Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1952)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE November 6, 1952 Wants and Sates FOR SALE or TRADE — For 1951 . CHRISTMAS WITH AVON car, my equity in a 1947 Chevrolet, Order Avon Christmas Gifts NOW! good condition and tires. Phone ' See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white ■ Mill City 2006. 45-3 house across from Martin’s trailer i FOR SALE—Fat Red Hampshire, and court on NW. 7th Ave. Box 658, Mill City. White Rock hens, 30c a lb. live weight; wringer type washing ma chine, reasonable, and a 2-bumer EXPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, all electric plate. George Cree, Mil) makes. Guaranteed service. City, phone 924. 45-3 Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in FOR SALE—5 ac. with partly finished I Swift addition. Inquire at Enter house, water system on place, more prise office or at W. L. Peterson land available, $2500. $150.00 down residence in Swift addition. 31tf and rest like rent. See Joe Novak. ------------------------------------------------ , 39tf SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate buys in Canyon area. Listings FOR RENT — 3-room apt., private wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, bath, new. See Raleigh Harold, salesman with C. E. COVILLE, Florist, Stayton. 43tf Broker, west side Mill City. Phone 2207. 52tf TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- chines. We sell, rent, repair and FOR RENT — One bedroom modern swap all makes. Trade your old machine towards a new one. furnished home. Call phone 3952. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. 44tf WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled FOR RENT—2-bedroom house, newly decorated outside and inside. Mod Douglas fir poles, delivered to ern, See Glen Shelton, Mill City. I Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 43tf Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf SPORTSMEN—Join the North San tiam Sportsman's club now. We are devoted to game conservation and FOR SALE—25 acres, no buildings, propagation and need your help. | plenty of alder wood on it. $75 per Only $1.00 per year, you will have1 acre, cash or terms. See Joe Novak. that much fun at one meeting. | 39tf Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 NEED A TELEPHONE? —Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- stered, latest fabrics and plastics. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Upholstery. 38tf Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. BBHBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) « B B a o: « I i o. o B 8 a o 8 o. « 8 « B « « « Start in the Band NOW RENT AN INSTRUMENT Try before You Buy NEW BEGINNERS BANDS ARE STARTING NOW IN MILL CITY, GATES and DETROIT o a I See Your School Band Director Wills Music Store If It’^in jhe^anyonLlt’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR RENT—Furnished cabin $35.00 FOR SALE—Oil stove in excellent; per month. Adam's Cabin Court, condition, cheap. Mrs. Ossie Hirte. | Gates, Ore. 45-3p Gates, phone 738. 45-3 By JAMES STEVENS FOR RENT — Two modern, 1 bedroom Stump Story . . . REAL ESTATE duplexes, partially furnished. In The woods are full New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, quire at Whitie's Santiam Cafe at stump ranchers and of stories about the tricks they 3734-ft. inside, modern. Gates. 43-6p have tried to make the clearing of Two lots in Mill City on new FOR RENT—Small furnished house, cutover Douglas fir land an easy pro- j highway. refrigerator and electric range, city position. The best stump story’ yet, J *-s-Mile river frontage for water. Geo Cree, phone 924. 43tf to my notion, is one I’ve just read in i summer homes. the new novel, "Winds of the Morn Highway frontage between FOR SALE — Business property on ing,” by H. L. Davis, one-time deputy ; Gates and dam. highway 222 in Mill Ctiy. Suitable Nice home on two lots, all for mechanic service shop. Enquire sheriff and deputy assessor of Wasco ( modern for sale. at Heidt's Auto Electric, Mill City. county. The story starts: “Going down , Restaurant in ideal location, doing good business for ■ across the road to camp, I thought of , LEGAL ADVERTISING sale right. a huge old fir stump that a family of Modern home on 11 acres for NOTICE new homesteaders had tried to burn j sale. A special meeting of the Detroit out of their hayfield once, in the j Apartments for rent. Dam Recreation Association will be mountains back of Thief Creek. They ; held Wednesday, November 12, 1952, prepared for it by boring auger holes ; See W. R. HUTCHESON for the purpose of voting on the dis in the top of the stump and filling solution of the organization. The them with turpentine. They plugged At Gates Furniture Store meeting will be held in the “Hut” in them and allowed a year for the tur Camp Mongold at 7:30 p.m. pentine to soak in well, and then they ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP ¡NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT piled brush over the stump and set Ada Ply male, Prop. No. 14,747 ti afire. . . DRY GOODS and NOTIONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The Big (Tearing . . . DRESSM \K1NG and STATE OF OREGON FOR THE The history of life and progress COUNTY OF MARION. HEMSTITCHING on the land of the U. S. A. could well Mill City Oregon DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE be written around its stumps. The In the Matter of the Estate of logging in the wilderness, from MARY FRANCES McCLELI.AN, UTTLE ILLS Deceased. Jamestown west. Then the grubbing, NOTICE is hereby given that the by all the wonderful ways and means, undersigned has filed his FINAL AC from Adam's spade to the modern MAKE COUNT as -Administrator of the bull-dozer, that human brains could Estate of MARY FRANCES MC think up to save human backache. CLELLAN, Deceased, with the County The burning and blasting, and now, Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and if I know my stump ranchers, they the Court has fixed Monday, Novem ber 10, 1952, at the hour of 9:15 o’clock are dreaming of the final fixing of • True, that “little illness” you’ve been mentioning in of the forenoon of said day as the their problem by power of the atomic an offhand way, may nC» time, and the Court Room of the Cir bomb. seem to amount to much- cuit Court, Department of Probate, in The Davis stump story in “Wind» just a few faint symptoms^ the Temporary Court House at Salem, of the Morning”—which, by the way, But. neglected, these "little Marion County, Oregon, as the place kept me holed up in the boompond ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not for hearing objections, if any, to the shack for u couple of days, while the so mention needless suffering Final Account so filed. old 1909 model Olive* Vivisible Type and loss of precious timei Date of first publication October Consult a Doctor now— writer stood idle — really represents 9, 1952. you’ll save by it in the endj the work of the Rig Clearing all the david s. M c C lellan , And, of course, we hope you'll Administrator. way across. Each stump was a hard bring his prescription to ua for careful compounding. HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN, job, Even grubbing out sagebrush Attorney for Estate was no boy’s chore, and I speak as 41-5 Salem, Oregon. one who lUd. a pile of it as a boy. But it was the big fir stump that called up the Paul Bunyan in a man, and the Thomas Alva Edison too. Davis tells how the Thief Creek A Friendly Place Stump was set afire finally, with the coals eating slowly down to the tip PRESCRIPTIONS To While Away ends of the roots. It was still burning after eight Your Idle Hours months and amazing all hands at the WHEN IN SALEM spread of the roots afar from the j stump itself. It got so that riders Visit feared to risk their horses anywhere “HUDSON CITY’’ on the ranch . . . “for fear of break- Home of GOOD Used Cars ing through into one of the burned- HUDSON out tunnels where a root had been, and places in the hayfield and under Sales — Parts — Service the house were still cracking open TAVERN CHECK THIS LIST OF SHROCK'S FINE CARS 316 N. Church St. GATES WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! Phone 3-9101 DODGE MEADOWBROOK 4-door Sedan, fully equipped. 1950 1 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Radio and heater, very clean. 1950 I CHEVROLET STYLELINE Club coupe, radio and heater, seat covers. Extra nice. 1948 I DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Radio and heater, seat covers. You’ll like it. 1919 i OLDSMOBILE 98 4-door sedan. Has everything. PICKUPS PICK CPS PICKUPS 1950 WILLYS ’«-Ton 1950 DODGE H-Ton Used very little. Like new. Salem Automobile Co. We hope you are pleased with our service. a Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Attorneys at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-0412 WOOD’S STORE General Dry (roods NOTIONS LINGERIE READYTOWEAR HOSIERY Ir ZIERS (X>S METH'S J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 1148 Opposite ( Inode I«« is' Service Station ! I f Attorney at Ij»w 318 Broadalbin Albany CONSISTENTE^- ^ TOPS D.W. KEII). Ml). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON MUI City WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Service STATTON OREGON WILLYS TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 5300lbs.GVW. ELSNER Motor Co SALEM, ORE. Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT LICENSED Phone 903 GARBAGE SERVICE MIKE'S Septic Service: Flying $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons, Idanha and Detroit Gasoline TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES AND AUTO SUPPLIES DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN MILL CITY Safety Check Lubrication MILL CITY HWWH. fffl 1 liniMUMMMMW1MflW IMMMMBM HARLOW L WEINRICK 4 WHEEL DRIVE «C g ' Directory - Professional DR. VICTOR .1. MYERS ! Chiropractic Physician j IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Mill City K4UK aaaaaaaaaa: Business Stayton Mom's and Pop s CAFE WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. ___ Phone 3-4117 h GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH it h and emitting striddles of smoke even after there was a foot of snow on the ground . . Prime Winter Reading . . . Our story-teller goes on to observe that, "A man’s thoughts could spread a hundred times farther than a tree’s root system could, and take more than a hundred times longer to burn out. There was no kind of turpentine that could penetrate down into them to make it easier. It took time, ani there was no way to tell whether they were all out or not. It was better not to have too many of them, maybe. Some people managed fairly well without any.” There’s a prime parable for you. I wish I had time to quote from Page 313 a description of the fir foreat and an old burn coming out of winter. The entire novel goes deep into the Columbia River Country and all its figures of earth. The story gets a grip on you right off the bat that keeps you reading hard, and reading back regularly to make sure you are not losing track on a solitary item. Probably I’d not be so reckless in cheering for “Winds of the Morning" if such experts as Nard Jones and Oscar Lewis hadn't cut loose first wtih lavish praise for it. Don’t miss this ramrod of all the western stories. RICHARD’S SALEM, OREGON MWiMiu nmmrsr Out of the Woods ; e aj Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned • Phone SALEM 3 9468, COLLECT» 1079 Elm St., W. Salem S ore P iles WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE Don't let sore, tlery. painful, ltcblni aimpie Pilei drive you nearly craiy. In IS minute* CHIHAROID itarti «Ivin« you wonderful coolin«, toothing, temporary re- lailn« relief from pain, burning and tub ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHINAROID coeta only »100 at drugguu Try It today tor better ileep tonight and • brighter tomorrow. SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS anniinBBBBHB0BBH<sFnnBBBRnnnn Orchestra Every Saturday Night MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month Also light hauling I .eon a rd Herman OPEN: 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 a m Phone 3952 » SI CLOSED MONDAYS