Editorial Comments The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HOW ALL OF US CAN HELP OCR of religion and morality. Almighty God is interested in nothing else. NEW PRESIDENT The outlook is not good for the The American electorate, by the largest vote in our history, placed a next generation because youth is be CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for $1.00. new President in the White House. ing reared without any moral train The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Whether he was your candidate or ing. J. Edgar Hoover, in his most Adve,,:«ing 45c column inch. Pc'.itical Political Advertising 75c inch. not, we ask you to get behind him, recent report, tells us that during the first six months of this year more especially with your prayers. than 1,000,000 major crimes were The President, no matter how popu N- ® X lar, how intellectual, how prudent, committed, and that the guilty ones t how humble he may be, can accom were, for the most part, under 25 plish little without the co-operation years of age: that the 18-year-olds of the Senate and the Hous- yf Rep were more guilty than those of any IHE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.' resentatives. Thereiore even the other age group. __________________________________ ■—George Putnam. These 18-year-old youth are, for members of these two branches of our the most part, still in high school. legislature need your prayers also. As your representatives it would Their minds are being perverted by not be out of place for you to write the filthy literature with which this If you were being born again, would you choose De to the President and to the Congress country 's actually being flooded. troit as your birthplace? Detroit, Ore., that is. Plenty men and Senators of your state to Public opinion should be aroused against this evil, this poisoning proc of things are new there these days, you see. A new city tell them to pray and ever to be guided ess, by every media of publicity, and principle and not by partisan polit is now budding. These are the signs we see. A very fine by ical leanings, to think of helping our those who should express their deep- new road leads to Detroit. Detroit is now in an entirely nation”as a whole' and even’the woHd est contern are thoseL**:0 rep*T’en,t us in government, whether federal, new location in the upper North Santiam canyon, an ad as a whole. state or local. mittedly beautiful and scenic area. The recreational possi It is necessary that we continue our National is needed, but bilities of that part of the canyon stagger the imagination. two-party system in the United individually repentance those who realize this are States, one representing slightly over the ones who must tell their repre Detroit lake and all that it can mean is being born. one-half of all the people and the sentatives in government to set the At present the City of Detroit is being kept alive by other nearly one-half, but Democrats and plead with the citizenry a basic industry, logging. The beautiful stands of timber and Republicans alike in our govern example to pray and to get on the right side ’round and about Detroit should continue the life blood ment should try to arrive at the same of God. That accomplished the world of Detroit for many years. In the years ahead industry conclusion after disengaging them would be more disposed to follow our from acquired prejudices, leaders—and to profit by following.— that converts timber into something other than boards selves “walking humbly before God,” and From Our Sunday Visitor. should find its way to Detriot. Benton-Lincoln electric imploring His light to illuminate co-op is now positioning itself for just such a happening. their own minds. Plenty of cheap electric power is a great temptation to You should never have voted for a any industry. The population of Detroit is not such that man who has no religion, because he is not likely to have clear-cut ideas To the Editor: a great labor force is available for much industrialization. of what is moral or immoral before i What a lot of reasons afloat, I That is where the idea of where would you prefer being God. | hear: why the Republicans won the born again comes into the picture. Since being born No matter what the prospects seem national election November 4th, 1952. again is not possible, the next best bet is a re-birth of to be presently we have not any right It seems very logically: that Steven- hope and ambition. Detroit offers something very akin to believe that the future of this son and Sparkman lost the election nation will be safe and secure for us because they are Democrats, and it to that. Ask those who love and live there. and satisfactory to God unless our happened to be the Republican’s time What the conditions, resources and people are that political leaders, our press, and other J to win. are mixed into the pot for the bracing brew of success we media of propaganda foster the cause The great majority of the electorate have wantCTl the rain and the Repub do not know. We do know that the labor of men’s hands licans for quite some time, and now anil a good earth go far towards any great show of that they have received both, we progress. The upper canyon can draw upon very great should all be content at least until natural stores of minerals and assorted products. The after inauguration day. Respectfully, DICK TURPIN, City of Detroit is girding itself with the needs of a American Education Week DON PETERSON, Publisher Entered as secund*eia»** matter November 10. 1344 at the poet office at Mill City. Oreaon. under the Act of March 3. 