10 Ray Mohler fell M hat does fluoridation accoosplish? any of the above days, will be notified Freedom is the nation's most potent property and they only paid for the from a ladder while at work at the Studies of fluoridation throughout by their supervisors. weapon in the psychological “cold paving. If they need any drainage M and M plywood plant and suffered the United States indicate that up to All hourly rated employees who are war" against the spread of Commu­ a 70 percent reduction in dental cqries their streets will get it now under severe sprains and bruises. The X- associa- The Mill City Ministerial required to work on Thanksgiving nism. The American Legion and the may be achiever where children Have the bond issue. This money provided rays showed no broken bones, but he Thanks- day, November 27th, will be paid at Legion women’s auxiliary are heading in this bond issue is for drainage and is confined to his home for a few tion is sponsoring a union giving service to be held on Wednes- double the regular straight time rate, up the 1952 Crusade at national and ingested water containing one {»art the preparation of the streets ready weeks. per miloin of fluordes for the dera­ day, November 26, at 7:30 p.m. at Tickle added. local levels. for paving. The property owners will tion of the tooth forming peripd'. Members the Presbyterian church, then get together and have their in­ and friends of all the churches in the Does it help adults? dividual streets paved as they desire community are invited to attend. Each Although adult teeth may benefit ( and when they desire. It is absolute­ of the local ministers will take part through topical application as the ly necessary to provide for proper in conducting the service. water passes through the mouth, there drainage in order to protect the pav­ The opening part of the service is no conclusive evidence to support ing that will be placed and give it to will be conducted by Rev. Turnbull this. Fluoridation is primarily aimed J. C. Jeffcott is a newcomer longer life, it will protect paving al­ at children. ready in and prevent water standing Mill City. Jeffcott is now a part of of the Assembly of God church. The Can fluorides be used any other way in low pockets until it destroys a good the drug business operated by J. C. Scripture will be read by Rev Brewer of the Free Methodist church. The Kimmel is now completing Kimmel. to help teeth? road bed or paving job. Yes. Your dentist can utilize top­ Any property owner will still have his own modern pharmacy building time of Thanksgiving testimonials ical application, which consists of to pay for his own paving or have it on the Linn county side of Mill City will be led by Rev. Joiner of the painting a solution of sodium fluoride placed on his property as a lien pay­ near Jenkins hardware and the Mill Communtiy church. The Thanksgiving prayer and offer­ onto the teeth of children at certain able over a number of years, so those City IOOF hall. Jeffcott operated the prescription ing will be conducted by Rev. Jull of ages. Or fluorides may be present who already have their paving in are department of Taylor’s drug store in the Christian church. This offering naturally in your water supply in a (Continued on Page 8) Independence before taking up his will be used to send Bibles to Korea correct solution to benefit teeth. The message will be brought by duties in the Mill City Pharmacy. s fluoridation the entire answer to 1 Jeffcott wil] be poined by his wife Rev. Streeter of the Presbyterian tooth decay? soon. He has handled drugs in posi­ church. Emphatically not. A well-balanced Special music will be provided by tions in Portland, The Dalles and in diet, low in refined sugars, good oral ’ California prior to his Independence the Presbyterian. Community, and hygiene, and regular visits to your Christian churches, The service will employment. dentist remain the surest path to The Jeffcott* have two grown chil­ give the people of our community an Tuesday state highway crews laid a final link of paying ®" ”**; healthy teeth. dren, both married and having chil­ opportunity to join in giving Thanks scenic route between Fish Hatchery junction »ent o.' Mehama and Mill Next week we will again cover other dren. Mrs. Jeffcott will move from to God for all His blessings, accord­ CRy. When an arch type, concrete bridge on the ne» route ia comple'ed questions and answers on the subject ; Independence as soon as arrangements ing to Rev. Noble Streeter, president w ithin the next few days the road will he opened for traffic. of fluoridation of drinking water. (Photo courtesy The Capital Journal) of the Mill City Ministerial Assn. can be made. ATTENTION KIDDIES! Write a letter To Santa ROK MIDSHIPMEN SEEK AND FIND Idanha and Detroit Now Has Dial Telephones Paul Horner Suffers Fatal Heart Attack 4 John Stamos, 56, Dies Of Heart Attack MiW City Jewelry Broken in Friday Christmas Seal Sale Starts This Week Crusade For Freedom Fund Drive Underway Fluoridation Movie Viewed By Lions Club CBI Operations Shut Down Thanksgiving 2 Lyons Men Injured In Industrial Mishaps Mill City Ministers Plan Thanksgiving New Pharmacy Nears Completion Here «IW WYCHHÍTA 5EAL5 8th Annual Firemen’s Dance Saturday Nite 6 pm