1873 Detroit November 13, 1952 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE “The good education of youth,” Benjamin Franklin declared in the early days of the founding of our nation, “has been esteemed by wise men in all ages as the surest foundation of the happiness both of private families and of commonwealths.” We concur with Benjamin Franklin that good educa tion is basic to our American way of life. Only an in formed citizenry can assure good government. Our material progress through science and invention is de pendent upon knowledge imparted to youth and to adults. In no small degree, the moral direction of the nation which gives us our guiding purposes is cultivated through our classrooms. The week of November 9 to 15 has been set aside this year for the annual observance of American Education Week. We concur with the sponsors of the observance—the American Legion, the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, the U. S. Office of Education and the National Education association — that the public schools should focus its attention on the well-being of schools during this week. Our nation’s future is being written in the edu cational programs in our class-rooms today.—From The Lebanon Express. MOVED DR. MARK lAUHIIKIAfS Editor's Letter Box R EG I ST E RED OPTOM ETRI ST HAS MOVED his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices. Office Hours: Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY I FRANK EDWARDS strong-hearted community. A new dial telephone system will soon go into full operation in Detroit. The City of Says: Detroit is now a duly incorporated city under the laws of Oregon. We cherish the thought that Detroit will serve as the reactor that will start a chain reaction for the good of the North Santiam canyon. We are confident that in Detroit live those who have the vision, energy and faith needed for the birth of an era of development un equalled in this canyon. For those who are the descendants of those who sought in the gold fields of the West a new life, we point to Detroit, Ore. Yes, even mineral gold can be found there. We see in Detroit’s beginnings the birth of a community worthy of respect. I P/us DEPENDABILITY NEW STANDARDS of PERFORMANCE HAYSEED What factory would hire a blind | man to ooerate power machinery, I By UNCLE SAM polio victims to perform delicate as-' sembly jobs, or advertise for skilled A PLACE TO PARK workers over 60? Your car may be speedy—and fine The Roller-Smith Corporation of ■ ; but you must have a place to park. Bethlehem, Pa., has done all these If you find a place to eat you must thihgs because its president, Albert first find a place to park. Hubschman, has faith in the handi- If you find a place to rest you must capped, thinks industry is missing a first find a place to park, good bet in not hiring them. j If you get a pop you must Hubschman’s firm employs 1,400 find a place to park, persons in three plants in Bethlehem If you find a place to sleep you , and Allentown, As the only inde- must first find a place to park. pendent manufacturer of basic electri Whether it be long or short at the . cal equipment in the U*6., it competes end of every journey you must find with industrial giants like General a place to park. x Electric and Westinghouse. On the I j The roads may be good or the roads x Roller-Smith production lines are may be bad but you must find a place , many forkers who are termed “un- Î to park. employable" by other factories. It may be hot or cold but you must * * * find a place to park. Among the elderly and handicapped J It may be day or it may be night employes are many who have been but you must find a place to park. with the company since its inception Y’ou may be young or you may be X nearly 50 years ago. Included are a old but you must find a place to park. 71-year-old assembler; a system clerk You may have leisure or you may | 5 who is 61; a draftsman, 66; dozens of be in a hurry but you must firui a skilled craftsmen past 50; a drill press place to park. .operator who is 26 and totally blind; It may be at a church or it may be 'polio victims over 50; and men with at a show but you must find a place I artificial legs. to park. K Company officials says that the so- It may be at a wedding or it may , called “over-age" and “handicapped" be at a funeral but you must find a workers are settled, skilled and eager place to park. to make good. “Every employe must I Whether you be young or whether pull his share of the load and every you be old you will spend most of employe does,” says Hubschman. the remainder of your life looking has records to prove it. for a place to park. si - III II» III IH III ‘We make Friends with Flowers 319 W. Washington St. STAYTON, ORE. l'z blocks on West Stayton Highway Fall Is Bulb Planting Time We have a good selection of Shrubs and Peonies ORDER YOUR BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING NOW! Phone 3684 — All Hours Our Shop Is Open 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Seven Days a Week Funeral Sprays — Cut Flowers — Corsages Flowers For All Occasions SEE US FOR Arranging and Replanting Your Indoor Dish Gardens and New Vines for Wall Hangers ;; X X X X X X X X X.X X X X X X X X . 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S BALANCED TRIAD »ciont Ac oily engineered design of tread mean» even wear, manea» contact with road, greater mileage A OUTSTANDING MATIRIAIS the beet to cord, fob rk, and rubber out» ton ding workmanship ond detign .., a supreme value SANTIAM FARMERS CO OP I . . ,1. Seed» Fertiliier Telephone 5021 Grinding and Mixing (■atom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household tpplianres XXX X'; Machinery Hardware 'Vtroleum Product» STAYTON. ORE. Wf VAQ COHMM ■